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A Project Report On

Submitted By:
Mayur .A.Ghunkikar
Roll #7920
Second ear Ma!ter! In Mana"ement Studie!
'riental In!titute '( Mana"ement Studie!
To the University of Mumbai In Partial Fulfilment
Academic ear:
This is to certify that, the project assigned on Event Management has been
successfully completed by Mr. Mayur .A. Ghunkikar of Oriental Institute of
Management tudies, !ashi"
The project is being completed as a part of the syllabus and also in partial
ful#llment of the t$o year full time degree of Master Of Management tudies
conducted by %ni&ersity of Mumbai"
Sinature of e!aminer 'rof" Rupali Mohite
(Course coordinator)

"r# Shiri$haran Menon
I#Mr# (avi )ai$ee hereby &ertify that Mayur # *#+hun,i,ar stu$ent of MMS II Oriental Institute Of
Manaement Stu$ies has &om-lete$ the Pro.e&t on Event Management for the *&a$emi& /ear
2008-09# This information is true to the best of my ,no0le$e
Pla&e 1222222222222 2222222222222222
"ate 1222222222222 Mr (avi )ai$ee#
#)ro*ect "uide
I, Mayur .A. Ghunkikar student of MMS II Oriental Institute Of Management Studies
hae completed the Project on ! ent Management for the Academic "ear #$$%&$'.(he
information gien in this project is true to the )est of my kno*ledge.
Pla&e 1222222222222222
Mayur #*# +hun,i,ar
"ate 122222222222222222
First of all I 0oul$ li,e to ta,e this o--ortunity to than, the Mumbai University for havin
-ro.e&ts as a -art of the MMS &urri&ulum#
Many -eo-le have influen&e$ the sha-e an$ &ontent of this -ro.e&t5 an$ many su--orte$ me
throuh it# I e!-ress my sin&ere ratitu$e to Prof# (avi#)ai$ee for assinin me a -ro.e&t on +,ent
Mana"ement5 0hi&h is an interestin an$ e!haustive sub.e&t.
6e has been an ins-iration an$ role mo$el for this to-i&# 6is ui$an&e an$ a&tive su--ort
has ma$e it -ossible to &om-lete the assinment#
I also 0oul$ li,e to than, my sister an$ my -arents 0ho have hel-e$ an$ en&ourae$ me
throuhout the 0or,in of the -ro.e&t#
7ast but not the least I 0oul$ li,e to than, the *lmihty for al0ays hel-in me#
This -ro.e&t is un$erta,en to fulfil the -ro.e&t 0or, &om-onent of the M#M#S -roram in the
I) Semester# My -ro.e&t ui$e from Oriental Institute Of Manaement is Mr # (avi )ai$ee #
This -ro.e&t ives i$ea about 0hat are the thins 0hi&h are to be ta,en in &onsi$eration
0hile han$lin an event an$ 0hat sort of &hallenes are fa&e$ by an event manaer#
This -ro.e&t s-e&ifi&ally tal,s about t0o events han$le$ by our &ollee $urin the a&a$emi&
-')I. )".no
Executive summary
Meaning of word event and management
Event management and its types

Event management industry


Meaning of event manager

Event management process
A"Event p#anning $"Event contro#
Industry p#ayer % Niem
&ase study ! industria# visit

&ase study 2 Nova inter co##ege event
+/+.0-I$+ S0MMAR
;vent manaement5 the very to-i& loo,s &hallenin# * &on&e-t 0hi&h aine$ im-ortan&e in
In$ia only after the late 90<s# =ommitment5 lea$ershi- an$ mental > -hysi&al $evotion are the &ore
fa&tors nee$e$ to manae any ty-e of event# Irres-e&tive of the ty-e or the s&ale of the event5 the
mental an$ -hysi&al har$ 0or, that is to be -ut in5 $iffers by only a neliible $eree of $ifferen&e#
This terminoloy is &om-aratively very ne0 to In$ia5 thouh In$ians have been arranin
for 0e$$in &eremonies5 namin > threa$in &eremonies even mu&h before in$e-en$en&e# ?ut $ue
to the la&, of -ro-er fore&astin5 -ro-er material han$lin they use$ to en$ u- in -roblems li,e
0astae of the foo$ $ue to less -eo-le &omin in or fire in the -an$al or foo$ -oisonin #These
-roblems many a times use$ to -ut the families into finan&ial trouble after the 0e$$in#
It is very easy for the au$ien&es to ma,e the event a hit or a flo-# It ta,es .ust the 8 minutes
for the au$ien&es to .u$e the event resultin in the efforts of nearly 3-4 months an$ the har$ 0or,
:0-80 -eo-le either turnin -ro$u&tive or 0aste# Thus the efforts they have -ut in al0ays remains at
sta,e till the $ate of the event#
There are innumerable a&tivities that have to be &arrie$ out# First of all formin &ommittees5
then allottin $ifferent .obs to ea&h &ommittee is the very first ste-# 6ere all the theoreti&al &on&e-ts
learnt u- till no0 in sub.e&ts li,e -ubli& relations5 human resour&e -lannin5 loisti&s5 human s,ills5
&ontrollin5 a&&ounts5 orani@in5 an$ others &ome into a&tual use#
*s an event manaer one must have a lot of fle!ibility in terms of 0or,in -attern# ?e free
to $o all sorts of .obs irres-e&tive of your -osition#
;very time 0hen you sa0 a -roramme li,e +,i#mfare+ a0ar$s or those -o- &on&erts an$
beauty -aeants you 0oul$ have 0on$ere$ ho0 -eo-le manae$ to set u- su&h brilliant sho0s#
;very tiny $etail from your enterin the venue to your oin out is a result of riorous -lannin#
AellBthatCs event manaement for you#
One of the fastest an$ the most lamorous u-&omin -rofessions to$ay5 it means rubbin
shoul$ers 0ith 0hoCs 0ho of the &rDme-$e-la &rDme layer of the &ity# ;vent manaement5 the most
-rofoun$ form of a$vertisin an$ mar,etin5 is a lamorous an$ thrillin -rofession# It -rovi$es an
o--ortunity for unleashin oneCs &reative -otential to a very hih $eree# It $eman$s a lot of har,
0or, an$ effort but at the same time offers enormous s&o-e#
;vent manaement is a -ro&ess of orani@in a -rofessional an$ fo&use$ event5 for a
-arti&ular taret au$ien&e# It involves visuali@in &on&e-ts5 -lannin5 bu$etin5 orani@in an$
e!e&utin events su&h as fashion sho0s5 musi&al &on&erts5 &or-orate seminars5 e!hibitions5 0e$$in
&elebrations5 theme -arties5 -ro$u&t laun&hin et&#
;vent Manaement is a multi-million $ollar in$ustry5 ro0in ra-i$ly5 0ith mea sho0s
an$ events hoste$ reularly# Sur-risinly5 there is no formali@e$ resear&h &on$u&te$ to a&&ess the
ro0th of this in$ustry# The in$ustry in&lu$es fiel$s su&h as the MI=; %Meetins5 In&entives an$
;vents'5 e!hibitions5 &onferen&es an$ seminars as 0ell as live musi& an$ s-ortin events#
On the -rofession si$e5 event manaement is a lamorous an$ e!&itin -rofession that
$eman$s a lot of har$ 0or, an$ $ynamism#
The loisti&s si$e of the in$ustry is -ai$ less than the salesEs-onsorshi- si$e5 thouh some
may say that these are t0o $ifferent in$ustries#
M+A1I1G '3 -4+ 5'R2 6 EVENT 7
8The use of un&onventional me$ia E metho$ involvin -eo-le 0itnessin a ha--enin 0ithin a
&a-sule of time5 for the -ur-ose of &ommuni&ation of a messaeF
*n event is a live multime$ia -a&,ae &arrie$ out 0ith -re&on&eive$ &on&e-t5
&ustomi@e$ or mo$ifie$ to a&hieve the &lients< ob.e&tives of rea&hin out an$ suitably influen&in
the shar-ly $efine$5 s-e&ially athere$ taret au$ien&e by -rovi$in at &om-lete e!-erien&e an$ an
avenue for t0o 0ay intera&tion#
+,ent in term! o( .ultural and !ocial li(e
In &ultural an$ so&ial life5 an event refers to a so&ial atherin or a&tivity5 su&h as1
* festival5 for e!am-le a musi&al festival
* &eremony5 for e!am-le a marriae
* -arty5 for e!am-le a birth$ay -arty
+,ent in term! o( !cience
In s&ien&e5 an event is somethin that ta,es -la&e at a -arti&ular -la&e an$ time# S-e&ifi&ally5
event may refer to1
Phenomenon5 somethin observable at a iven time
* -oint in s-a&e time 5 a &on&e-t of the theory of relativity
;vent %-arti&le -hysi&s'5 a set of elementary -arti&le intera&tions
;vent %-robability theory'5 a -ossible out&ome of an e!-eriment
;!tin&tion event5 0hen a lare number of bioloi&al s-e&ies $ie out in a relatively short
-erio$ of time#
In -rorammin5 an event is a soft0are messae that in$i&ates somethin has ha--ene$5
su&h as a ,eystro,e or mouse &li&,#
.ommon u!a"e
In &ommon usae5 an event %as o--ose$ to a s-e&ial event' has a &onnotation of an
o&&urren&e 0hi&h is more &ommon than a -henomenon %$ue -erha-s to the $ifferen&e bet0een a
t0o syllable 0or$ an$ a four syllable 0or$'# Thus5 in &ommon usae5 a ,eystro,e is an event5
0here the ?i ?an miht be &onnote$ a -henomenon %a s-e&ial event 0hi&h $enotes the beinnin
of the universe'# For e!am-le5 -ortal1&urrent events $enotes GeventsF rather than G-henomenaF#
Meanin" o( the 5ord 6Management7
The term 9mana"ement9 &hara&teri@es the -ro&ess of an$ the -ersonnel lea$in an$
$ire&tin all or -art of an orani@ation throuh the $e-loyment an$ mani-ulation of resour&es
%human5 finan&ial5 material5 intelle&tual or intanible'#
*&&or$in to the O!for$ ;nlish "i&tionary5 the 0or$ HmanaeH &omes from the Italian
maneggiare %to han$le'# Manaement has to $o 0ith -o0er by -osition5 0hereas lea$ershi-
involves -o0er by influen&e#
3unction! o( mana"ement
Manaement o-erates throuh various fun&tions5 often &lassifie$ as -lannin5 orani@in5
lea$inEmotivatin an$ &ontrollin#
1# Planning1 "e&i$in 0hat has to ha--en in the future %to$ay5 ne!t 0ee,5 ne!t month5 ne!t
year5 over the ne!t five years5 et&#' an$ eneratin -lans for a&tion#
2# Organizing1 Ma,in o-timum use of the resour&es reIuire$ to enable the su&&essful
&arryin out of -lans#
3# Leading/Motivating1 ;!hibitin s,ills in these areas for ettin others to -lay an
effe&tive -art in a&hievin -lans#
4# Controlling1 Monitorin J &he&,in -roress aainst -lans5 0hi&h may nee$
mo$ifi&ation base$ on fee$ba&,#
8# Staffing1 *--ointin s,ill an$ uns,ille$ 0or,ers5 an$ effi&ient -ersonnel#
+$+1- MA1AG+M+1-
;vent manaement is the a--li&ation of the manaement s&ien&e of -ro.e&t manaement to
the &reation an$ $evelo-ment of festivals an$ events#
;vent Manaement involves stu$yin the intri&a&ies of the bran$5 i$entifyin the taret
au$ien&e5 $evisin the event &on&e-t5 -lannin the loisti&s5 &oor$inatin the te&hni&al as-e&ts
before ettin $o0n to a&tually e!e&utin the mo$alities of the -ro-ose$ event#
The re&ent ro0th of festivals an$ events as an in$ustry aroun$ the 0orl$5 means that the
manaement &an no loner be a$ ho&# ;vents an$ festivals5 su&h as the *sian +ames or the "ubai
Sho--in Festival5 have a lare im-a&t on their &ommunities an$5 in some &ases5 the 0hole &ountry#
The in$ustry no0 in&lu$es events of all si@es from the Olym-i&s $o0n to a brea,fast
meetin for ten business -eo-le# ;very in$ustry5 &harity5 so&iety an$ rou- 0ill hol$ events of some
ty-eEsi@e in or$er to mar,et themselves5 raise money or &elebrate#
-y:e! '( +,ent Mana"ement
There are mainly 3 ty-es of event manaement5
1# =or-orate ;vent Manaement
2# Pro$u&t 7aun&h ;vent Manaement
3# S-e&ial ;vent Manaement
;. .or:orate +,ent Mana"ement
* -ro$u&t laun&h5 the &om-any anniversary5 sales taret a&hieve$ or any s-e&ial event &oul$
mar, the onset of a &or-orate event# It $eman$s -ure -rofessionalism as you are intera&tin 0ith
-eo-le from the hih-en$ &ateory#
Kot sur-risin5 that event manaement &om-anies are s-urrin u- to -rovi$e these
-rofessional servi&es# They atten$ meetins5 hol$ $ialoues 0ith the bosses to reali@e the ob.e&tive
of the event# They then ta,e it off 0ith &reative i$eas to arrive at a theme for the event# * &or-orate
event $eman$s a little &or-orate loo,# The foo$ an$ the style nee$ to blen$ 0ith the &or-orates an$
ma,e the bosses &omfortable# 6en&e it ouht to be -re-are$ an$ -resente$ 0ith ultimate effi&ien&y#
?ut that is if the to--not&hes are involve$# * &or-orate event &oul$ also be a -ro$u&t-laun&h# That
0oul$ involve a me$ia &onferen&e# So the event manaement &om-any 0oul$ et a list of
-ros-e&tive venues# "e&i$e on the $inner an$ the &o&,tail -arty that 0ill follo0# *rrane for the
&onferen&e5 the s-ea,ers5 an$ mi&ro-hones# Ma,e sure everyone et a seat# =ar -ar,in is ma$e
available5 et&# For a -ro$u&t laun&h in the mar,et5 the event manaement team ets their rey &ells
0or,in as to the &reative 0ays to ma,e the sam-les of the -ro$u&t rea&h the en$ &onsumers# They
have to be innovative so that &onsumers are attra&te$ to try it out#
=or-orate manaement is a sub-&ateory of event manaement# Mea &om-anies usually
have an in-house event manaement team to orani@e their events on a reular basis#
2. )roduct <aunch +,ent Mana"ement
* &om-any 0ants to laun&h a -ro$u&t in the mar,et# So ho0 shoul$ it et to its &ustomersL
6o0 $oes the &om-any ma,e sure that the -ro$u&ts ain a0arenessL The feel an$ tou&h reasonin
still remains stron in the min$ of the &onsumer# So althouh you have a$vertise$ in other &hannels5
ho0 $o you e!-lain -ro$u&t usae to the au$ien&eL
=all in the event manaement team# They innovate ne0 styles so that the -ro$u&t &an ma,e
its 0ay to the &onsumer# They ensure that the sam-les rea&h the $esire$ househol$s# For instan&e1
0hen &o&a &ola laun&he$ )anilla =o,e5 t0o men $resse$ in the :0s attire 0oul$ enter retail ro&ery
sho-s an$ $an&e to the $esine$ tune# This 0as the stratey use$ to laun&h vanilla &o,e an$ ma,e
its entry memorable#
Some event manaement &om-anies even -rofessionali@e in a -arti&ular taret au$ien&e#
For e!am-le if you have a -arti&ular taret au$ien&e in min$5 the event manaement team 0ill
$evise i$eas an$ stri,e -la&es that 0ill ive you ma!imum rea&h#
(oa$ sho0s5 -romotions5 &ontests5 set $esinin5 stae sho0s an$ au$iovisual films are all
interestin metho$s to invite -ubli& -arti&i-ation# Some event manaement &om-anies o a ste-
ahea$ to analy@e the &ustomer rea&tion an$ -rovi$e relevant fee$ba&,#
*mon the available -latforms roa$ sho0s are ,no0n to be e&onomi&al# It ives more
visibility an$ allo0s the &ustomer to $ire&tly relate to the -ro$u&t# *n$ the tou&h an$ feel &on&e-t is
satisfie$# (oa$ sho0s 0ith innovative themes orani@e$ at a national level ive your -ro$u&t hih
rea&h an$ &overae# These roa$ sho0s arrest the &ustomerCs attention an$ -ersua$e the &ustomers to
try out the -ro$u&t# If im-resse$ then the -ro$u&t re&eives a 0arm 0el&ome#
=. S:ecial +,ent Mana"ement
CS-e&ial ;ventsC is the term iven to events 0ith a $ifferen&e# =harity sho0s5 marathons5
&y&lin ra&es5 street festivals et&# are a fe0 of the many s-e&ial events orani@e$# *s the event has
an unusual theme5 the event manaement &om-any has to $ouble u- its s-ee$ to thin, on lines 0ith
the theme# More resour&es an$ &reativity are -ut to the tas,#
For instan&e &onsi$er the orani@ation of *thens 2004# It 0as a s-e&ial event# The o-enin
&eremony5 the event an$ the &losin &eremony5 ha$ to be meti&ulously orani@e$# * ra&e ,i&,e$ off
the event# (unners -asse$ the baton# This earmar,e$ the tra$ition that runnin 0as the only s-ort at
the first Olym-i& +ames hel$ in *thens# Then 400 -er&ussionists an$ 80 bou@ou,i -layers
0el&ome$ the au$ien&e# From 400 it $ro--e$ to .ust one -er&ussionist 0ho -laye$ the rhythm of a
heartbeat# This 0as the symbol of the theme of *thens 2004 CuniIue ames on a human s&aleC# This
shoul$ ive you an i$ea ho0 a s-e&ial event is orani@e$#
;vent manaement &om-anies arrane the entire event on a theme# It &oul$ be a 0e$$in or
a &harity sho05 a &hil$renCs event et&# these events $eman$ &reativity# Somethin that 0ill ma,e
them stan$ out of the &lutter firstly5 as it is a $ifferent event an$ se&on$ly that the fee$ba&, shoul$
be en&ourain for an en&ore# The re&ent marathon that Mumbai 0itnesse$ 0as one of the
s-e&iali@e$ events# Forein nationals5 &or-orate -ersonnel5 et&# everybo$y 0as seen to ta,e -art in
it# More than 0innin it 0as the s-irit of -arti&i-ation that 0as en&ourae$# *n$ it re&eive$ an
over0helmin res-onse#
+$+1- MA1AG+M+1- AS A1 I120S-R
M;vent manaement< is &at&hin the attention of &om-anies an$ ra$uates ali,e# It $oes not
have a te!tboo, $efinition an$ to try an$ $efine it 0oul$ mean to borro0 heavily from mainstream
manaement an$ me$ia &on&e-ts# It usually &onsists of &on&e-tuali@ation5 -lannin5 bu$etin5 an$
e!e&ution of belo0-the-line a&tivities su&h as e!hibitions5 stae sho0s5 fashion or ro&, sho0s5
musi& &on&erts5 &elebrity a--earan&es5 fashion or &harity sho0s5 &onferen&es5 0e$$ins5 -ro$u&t or
bran$ laun&hes5 an$ s-orts sho0s to name fe0#
;vents bein 0here the lamour en$s# ;M is the most intimate form of mar,etin# It is a
&ontrolle$ a&tivity aime$ at the taret au$ien&e# ;vents have al0ays been there# In the -ast meetin5
orani@in an$ -ro.e&t -lannin 0ere the form of event manaement as a -rofession# To$ay it is
mu&h more -rofessional an$ more orani@e$ a se&tor than5 a $e&a$e ao# ;vent manaement 0as
starte$5 the moment multinationals starte$ -ourin in5 0hen our mar,ets liberali@e$ in the 80s# It is
$iffi&ult to -in-oint e!a&tly 0hen event manaement bro,e a0ay from mainstream &ourse an$
starte$ &arvin a ni&he for itself in the in$ustry# Maybe it 0as aroun$ 1999 that it ra-i$ly aine$
im-ortan&e as a -rofessionally manae$ ni&he of mar,etin#
=om-anies reali@e that throuh events they &an rea&h out to &ustomers more &losely5 more
intimately an$ it is &hea-er than mainstream or &onventional forms of &ommuni&ation5 say
television or -rint# It &an be &alle$ as Ce!-eriential mar,etinC5 or ni&he mar,etin5 0here the
environment is &ontrolle$ to suit the nee$s of the -ro$u&t or
The sho0 bein sho0&ase$ an$ the out-ut bein far tanible that that of the &onventional
me$ia# *n event is a ni&he &ommuni&ation me$ium that allo0s &om-anies to rea&h their taret
au$ien&e $ire&tly 0ith tanible out&omes5 0hi&h are not -ossible throuh &onventional forms of
a$vertisement# Throuh events5 0e &an sele&t an$ rea&h out $ire&tly to our taret au$ien&e5 0e &an
&ontrol our bu$ets an$ at the en$ of the event tanibly analy@e if the event 0as a su&&ess or not#
This is Iuite $iffi&ult5 in mainstream &ommuni&ations5 0here the results are intanible an$ 0e are
not sure 0ho is seein it an$ 0hom the &ommuni&ation rea&hes out to#
+,ent Mana"ement a! a Marketin" -ool
;vent manaement is &onsi$ere$ one of the stratei& mar,etin an$ &ommuni&ation tools by
&om-anies of all si@es# From -ro$u&t laun&hes to -ress &onferen&es5 &om-anies &reate -romotional
events to hel- them &ommuni&ate 0ith &lients %an$ -otential &lients'# They miht taret their
au$ien&e by usin the ne0s me$ia5 ho-in to enerate me$ia &overae 0hi&h 0ill rea&h thousan$s
or millions of -eo-le# They &an also invite their au$ien&e to their events an$ rea&h them at the
a&tual event#
)ro,idin" A )lethora '( Ser,ice!
=om-anies a--roa&h event manaers 0ith a vaue i$ea an$ a bu$et in min$# It is then
entirely u- to the event manaer to $evelo- an$ im-rovise an$ turn the i$ea into a su&&ess# On&e
the i$ea an$ the bu$et are settle$5 event manaers bein &oor$inatin 0ith s-onsors an$
-erformers5 arranin travel5 se&urity5 an$ a&&ommo$ation for the stars if there is a sho0# They also
have to su-ervise ti&,et an$ stae $esin5 arrane musi&5 soun$ an$ lihts5 an$ loo, into those
numerous $etails that o into ma,in an event su&&essful# Se&urity is another bi issue that is $ealt
0ith by event manaers# In In$ia5 sho0s usually have to en$ before mi$niht at the latest5 even
earlier in some -la&es# ;vent manaers have to ensure that events &on&lu$e on time5 an$ in &ase
they stret&h beyon$ the -ermitte$ hours5 they have to han$le the -oli&e an$ the lo&al bureau&ra&y
?a$ se&urity &oul$ ruin an other0ise 0ell-orani@e$ event# Un0ante$ uests5 stam-e$es5
fihts5 an$ harassment of -erformers are a fe0 thins event manaers have to ta&,le $urin -ubli&
events# ;vent manaement &om-anies servi&e a variety of areas in&lu$in &or-orate events %-ro$u&t
laun&hes5 -ress &onferen&es5 &or-orate meetins an$ &onferen&es'5 mar,etin -rorams %roa$
sho0s5 ran$ o-enin events'5 an$ s-e&ial events li,e &on&erts5 a0ar$ &eremonies5 film -remieres5
laun&hErelease -arties5 fashion sho0s5 -rivate %-ersonal' events su&h as 0e$$ins an$ bar mit@vahs#
=lients hire event manaement &om-anies to han$le a s-e&ifi& s&o-e of servi&es for the iven
event5 0hi&h at its ma!imum may in&lu$e all &reative5 te&hni&al an$ loisti&al elements of the
event# %Or .ust a subset of these5 $e-en$in on the &lient<s nee$s5 e!-ertise an$ bu$et'#
Meanin" o( +,ent Mana"er
The ;vent Manaer is the -erson 0ho -lans an$ e!e&utes the event# ;vent manaers an$
their teams are often behin$-the-s&enes runnin the event# ;vent manaers may also be involve$ in
more than .ust the -lannin an$ e!e&ution of the event5 but also bran$ buil$in5 mar,etin an$
&ommuni&ation stratey# The event manaer is an e!-ert at the &reative5 te&hni&al an$ loisti&al
elements that hel- an event su&&ee$# This in&lu$es event $esin5 au$iovisual -ro$u&tion5
s&ri-t0ritin5 loisti&s5 bu$etin5 neotiation an$5 of &ourse5 &lient servi&e# It is a
multi$imensional -rofession#
+ducational Su::ort
There are an in&reasin number of universities 0hi&h offer +ra$uate "ereeE "i-loma in
;vent Manaement5 es-e&ially in the UN 0here they have been Iui&, to &at&h on to the ne0
interest an$ many are no0 offerin &ertifi&ate5 $i-loma5 $eree an$ masters &ourses#
In a$$ition to these a&a$emi& &ourses5 there are many asso&iations an$ so&ieties that -rovi$e
&ourses on the various as-e&ts of the in$ustry# These &ourses thouh not offi&ial5 are still useful
a$$itions to your resume#
Stu$y in&lu$es orani@ational s,ills5 te&hni&al ,no0le$e5 P#(#5 mar,etin5 a$vertisin5
&aterin5 loisti&s5 $e&or5 lamour i$entity5 human relations5 stu$y of la0 an$ li&enses5 ris,
manaement5 bu$etin5 stu$y of allie$ in$ustries li,e television an$ other me$ias an$ several
other areas#
+$+1- MA1AG+M+1- )R'.+SS
There are 2 staes of event manaement -ro&ess namely5 ;vent -lannin an$ ;vent &ontrol#
;. +,ent )lannin"
To -lan an event 0e must &onsi$er the follo0in areas of an event5 vi@5 feasibility5 -romotion5
site &hoi&eE$esin5 stain5 shut$o0n5 site ma-5 event -ro-osal#
2. +,ent .ontrol
To &ontrol an event 0e must loo, on the follo0in areas loisti&s5 neotiations5 &ostin > &ash
flo05 event manual5 I#T#5 $e&ision ma,in an$ &hane5 ris, manaement#
;. )lannin" -he +,ent
* sinifi&ant -art of event -ro.e&t manaement is the -lannin# It is a -ro&ess of mentally fittin
all the &om-onents toether# It in&lu$es foreseein any -roblems an$ solutions# 6o0ever5 to see
all the -roblems is im-ossibility#
It is more realisti& to rear$ event -lannin as a metho$ of re$u&in the number of -roblems#
In this sense the aim of event -lannin is to -lan all the tas,s that &an be -lanne$ so that
&hanes an$ unforeseen -roblems &an be $ealt 0ith in a fo&use$ 0ay# *lthouh most as-e&ts of
the event &an be orani@e$5 the flui$ity of event -re-aration means there is al0ays the
+,ent )ro*ect <i(e .ycle
The basi& tenet of event -lannin is that there 0ill be &hanes as the event is orani@e$# The
staff 0ill ro0 as the event nears# Some event &om-anies o from 2 -eo-le $urin the early
&on&e-t staes to over a thousan$ staff an$ volunteers on the $ay of the event# The &on&e-t that
the event has a life &y&le is a meta-hor for the ro0th an$ &hane of the -lannin an$
im-lementation# The $iaram belo0 sho0s the event -ro.e&t life &y&le#
The event starts 0ith an i$ea or &on&e-t5 the first Iuestion to as, is GIs it feasibleLF The
feasibility is fe$ ba&, into the &on&e-t %iteration' an$ the &on&e-t may nee$ to $evelo-# On&e it
loo,s feasible5 the event -lannin &an start# This is not a me&hani&al or linear mo$el# The
-lannin may un&over o--ortunities or ris,s that nee$ to mo$ify the event &on&e-t# *s-e&ts of
the -lan may be im-lemente$ 0hile other areas are still in the -lannin -hase# For e!am-le
-romotin the event may start 0ell before site -lannin# *ll these -ro&esses fee$ into ea&h
There are some as-e&ts of shut$o0n that may 0ell bein $urin set u-#
The areas of ris,5 &ontent an$ &ost as 0ell as the s&he$ule have to be manae$ alon the life
&y&le# * ris, may be very $ifferent over the event -ro.e&t life &y&le# This means that event -lan
is not a stati& $o&ument# The only &ertainty is that there 0ill be &hane# Internal &hane
in&lu$es the in&rease in event staff5 the in&rease in &ontra&t manaement as more su--liers are
involve$# Internal &hane may also be une!-e&te$# The event &om-any may ta,e on other
events 0hile the one event is bein -lanne$# ;!ternal &hane &oul$ be the all-too-&ommon
&hane of venue or it &oul$ be on a ran$ s&ale 0ith the &hane in overseas &urren&y e!&hane
rate# Ko matter 0hat &hane o&&urs the event 0ill nee$ to 0or, 0ithin &onstraints set by the
&lient - su&h as ma,in a -rofit - or by leal an$ ethi&al issues# The former form the event life
&y&le ob.e&tive fun&tions# There may be far more subtle &onstraints im-lie$ by the &lient<s
0or,in &ulture - su&h as the &or-orate &ulture#
The 0ritten event -lan &an be as short as one -ae or as lon as a boo,# It $e-en$s on the level
of $etail or s&ale in the -lannin# This level of $etail 0ill $e-en$ on su&h fa&tors as1
=om-le!ity of the event
S&ale of the event
Familiarity of the event manaement5 staff an$ su--liers 0ith the ty-e of event
7eal an$ sta,ehol$er reIuirements
Time an$ other resour&es allo&ate$ to the tas, of -lannin
The -ro&ess of 0ritin a -lan assists in the stru&turin of the event# It is also a &ommuni&ation
tool an$ a -ro.e&t baseline from 0hi&h the event &an be measure$# It is not M0ritten in stone< an$
0ill nee$ revisin as the orani@ation of the event life &y&le -ro&ee$s#
There is a ris, that a 0ritten -lan 0ill be&ome the master of the event rather than a metho$ of
obtainin a su&&essful event# The *ssessment -O Plan -O Im-lement -O ;valuate -ro&e$ure is an
oversim-lifi&ation of a &om-le! series of overla--in -ro&esses# This e!-lains the reti&en&e of
event manaers to &reate mission statements an$ ob.e&tives# In the volatile environment of
event orani@ation5 these &an easily be&ome milestones aroun$ the ne&, of the event
manaement# There is enouh to $o 0ithout havin to revisit an$ re0or, all the ob.e&tives# *s
0ell5 there is a ten$en&y in a&a$emi& 0ritins on event manaement to see -lannin as the
-ana&ea of all event -roblems# They stress that the ma.or failures of events are a result of -oor
-lannin# This is a tautoloy an$ a result of 20 20 hin$siht# If -lannin is $efine$ as foreseein
all -roblems before they arise then i-so fa&to there has not been enouh -lannin# * oo$
e!am-le of turnin an histori&al $es&ri-tion into a -res&ri-tion# In the real 0orl$ of event
orani@in5 &hane %an$ -roblems' &an &ome from any0here# * lo&al Prin&e may $isli,e the
event an$ &an&el it#
The result of any &hane in a &om-le! system ma$e u- of a fi!e$ number of relate$ variables
&an not be -re$i&te$# For e!am-le5 if there are 200 tas,s to set u- an event an$ one of these
tas,s &hanes or a ne0 one is intro$u&e$5 the relationshi- bet0een all the tas,s may &hane i#e#
200! 199 relationshi-s5 0hi&h may 0ell &hane all the relationshi-s aain an$ so on a$
infinitum# In other 0or$s a small &hane &an easily have unforeseen results#
3ea!ibility Study
* ma.or element in a feasibility stu$y is to -rovi$e a &hoi&e of various mo$els for the event an$
$is&uss the im-li&ation of these mo$els#
Settin out the aims of the stu$y
=hoi&e of time an$ -la&e
o Fa&tors in Site =hoi&e
o "raft of Sueste$ Pla&es
o Fa&tors in the =hoi&e of "ate
o Sour&in
o Trans-ort
o Ti&,et s&alin
o Ti&,et $istribution
o Fun$in sour&es - s-onsorshi-5 foun$ations5 rants
;vent =ontent
;vent O-tions or Mo$els
=om-arison of ;vent Mo$els
*$ministration in&lu$in &ontra&tin an$ orani@ation stru&ture
(is, issues -in&lu$in -ossible insuran&e
*ssessment of similar events
(e&ommen$e$ O-tion
The most im-ortant se&tion of the event feasibility stu$y is the &om-arison of the &hoi&es -
o-tions or mo$els# The &om-arison must use the same as-e&ts of the event#
+,ent )romotion
In the 0orl$ of mar,etin C-romotionC enerally refers to a one-off event that -rovi$es a
stimulus for the -ubli& to buy a servi&e or -ro$u&t# * s-e&ial event &an be -art of a more eneral
-romotion &am-ain of a &om-any 0antin to $ra0 attention to their -ro$u&t# The *bsolute
)o$,a venue at the O-era 6ouse $urin the Sy$ney Festival 0as an e!am-le of this# * lo&al
&oun&il may &reate a festival as a 0ay of -romotin their reion# *s use$ by the event in$ustry
the 0or$ -romotion has &ome the full &ir&le# It uses all the mar,etin te&hniIues# *s it is -ro.e&t
base$ it has a $efinite life s-an# The ris,s involve$ in one off or first time events mean that the
event manaer has to be a&utely a0are of the tools of -romotion# The au$ien&e $oes not have a
referen&e -oint for the event other than that &reate$ by the -romotion# Aith re-eat events an$
festivals the au$ien&e an$ su--liers have at least an i$ea of the ty-e of event5 venue an$ s&ale#
For s-e&ial one off events5 the -romotion is stronly lin,e$ to the re-utation of the orani@in
&om-any5 s-onsors an$ other sta,ehol$ers as 0ell as the a&tual -roram or event &ontent#
*s 0ith all areas of event manaement5 event -romotion must be $ynami& an$ able to res-on$
to o--ortunities as they arise# Other areas of the event -lannin shoul$ also be able to res-on$
to the unforeseen -ro$u&ts of -romotion# * oo$ bit of P( &an result in a sure of interest in the
event an$ the event &om-any nee$s to be able turn the res-onse to the a$vantae of the event#
-he :romotion !chedule i! only a tool to a!!i!t the :lannin" o( the e,ent > not the e,ent?!
-ool! o( )romotion
o Advertising
o Public Relations
o Direct marketing
o Word of mout
Site .hoice And 2e!i"n
Ahile sele&tin a siteEvenue for an event5 0e have to loo, into for follo0in &onsi$erations5
o Si@e of the event P 7are s&ale or on a Me$ium or for a shorter s&ale event has to be &arrie$
o 7o&ation P "istan&e5 a&&essibility5 neihbours5 history of other events5 suitability to the
event5 et&# are the fa&tors to be &onsi$ere$ un$er lo&atin a venue for an event#
o "esin of the site P SiteEvenue $esin is an essential -art of event manaement# The
tem-orary nature of events means there is limite$ time for &orre&tions to the $esin#
Therefore the event manaer &an not foret that any element of $esin has an aestheti& as
0ell as loisti&al - or -ra&ti&al - fun&tion#
o 7ayout of the venue P -oints to be &onsi$ere$ are fa&ilities to be -rovi$e$5 si@e an$ sha-e of
the room5 vie0in -otential5 flo0 of men an$ material5 et&# 0hile $e&i$in a site#
o Flo0 of -eo-le an$ eIui-ment - *lthouh it seems obvious5 the flo0 of -eo-le an$
eIui-ment aroun$ a site is often not &onsi$ere$ over the 0hole event# In -arti&ular there are
$ifferent flo0 -atterns at $eferent times# *s 0ell the event manaer must be a0are of the
Cflo0C $urin an emeren&y#
The stain of an event involves brinin toether all the event elements aroun$ a theme# It is
0here the Ca&tionC ta,es -la&e at an event - 0here the au$ien&e loo,s# Stain is the heart of
event manaement- it is basi&ally the Csho0C# *ll other as-e&ts of event manaement surroun$ it#
The elements of stain revolve aroun$ a theme# It &oul$ be =hil$renCs =ir&us5 the ?lues tent or
a &or-orate $inner -arty theme# 6o0ever the theme has to 0or, 0ithin &onstraints - available
resour&es5 0hat the &lient e!-e&ts####
The effi&ient manaement of events is $e-en$ent on $e&i$in 0hat is most im-ortant in the
iven time s-an- i#e# -riority# "ifferent ty-es of events -la&e $ifferent em-hasis on the stain
elements# The stain is all about the uestEau$ien&e e!-erien&e of the sho0- 0hether the
Csho0C is a s-orts &om-etition5 fun run or -erforman&e# *n event manaer $oesnCt nee$ to ,no0
all about lihts5 soun$s5 au$io-visual effe&ts5 s-e&ial effe&ts5 et&# - but it is im-erative that the
manaer at least ,no0s the s-e&ial terms use$#
-he +,ent )ro:o!al
* res-onse to a reIuest for ten$er is a &ommon 0ay for an event &om-any to obtain 0or,# In
some &ases it is the only 0ay a ne0 event &om-any &an enter the fiel$# +overnment an$ semi
overnment &om-anies are reIuire$ by la0 to -ut their nee$e$ su--lies an$ servi&es out to
ten$er# Most -rivate &om-anies 0ill $o this as a matter of oo$ business to ma,e &ertain they
are re&eivin &om-etitive Iuotes# The event in$ustry is no $ifferent# *n event &om-any 0ill -ut
toether ten$er $o&uments in mu&h the same 0ay as any other su--lier# "e-en$in on the
Iuality of their 0or, they may be -la&e$ on a -referre$ su--lier list an$ reularly as,e$ to -ut
in a ten$er# This &an be an ar$uous tas, as the event &om-any $oes not 0ant to be $ro--e$ from
the -referre$ su--lier list but may not 0ant the 0or,#
?elo0 is a &he&,list of 0hat &oul$ be &ontaine$ in the event -ro-osal#
=over 7etter
Title Pae
Pro-rietary Koti&e - &autions about unauthori@e$ $is&losure
Table of =ontents %TO='
7ist of *bbreviations
;!e&utive Summary
Body o( )ro:o!al:
o Profile of the ;vent =om-any1
+eneral1 in&lu$in mission5 ba&,roun$5 &re$entials
S-e&ifi&1 in&lu$in -revious similar events an$ resour&es available
o Pro.e&t -artners an$ their -rofiles
o ;vent S-e&ifi& information1
S&o-e of Aor,
Themes5 $esin an$ i$eas
SiteEvenue assessment
(esour&es reIuire$1 *)5 entertainment5 &aterin5 staff5 su--liers###
Mar,etin an$ -romotional servi&es nee$e$
Possible s-onsorshi-
?u$et - &orres-on$in to fun&tional areas of -roram elements
=ontrol manaement - re-ortin -ro&esses5 orani@ation stru&ture
S&he$ules - -lannin5 trans-ort5 runnin or$er5 -romotion
;nvironmental im-a&t - natural environment5 traffi&5 trans-ort#
(is, issues in&lu$in insuran&e#
$enue @Site Ma:
Aith the e!&e-tion of &yber events5 all events have to e!ist in 3" s-a&e# It soun$s obvious but it
&an be easily overloo,e$# The -la&e of the event &an &reate so many -roblems an$ -rovi$e so
many o--ortunities# *ll the event manaers -la&e the site of the event as their hihest -riority#
Most event maners 0ill not bi$ on an event unless they have &arefully loo,e$ at the site#
Professional &onferen&e orani@ers 0ill stay a fe0 $ays in the &onferen&e hotel venue .ust to
ma,e sure that nothin is overloo,e$#
The ma- &an be use$ in these areas1
Plannin - event $esin an$ loisti&s
6istory an$ evaluation
6o0ever the ma- is only effe&tive if it &an be un$erstoo$#
)lannin" and .ontrol 2ocumentation
It is one thin to -lan the event it is another to &ommuni&ate this -lan to the various
sta,ehol$ers# =orre&t event $o&umentation is vital to effe&tive manaement# The a$vantaes
It &ommuni&ates the -lan of the event to the staff an$ volunteers
The $o&uments -rovi$e an onoin re&or$ of the eventCs -roress
They -rovi$e a history of the event -lannin 0hi&h may be use$ in any liability issues
They -rovi$e a 0ritten basis on 0hi&h to im-rove the metho$s of event manaement
?y stan$ar$i@in the $o&uments5 $ifferent events &an be &om-are$
The -ro$u&tion of the $o&uments &reates a $is&i-line in the -lannin
The $o&uments im-ersonali@e the -lan - that is it ta,es it out of the han$s of any one -erson
an$ it be&omes se-arate from any in$ivi$ual#
The $o&uments -rove$ a lin, to other $e-artments 0ithin a &or-oration su&h as finan&e an$
0ith the s-onsors#
One of the most &ommon fears in event manaement is 0hat ha--ens if the event manaer falls
ill %Mrun over by a busC is the &olloIuial sayin'# *s lon as the $etails of any event are in the
hea$ of one -erson there is this ris,# The results of the -ro.e&t manaement -ro&ess are
$o&umente$ as various s&he$ules5 res-onsibility an$ a&tion sheets# ;a&h event &om-any has
evolve$ their o0n style of sheets#
They are &alle$ by various names 1 -ro$u&tion s&he$ules5 tas, lists5 out-ut matri!5 timelines5
run sheets5 &riti&al -aths5 &he&,lists5 event or$er5 milestone lists5 sho0 s&he$ule5 sho0
seIuen&e ### The terms use$ enerally refle&t the -ast 0or, e!-erien&e of the event manaer#
6o0ever they all &onvere into si! -lannin an$ &ontrol $o&uments1
=onta&t Sheet
(es-onsibility =hart
Tas, or *&tion Sheet
Aor, Pa&,ae
(un Sheet or Pro$u&tion S&he$ule - %the im-lementation s&he$ule' 0hi&h &on&erns the
-roram of tas, at the a&tual event an$ &an be further sub$ivi$e$ into s-e&ifi& (un Sheets -
su&h as (ehearsal5 Te&hni&al5 Shut $o0n ###
2. +$+1- .'1-R'<
7oisti&s is both a s&ien&e an$ an art# It is also a &onvenient 0ay of &lassifyin an as-e&t of
event manaement#
In loisti&s the areas of im-ortan&e to the events are su--ly5 trans-ort5 lin,in5 flo0 &ontrol5 an$
information net0or,#
;a&h of these elements &an be thouht of as &ontributin to the sour&in an$ flo0 of the
&ustomers# They all reIuire a &he&,list# The event -ro$u&t &an be intanible as 0ell as tanible
items# 6o0ever they all nee$ to be su--lie$ effi&iently to the event# The fa&ilities are the thir$
element that nee$s to be analy@e$ in loisti&al terms# Su--ly - sour&in an$ flo0 - both to the
event5 aroun$ the event an$ out of the site#
It seems obvious but it is often forotten - an e,ent i! a one>time occurrence. ;very year the
annual festival is $ifferent# =hane is fun$amental to event manaement# =hane 0ill mean
enterin into $ifferent business relationshi-s for every event# The result is that neotiation s,ills
are fun$amental to event manaement# Keotiation $oes not mean tri&,y $ealins - it means
&omin to a mutually satisfyin business arranement#
* lare -art of event neotiation &on&erns the resour&es use$ to &reate the event# They &an be
$ivi$e$ in to1
Standard re!ource! - the neotiation for stan$ar$ resour&es is fairly straihtfor0ar$ as
most of the &onstraints an$ -arameters are alrea$y ,no0n# For e!am-le in hirin a venue
there 0ill be a stan$ar$ &ontra&t# The event manaer nee$s to ,no0 the &ontra&t terms an$
the history of the use of these resour&es at events#
.u!tomiAed re!ources - these are s-e&ialist resour&es &reate$ for the s-e&ifi& event# There
may not be a stan$ar$ &ontra&t or -ro&ess# In this &ase the neotiation has to be 0ell
resear&he$ 0ith ris, an$ &ontinen&ies thouht out# *n e!am-le of this is the harbour floats
for the Sy$neyCs Ke0 /earCs ;ve event#
-he +,ent Manual
o -he Generic Manual
The manual &an serve as both a list of -ro&e$ures to su&&essfully -lan an$ im-lement the event5
an$ a re&or$ of the -ro&e$ures# It is -art of the intelle&tual &a-ital of an event oranisation# The
$is&i-line involve$ in &reatin a manual &an assist in the systemati& -lannin of event
o-erations# Many lare &om-anies have a eneri& o-eration an$ loisti& manual that &an be
use$ in similar events orani@e$ aroun$ the 0orl$# Of all the areas of event manaement5 the
e!hibition in$ustry has &reate$ the most &om-rehensive event o-eration manuals# These
manuals &an ta,e the event manaer from the i$ea of an e!hibition throuh the sueste$
mar,etin s&he$ule to sour&in venues an$ &reatin floor -lans# *s they are oin to be use$
0ith $ifferent o-eration teams5 su&h areas as common terms and definitions an$ a -lan for the
filin system %both $iital an$ -a-er' be&ome an im-ortant se&tion of the manual# These
manuals &an be set u- on the 0eb or the &om-any intranet an$ be&ome -art of their ,no0le$e
manaement system#
In eneral the manual is the $o&ument out&ome of the -ro.e&t manaement -ro&ess# The event
o-eration manual &an vary in its &ontent# It is the result of the -ro.e&t manaement -ro&ess
&ombine$ 0ith e!-erien&e an$ a$vi&e- no matter ho0 informal or unstate$# This -ro&ess is
illustrate$ belo0#

The &he&,list belo0 is for a s-e&ifi& e,ent o:eration manual - it is the manual to be use$ on
the $ay of the event#
o 2e!i"n
Stronly boun$5 &olorful5 an$ -lasti& &over so it &an be use$ an$ foun$ on the $ay
Tabs 0ith -roram elements %staes' for Iui&, referen&e
=over 0ith loo
=ontents -ae also sho0 tab list
o .ontact!
;vent &oor$inator mobiles
;meren&y Servi&es - -oli&eEambulan&eEfire numbers
7ost &hil$ren -ro&e$ure
7ost -ro-erty
6ea$Iuarters - 0here an$ 0hen o-en
Poli&e - 0here on site
First *i$ - 0here on site
COn the "ayC ;vent =onta&t 7ist %one -ae'
(oa$ an$ Traffi& *uthority
)enue Manaement
"efen&e for&es
Infolines for event
Performer &onta&t list - liste$ by stae5 -ara$e
(a$io &hannel list
T0o-0ay ra$io o-eration ui$e
o )roduction
;vent summary - timeEa&tionElo&ation
Ma- of event site
Pro$u&tion S&he$ule by lo&ations %stae'
Set u- s&he$ule - $ate5 a&tion5 su--lier5 &re0 number5 o-tion
=re0 %ba&,stae' s&he$ule - bum- in an$ bum- out times
=re0 &aterin reIuirements
=re0 a&&ommo$ation
Information booths an$ ma- of their lo&ation
Se&urity information
In(ormation -echnolo"y (or +,ent!
Information Te&hnoloy is ra-i$ly &hanin the 0ay events are both -lanne$ an$ &ontrolle$#
*reas of event -lannin an$ &ontrol that &an benefit from IT1
Finan&ial &ontrol an$ ?u$etin
=ontrol an$ re-ortin
(is, manaement an$ s&enario buil$in
=onta&t manaement
SiteEvenue layout
Staffin an$ volunteer manaement
Possible limitations of IT for events1
Finan&ial &osts
(etrainin staff
7imite$ a&&ess5 -ass0or$s an$ &om-uter se&urity
Information loss
(efo&usin the event
Soft0are &om-atibility
(estru&turin the event &om-any - -arti&ularly &or-orate &ulture -roblems an$ -o0er shifts
as a result of ,no0le$e an$ s,ill o0nershi-#
Use of information soft0are in
a. 2e!i"n !ta"e
Presentation soft0are su&h as Po0erPoint
S-rea$sheet soft0are to establish bu$et s&enarios su&h as ;!&el an$ 7otus =*"
+ra-hi&s soft0are in the &reation of themes an$ loos
b. )lannin" :roce!! and ba!ic bu!ine!! !u::ort:
Aor$ -ro&essin -a&,aes su&h as MS Aor$ an$ Aor$ Perfe&t
*&&ountin soft0are -a&,aes su&h as Qui&,en an$ M/O? an$ s-rea$sheets
Pro.e&t Manaement soft0are in&lu$in MS Pro.e&t
"ata Manaement soft0are in&lu$in "base an$ Outloo,
=ommuni&ation soft0are in&lu$in ;u$ora an$ MS Outloo,
c. Marketin" o( the e,ent:
Ti&,etin an$ Smart &ar$ use
Internet Mar,etin an$ Aeb sites
d. Im:lementation:
(eistration in both s-ort an$ &onferen&e soft0are
*u$io visual soft0are
)i$eo -ro$u&tion an$ e$itin soft0are
="(OM -ro$u&tion
"iital broa$&ast
S&orin an$ s&oreboar$ $is-lay
Ri!k Mana"ement
In the event fiel$ as in so many -ro.e&t base$ in$ustries the i$entifi&ation an$ manaement of
ris,s is a hih -riority for manaement# There are s-e&ial &ir&umstan&es at events that a$$ to the
im-ortan&e of ris, manaement su&h as
7are &ro0$s
Use of )olunteers an$ ina$eIuately traine$ staff
Untrie$ venues an$ sites
Qui&, $e&isions an$ ina$eIuate time5 -arti&ularly as the event ets &loser
=om-le! an$ s-e&ialist a&tivity
Thrills an$ S-ills - i#e# a&tivity that is meant to seem li,e it is a ris,#
Kee$ for oo$ &ommunity relations
Untrie$ &ommuni&ations
Ke0 event &om-any
7ittle C&ontinuin 0or,C &ontrol over sub&ontra&tors an$ su--liers
Ahen &ombine$ the above -oints -rovi$e a very oo$ reason to i$entify an$ &ontrol as many
-roblems as -ossible#
Ri!k Identi(ication
Part of the ,no0le$e aine$ by event e!-erien&e is the ability to i$entify ris,s# It 0oul$ then
ma,e sense to as, those -eo-le 0ith the most e!-erien&e# In many &ases this is the
sub&ontra&tors an$ su--liers# *lthouh the event may ta,e a year to -lan an$ be over in a $ay5
the su--liers are &ontinually 0or,in at various events an$ their ,no0le$e is invaluable to the
event manaer#
Other metho$s of i$entifyin ris, are1
1# Meetins 0ith sta,ehol$ers
2# ;m-loyin ris, manaement e!-erts
3# (aisin the issue at staff an$ volunteer meetins
4# Throuh the lo&al &oun&ils an$ -oli&e
8# *s,in the emeren&y servi&e su--liers
?rainstormin is a &ommon metho$ of i$entifyin ris,# The brainstormin meetin &an a--ly
itself to the 0hole event or to -arti&ular se&tions#
The use of test events5 event mo$elin an$ Cevent in&ubatinC are metho$s for ris, i$entifi&ation#
The Olym-i& Orani@in =ommittee &arries out a $etaile$ s&he$ule of smaller events that test
as-e&ts of their overall -lan# *s yet there is little &om-uter mo$ellin of events# 6o0ever5
sim-le finan&ial s&enarios5 usin s-rea$sheets an$ -ro.e&t manaement soft0are5 are use$ as a
metho$ of ris, i$entifi&ation# On a larer an$ more s&ientifi& s&ale5 events &an be Cin&ubate$C in
a &ontrolle$ environment or on a small s&ale an$ the finishe$ -lan is use$ as the basis of a larer
event or fran&hise$ to other reions#
1ational In!titute '( +,ent Mana"ement
-he in!titute
;vent Manaement is $one at a very hue s&ale in In$ia# Ae have the reatest stae an$
television sho0s in the 0orl$# The ro0th of so-histi&ate$ an$ mea &om-anies have brouht
forth a s-urt of Meetins5 Seminars5 ;!hibitions5 =onferen&es5 Pro$u&t laun&hes an$ all have to
be a matter of &lass an$ style# Then &ome the &elebrity sho0s5 international artist sho0s5 sho0s
for a &ause5 roa$ sho0s5 &om-etitions an$ you name it an$ In$ia has it# In In$ia even -ersonal
fun&tions li,e Marriaes an$ ?irth$ay -arties have be&ome su&h im-ortant so&ial matters5 that
they have to be manae$ -rofessionally#
(esear&h sho0e$ that there 0as no formali@e$ e$u&ation to tea&h ;vent Manaement# ;vent
Manaement =om-anies foun$ that they ha$ to s-en$ a lot of time in trainin -ersonnel an$
they 0ill lose a -erfe&tly traine$ -erson to a &om-etitor for better bait# =om-anies foun$ that
their e!e&utives la&,e$ e!-ertise to han$le events5 an$ hen&e a ro0in nee$ 0as felt5 to have a
formali@e$ trainin in ;vent Manaement# If it &oul$ be $one in *$vertisin5 Mar,etin5
=ommuni&ations an$ Publi& (elations5 Than Ahy not ;vent ManaementL ?ut it 0as not so
easy be&ause ;vent Manaement en&om-asses allR it in&lu$es Orani@ational s,ills5 Te&hni&al
an$ Pro$u&tion Nno0le$e5 P#(# Mar,etin5 *$vertisin5 =aterin 7oisti&s5 "S&or5 +lamour
In$ustry5 6uman (elations5 Stu$y of 7a0 7i&enses5 (is, Manaement5 ?u$etin Stu$y to
*llie$ lines li,e Television an$ other Me$ias5 an$ the list .ust $oes not en$ here# So it too, a
-ainsta,in three years resear&h to start a &ourse on ;vent Manaement# 1ational In!titute o(
+,ent Mana"ement 0as forme$ to &ater to the ro0in nee$s of the hue multi-$imensione$
;vent Manaement In$ustry in In$ia#
Mi!!ion B $i!ion
KI;M believe that &reation an$ $issemination of ,no0le$e is essential for any effe&tive
manaement# KI;M<s mission is to &reate future lea$ers5 manaers an$ -rofessionals in the
+lobal ;vent Manaement fiel$ by offerin su-erior learnin o--ortunities5 enain in
resear&h an$ s&holarly a&tivities alon 0ith a -erfe&t blen$ of -ra&ti&al trainin on some of the
most a0esome an$ litterin sets of the 0orl$s biest events#
KI;M are ui$e$ by their &ommitment to a&hieve e!&ellen&e in resear&h an$ ,no0le$e on
event manaement an$ -romote entre-reneurial s-irit by en&ourain the intelle&tual an$
$iversifie$ $evelo-ment of their fa&ulty an$ stu$ents#
Throuh their $istin&tive &urri&ulum an$ -ost ra$uate -roram they &hallene the stu$ents to
thin, an$ &ommuni&ate an$ 0ith a su--ortive &limate of &ivility an$ free$om of e!-ression
their stu$ents be&ome ethi&al5 informe$5 0i$e s-e&trum me$ an$ arti&ulate -arti&i-ants in
1I+M aim! to
o To &reate a ne0 eneration of ;vent Personnel an$ room them to be&ome ;vent Orani@ers
of the future# KI;M has alrea$y $one it# It has &reate$ the larest number of event -ersonnel
in the 0orl$#
o To -rofessionali@e the fiel$ of event manaement#
o To orani@e the event se&tor an$ brin In$ian events to the &lass of lobal events#T
$ariou! )ro*ect! 0ndertaken By 1I+M B It! Student!
KI;M stu$ents have 0or,e$ on various -ro.e&ts an$ &ome out 0ith &re$it an$ flyin &olours#
=eat =ri&,et (atins
7ata Manesh,ar Kiht
"ee- Pur-le =on&ert
Uee =ine *0ar$s
Mahin$ra S&or-io 7aun&h
Sir ;lton Vohn =on&ert
Sansui *0ar$s
*l-ha +aurav *0ar$s
Tele *0ar$s
Mata Sanman
Pune Festival
)# Shantaram *0ar$s
Miss Pune
International Film Festival Pune
Movie Premiers
*l-ha Mumbai +aurav Puras,ar
"rishti - In$ian ;!-ress
?ryan *$ams =on&ert
Mani,&han$ "an$iya
Priti - Pin,y "an$iya
Times Utsav "an$iya
Faluni Patha, "an$iya MSan,al-<
Miss Mumbai
-he 5ayC 1iem Mana"e! +,ent!
KI;M is an institute 0hi&h manaes an$ orani@es events by 0or,in in the teams# These
teams are $efine$ on the basis of the ty-e of events they manae an$ orani@e# Kormally5 KI;M
han$les 2 ty-es of events5 vi@# In-house ;vents an$ Out-house ;vents#
The events manae$ by KI;M are basi&ally &lassifie$ into t0o ty-es5 vi@5 In-6ouse ;vents an$
Out-6ouse ;vents#
;. In>4ou!e +,ent!
In-6ouse ;vents are the events that are totally manae$ an$ orani@e$ by the KI;M# These
events are normally manae$ an$ orani@e$ by the stu$ents of KI;M# )arious events orani@e
by the KI;M are
o M( *K" MS UKI);(SIT/
o *77 IK"I* (*"IO FM
*n$ many moreBBBBBBB##
2. 'ut>4ou!e +,ent!
Out-6ouse ;vents are the events that are manaes by the KI;M stu$ents but are orani@e$ an$
&ontrolle$ by the event manaement &om-anies or event manaers other than that of KI;M#
)arious events han$le$ by the KI;M stu$ents but orani@e$ by the others are
o U;; =IK; *A*("S
o S*KSUI *A*("S
o ?(/*K *"*MS =OK=;(T
o ST*( S=(;;K *A*("S
o MT) 7/=(* *A*("S P 2003
o MT) IMMI;S P 2003
*n$ many moreBBBBBB
* team &om-rises of any rou- of -eo-le lin,e$ in a &ommon -ur-ose# Teams are es-e&ially
a--ro-riate for &on$u&tin tas,s that are hih in &om-le!ity an$ have many inter$e-en$ent
subtas,s# Ko sinifi&ant tas, &an be a&&om-lishe$ 0ithout the hel- of essentially all team
members5 team members ty-i&ally s-e&iali@e in $ifferent tas,s5 an$ the su&&ess of every
in$ivi$ual is ine!tri&ably boun$ to the su&&ess of the 0hole team#
KI;M manaes all its events by 0or,in in teams# These teams $e-en$ u-on the ty-e of events
0hi&h KI;M han$les# +enerally5 these teams are name$ after the event ty-es# i#e# In-6ouse
Team for manain In-6ouse ;vents an$ an Out-6ouse Team for manain Out-6ouse ;vents#
These teams are $e&i$e$ by the Prin&i-al of KI;M# These teams are further sub-$ivi$e$ into
sub-teams an$ &ommittees $e-en$in u-on the nature of events#
;. 'ut>4ou!e -eam
Out-6ouse Team is forme$ for manain the Out-6ouse ;vents# These events are orani@e$ by
the event manaers an$ the event manaement &om-anies other than KI;M# 6en&e5 0e &an say
that the events 0hi&h are not manae$ by the KI;M are sai$ to be the Out-6ouse ;vents# This
Out-6ouse Team is &om-letely manae$ by the event manaers an$ event manaement
&om-anies# The hea$ of this team is not a KI;M member# The stu$ent 0ho has first 0or,e$
0ith the In-6ouse Team is only iven the o--ortunity to 0or, in the Out-6ouse Team# 6ere5
also5 there is no restri&tion on the no# of members that shoul$ be -resent in the team# The nature
of 0or,in of Out-6ouse Team &om-letely $e-en$s on the nature of the event manaement
2. In>4ou!e -eam
In-6ouse Team is forme$ for manain an$ orani@in In-6ouse ;vents# In-6ouse ;vents are
the events that are totally manae$ an$ orani@e$ by the KI;M stu$ents# This In-6ouse Team is
further sub-$ivi$e$ into smaller teams an$ &ommittees# This team is res-onsible for the 0hole
event# There is no limitation on the no# of members to be -resent# *ny no# of members &an form
the In-6ouse Team# The Prin&i-al allo&ates the 0or, to the sub-teams an$ &ommittees# In-
6ouse Team is &om-letely manae$ an$ orani@e$ by the stu$ents of KI;M# *n$ at the to-
level of these teams stu$ents only han$le the 0or, an$ res-onsibilities#
This In-6ouse Team is further sub$ivi$e$ into ;vent Plannin Team an$ ;vent =ontrol Team#
*s the name suests5 that ;vent Plannin Team 0oul$ be loo,in after the 0or, of -lannin
the 0hole event an$ the ;vent =ontrol Team has to &ontrol the 0hole event#
+,ent )lannin" -eam
The aim of ;vent Plannin Team is to -lan all the tas,s so that &hanes an$ unforeseen
-roblems &an be $ealt 0ith in a fo&use$ 0ay# This team $eals 0ith the -lannin of the
siteEvenue sele&tion or $esin5 -re-arin the feasibility re-ort5 -romotin the event5 $esinin
the stae for the event5 an$ -lannin the human resour&es# The above fun&tions of event
-lannin are $ivi$e$ into further sub-teams base$ on the area of res-onsibility#
o Site@$enue Selection B 2e!i"n -eam
This is a team 0hi&h $e&i$es the venue or site 0here the event has to ta,e -la&e# The team is
totally res-onsible for the venue $esinin an$ sele&tion# They have to -re-are a re-ort on the
site sele&tion that 0hy they are sele&tin this venue5 0hat are a$vantaes of the venue5 an$
more relate$ Iueries on the venue lo&ation# They also have to $esin the venue that means ho0
the lo&ation shoul$ be5 0hi&h ob.e&t shoul$ be -resent 0here5 an$ many others#
o +,ent 3ea!ibility -eam
;vent Feasibility Team has a very im-ortant tas, to $o# That is5 the team has to -re-are a
feasibility re-ort about the 0hole event# The team has to ma,e a resear&h that 0hether
orani@in that event 0oul$ be -rofitable or not an$ 0hat are the im-li&ations of that event on
the re-utation of the orani@ation or 0hether the trans-ortationEloisti&s &ost 0oul$ not be hih
by orani@in event at a -arti&ular -la&e or are their any ris, that 0oul$ arise out of the event
an$ more relate$ as-e&ts#
o +,ent )romotion -eam
;vent -romotion team5 as the name suests5 is res-onsible for -romotin the event to the taret
au$ien&e# This team has to -lan a -erfe&t &ombination of 8 areas i#e# a$vertisin5 -ubli&
relations5 $ire&t mar,etin5 0or$ of mouth an$ hos-itality for -romotin the event# This team
has a &ontrol over the tools of -romotin an event# Ae &an say that the team is the one 0hi&h
&reates a stimulus in the min$s of the -eo-le#
o Sta"in" -eam
Stain team is res-onsible for $esinin the stae# Stain is the heart of event manaement#
This team has to $e&i$e -arti&ularly about a stae that ho0 the stae shoul$ be loo,in or 0here
the soun$ system shoul$ be ,e-t or ho0 the &ameras 0oul$ be -la&e$ or ho0 the $S&or shoul$
be maintaine$ an$ many other relate$ areas# This team has the 0or, to be $one 0ell in a$van&e
but their 0or, is seen an$ felt only at the time of the a&tual event#
o 4uman Re!ource )lannin" -eam
The 6uman (esour&e Team is able to $e&i$e that 0hat number of staff is reIuire$ $urin the
event5 before the event an$ after the event# This hel-s the event manaement orani@ation to
hire the staff for the a&tual event as -er the nee$#
+,ent .ontrol -eam
The aim of ;vent =ontrol Team is to &ontrol the various fa&tors for orani@in an event# The
0hole event is &ontrolle$ 0ith the hel- of fa&tors su&h as finan&e5 loisti&s5 I#T#5 et&# The ;vent
=ontrol Team is further sub-$ivi$e$ into finan&e team5 I#T# team5 loisti&s team an$ ris,
manaement team#
o 3inance -eam
*s the name suests5 finan&e team $eals 0ith the finan&ial im-li&ations of the event on the
orani@ation# The finan&e team estimates the event &osts5 &ost for -romotion5 loisti&al &osts5
human resour&e &ost5 et&# That means the finan&e team has to loo, after the various fa&tors that
affe&ts the -rofitability of the event manaement orani@ation#
o I.-. -eam
I#T# team $eals 0ith te&hnoloi&al as-e&ts of the event# It $eals 0ith the areas 0here the
te&hnoloy is use$ for manain the events# Those areas &oul$ be -romotion of the event5
$esinin the event5 &ontrollin the te&hni&al areas on the stae5 et&# 6en&e the team is
res-onsible for all these areas#
o <o"i!tic! -eam
This team mainly $eals 0ith the loisti&s an$ trans-ortation fa&tors of the event# The team has
to i$entify the ris,s an$ benefits arisin out of the trans-ortation of various eIui-ments5 et&#
o Ri!k Mana"ement -eam
The team has to i$entify the various ris,s arisin $urin an$ before the a&tual event# The
orani@ation has to &ontrol those ris,s by i$entifyin them earlier an$ fin$in a--ro-riate
solutions to avoi$ those# The various ris,s &an arise out of lare &ro0$s5 usin ina$eIuately
traine$ staff5 neative -ubli&ity5 an$ many more#
1iem7! $ieD About +,ent Mana"ement A! An Indu!try
;vent Manaement is a multi-&rore in$ustry 0ith mea sho0s an$ events hoste$ reularly# In
In$ia -ersonal fun&tions li,e marriaes an$ birth$ay -arties have be&ome im-ortant so&ial
matters5 an$ have to be -rofessionally manae$# The ro0th of so-histi&ate$ an$ mea
&om-anies have brouht forth a s-urt of meetins5 seminars5 e!hibitions5 &onferen&es5 -ro$u&t
laun&hes 0ith everythin bein a matter of &lass an$ style# Then &omes the innumerable
&elebrity sho0s5 international artists sho0s5 sho0s for a &ause5 roa$ sho0s5 &om-etitions5 that
In$ia has seen of late#
More than 200 &om-anies have foraye$ into events# The early 90s has seen events s-en$ at a
mere 20 &rores but no0 it has in&rease$ to over 800 &rores# +ro0th is therefore 200W annually#
The FI==I has estimate$ event manaement to be a 3800 &rore in$ustry by 2009# ?ut
sur-risinly5 resear&h sho0e$ that there 0as no formali@e$ e$u&ation to tea&h event
manaement an$ =om-anies foun$ their e!e&utives not u- to the mar, to han$le events# It 0as
not so easy to train be&ause event manaement in&lu$es orani@ational s,ills5 te&hni&al
,no0le$e5 P#(#5 mar,etin5 a$vertisin5 &aterin5 loisti&s5 $e&or5 lamour i$entity5 human
relations5 stu$y of la0 an$ li&enses5 ris, manaements5 bu$etin5 stu$y of allie$ li,e television
an$ other Me$ias an$ several other areas# The Present S&enario is e!tremely -ositive an$ this is
the riht time to o-en small > me$ium si@e$ ;vent =om-anies# KI;M stu$ents are tauht ho0
to form an ;vent =om-any an$ many of them have su&&essfully $one it#
3actor that di!tin"ui!he! 1I+M (rom it! com:etitor! in the Indu!try
(een&y International Institute of Tafe is situate$ at *$elai$e P South *ustralia5 an$ it is a
0orl$ &lass Institute 0holly o0ne$ by the +overnment of South *ustralia# It s-e&iali@es in
Foo$5 7eisure an$ ;vent stu$ies an$ has a very hih name in *ustralian stu$y &ir&les#
Im-resse$ 0ith KI;M<s e!&ellent tra&, re&or$ in the fiel$ of events an$ its 8th -osition in the
0orl$ an$ first in *sia5 (een&y &hose KI;M as its IKT;(K*TIOK*7 P*(TK;( an$ ave an
o--ortunity to KI;M stu$ents to et an a$$itional elite $i-loma &alle$ "I;M %"i-loma in
International ;vent Manaement' from this &ovete$ Institute# KI;M stu$ents are the OK7/
P(I)I7I+;" STU";KTS IK IK"I* to et this elite International "i-loma 0hi&h no other
In$ian stu$ents of any University5 Institute or &ollee &an et5 i#e# the "I;M# The a$vantaes of
hol$in the "I;M are1-
1# Its e!&lusivity that you are the only fe0 In$ian stu$ents hol$in an International "i-loma#
2# The -o0er it a$$s to your =#) as an a$$itional 0orl$ &lass $i-loma#
3# /ou et it 0ith the reular KI;M<s ";M > P+";M5 so no 0aste of e!tra stu$y time#
4# /ou learn t0o sub.e&ts in International ;vent Manaement#
/our "i-lomas 0ill also &arry the rare honor of havin the loo of the +overnment of South
*ustralia alon 0ith the (een&y loo# The &ost an$ -ro&e$ure is ,e-t sim-le to be of reat use
to KI;M stu$ents an$ you &an $o it 0ithout s-arin e!tra time or efforts#
Media ':inion About 1iem
CKo ?o$y &an orani@e li,e Kational Institute of ;vent ManaementC- Bombay -ime!
C*n$ rest assures5 the institute isnCt one of the many that s-rins u- in every street &orner5 it
has &ome in to e!isten&e as an autonomous bo$y only after -ainsta,in an$ $etaile$ resear&h
in the fiel$C-Bombay -ime!
CSai$ the ;vents Manaer of U;; the stu$ents of KI;M 0ere so oo$ that its li,e U;;-KI;M
marriae an$ 0e 0ill $efinitely 0or, toether in futureC-Bombay -ime!
C* -roramme that a$$s Po0er to your =)- 6ea$ StartC- Indian +E:re!!
C*&&or$in to a stu$y5 ";M +ra$uates 0ill $ra0 80 -er&ent hiher salary &om-are$ to a
Manaement ra$uateC-Faleido!co:e> 1eD 5oman
CIn *-ril 2000 KI;M 0as set u-# It is &onsi$ere$ to be on -ar 0ith ;vent Manaement
Institutes aroun$ the 0orl$C# CIt is very $ifferent from other &ourses It is very intera&tive an$ a
lot of em-hasis is iven on -ra&ti&al trainin# /ou learn a lot more than in other manaement
&oursesC# The res-onse entertainment in$ustry has iven KI;M is very en&ourainC#-Mid 2ay
C"r 6oshi ?hi0an$i0alla rihtly &alle$ the Father of ;vent Manaement in In$iaC-Mid 2ay
CKI;M 0as the only institute to s-ea, on ;vent Manaement on All India Radio- 3M
.a!e !tudy : Indu!trial ,i!it to Goa

*s a -art of &urri&ulum ea&h an$ every ? s&hool ta,e there stu$ents for the in$ustrial
visit #The in$ustrial visit is a oo$ 0ay to learn the -ra&ti&al as-e&t of the in$ustries# In 0hi&h
stu$ents &an -ra&ti&ally see the -ro&ess an$ learn form it# ;a&h ? s&hool ta,e there stu$ents for
this stu$y tour# The -rimary ob.e&tive of su&h a ty-e of tour is learnin be&ause of 0hi&h su&h
stu$y tour are orani@e$# ?ut as all stu$y an$ no -lay ma,es Va&, a $ull boy so stu$ents are also
ta,en for site seein so that they &an also learn from it# These tours are mainly lon tour
0herein stu$ents travel to far flun areas .ust to et the feel of the a&tual in$ustry# The
,no0le$e 0hi&h they ain from su&h ,in$ off tour is mu&h more -ra&ti&al an$ hel- them
un$erstan$ the intri&a&ies of he in$ustry #
These tours are han$le$ by -rofessional tour o-erator 0ho loo,s after everythin riht from
travelin to stay an$ foo$ arranement#
*s our &ollee OIM also &on$u&ts su&h ty-e of tours5 as -art of &urri&ulum our &ollee
visite$ +oa for its tour# I oin to stu$y this in$ustrial visit an$ 0ill &riti&ally revie0 it# So that
as a -art of my event manaement -ro.e&t I &an very 0ell learn ho0 su&h ty-e of event are
han$le$ an$ also I 0ill et -ra&ti&al ,no0le$e of it#
I am ta,in this &ase to stu$y an in$ustrial visit 0hi&h 0as arrane$ by our &ollee OIM for
stu$ents in early Kovember for 0hi&h all the 220 stu$ents of OIM 0ere ta,en for a stu$y tour
to +oa 0hi&h in&lu$e$ al the 1
year MMS 5 se&on$ year MMS an$ stu$ents from P+ #
This 0as a four $ay tri- 0hi&h in&lu$e$ a travelin by train travelin 0as $urin $ay time
an$ it 0as for over 8 $ays5 in 0hi&h t0o $ays 0here for travelin to an$ fro oa an$ Mumbai #
This tour 0as arrane$ by a tour o-erator &alle$ as Nhusi holi$ays Pvt lt$ 0hi&h are in to
e$u&ational tours an$ travels# They too, &are of all the arranements for the tour 0hi&h
in&lu$e$ travelin foo$ an$ hotel arranement#
*&&or$in to stu$ents they ha$ touh time 0hile on this visit # ;s-e&ially 0ith the
arranements5 li,e they 0ere -rovi$e$ 0ith the foo$ 0hile travelin in train 0hi&h most the
stu$ents 0ere not ha--y 0ith# Same &om-any loo,e$ after the arranement of inter&ity
travelin# The hotel arranement 0as fair enouh but some stu$ents ha$ some or other
-roblems even 0ith hotel arranements5 the foo$ -rovi$e$ by the hotel 0as not satisfa&tory
a&&or$in to stu$ents# Ahile travelin from $ifferent sites -eo-le ha$ -roblem 0ith
arranements as 0ell# Stu$ents 0ere also ta,en for the site seein 0here in they 0here sho0n
some sites in +oa # I am tryin to stu$y 0hat 0ent 0ron in tour so that I &an fin$ it out an$
analy@e the -roblem so that I &an $raft a better -lan for the future so that su&h ,in$ off events
&an be better han$le$ ne!t time# For 0hi&h I -re-are$ a Iuestionnaire for stu$ents an$
manaement of the &ollee #
Gue!tionnaire (or :artici:ant!

1# Ahi&h is your area of s-e&iali@ationL
2# "o you -refer one $ay in$ustrial visit or in$ustrial visit 0ith stay L

3# 6ave you ever been to in$ustrial visitL
4# Ahat $o you -refer one $ay in$ustrial visit or in$ustrial visit 0ith stayL
8# Ahat $o you ho-e to ain from in$ustrial visit LL

9# *lon 0ith learnin 0hat else $o you e!-e&t from in$ustrial visit L

:# "o you 0ant in$ustrial visit as -er your area of s-e&iali@ationL
8# Ahat is that you li,e$ most about last in$ustrial visit L
9# Ahi&h s-e&ifi& area your in$ustrial visit shoul$ hihlihtL % e# S-e&ifi& area in mar,etin
li,e -a&,ain Efinan&e'
10# Aere you ha--y 0ith the travelin arranementL
11# If yes 0hyL
12# If no 0hyL

13# Ahi&h mo$e of trans-ort $o you -referL
14# 6o0 0as your hotel arranementL
18# If oo$ 0hy L
19# If ba$ 0hyL
1:# "o you thin, site seein is im-ortant as-e&t of in$ustrial visitL
18# *re you rea$y to -ay more for travelin if better servi&e is -rovi$e$L
19# *&&or$in to you5 0hat is in&lu$e$ in i$eal in$ustrial visit L
20# "o you 0ant manaement to &onsult you before in$ustrial visitL
21# Ahat fla0s $i$ you fin$ 0ith the tour o-eratorL
22# Ahat $i$ you li,e most about your tour o-eratorL
23# Aas your tour o-erator easily a&&essibleL
24# "o you thin, la&, of tour -lan 0as ma.or &onstrain L
28# Ahat ,in$ of -roblems $i$ you fa&eL
29# Aere your -roblems sorte$ outL
2:# Ahi&h -la&e 0oul$ you li,e to visit ne!tL
28# Ahat is that one thin 0hi&h you 0oul$ li,e to see in su&h ty-e of tourL
29# "o you fin$ in$ustrial visit# im-ortant -art of your &urri&ulum or .ust 0aste of time5 L ive
reason #


Gue!tionnaire (or mana"ement

1 #"o you thin, in$ustrial visit# is im-ortant for stu$entsL
2# "o you thin, stu$ents< orientation is im-ortant before in$ustrial visit#L

If yes 0hyL
If no 0hyL
3# Ahat $o you e!-e&t from stu$ents $urin in$ustrial visitL
4# Ahat are your res-onsibilities in arranin tour L

8# Ahat 0as the reason behin$ sele&tin +oa as $estination L
9# Aas safety one of the &riteria 0ill arranin the tour L

:# Ahat -re&autionary measures $i$ you ta,e to avoi$ any $is&re-an&ies L
8# Ahy $i$ you sele&t that -arti&ular tour o-eratorL
9 #Ahat $iffi&ulties $i$ you fa&e $urin arranements L
10 #Ahi&h a&tivity $i$ you fin$ touhest to han$le in terms of arranement L
11# Ahere you ha--y 0ith arranements $one by tour o-eratorL
Re!earch methodolo"y

)roblem1 Parti&i-ants $issatisfa&tion to0ar$s the in$ustrial visit to +oa
&on$u&te$ by the &ollee #
'b*ecti,e1 I$entify e!a&t -roblem an$ its &auses an$ ive re&ommen$ations
to re&tify the same#
Source o( data: For the -ur-ose of the -ro.e&t -rimary $ata 0as &olle&te$ this
-rimary $ata 0as &olle&te$ from stu$ents an$ the manaement of the
&ollee## For this a Iuestionnaire 0as -re-are$ 0ith the hel- of this
Iuestionnaire the $ata 0as &olle&te$# Questionnaire sho0n in the
a--en$i! 0as use$ #Iuestionnaire &ontains o-en en$e$ Iuestions#

Sam:lin" method 1 (an$om sam-lin 0as use$ in 0hi&h sam-le si@e for stu$ents is
:0 an$ for the manaement it 0as 4
Re!earch analy!i!
*nalysis of -arti&i-ants
Question 1 "o you 0ant in$ustrial visit as -er your area of s-e&iali@ationL
*nalysis 1 most of the stu$ents 0ant the in$ustrial visit as -er there area of the s-e&iali@ation
li,e there are $ifferent stu$ents 0ho are from mar,etin 5 finan&e an$ 6( so they all 0ante$ to
learn as -er there area even thouh they ,ne05 its not -ossible t0o fulfill every bo$ies $esire5
but they 0ante$ little beat i$ea about there area#
Question 1 "o you -refer one $ay in$ustrial visit or visit 0ith overniht stay L
*nalysis 1 100W stu$ents 0ant in$ustrial visit 0ith stay be&ause they feel it is not easy to
manae it in a $ay as it be&omes very e!haustive if its a $ay in$ustrial visit an$ also they $on
et -ro-er time to observe the in$ustries#
Question1 Ahat $o you ho-e to ain from in$ustrial visit L
*nalysis 1 stu$ents 0ante$ thins li,e
a #Pra&ti&al ,no0le$e of the in$ustry
b &om-any $etail
& learnin an$ re&reation
$ ui$e to e!-lain the tour
Question1 *lon 0ith learnin 0hat else $o you e!-e&t from in$ustrial visitL
*nalysis1 There is only one stu$ent 0ho says that he 0ants only learnin rest all 0ant
en.oyment in terms of site seein#
Question 1*re you satisfie$ 0ith the in$ustrial visit you visite$ L
*nalysis 1 90 W of stu$ents 0ere not ha--y 0ith the in$ustrial visit 0hi&h 0as last visite$ an$
only 10 W 0ere ha--y 0ith it #*s they say it 0as not very 0ell orani@e$ #
Question1 0hat is that you li,e$ most about the last in$ustrial visit L
Kothin1 49 W stu$ents $i$ not li,e anythin about the in$ustrial visit
Pla&e1 18 W of the stu$ents li,e$ the -la&e 0hi&h is +oa
Pra&ti&al ,no0le$e1 9 W of the stu$ents 0here ha--y 0ith -ra&ti&al
it -rovi$e$#
(e&reation1 18W of the stu$ents li,e the fun element of the in$ustrial visit
li,e site seein
=an<t say1 9W of the stu$ents 0here not able to fiure out 0hat they li,e$
about the in$ustrial visit
Question1 Aere you ha--y 0ith travelin arranementL
*nalysis1 Only 12 W of the stu$ents 0ere ha--y 0ith the travelin arranements
?e&ause they foun$ it safe to travel in train an$ also thouht that at least it
0as on time # On the other han$ 88 W of the stu$ents 0ere not ha--y 0ith the
# arranements $one# be&ause they foun$ it 0as havin follo0in

1# Im-ro-er arranement
2# ?a$ s&he$ule
3# ?a$ behavior by $rivers in busses
4# Un&omfortable seatin arranements

8# =hares 0ere hih #
9# =leanliness 0as not u- to the mar,

:# Ko -ro-er time manaement
8# =hanin &om-artments

Question1 Ahi&h mo$e of trans-ort $o you -referL
Train1 98W of -eo-le -refer train as they feel its very safe an$ affor$able#
Question 1 6o0 0as your hotel arranement L
*nalysis 140 W of the -eo-le foun$ hotel arranement 0as not that oo$
as infrastru&tures of the hotel 0as not oo$ an$ there 0as no -ro-er
se&urity -rovi$e$ as theft bro,e an$ stu$ents lost there belonins# The
foo$ of the hotel 0as the biest $isa--ointment #an$ also they foun$
that it 0as in remote area#
Only 9W of the stu$ents foun$ it to be oo$ as they say it 0as s-a&ious
an$ &lean 5an$ ha$ T)5 *= an$ fri$e in the room #
*n$ 31W of the stu$ents 0ere satisfie$ 0ith hotel arranements#
(est 0ere not able to fiure out ho0 it 0as #

Question 1 "o you thin, site seein is im-ortant as-e&t of the in$ustrial visitL
/es 190 W of the stu$ents thin, that site seein is very im-ortant a-art of
in$ustrial visit as it hel-s them to refresh an$ hel-s them to see ne0 sites#
Ko1 10 W of the stu$ents thin, that it is not that im-ortant 5 an$ shoul$ be $one
only if time -ermits#
Question 1 *re you rea$y to -ay more for travelin if better servi&e is -rovi$e$ L
*nalysis 1 /es 198W of -eo-le are rea$y to -ay more if better servi&e is -rovi$e$ for
travelin -ur-ose as they are not ha--y 0ith the travelin arranement
Ko 1 31 W of -eo-le are not rea$y to -ay more for travelin #
=ant say 1 4 W of -eo-le are not sure if they 0ant to or they $on<t 0ant to#

Question 1 *&&or$in to you 0hat is in&lu$e$ in an i$eal in$ustrial visitL
*nalysis 1
1# +oo$ travelin arranement
2# Thorouh -lannin
3# Pra&ti&al ,no0le$e about the in$ustry#
4# )alue for money#
8# Meetin to- &om-any e!e&utives
9# ;ntertainment
:# Nno0le$eable ui$e
8# More than 8 &om-anies to visit
Question 1 "o you 0ant manaement to &onsult you before in$ustrial visitL
*nalysis 1
/es 1 9: W of the stu$ents 0ant manaement to &onsult them
before $e&i$in over in$ustrial visit
Ko 1 3 W of the stu$ents feel that its not ne&essary for the manaement
to &onsult them #
Question 1 Ahat fla0s $i$ you fin$ 0ith the tour o-erator L

*nalysis 1 stu$ents foun$ follo0in fla0s 0ith tour o-erator #
a# Kot orani@e$
b# Ko -ro-er &ommuni&ation 0ith stu$ents
&# )ery ba$ in manain time
$# 6e 0as not &lear about the in$ustries

6o0ever some stu$ents foun$ no fla0s 0ith him#
Question1 0hat $i$ you li,e most about your tour o-eratorL
*nalysis 1
Kothin 1 89 W of stu$ents foun$ nothin oo$ in him
=oo-erative 1 18 W of the stu$ents foun$ him &oo-erative
Frien$liness 19 W foun$ him frien$ly #
(ests 0ere not sure about ho0 he is as they never a--roa&he$ him#
Question 1 "o you fin$ la&, of tour -lannin as a ma.or &onstrain L
*nalysis 1
/es 118 W of the stu$ents feel that there 0as no -roblem 0ith tour -lannin

Ko 1 88W of the stu$ents foun$ out that there 0as no tour -lannin
Question 1 Ahat ,in$ of -roblems $i$ u fa&e L

*nalysis 1 Problems fa&e$ by the stu$ents 0ere 1
a# Ko &oor$ination
b# Ko -ro-er infrastru&ture
& #"i$n<t serve the -ur-ose of in$ustrial visit
$ Tour o-erator ha$ no i$ea about in$ustries
e Ko -ro-er s&he$ule

f Aastae of time
Ko -ro-er se&urity
Question 1 Ahat is that one thin 0hi&h you 0oul$ li,e to see in su&h ty-e of tour L
*nalysis 1 stu$ents 0ante$ to see thins li,e 5 oo$ time manaement 5 better
&oor$ination5 5 better foo$5 hotel 5-lannin #
Question 1 "o you fin$ in$ustrial visit im-ortant -art of your &urri&ulum5 or .ust 0aste of
time ive reason L
*nalysis 1 Stu$ents feel that in$ustrial visit is not 0aste of time an$ it is im-ortant
as it ives them -ra&ti&al ,no0le$e5 &lear -i&ture about in$ustries an$ also
they et &han&e to refresh there min$#


Analy!i! (or mana"ement
1 #"o you thin, in$ustrial visit is im-ortant for stu$entsL
*nalysis1 Manaement thin,s that its im-ortant -art of the stu$ents &urri&ulum be&ause as it
ives them oo$ -ra&ti&al ,no0le$e about the in$ustries an$ its 0or,in#
2 "o you thin, stu$ents< orientation is im-ortant before in$ustrial visit L
*nalysis1 Manaement 0ants that stu$ents shoul$ be iven &lear i$ea about the visit
as it 0ill hel- in smooth &om-letion of the in$ustrial visit#
3#Ahat $o you e!-e&t from stu$ents $urin in$ustrial visitL
*nalysis1 Manaement 0ants stu$ents to be fle!ible so that they &an a$.ust to the situation
4#Ahat are your res-onsibilities in arranin tour L
*nalysis1 To ma,e sure that all the fa&ilities are -rovi$e$ to stu$ents#
8#Ahat 0as the reason behin$ sele&tin +oa as $estination
*nalysis1 +oa5 be&ause it ave better e!-osure in terms of in$ustries an$ also it ha$
an$ is also &ombination of re&reation 0ith business
9# Aas safety one of the &riteria 0ill arranin the tour
*nalysis1 Safety 0as most im-ortant be&ause .ourney shoul$ be safe an$ stu$ents
stu$ents shoul$ en.oy the .ourney
: Ahat -re&autionary measures $i$ you ta,e to avoi$ any $is&re-an&iesL
*nalysis1 =ommittees 0ere forme$ an$ insuran&e &over 0as ta,en by the travel o-erator
8# Ahy $i$ u sele&t the -arti&ular tour o-eratorL
*nalysis1 They ha$ oo$ tra&, re&or$#
9# Ahat $iffi&ulties $i$ you fa&e $urin arranementsL
*nalysis1 Shortae of time #
10# Ahi&h a&tivity $i$ you fin$ touhest to han$le in terms of arranementL
*nalysis1 Shortae of time an$ ettin stu$ents at one -la&e
11# Ahere you ha--y 0ith arranements $one by tour o-eratorL
*nalysis 1 Manaement 0as ha--y but felt that there 0as room im-rovement
The in$ustrial visit to +oa 0hi&h orani@e$ by &ollee 0as analy@e$ n -lenty of thins &ame
out of it if these thins are ta,en in to &onsi$erations5 ne!t in$ustrial visit 0ill be a far more
better as the analyses 0as $one on basis of stu$ents an$ the manaement*fter &on$u&tin the
survey an$ $is&ussin 0ith them I have &ome u- 0ith some re&ommen$ations#
First of all 0henever there is -lan to ta,e for the in$ustrial visit 5 the manaement must ta,e
&loser loo, at 0hi&h are the -la&es they &oul$ visit an$ shoul$ $is&uss about it 0ith the
stu$ents# Stu$ents shoul$ $is&uss the 0hole thin amon themselves an$ shoul$ ta,e a $e&ision
for that the event &ommittee of the &ollee shoul$ ta,e the initiative an$ shoul$ try an$ shoul$
a&t as a &hannel bet0een manaement an$ the stu$ents# The stu$ents vie0 an$ manaements
vie0 shoul$ not &lash about 0hi&h -la&e to visit 5 an$ also they shoul$ $e&i$e over 0hi&h
in$ustries to visit5 be&ause -la&e is not im-ortant it<s the in$ustries 0hi&h they visit is
im-ortant 5 be&ause at the en$ of the $ay learnin shoul$ ha--en 0hi&h is the main ob.e&tive of
su&h e!er&ises #
The in$ustrial visit shoul$ be at least for be&ause last tri- 0as too short an$ stu$ents lost
there most of the time in travelin so it shoul$ be ma$e sure that the travelin is $one $urin the
nih time an$ so that $ay time is use$ for the visitin in$ustries#
The travelin is the most im-ortant as-e&t of visit 0herein last visit stu$ents lost there most
of the time5 the s&he$ule of travelin 0as not very 0ell -lanne$# the first mista,e 0hi&h 0as
$one 0as travelin 0as of $ay both 0hile oin an$ &omin ba&, from +oa so it too, a lot of
time 0hi&h shoul$ have been utili@e$ for visitin some more in$ustries an$ also travelin in a
$ay is beat touh as most of the stu$ents 0ere e!hauste$ by travelin in $ay that too for 8 hours
at a stret&h5 an$ as it 0as $ay travelin they ha$ to seat an$ travel 0hi&h ma$e the .ourney far
more $iffi&ult# The first thin 0hi&h manaement shoul$ sort out 0ith tour o-erator is that he is
ma,in it sure that travelin s&he$ule is as -er stu$ents &omfort 5 be&ause if stu$ents are not
&omfortable $urin .ourney then the 0hole event is very e!haustive e!er&ise be&ause stu$ents
0ill s-en$ most of the time 0hile travelin so it shoul$ be 0ith &omfort #in survey most of the
stu$ents -referre$ train over any other means of trans-ort so it 0as oo$ that &ollee arrane$
for train as mo$e of trans-ort be&ause they feel train is mu&h more &omfortable an$ it 0as
mu&h more safer # Stu$ents 0ante$ that s&he$ule shoul$ be -ro-erly manae$ an$ 0ell
-lanne$ #it shoul$ be ma$e sure that stu$ents $on<t nee$ to &hane there &om-artments 0hile
travelin it be&omes to $iffi&ult to &arry there luae an$ &hane there -la&e#
The ne!t thin 0hi&h nee$ to be loo,e$ after is the time manaement in last visit there 0as
too mu&h of time manaement be&ause of 0hi&h stu$ents lost the o--ortunity to visit the
in$ustries for loner time #It 0ent 0ron riht from the moment everybo$y rea&he$ +oa 5 li,e
there 0ere no busses rea$y for the stu$ents to ta,e them to hotel an$ even insi$e the buss the
stu$ents ha$ to 0ait 0hi&h 0as really frustratin# *s travelin 0as $urin $ay time that $ay 0as
lost 0hi&h &oul$ have been use$ for other -ur-ose# *n$ even $urin other $ay 0hen stu$ents
0ere su--ose$ to o for visit there 0as 0astae of time an$ 0herein stu$ents an$ tour o-erator
en$e$ u- blamin ea&h other for the $elay # so stu$ents shoul$ be iven i$ea about the s&he$ule
an$ it shoul$ be stri&tly follo0e$ # an$ it shoul$ not ha--en that ne!t $ays s&he$ule is tol$ on
$ay -rior to it #
The hotel arranement $urin visit 0as oo$ enouh but most the -eo-le aain $issatisfie$
0ith the arranement thouh some stu$ents sai$ it 0as oo$ enouh5 but stu$ents sai$ that there
rooms 0ere not oo$ enouh an$ the foo$ es-e&ially 0as not at all oo$## Some stu$ents 0ho
-ure ve foun$ non ve stuff in there foo$ 0hi&h they foun$ very insultin 5 an$ also they 0ere
not ha--y 0ith taste of the foo$ 0hi&h 0as belo0 averae an$ they sai$ ea&h an$ every thin
taste$ the same an$ ha$ never taste$ su&h 0orst foo$# The hotel 0as situate$ in a remote area so
&ommutin from hotel to $ifferent -la&es use to &onsume time So the hotel 0hi&h is sele&te$
shoul$ be situate$ in a -la&e 0hi&h is easily a&&essible # an$ 0hi&h -rovi$es the basi& fa&ilities
of foo$ an$ 0ater on time as many stu$ents &om-laine$ that there 0as no 0ater in there rooms
an$ ha$ to 0ait for it for loner time# *n$ most im-ortant thin 0hi&h shoul$ be seen 0hile
sele&tin the hotel 0as 0hether they -rovi$e -oo-er se&urity as some stu$ents lost there
belonins for 0hi&h hotel $i$ not ta,e any res-onsibility# Su&h irres-onsible behavior is not at
all e!-e&te$ from the hotel manaement#
Site seein I also &onsi$ere$ by the stu$ents as im-ortant as-e&t as it is not the main
ob.e&tive# ?ut as stu$ents 0ant it 5 they shoul$ be ta,en for site seein but only after the
in$ustrial visit that too 0hen time -ermits as it 0ill hel- them to refresh themselves#
Stu$ents as I sueste$5 shoul$ be &onsulte$ before visit5 be&ause after the survey I ot to
,no0 that many stu$ents are rea$y to -ay more if they are -rovi$e$ 0ith oo$ travelin
arranements5 better seatin fa&ilities an$ better hotel arranement 0ith oo$ foo$#
The tour o-erator 0hi&h 0as been hire$ by he &ollee 0as not very 0ell a--re&iate$ by
stu$ents be&ause a&&or$in to them he 0as not at all -ro-erly orani@e$ 5 an$ 0as not
&ommuni&atin 0ell be&ause 0hi&h -eo-le 0ere &onfuse$ about s&he$ule5 an$ es-e&ially he
0as not oo$ in manain time 0hi&h 0as the main -roblem in 0hole of tour# *n$ also he
himself 0as not sure about the -la&e an$ in$ustries to visit #So &ollee manaement shoul$
ma,e sure that tour o-erator is the one 0ho has oo$ e!-erien&e an$ has thorouh ,no0le$e
about the -la&e to be visite$ #*n$ even as stu$ents are rea$y to -ay more for better fa&ilities
then that shoul$ be ta,en in to &onsi$eration an$ ne!t time a better tour o-erator shoul$ be
hire$ even thouh he &hares more but -rovi$es better servi&e#
Information forms an im-ortant -arty in any event5 same thins hol$ true over here but
unfortunately thee 0as 0hole lot of mis&ommuni&ation as information instea$ of lea$in the
stu$ents mislea$ them for e!am-le stu$ents ha$ no i$ea about 0hi&h station they are su--ose$
to et $o0n an$ be&ause of 0hi&h 0hen station arrive$ they 0ere still sittin in si$e the
&om-artments #*n$ then they ha$ to rush to et $o0n at the station# *n$ also they ha$ no i$ea
0hi&h -la&e they are visitin an$ some stu$ents 0ere too &onfuse$ about it# There shoul$ be
-ro-er $issemination of information 0herein stu$ents shoul$ be iven some res-onsibility so
that information is -asse$ on to ea&h an$ every stu$ent an$ they et e!a&t i$ea of the
-rorammer 0hi&h is s&he$ule$#
Stu$ents fin$ this e!er&ise of in$ustrial visit very im-ortant -art of &urri&ulum an$ loo,
for0ar$ to it an$ they felt that last visit $i$ not surve the -ur-ose of in$ustrial visit an$ they felt
that it &oul$ have been mu&h better# They feel that it is very im-ortant for them to ,no0 ho0
in$ustries 0or, an$ to et an real life e!-erien&e of the in$ustry# ;ven thouh 90W of stu$ents
foun$ site seein is im-ortant -art of visit but they feel it is se&on$ary to main ob.e&tive an$
feel it ives them &lear -i&ture of the in$ustries #
So follo0in -oints shoul$ be ta,en into &onsi$eration1
1# =onsult stu$ents as stu$ents are the a&tual benefi&iary of this tour an$ it shoul$ be $e&i$e$
0ith res-e&t to there li,es an$ $isli,es#
2# Tour o-erator must be effi&ient one &he&, if he is e!-erien&e$ or not#
3# *s stu$ents are rea$y to -ay as, them an$ ma,e arranements a&&or$inly
4# Ma,e -ro-er s&he$ule about the thins to be $one
8# Ma,e sure that s&he$ule is follo0e$
9# 7on $istan&e travelin shoul$ be $one $urin niht time as it be&omes to e!haustive an$
tirin $urin $aytime
:# Ma,e sure there is -ro-er $issemination of information or else it &reates &onfusion
8# +ive res-onsibility to stu$ents as 0ell
9# Sele&t a hotel 0hi&h is easily a&&essible as if it is in remote area it &onsumes lots of time in
10# =he&, out the hotel infrastru&ture an$ there foo$ es-e&ially as stu$ents are very tou&hy
about the foo$
11# Se&urity shoul$ be &he&,e$ as stu$ents miht loose there belonins#
12# Ma,e sure the -la&e visite$ ha$ ma!imum in$ustries
13# Ma,e sure ma!imum in$ustries are visite$ as it is main -ur-ose of visit#
14# +ive stu$ents e!a&t i$ea an$ -erfe&t s&he$ule about 0hi&h -la&es to visit
18# +ive res-onsibilities to &lass re-resentatives to -rovi$e 0ith the information to stu$ents
19# Pro-er time manaement so that there no 0astae of time
1:# there shoul$ be -ro-er &oor$ination bet0een tour o-erator 5 manaement an$ the &lass
18# * -ro-er ui$e 0ho has oo$ i$ea bout the -la&e to visit an$ has oo$ i$ea bout the
19# *n$ if time -ermits ta,e stu$ents out for site seein
Annual inter colle"e e,ent o( oriental in!titute o( mana"ement
Back "round :

Kova an inter &ollee event orani@e$ by OIM )ashi 0as hel$ in month of mar&h for the
first time in the history of oriental institute of manaement #Sin&e this 0as the first time su&h
ty-e of event at su&h a lare s&ale 0as hel$ it ha$ its o0n im-ortan&e 5 be&ause as &ollee is
ne0 &ollee it nee$ an imae to stan$ out an$ also it nee$s to be -romote$ in front of other
&ollees 5 so this event 0as seen as an manifestation of the same #*s there are many M?*
&ollees &omin u- so to fiht 0ith &om-etition an$ to stan$ $ifferent 5 this 0as seen as an
o--ortunity # The initiative 0as ta,en u- by the manaement of the &ollee# *n$ all the
a&tivities of the event fiht from the s&rat&h 0ere &arrie$ $o0n by the stu$ents#
The main ob.e&tive of su&h ty-e of event 0as to &reate an imae of the &ollee#
Aherein -eo-le from outsi$e &ollee 0ill re&oni@e the &ollee 0hi&h is a relatively ne0
&ollee# Ma,e this event a foun$ation stone on 0hi&h future events &an be hel$#
.hallen"e! :
Kova fa&e$ many &hallenes sin&e the i$ea of hol$in it too, -la&e# The first an$ fore most
&hallene 0as 0ith the bu$et as it<s a ne0 &ollee nobo$y ha$ any i$ea about the &ollee so
ettin s-onsor 0as bi $eal# So the team 0or,in on nova ha$ reat &hallene in ettin
s-onsors #*n$ ettin the team toether for &ommon -ur-ose 0as also $iffi&ult #It 0as a reat
&hallene for them to lay the foun$ation on 0hi&h &ollee 0ill hol$ future events5 so it 0as very
im-ortant for them to ma,e sure that event 0as reat su&&ess 5 so that ne!t year -eo-le 0ill
res-on$ to it # They not only ha$ &hallene to start it but also ha$ &hallene to &onvin&e other
&ollees to -arti&i-ate in an event 0hi&h 0as relatively ne0#

First of all -lan of event 0as .otte$ $o0n li,e 0hat 0ill be event an$ 0hat 0ill be the
name of the event an$ about $ifferent ty-es of events 0hi&h 0ill be hel$ un$er it #For ea&h an$
every sub event a team 0as &reate$ on 0hi&h the 0hole res-onsibility of the that -arti&ular
event 0as iven# Then these teams 0ere iven some time to &ome u- 0ith the i$eas about ho0
they 0ill &on$u&t the events# The name Kova 0as $e&i$e$ be&ause it means a risin star sin&e
this is ne0 &ollee so this name 0as &hosen# The various event 0hi&h 0ere $e&i$e$ for the
event 0ere li,e 1
)ision 2020 fossil fuel free In$ia %Pa-er -resentation'
Sho$h %eIuity resear&h -a-er -resentation'
M,atta %manaement ame'
Mar,etin mi$as
=ultural event
)ision 2020 fossil fuel free In$ia1
This 0as the flashi- event # This event 0as all about a -a-er -resentation in 0hi&h -arti&i-ants
ha$ to -resent on various 0ays throuh 0hi&h In$ia &an ensure sustainable $evelo-ment# For
this -arti&i-ants have to submit a business -lan# Ahi&h ha$ -ri@e money of aroun$ (s# 8000#It
ha$ a reistration fees of rs 100#
Mar,etin mi$as1
In this -arti&i-ants ha$ to laun&h a -ro$u&t an$ ma,in it a bran$# In 0hi&h t0o members for
ea&h team 0ere allo0e$# (eistration fees of (s 100 0as &hare$#
Sho$h 1
Its a eIuity resear&h -a-er &om-etition in 0hi&h -arti&i-ants have to ma,e -a-er -resentation
they have to &ome 0ith re-orts for &om-anies in various se&tors of the e&onomy# Ainner 0ill
et -ri@e money of rs 8000 # (eistration fee of rs100#
Qui@t &raft 1
It is a business Iui@ event # Ainner ets rs 8000# reistration fees rs 100
M ,atta 11
It in&lu$e$ various events li,e1
(ole--lay 5 a$ ma$5 man$avli5 mo&, sto&,5 ra$io .inle5 s,it 5 $-o0er
Pri@e 0as in &ash an$ ,in$5 reistration fee of rs 80#
Ke!t manaer1
6as various s-orts events li,e &hess5 table tennis5 &arom 5 an$ fa&e -aintin #
(eistration fee of aroun$ rs 80#
=ultural events
Ahi&h has events li,e $an&e an$ ram- #an$ 0as &on$u&te$ on last $ay of all event#
;a&h team han$le$ there o0n event an$ ha$ total res-onsibility for the same#
There 0as an event &oor$ination team 0hi&h 0as han$lin 0hi&h 0as han$lin all these events#
S:on!or!hi: team1
This 0as the most im-ortant team as this 0as the team# *s this is the first time su&h
ty-e of event 0ill be hel$ in ne0 &ollee so its is very $iffi&ult to et s-onsors as &ollee is
ne0 nobo$y ,ne0 it so -eo-le 0ere very s,e-ti&al about s-onsorin the event# Unli,e some ol$
&ollees li,e sy$enham 0ere the &ollee is very 0ell ,no0n by every one out si$e so they $on<t
have that mu&h of -roblem in ettin the s-onsors# *fter tryin there lu&, many a times an$
havin meetins 0ith various &om-anies# The s-onsorshi- team at last su&&ee$e$ in ettin
some s-onsors# ?ut the money 0hi&h they ot 0as 0ay to less 0ith res-e&t to taret they ha$#
?ut never the less as a starter they su&&ee$e$ in ettin some amount# The s-onsorers 0ere
*!is ban, 5 ;$el0eiss5 &rom-ton reaves 5?usssiness stan$ar$ 5bi 92#: 5-aal uy#et&#
)romotional team and :romotional acti,itie!:
*fter ettin the s-onsorshi- this team ha$ to -ull u- there so&,s an$ ha$ to 0or,
har$ to ma,e sure that -eo-le are a0are of this event # These teams visite$ ma!imum &ollees
in Mumbai riht from &ollees in vashi to &ollees in 0estern si$e# They $istribute$ bro&hures
in these &ollees an$ tal,e$ 0ith stu$ents in $ifferent &ollees#For -romotion -ur-ose a
bro&hure 0as ma$e 0hi&h ave full i$ea about the event to be hel$ 0ith numbers of the event
hea$s #*n$ also -ostures 0ere iven in various &ollees so that it &an be -ut on noti&e boar$s
of the &ollees # *$vertisement in the business stan$ar$ 0as also iven #Me$ia use$ 0as mostly
mouth to mouth -ubli&ity an$ -ostures #
+,ent coordinator team1
This team 0or,e$ alon 0ith all other team an$ &oor$inate$ bet0een them an$ ma$e sure
that all the teams 0ere 0or,in on there res-e&tive teams# They 0ere a lin, bet0een various
teams # This team 0as also res-onsible for the loisti& as-e&t of the event riht from -i&,in u-
the uest to $ro--in him# They ha$ to loo, at various as-e&ts li,e buil$in a stae for
-erforman&e an$ ettin "V for the &ultural event#
Analy!i! o( the e,ent:
;vent as it 0as the first time hel$ 0as reat thin to start be&ause some 0here $o0n the line
they ha$ to start the event # The event 0hi&h 0as su--ose$ to be too, -la&e in Se-tember too,
-la&e very late in Mar&h as there 0ere no s-onsors &omin u- an$ they ha$ no money to start
the event # The event 0as very 0ell $esine$ but it ha$ its o0n fla0s# The event 0as mainly
&entrali@e$ bet0een only t0o -eo-le 0here in they too, all the $e&isions about the event an$
ha$ behave$ very auto&rati&ally be&ause of 0hi&h many -eo-le lost there interest an$ ave u-
the event # there 0as no &oor$ination bet0een the -eo-le 0ho 0ere 0or,in on the $ifferent
teams as they themselves ha$ no i$ea about the 0hat other teams are $oin # event manaement
team $i$ not bother to $isseminate the information to the other stu$ents 0ho 0ere not -art of
the event team5 be&ause of 0hi&h loa$s of &onfusion 0as &reate$# Stu$ents in &ollee 0ere not
at all sure about 0hether Kova 0ill ta,e -la&e or not## There 0as no -ro-er &ommuni&ation an$
-ro-er $issemination of the information# Ahen $e&ision to ta,e su&h a event 0as ta,en the
teams 0hi&h 0ere forme$ at that time 0ere $ifferent 5 an$ 0hen the nova too, -la&e the teams
0here totally $ifferent 0ith $ifferent members in it# This 0as -rime reason for the event to be
not so su&&essful#
The $e&ision ma,in 0as al0ays in the han$s of fe0 -eo-le 0ho never bothere$ about others
an$ there vie0s 5 this event 0as reat o--ortunity for stu$ents to &ome toether an$ ma,e it
ha--en # There 0as no $eleation of authority to other stu$ents5 so that they &an ta,e $e&isions
an$ im-lement there thouhts#
The teams 0or,in on the various sub events ma$e a oo$ &ontribution# ?ut the ma.or
-roblem o&&urre$ 0as that there 0as no res-onse for some events 0hi&h too, -la&e # That
means -romotional team thouh visite$ many &ollees 0ere not able to -romote the event
The bro&hure 0as very ni&ely $esine$ but it 0as not lamorous enouh to ma,e it loo,
outstan$in but &onsi$erin the tiht bu$et I feel it 0as an reat effort#
The names of the some events li,e m,atta an$ ne!t maner are &onfusin an$ 0ere not servin
the -ur-ose# In m,atta there 0ere various event li,e 6at,e 5a$ ma$5 role -lay 5(a$io .inle but
these event e!&e-t for a$ ma$ an$ mo&, sto&, ha$ no res-onse 5 that means -eo-le 0ere not
able to re&oni@e 0ith the name # *n$ also events li,e ne!t manaer 5 the name of this event
$e-i&ts that its about some manaement relate$ ame 0herein ne!t manaer 0ill be foun$ #?ut
this event 0as a s-ort event 0here $ifferent events li,e &arrom an$ table tennis too, -la&e5
some s-ort events li,e &hess $i$ not ta,e -la&e at all#

-he +,ent
The event $ay o&&urre$ but there 0as no &ro0$ for the event5 many in-house stu$ents 0ere
missin5 &ollee loo,e$ very mu&h em-ty 0hi&h 0as ba$ im-ression from the outsi$ers -oint of
vie0# *n$ also one of the event ha$ no -arti&i-ants e!&e-t for one team 5 &ollee shoul$ have
ma$e sure at least there 0as some other team to &om-ete 0ith that team5 the -ur-ose of the
event is lost 0hen there is no &om-etitors5 this sho0s that the -romotional team 0as not u-to
the mar, #
Same thin ha--ene$ 0ith various events li,e Iui@ 0here only in house stu$ents -arti&i-ate$
an$ they ha$ no &om-etitors from outsi$e# There 0as no infrastru&ture for the -arti&i-ants
&omin from outsi$e 5 as some stu$ents from outsi$e 0here seen loo,in for basi& thins li,e
0ater for 0hi&h they ha$ to travel all the 0ay to &anteen #
The events li,e mo&, sto&, an$ a$ma$ ot res-onse as su&h ,in$ off events are seen in most of
the &ollees an$ stu$ents un$erstan$ them -retty easily# So res-onse to them 0as oo$ enouh
an$ this event 0ere &on$u&te$ very ni&ely # ?ut events li,e Iui@ 0here in only in house stu$ents
-arti&i-ate$ 0as not at all -lanne$ 0ell# It ha$ various roun$s but hey 0ere not -ro-erly
$esine$# Some -arti&i-ants ot unfair a$vantae of su&h ba$ -lannin# ?ut at the en$ of the
sho0 a tie o&&urre$ but the event team ha$ no i$ea that su&h ,in$ off stuff &an ha--en an$
0ere not rea$y for it so they $e&i$e$ that tie brea,er 0ill be hel$ on ne!t $ay $urin &ultural
event 0hi&h $is-laye$ there la&, of vision an$ they ha$ no &ontinen&y -lannin# The host ha$
no i$ea about the rules of the ame5 the &ro0$ 0as not at all 0ell manae$#
=ultural event 0as the event 0hi&h 0as very mu&h a0aite$ but same thin ha--ene$ 0ith the
event only one team -arti&i-ate$ from outsi$e &ollee an$ all others 0ere &ollee -arti&i-ants#
Su&h ty-e of event nee$s host 0ho ,no0s 0hi&h events are oin to ha--en an$ they shoul$
,no0 ho0 to hol$ on to &ro0$# ?ut 0hole event 0as very shabbily han$le$ 0here in
-arti&i-ants 0ere not a0are 0hen is there turn oin to be# Th ere 0as too mu&h of -ause in
bet0een the sho0 as -arti&i-ants 0ere not rea$y 0ith there -erforman&e# There 0ere no fillers
0hi&h &an enae the &ro0$ an$ also host ha$ no i$ea about the -lan of the event# This event
en$e$ u- 0ith -ri@e $istribution but the host ha$ no i$ea 0hom to &all for the -ri@e # The
tro-hies an$ &ertifi&ates 0ere no rea$y 0hi&h &reate$ mu&h of the $elay #Parti&i-ants from
outsi$e 0here not ha--y as they rea&te$ that there 0as no &oor$ination even thouh they 0on
-ri&e they $i$ not et it in there han$ #Some -eo-le 0ho ha$ not -arti&i-ate$ there name 0as
ta,en as 0inners 0hi&h 0as the -hysi&al evi$en&e of la&, of &oor$ination#

"evelo-in the event &on&e-t#
Ney ste-s 1 It is im-ortant 0hen stain an event to be &lear about A6/ the event is bein
Ahat is this event forL
Ahen an$ 0here it 0ill be hel$L
6o0 it 0ill benefit -arti&i-antsL
Ahat &oul$ be barriersL
*ll this Iuestions are basi& Iuestions but 0hile hol$in the event li,e Kova there 0as -roblem
0ith this basi& Iuestions be&ause first the time of event ot $elaye$ an$ it ot $elaye$ by more
than 8 months# *n$ there 0as no thouht iven to barriers it miht fa&e $urin the event as
many events 0ent hay 0ire 0ith hosts oofin u- $urin the event#
2etermine the (ea!ibility o( the e,ent
Ney Iuestions to as, are1

Ahat -hysi&al resour&es are available %fa&ilities an$ eIui-ment'
or a&&essible to su--ort the eventL
Ahat are the &osts %time5 -ersonnel5 money'L
6o0 &an any -otential barriers be over&omeL
Is there suffi&ient time for -lannin L

Ahile the event 0as on -arti&i-ants 0here not ha--y 0ith the basi& fa&ilities for e# they $i$
not et 0ater an$ even &om-laine$ about other fa&ilities an$ sai$ that there is la&, of
&oor$ination #the time 0as not at all manae$ the events 0ere runnin late #Plannin of event
0as bi -roblem 0ith everyone oin 0ith the flo0 an$ ta,in $e&isions ha- ha@ar$ly 0hi&h
-rove$ ba$ for the event #
+,ent :lannin" and :re:aration
ItCs a oo$ i$ea to establish a formal event &ommittee &onsistin of &ommitte$ members 0ho
are &lear about their s,ills an$ 0hat they are -re - a re$ to &ontribute# One -erson shoul$ lea$
the -ro . e & t as the ;vent =oor$inator# *s early as -ossible5 outline the res-onsibilities of ea&h
member-their tas,s5 $ea$lines5 relian&e on other members for su--ort an$ any inter$e-en$en&y
of tas,s#
Ahen $e&ision of &on$u&tin the event 0as ta,en the teams 0hi&h 0ere forme$ earlier 0ere
not to be seen aain an$ there 0as &hane in members of team an$ infa&t teams &hane$
&om-letely 0ith only t0o members remainin form the earlier team# Set realisti& $ates5 times5
Identi(y -a!k! and Re!:on!ibilitie!
Main tas,s for the event must be i$entifie$5 an$ in$ivi$uals in the event &ommittee a--ointe$
aainst ea&h tas,# Su&h tas,s in&lu$e &aterin5 &om-etition5 fa&ilities an$ eIui-ment5 finan&e5
mar,etin an$ &ommuni&ations5 -ro r a m s E re s u l t s E a 0ar$s5 se&urity5 su--ort servi&es5
trans-ort5 s-onsorshi- relations an$ volunteers#

)re:are a blue :rint
It may be useful to -re-are a blue-rint 0hi&h outlines your -ro.e&t timelines an$ the -eo-le
res-onsible for tas,s# This 0ill hel- ,ee- tra&, of your -roress#
Proress of the event 0as not tra&,e$ as event 0as hel$ 0ay out of its $ea$ line an$ many of
the teams 0here not rea$y 0ith the -lan on the time this 0as very mu&h evi$ently seen $urin
the Iui@ event 0ere the -lan of a&tion 0as seen absolutely missin# Su&h &harts 0ill ive you
e!a&t i$ea about 0hat ea&h an$ every team is $oin# *n$ there -roress &an be tra&,e$ $o0n #
+,ent Marketin" )lan
Su&&essful mar,etin of the event 0ill ta,e into a&&ount your event ob.e&tives %to raise
a0areness of a &ause' an$ your taret au$ien&e %their habits5 the me$ia they 0at&h or listen to5
Publi&ity of the event shoul$ be $one very viorously 0ith stu$ents &onta&tin the main
-eo-le in other &ollees li,e stu$ents eneral se&retary or the -rofessors # un&onventional
me$ia li,e internet &an be use$ for -romotion 5 so&ial net0or,in sites are use$ very mu&h by
the stu$ents even this &an be use$ for &reatin a0areness about the event#
Monitor e,ent :ro"re!!
The ;vent =oor$inators role is to monitor the teams -roress aainst milestones an$ ensure
the event runs smoothly# (eular meetin $ates for -roress re-orts are a$visable5 to ,ee-
members feelin &onne&te$ 0ith ea&h other5 re-ort on -roress or -roblems5 an$ ma- out ne!t
ste-s for the -ro.e&t an$ a$$ress &ontinen&ies#
+,ent deli,ery
;vent $elivery $ay reIuires a &lear un$erstan$in at the event of ea&h member<s
res-onsibilities# It<s oo$ to have ba&, u- -lans in &ase of &hanes * s&ri-t sheet for the $ay
$istribute$ to all involve$ is an e!&ellent ui$e for a smooth event# It also -rovi$es &onte!t for
an in$ivi$uals tas,s# Information on this s&he$ule shoul$ in&lu$e -erson5 tas,5 timin5 those
involve$5 lo&ation an$ &onta&t information to rea&h the relevant -eo-le#*ll a&tivities5 no matter
ho0 small5 shoul$ be in&lu$e$ in the s&ri-t %reetins at the $oor5 set mi&ro-hone u- an$ test5
-resent ifts'# Throuhout the -lannin an$ event $elivery staes5 it is im-ortant to ,ee- re&or$s
of all a&tivities5 -romotional material5 me$ia &overae5 transa&tions an$ s-onsorshi-
)o!t e,ent
*lthouh the event is over5 a number of 0ra- u- tas,s still nee$ to be $one# These in&lu$e1
Obtain fee$ba&, from -arti&i-ants#
Than, an$ re&oni@e all involve$ in the event in&lu$in volunteers5 s-onsors5
Me$ia an$ -arti&i-ant
Sen$ out event re-orts to all s-onsors an$ ,ey orani@ations
;nsure re&or$s are ,e-t in a &entral -la&e for runnin the event in the future

-R'0B<+ S)'-S
Kot maintainin a&&urate 0ritten re&or$s#
Kot monitorin -roress &losely
*llo0in insuffi&ient -lannin time
Failin to &ommuni&ate an$ &oor$inate fully 0ith &ommittee members
Insuffi&ient staff
Ko &ontinen&y -lans
Proram runnin over time
7a&, of hos-itality for -arti&i-ants
7a&, of &olour or lamour#
Team members not havin suffi&ient ,no0le$e
Ko $e&entrali@ation of authority
;vent manaement is a lamorous an$ e!&itin -rofession 0hi&h $eman$s a lot of har$ 0or,
an$ $ynamism# *s the name suests5 it means &on&e-tuali@in5 -lannin5 orani@in an$
finally e!e&utin an event# The event &oul$ be of any ty-e - musi&al sho05 &on&ert5 e!hibition5
-ro$u&t laun&hin et&# This in$ustry is .ust eiht years ol$ in In$ia5 but hol$s a lot of -romise
for e!-ansion# It offers enormous s&o-e for ambitious youn -eo-le#
;vent manaement is the -lannin an$ im-lementation of events5 lare an$ small that meet the
mar,etin oals of an orani@ation# ;vent manaement is an area that is ro0in ra-i$ly5 an$ is
e!-e&te$ to have a better ro0th rate in the ne!t $e&a$e# Ty-i&al events orani@e$ by
-rofessional event manaers in&lu$e -ro$u&t laun&hes5 -arties5 s-onsore$ events5 s-ortin
events5 &om-etitions5 &on&erts an$ festivals5 fun$raisers5 tra$e sho0s5 &or-orate o-en $ays5
seminars an$ tours#


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