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UPSC Released DAF for Combined Medical

Services Examination 2014

S!!ested Readin!s" Combined Medical Services Examination, Combined Medical Services Exam
Updates, Exam es!lts, U"SC #oti$ication, U"SC es!lt, U"SC
Union "!blic Service Commission %U"SC& 'as declared t'e dates to $ill !p t'e (etailed )pplication
*orm %()*& $or t'ose candidates +'o 'ave ,!ali$ied t'e Combined Medical Services Examination
%CMS& 'eld in J!ne 2014- Selected candidates can $ill !p t'e $orm $rom 2. J!l/ till 00 )!1!st 2014-
2'e $orm +ill be available on t'e o$$icial site o$ t'e commission 'ttp344+++-!psc-1ov-in s'ortl/-
Candidates are s!11ested to ta5e o!t t'e print o!t o$ t'e ()* and s!bmit it to t'e Under Secretar#
$CMS%& Union Pblic Service Commission& D'ol(r )ose& S'a'*a'an Road& +e, Del'i-
1100./ be$ore 11 )!1!st 2014- 2'e dates o$ intervie+ $or t'ose candidates +'o 'ave passed t'e
"ersonalit/ 2est are sc'ed!led to commence $rom 26 )!1!st 2014-
*ill (etailed )pplication *orm $or CMS Exam 2014

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