Annotated Bib Lesson4

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What is a bibliography?

a bibliography is a recording of the sources

that you use in a research project.

it must include the author, publisher, the

city of publication, date of publication, and
title of the publication

must be MLA style for historical projects

(Modern Language Association)
What is Annotation?

for each source you need to write 2-3 sentences

about the source and how it was useful

for example...

This source was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine.

He argues against the evils of the British crown. It
was useful to my project because it proves the anger
of the Colonists was very great.
Citing a Book w/ One
Gleick, James. Chaos: Making a New Science. New
York: Penguin, 1987. Print.

Henley, Patricia. The Hummingbird House. Denver:
MacMurray, 1999. Print.
Citing a Book w/ More
than One Author
Gillespie, Paula, and Neal Lerner. The Allyn
and Bacon Guide to Peer Tutoring.
Boston: Allyn, 2000. Print.
Citing a Book w/ More
Than 2 Authors
Wysocki, Anne Frances, Johndan Johnson-Eilola,
Cynthia L. Selfe, and Geoffrey Sirc. Writing New
Media: Theory and Applications for Expanding the
Teaching of Composition. Logan, UT: Utah State
UP, 2004. Print.
Citing a Magazine
Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call."
Time. 20 Nov. 2000: 70-71. Print.
Buchman, Dana. "A Special Education." Good
Housekeeping. Mar. 2006: 143-48. Print.
Citing a Newspaper
Brubaker, Bill. "New Health Center Targets County's
Uninsured Patients." Washington Post. 24 May
2007: LZ01. Print.
Krugman, Andrew. "Fear of Eating." New York Times.
21 May 2007 late ed.: A1. Print.
Citing an Article in a
Scholarly Journal
Bagchi, Alaknanda. "Conicting Nationalisms: The Voice
of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi's Bashai Tudu."
Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. 15.1 (1996):
41-50. Print.
Citing an Web Site
PBS. History. Public Broadcasting Service, 2011. Web.
25 June 2011. <http://www.>
Citing an Article on a
Web Site
Is Gone With the Wind Literature? PBS
Video, n.d. Web. 25 June 2011.
n.d. - means no date
n.p. - means no publisher
There are many OTHER types of sources that you may
encounter. If you are confused about how to cite a
source that we have not covered you can use the
following web site:
An Annotated Bibliography
Mitchell, Margaret. Gone With the Wind. New York,
Scribner. 1936. Print.
This book takes place during the United States Civil War. It
has a lot of history about the Civil War. It was useful to my
project because it helped me to understand the war from
the point of view of the south.

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