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Book club

I enjoy Book Club because it is fun and interesting to complete,

because you get to have a chance to work with others and talk about
the book that you have chosen. For Book Club I chose the book Cows
in action. I chose this book because it sounded a little funny and that
it would interest me. I thought that cows in action would be about
cows that complete missions and I also thought that it would be a
little puzzling for me (I thought that after reading the blurb)!
So far I have read the first chapter. The first chapter mainly
introduces the characters and talks about the cows getting ready for
a mission. In the next chapter I think that they might actually try to
complete the mission that they were talking about in the first
chapter. In Book Club you get given a role to complete. You have that
same role for a week. My role is Literacy Luminary, I have to find
sentences/paragraphs in each chapter that I find interesting, funny
and puzzling. I found this role fun and easy to complete because
there were lots of funny, puzzling and interesting parts in the

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