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Group Work

Working In A Group

Set a work schedule

Set up a work schedule ahead of time. Plan when

and where you will get together to work on the

Work Individually when you can (divide and conquer)

You CAN work individually. You do not always

need to be together to work on the project.
Hey Kawika! Lets split up the tasks. Ill make a stop at
the historical society to get those books, Sarah said.

Great! Ill read the section on civil disobedience in the
1950s in this textbook to give us some background
information, replied Kawika.
Working In A Group
Be exible with your partner(s). Things will come up
once in awhile. Dont sweat the little things.
Im sorry Sarah, said Kawika, but I didnt realize that I
have a dentist appointment when we had planned to
meet. Can we change our time?

Thats not a problem. Lets meet Wednesday instead
replied Sarah.
Group Communication

You must communicate with your partner(s)

Be specic about who will do which tasks

Double-check with your partner at the end of each


For example You said you would contact the National

Archives to locate the letter. I am going to look at the
video footage we found. We said wed have this done by
Thursday when we meet again.

You CAN work individually. You do not always need

to be together to work on the project.
Group Organization
Keep a Work Log - keep a simple log of who completes which tasks.

Our Work Log
Date Task Completed Person(s) Completing Task
Group Work Skills

Have fun! Make sure you and your partner(s) have

lots of laughs together. Dont be too serious. Have a
little fun now and then.

Make decisions together. Dont be bossy with your

partner. Share the decision-making. Discuss things

Discuss Costs. Agree about cost decisions. Discuss

costs for the project. Make sure all partners agree
about purchases and costs. Make sure that costs are
divided fairly.
Group Work Skills

Share the workload. Divide tasks among group

members. Group members will feel more a part of
the group if everyone does his/her fair share.

Be honest with your partner. Share your feelings and

opinions. Sharing your feelings and opinions as you
go along will prevent problems later. If you disagree
with something, tell your partner. Use I-statements
to express your feelings.

Example I feel as if...

Group Work Skills

Compromise. Meet your partner halfway on things

you disagree about. Sometimes your partner may get
what he/she wants and sometimes you may get what
you want.

Be positive with your partner(s). Stay positive with

your partner(s). Compliment your partner(s).

Take a break from each other. When people work

together closely, its good to take a break from each
other once in awhile.

Example Weve been working really hard on

this project. I think we need a little break
from it.
Group Work Skills

Get assistance from an adult. If you are

unable to work out your difculties on
your own, get assistance from an adult.

Celebrate your accomplishments!!!

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