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Evaluation Criteria Rubric

Peer Review

Student Paper to be reviewed (title and author): An Inspirational Story of Triumph Over the Cyberbully, by Sean
Name of Reviewer: Mark Houston

1. Strong, discernable thesis appropriate for assignment. (Whether the thesis is implicit or explicit, is the deeper
meaning of the paper clear? Is the essay taking a fresh stance?)
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: Your thesis is very clear throughout the interview. Your background information and all of the
questions and responses support your main idea, and you stay focused throughout the interview.

2. Development of the thesis throughout the essay. (Does everything either directly or indirectly relate back to the
thesis statement?
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: You have worked hard to support and develop your thesis, from background research, to very deep
and unique questions and responses, and each of these aspects really strengthen your thesis.

3. If the assignment calls for it, author gives adequate attention to counterargument(s)/alternative perspectives
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: You cover a wide variety of information in this interview, but it is hard to answer this specifically
because I feel like your topic doesn't really call for a counter argument.

4. Organization is logical and supports development of main ideas
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: You have done a fantastic job with your organization. The layout of your interview is what caught
my eye to begin with, and it made your project exciting. Along with this, your progression through questions and
responses is very logical, and really helps to support your thesis.

5. Transitions are integrated to promote an overall piece that flows (that coheres)
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: This interview flows very naturally. Along with the questions and answers, the way you have
organized your project makes everything very easy to follow. The introduction and the factual information really
help to set the scene for the interview before it even begins, which really helps to lock your audience in.

6. Style is appropriate in tone and clarity of expression. Concise but thorough style. Avoids redundancy (in ideas,
syntax, diction, etc.). Is appropriately suited for your audience.
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: I think your narrative style is perfect for a sensitive topic like this one. It allows your audience to get
a better idea of how horrible this truly is, and adds a much more personal feel to the interview, as we know the
feelings and emotions that you had while you conducted the interview.

7. Conclusion is not just a summary, rather your ideas are synthesized. (Are you answering the So what? of your
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: The organization of your project is unique, which makes it a bit hard to judge the conclusion
specifically. The entire project really establishes the "So what" of your topic, but your conclusion really solidifies

8. Mechanics and usage (i.e., sentence-level or grammatical issues) and document design principles at least meet
minimum-level standards for college-level work.
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: This project was extremely well written, and I did not spot any grammatical errors.

9. Sources, if you have any, are accurately cited (whether quoted or paraphrased) using appropriate citations (MLA
format for academic paper). You have a Works Cited and it is properly formatted.
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations
Comments: I saw that you had cited the website which gave you your factual information, but it wasn't cited in
MLA format, and there wasn't a works cited page included. I'm not sure how you would include one since this
project is a bit different, but you might be able to cite your source in MLA format rather than listing the website.

10. In accordance with the English Composition Learning Outcomes, the students work demonstrates process-based
writing techniques that contribute to the evolution of their critical skills as well as the overall success of the final
product (peer review, brainstorming, drafting, revising, discussion, rewriting, editing).
Not Passing----------------Low Passing-----------------Passing----------------High Passing---------------Exceeds Expectations

Comments: Outstanding job on your project Sean! I was blown away by the depth of your interview, as well as
your organization, background research, and overall effort. Your thesis was strong, and you did a fantastic job
supporting it with your interview and your research.

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