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Sample Letter Requesting Grant Budget Revision

The grant agreement includes provisions for budget changes, some of which require
advance approval from the Wabash Center. Advance approval is required on any changes
over $5 or !" of individual line item amounts. #$ee %rant Agreement Article &&,
%eneral Conditions, '5 on page (.)
RE: Grant No. WC 1234 567
Dear Dr. Nadine Pence:
Now that we are severa !onths into the "ro#ect that is $ein% s&""orted $' the a$ove
re(erenced Wa$ash Center %rant) it is $eco!in% a""arent that the $&d%et) as a""roved $'
the Wa$ash Center) needs so!e si%ht ad#&st!ents in order to !eet so!e o( the e!er%in%
!odi(ications in o&r wor*. + have encosed a (or!a re,&est (or $&d%et revision and wish
now to e-"ain o&r rationae (or re,&estin% these ad#&st!ents.
As the proposal stated, it has been necessary to engage the services of a *+esearch
Assistant, to provide some of the bac-.up assistance for this pro/ect. 0owever, we have
now found that less of this person1s time is required than was originally envisioned.
2eanwhile, several unforeseen e3penses have emerged that were not anticipated when
the proposal was submitted. The funds reali4ed by reduction in the +esearch Assistant1s
time will cover these new e3penses.
.s 'o& wi see (ro! o&r (or!a re,&est) we are as*in% that $!,565 $e ded&cted (ro! the
+esearch Assistant budget line and an e,&a a!o&nt reaocated (or other "&r"oses. /he
!ost e-"ensive need is (or an additional laptop computer for the pro/ect and we are
requesting an additional $5, for that purpose. +n addition) we have (o&nd that we
&nder0$&d%eted various supplies and other administrative costs during the course of the
pro/ect. 1ina') recent increases in airfares have ed &s to $eieve that we wi need to
aocate !ore (&nds $oth for pro/ect travel costs and for consultant e3penses. . o( these
ad#&st!ents are isted on the encosed 2re,&est (or $&d%et revision.3
/han* 'o& (or 'o&r *ind attention to this re,&est. +( 'o& have an' ,&estions) "ease do
not hesitate to contact !e.
Revised 11716718

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