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Mini-Project #1 Rubric & Feedback

Name of Project Developer: Terry Hall

Using the scale on the following page, in the first column of the rubric, rate from 0 - 4:
1. Understanding of ISD Elements: 3.80
2. Implementation and Integration of ISD Tactics and Strategies: 3. 5
3. Reflective Writing: 3.5
4. Effectiveness and Craftsmanship: 3.6
Comments (compulsory):
Terry I admired your dedication to perfecting your instructional unit. I found that the for the most part your presentations
were neatly laid out and well thought out. Your proposed implementation strategies were appropriate (you made me want
to dance). Throughout the project I felt that you demonstrated a strong understanding the elements of instructional
design. Overall I thought you did great job, keep it up!!!


Mini-Instructional Project Feedback Rubric

Understanding and Use of Strategies/Tactics Quality
Understanding of
ISD Elements
Implementation and Integration of ISD
Tactics and Strategies
Reflective Writing Effectiveness and Craftsmanship
understanding of
the ISD process
and elements.
Integrates a range of tactics creatively and
seamlessly in the lecture. Methods used go
well beyond straightforward application of
techniques. Larger context of lesson
examples included are well defined and are
aptly placed in the short-term unit.
Sophisticated explanation and
evaluation of experience. All
necessary components present.
Reflective Writing is insightful and
well explained.
Instructional System is highly effective.
Ideas are engaging, clear and
polished, and show insight regarding
audience, learning context and
purpose. Fine craftsmanship in
Shows solid
understanding of
the ISD process
and elements.
Appropriate instructional strategies are used
and integrated well into the IS. Strategies
applied with some innovation in some cases.
Larger context of lesson examples are
clearly defined appropriately placed within
the short-term unit.
Clear explanation and evaluation
of experience. All necessary
components present. Reflective
Writing is accurate and well
Instructional System is effective. Ideas
are presented in a clear and thorough
way, and show awareness of
audience, context and purpose.
Evidence of good craftsmanship in
Shows a
somewhat naive
or limited
understanding of
the ISD process
and elements
The strategies and tactics in the IS are used
somewhat crudely, or only fit somewhat well
or sometimes in the defined instructional
context. Description of the larger context
incomplete or unclear in places; placement of
the lesson examples within the short-term
unit could be questioned.
Somewhat confusing explanation
and evaluation of experience or
not thoroughly explained. Not all
necessary components are
present. Reflective writing is
somewhat crude and not always
well explained.
Instructional System is effective in
some ways and not others. There are
problems with clarity or setting the
context. Unclear whether audience,
context and purpose have been kept in
mind. Little evidence of good
Shows little
understanding of
the ISD process
and elements.
The strategies and tactics used in the IS are
inappropriately used or are irrelevant.
Descriptions of the larger context in which
lessons are placed are missing.
Missing or incomplete explanation
and evaluation of experience,
missing components, and
reflection lacks evidence of effort
and reflection.
Instructional System is ineffective,
unpolished, confusing and shows little
evidence of any planning of instruction
with audience and context in
mind. Lacking craftsmanship.

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