Christian Leadership Workshop Sermon

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Logos Evangelical Mission-Hubli

Christian Leadership Workshop
Living & Leading Like JESUS
Date: 29
July 2014, Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: St. Peters Golden Jubilee Church, Mantur Road, Hubli-20

Mt 20:27 And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant
1Pe 2:5 holy priesthood, royal priesthood (Leaders)

Whom God Called:
Exo 3:10-11 Moses-a Shepherd Jud 6:15-16 Gideon-Weakest & Least
I Sam 16:1,13 David-a Sheperd Jer 1:5-7 Jeremiah-Youth, cannot speak

Psa 19:14 Should be pleasing to GOD Prov 17:27 Very few words
Prov 12:18 Dont hurt & Dont gossip Pro 18:13 Listening before speaking

An Example (Role Model): I Pet 5:3
Relies only on GOD & not on his strength or wisdom: Psa 118:8,9, II Chr 16:7-9
Does not forget his responsibility: Exe 34:2,3
Does not go after money: Acts 20:33, 34(b), Mat 26:14-16 (Judas), II Kings 5:20(Gehazi), Isa 56:11
Team Worker :
o Gen 1:26, 11:7, Isa 6:8 (God uses US), John 8:29-not alone, 14:23,
o Eph 1:4 (Father), 7(Son), 13-14 (Holy Spirit), Nehemiah 2:17,18
o Paul & Barnabas/Paul & Silas (Acts 14:14, 15:39,40),
o Two by Two (Lk 10:1), Elders/Pastors Acts 13:1, 20:17,28.
o Easy to fall when you are lonely Ecc 4:9-11,
o Members of the body of CHRIST (I Cor 12:20-22)
Logos Evangelical Mission-Hubli
SELF MOTIVATED : I Sam 30:3,4,6, II Tim 1:15(Everyone left Paul in Asia),
Mt26:56 (b) (Jesus caring cross alone)
Good Planners: Psa 90:12, Eph 5:15-17
Self Learner: Rom 2:21(a)
Seeks GODs face continually: Lev 9:23 (Moses & Aaron), Jer 10:21, Dan 6:3,10

Gen 18:19 - Leaders dont show partiality
Gen 25:28 Issac loved Esau, Rebecca-Jacob, Gen 37:3 - Jacob loved Joseph
I Sam 12:2c,3c,4 Samuel not took bribe, 8:1,3 sons failed
Mat 20:25-28 Be a servant
Lk 17:10 Give glory only to GOD (bad: King Herod Acts 12:21-23) I Pet 5:4 Crown of Glory

I Sam 22:36(b) Gods gentleness made him great
Jer 45:5 Dont seek great things for yoruself
Est 10:3 Be kind to people like Mordecai
I Chro 13:1-3 Seek advise & feedback (Prov 12:15, 13:10, 15:22, 19:20, 24:6)
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