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Romines Classroom Contract 2014-2015

In order to create an interactive, fun, and safe environment for the success of every
student, there are a few things that must happen. This is a contract that each student,
and myself, will abide by. I am asking that you go over this with your parent/guardian
so they are aware of what is expected in class as far as expectations, behavior, and
format. After you have read over the following with your parent/guardian, please sign
it, have them sign it and provide contact information, and return it for your first grade
for the 1

o Attendance is extremely important in order to succeed in school. Students are expected
to be in class on a regular basis.
o Each student will come to class prepared each day. Being prepared means that you
have gone home and studied the material that was taught the day before, you have all
your supplies, and you are ready to be an active participant in the learning process.
o Each student will be in his/her assigned seat when the bell rings starting on the warm-
up, or they will be marked tardy and sent to the Deans office.
o Bathroom breaks are not permitted except in extreme circumstances. Students should
use the restroom between classes.
o Late work is not accepted unless there was an excused absence. In that case, you will
have 3 days to make up any missed class work and homework. It is the students
responsibility to get the work they missed while absent.

I will treat every student with respect and dignity every day. In return, I expect to be
treated the same and for students to treat one another the same. Behaviors that will
not be tolerated are:
o Bullying in any form: physical, emotional, or psychological.
o Negative attitudes
o Rudeness
o Insubordination, which includes but is not limited to: refusal to do assigned
work, refusal to participate, talking back, and not abiding by this contract

Every paper that is turned in must have a full heading or it will not be accepted. Any work
without a name on it will go into the recycle bin. A full heading looks like the following:
Students first and last name
English 8
Mrs. Romine
Document Title

A NEW journal will be needed for daily grammar lessons, quick-writes, and vocabulary. This
one subject spiral notebook needs to be brought to class daily and will be checked
periodically throughout the year. If a student does not have his/her journal on the day they
are checked, they will receive a 0 for their grade. Each student will have their name on the
front of their journal in black Sharpie. On the top of each daily entry will be the date. In order to
eliminate waste, the following days entry will start with the date after skipping a line after the
previous days entry. This will be explained in class as well.

Each student MUST have their 3 inch binder with ALL of their supplies in it daily. This
will be checked periodically as well.

The success of each child in this class is dependent on three things: 1) my willingness,
enthusiasm, and determination to reach each and every child in an educational, interactive,
fun, and safe environment, 2) each childs positive participation and individual determination
to understand and fully grasp the concepts being taught, and 3) parental/guardian support at

If there are any questions, comments, or suggestions about any of the aforementioned, please
feel free to contact me. My e-mail address is:

Thank you so much for your support in making this a great second semester for all.

Mrs. Romine

Student Signature

Parent Signature

Parent E-mail

Parent Phone #

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