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Activity: Public Speech

Group activity: members of the group collectively decide and select speeches from the
given list. A speech category must not be repeated in a group. The group leader will submit
in writing the group members names, roll numbers and the speech they will prepare to the
instructor (Dr Sajida Zaki) and get approval by placing it in their Group Portfolios[Deadline
24 January 2013]. This activity contributes to your sessional marks
Each individual will then download the oral (You Tube) and the written version of the
chosen speech using internet. A copy of the speech should also be placed in the individual
BCE files. Each individual will, then, practice delivering the speech with the right:
Pronunciation and intonation, pauses and stresses, volume and pace by listening to the
speaker delivering the speech and trying to copy the style but not the accent

It is obvious that a students has to memorize the speech and then practice delivering it as a
piece of oratory

Each individual: after sufficient practice/rehearsals will audio/video record their speeches
and pass on to the Group Leader.[Deadline 30 January 2013]

Group Leaders: will receive the individual audio/video recordings from each group member
and will copy these [including theirs] on a CD and submit with course Instructor[Deadline 31
January 2013]

Speech Categories: Select the most famous/notable speech of the
individuals/situations listed below
1. Quaid- e- Azam
2. Liaquat Ali Khan
3. Martin Luther King ( I have a Dream)
4. J. F. Kennedy ( related with humanity, democracy, science, peace)
5. Muhammad Ali [Boxer]
6. Bill Gates (graduation speech at the university)
7. Steve Jobs ((graduation speech at the university)
8. Oprah Winfrey (speech after receiving the award)
9. Dianas funeral speech by his brother
10. A notable scientists speech on receiving Nobel Prize or some other global distinction
11. A Nobel Laureate speech [ Environmentalist, social worker, individual notable for
humanitarian cause , world peace, literature or academics]
N.B. The speech categories for which an audio or video clip is not available, the individual
will make necessary practice and rehearsal stage efforts to ensure proper preparation.

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