Individual Assignment - Marketing Management

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Individual Assignment- Marketing Management CZBK 9001 Page 1

Individual Assignment- Marketing Management CZBK9001

August 2014
The Tender-steps Ware House
The Tender-steps Warehouse is a hypothetical start-up company of yours which will provide full-service
child care/development facility that cares for toddlers from age three to five. The Tender-steps
Warehouse will be concentrating on the upper end of the market, two income professional parents.
These personally ambitious parents are typically eager in terms of their children's development and are
willing to pay to havetheir children attend the best facilities.
Through specialized training of the support staff and innovative learning systems, The Tender-steps
Warehouse will be cutting edge in terms of child development. This curriculum, coupled with a custom
designed facility and a low teacher/student ratio will ensure a top-shelf service for the children and the
The Tender-steps Warehouse aiming to become profitable by month 11, and has projected $43,000 as the
revenue for year three.
Your Tasks:
You are to produce a 5 Year Marketing Plan for your business (The Tender-steps Warehouse). Your
Marketing Plan must cover the following points:
Sr. No. Topic Marks Allocated
1. Executive Summary 10
2. Table of Content 2
3. Situation Analysis 3
Market Summary
Market Analysis
Market Needs
Individual Assignment- Marketing Management CZBK 9001 Page 2
Market Trends
Market Growth
SWOT Analyses
5. Service Offering 5
6. Key to Success 5
7. Critical Issues 5
Marketing Strategy
Strategic Alliance
Marketing Objectives
Financial Objectives
Target Market
Other Strategies
Marketing Mix
Marketing Research
9. Financial, Budgets & Forecasts 15
10. Contingency Planning 2
11. Implementation & Control 3
12. APA Style Referencing 10

Last date of Submission: Week 7
(Sept. 4
, 2014)
Font: Times New Roman, 12. Margin: 1.5, Line Spacing: 1.5
Weighting: 30 %

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