Mike Chadwick Presents The Saturday Night Experience From 10pm On Saturday

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Mike Chadwick presents The Saturday Night Experience from 10pm on

Saturday, in addition to the Leading Edge on Sunday at 10pm

The Saturday Night Experience is 2 hours of the most effective in nu jazz, broken beat,
neo soul, funk, rare groove !hile "nnovative plays the most beneficial in contemporary
jazz covering various styles, it#s a fascinating tour of current and upcoming releases on
earth of jazz

$ike#s %hole life revolves around music !hen he#s not presenting his sho%s on &azz
'$, he explains that he or she %ants to (buy music, pay attention to music, %atch music,
focus on music, learn about music " do believe " have to have a look at other life
options) !hen asked %hat he considers the greatest album of all time he replies (ho%
can anyone %ho has devoted his life inside the search for musical perfection narro% this
do%n to one album* ) +n authentic music enthusiast indeed
$ike plays the freshest ne% jazz this %eek on The ,utting Edge including tunes from
-ighthouse featuring .%ilym Simcock, /ijay "yer, 'unky 0nuckles and 'ly featuring
$ark Turner The sho% %as originally broadcast on &azz '$ on Sunday 22nd +pril 2122
$ike ,had%ick is brilliant but " afraid to state "3ve neglected him through the years and
"3m unclear %hy %hile he did really interesting and great selections dropping everything
from east .erman nu jazz for the E,$ label plus some 4at $ethany side project of jams
to many hunched backed sticky fingered goblin pumping out jazz chords on his
baraphone flute flizzler
5e3s just like the &azz &ohn 4eel and ought to be a house hold name !e have a number of
cassettes of his 6eally +dvanced sho% from during the late 713s %hich must be digitized
2 day .reat to hear he3s still going strong on &azzfm Thanks Steph

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