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Cover letter

Respected Sir/ Maam,
I am looking for a long term commitment to a dignifed frm were I
e!pect a position of Mecanical "ngineer to serve te Mecanical Ind#str$ to
m$ %est of potential&
I ave completed m$ 'acelors of "ngineering in Mecanical 'ranc
from 'opal& M$ interests are eaded towards Design, Optimization,
Prototyping and Manufacturing for Industrial Machines. I am c#rrentl$
olding an e!perience of (&) $ears total&
I ave completed Mecanical Software Co#rses, vi*+ , AutoCAD 2D,
AutoCAD 3D and CATIA V5. I ave %een contin#o#sl$ #tili*ing tese
softwares d#ring all m$ -o%s& I ave %een working wit companies detailed
as #nder+,
I worked wit REMI Group, Instrumentation Division at Vasai
(THAE!& I was responsi%le for Design, .ptimi*ation and /rotot$ping of
vario#s small and medi#m si*ed macines wit e!isting design& I -oined ere
on 0#ne (121 till 0#ne (12(&
Recentl$, I was working wit "EAD Consu#tan$% and En&ineerin&
'ervi$es, from 0#l$ (12( to 3ov& (12( and was working as 4reen Cons#ltant
for 4reen '#ildings& I do look after Mecanical aspect of designing for
S#staina%ilit$ of Sites, 5ater "6cienc$, Indoor 7ir 8#alit$, Material
Reso#rces, and H97C involved in te %#ildings&
T(an)in& *ou.
*ours sin$ere#%,

3I:HI; D"SH/73D"&

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