Mike Chadwick Presents The Saturday Night Experience

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Mike Chadwick presents The Saturday Night Experience

Mike Chadwick presents The Saturday Night Experience from 10pm on Saturday, as
well as the eading Edge on Sunday at 10pm!
The Saturday Night Experience is a couple of hours of the greatest in nu "a##, $roken
$eat, neo soul, funk, rare groo%e! &hile 'eally (d%anced plays the most $eneficial in
contemporary "a## co%ering a num$er of styles, it)s a fascinating tour of current and
upcoming releases worldwide of "a##!
Mike)s entire life re%ol%es around music! &hen he)s not presenting his shows on *a##
+M, he explains he likes to ,$uy music, listen to music, watch music, talk a$out music,
find out a$out music! ! ! - $elie%e - need to ha%e a look at other life options!. &hen asked
what he considers the highest al$um of all time he replies ,how can a person who has
de%oted his life inside the pursuit of musical perfection narrow this down to one al$um/ .
( genuine music enthusiast indeed!
Mike plays the freshest new "a## in the week around the eading Edge including tunes
from ighthouse featuring 0wilym Simcock, 1i"ay -yer, +unky 2nuckles and +ly
featuring Mark Turner! The show was originally $roadcast on *a## +M on Sunday 33nd
(pril 3013!
Mike Chadwick is $rilliant ne%ertheless i afraid to say -4%e neglected him o%er time and
-4m uncertain why while he did really interesting and great selections dropping e%erything
from east 0erman nu "a## for the ECM la$el plus some 5at Methany side pro"ect of "ams
to a few hunched $acked sticky fingered go$lin pumping out "a## chords on his
$araphone flute fli##ler!
6e4s "ust like the *a## *ohn 5eel and ought to $e considered a house hold name! - ha%e a
couple of cassettes of his eading Edge show from during the late 704s which must $e
digiti#ed some day! 0reat to learn he4s still going strong on *a##fm! Thanks Steph!

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