Welcome Letter

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Welcome Letter

Dear Mr Atul Mittal

Greetings from Nexgen!
Congratulations and welcome to our organisation. We are delighted you are going to
join our organization as Senior xecuti!e " Accounts # Admin
$nstitute of Com%uter and &inance xecuti!es '$C&e( is the flagshi% )rand of Nexgen
dusolutions *ri!ate +imited, $C&e esta)lished in -../, We ha!e &ranchisee Centers
across North $ndia 0 in Delhi # NC1 region and the states of 2aryana3 2imachal
*radesh3 *unja)3 4ttar *radesh3 5ihar and 4ttara6hand, 7he Com%any committed in
*ro!iding 8uality training and education in the fields of Accounting3 $nsurance3 5an6ing
and &inancial Ser!ices Sector,
$t is the resol!e of the new team at the helm of affairs of $C&e to ma6e $C&e a World
Class $nstitution which will set )enchmar6s in the education and training of %eo%le in
the fields of Accounting3 5an6ing3 $nsurance and &inancial Ser!ices, 7o achie!e this3
the com%any has associated itself with glo)ally renowned institutions,
9our role is critical in fulfilling the mission of our organization, We ha!e selected you
out of many as%iring candidate with a great ex%ectation and we ha!e faith that you
can deli!er the :uality which dri!en towards our goal of ma6ing $C&e the first choice
among consumers of our arena,
&eel free to as6 your su%erior3 su)0ordinate3 what you need to accom%lish your new
res%onsi)ilities, 9ou will need to refer often to the written information you will
recei!e, 7he following are some of the concerned %erson;s name and extension
num)er< you can coordinate them for any assistance,
Name of the *erson *ro)lem 1elating to xtension No=Cell No,
Ms, *ooja >aid 21 -?@=
Mr, Mahender Singh Accounts -A?=
Ms, Shi!ani Narang Administration -?B=
We ho%e you will ha!e a great time in our com%any and we wish all the !ery )est and
you may achie!e all those %rofessional goals=achie!ements in our organisation3 which
you always wish for,
$n Antici%ation
7han6ing you3

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