Idea Challenge Guidelines

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Idea Challenge Guidelines

Registraton for the global idea campaign is now open.

Bellwether Insttute will accept the frst 1,000 signifcant sustainable ideas that will reduce or eliminate
greenhouse gas emissions throughout the global Consumer Products Group Supply Chain or Supply
Chain Partners !he submission deadline is "0 #ugust $01%
Partcipants can be indi&iduals, teams or small businesses and submissions can address topics such as'
Consumer Beha&ior
Consumer (emand Planning
Consumer )ngagement
(ata Inno&aton
(emand Planning
(istributon *anagement Practces
In+ormaton !echnology Inno&aton
In&entory *anagement Strategies
,and -se Practces
,ogistcs *anagement
.ew Product / Co0Creaton
1rgani2atonal (esign
Procurement Strategies
Product (esign Strategies
3etail *anagement
Soil )rosion Strategies
Supplier (e&elopment
Supply *anagement Practces
!ransportaton Practces
-ser0Centric Product (esign
Partcipants who meet the eligibility re4uirements will recei&e notce no later than September 5, $01%
regarding their ad&ancement to the fnal round o+ competton
#s many as f&e winners will recei&e up to -S( 6$7000 as an incent&e +or the most practcal idea target
to reduce consumer products group supply chain greenhouse gas emissions #ll partcipants or teams are
in&ited to 8oin a support networ9 o+ concerned cit2ens who are +ocused on impro&ing air, water and land
use 4uality
Submission Open: Now
Submission Closes: 30 August 0!"
#inalists Announced: !$ September 0!"
%inners Announced: 30 September 0!"
Submissions can be in the +orm o+ &ideo or wri:en case studies using *icroso; Power Point <ideo case
studies can be produced in Chinese =Simple>, ?ilipino, Indonesian, Spanish, ?rench and )nglish but
)nglish subttles are re4uired +or non0)nglish &ideos <ideos must be +ree o+ &iruses, adware and
malware and must not e@ceed " minutes and 7A seconds Bri:en case studies must be in power point
+ormat, Calibri 1$ or higher
Submissions will not be returned

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