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Chapter on the right of the husband over the wife

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al-asan b. Mabb related from Mlik b. `Aiyyah from Muammad b. Muslim from 4513
:He said . Ab Ja`far

and said: O Messenger of Allh! What A woman came to the Messenger of Allh
is the right of the husband over the wife? He said to her: She obeys him and does not disobey him,
does not give anything in charity from her house except with his permission, she does not keep a
voluntary fast without his permission and does not prevent him from herself even if she be on
hunchback[1]. She does not leave her house but with his permission; if she leaves without his
permission, the angels of the heaven, the angels of the earth, the angels of wrath and the angels of
mercy damn her until she returns to her house. So she said: O Messenger of Allh! Who among the
people has the greatest right on the man? He said: His parents. She said: Who among the people
has the greatest right over the woman? He said: Her husband. She said: So do I have a right over
him similar to what he has over me? He said: No, not [even] one in a hundred! She said: By the
.One Who sent you as a Prophet with the truth, no man shall ever own my neck

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. And al-asan b. Mabb related from `Abdullh b. Sinn from Ab `Abdillh 4514

:He said

There is no say for a woman with her husband, in the liberation [of a slave], in charity, in planning,
gifting or [making] a vow out of her wealth except with the permission of her husband, save in [the
matter of] ajj, zakh, kindness towards her parents or maintaining the ties of her relationship.


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