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Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool

Help Documentation
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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PROD"!T' NO &I!#N#( #)PR# OR IMP&I#D( *+ #TOPP#& OR OTH#R%I#( TO
MA+ O!!"R'
Intel 0a1 0a2e changes to specifications an3 pro34ct 3escriptions at an1 ti0e(
5itho4t notice' Designers 04st not rel1 on the a6sence or characteristics of an1
feat4res or instr4ctions 0ar2e3 7reser8e37 or 74n3efine3'7 Intel reser8es these for
f4t4re 3efinition an3 shall ha8e no responsi6ilit1 5hatsoe8er for conflicts or
inco0pati6ilities arising fro0 f4t4re changes to the0' The infor0ation here is s469ect
to change 5itho4t notice' Do not finali:e a 3esign 5ith this infor0ation'
The pro34cts 3escri6e3 in this 3oc40ent 0a1 contain 3esign 3efects or errors 2no5n
as errata 5hich 0a1 ca4se the pro34ct to 3e8iate fro0 p46lishe3 specifications'
!4rrent characteri:e3 errata are a8aila6le on re;4est'
!ontact 1o4r local Intel sales office or 1o4r 3istri64tor to o6tain the latest
specifications an3 6efore placing 1o4r pro34ct or3er'
This 3oc40ent contains infor0ation on pro34cts in the 3esign phase of 3e8elop0ent'
All pro34cts( platfor0s( 3ates( an3 fig4res specifie3 are preli0inar1 6ase3 on c4rrent
e<pectations( an3 are s469ect to change 5itho4t notice' All 3ates specifie3 are target
3ates( are pro8i3e3 for planning p4rposes onl1 an3 are s469ect to change'
This 3oc40ent contains infor0ation on pro34cts in the 3esign phase of 3e8elop0ent'
Do not finali:e a 3esign 5ith this infor0ation' Re8ise3 infor0ation 5ill 6e p46lishe3
5hen the pro34ct is a8aila6le' $erif1 5ith 1o4r local sales office that 1o4 ha8e the
latest 3atasheet 6efore finali:ing a 3esign'
!o3e na0es feat4re3 are 4se3 internall1 5ithin Intel to i3entif1 pro34cts that are in
3e8elop0ent an3 not 1et p46licl1 anno4nce3 for release' !4sto0ers( licensees an3
other thir3 parties are not a4thori:e3 61 Intel to 4se co3e na0es in a38ertising(
pro0otion or 0ar2eting of an1 pro34ct or ser8ices an3 an1 s4ch 4se of Intel-s internal
co3e na0es is at the sole ris2 of the 4ser'
Intel an3 the Intel logo are tra3e0ar2s of Intel !orporation in the "'' an3 other
=Other na0es an3 6ran3s 0a1 6e clai0e3 as the propert1 of others'
!op1right > ?@11( Intel !orporation' All rights reser8e3'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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1 P4rpose of Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool.....................................................................4
? IPDT Test 1ste0 Re;4ire0ents...........................................................................................4
3 Acron10s...................................................................................................................................5
4 oft5are Re;4ire3....................................................................................................................6
4'1 IPDT 3? *it oft5are Re;4ire0ents.......................................................................................6
4'? IPDT A4 *it oft5are Re;4ire0ents.......................................................................................7
B Installing IPDT in the %in3o5s #n8iron0ent.....................................................................8
6 R4nning IPDT fro0 ,"I........................................................................................................12
7 R4nning IPDT fro0 co00an3 line......................................................................................20
8 R4nning IPDT in a M4lti-Processor 1ste0......................................................................22
9 IPDT !onfig4ration.................................................................................................................23
C'1 %in3o5s IPDT !onfig4ration...................................................................................................23
C'? Fe3ora &in4< IPDT !onfig4ration...........................................................................................24
D IPDT Feat4res E Para0eters................................................................................................25
,en4ine Intel Test..................................................................................................................................25
Te0perat4re Test....................................................................................................................................25
*ran3 tring Test....................................................................................................................................25
!P" Fre;4enc1 Test...............................................................................................................................26
Front i3e *4s Test................................................................................................................................26
*ase!loc2 Test.........................................................................................................................................27
F4ic2 Path Interconnect FPI Test....................................................................................................27
Floating Point Test..................................................................................................................................27
Pri0e N406er ,eneration Test.........................................................................................................28
!ache Test.................................................................................................................................................28
MM).# Test..........................................................................................................................................28
A$) Test.....................................................................................................................................................29
Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller Test.................................................................................................30
Intel A eries !hipset an3 Intel !?@@ eries !hipset Mo34le..............................................31
Intel A eries !hipset an3 Intel !?@@ eries !hipset Mo34le G #<ternal De8ice
Integrate3 ,raphics De8ice - I,D...................................................................................................31
A38ance3 ,raphics Testing G ,F) &i6rar1....................................................................................32
M4lti-core.M4lti-threa3e3 Test &i6rar1..........................................................................................32
Test Res4lts File Na0e.........................................................................................................................33
Test Res4lts File For0at.......................................................................................................................33
O4tp4t Pass Te<t File HO4tp4tPassTe<tI........................................................................................33
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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" Purpose o# Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool
The p4rpose of the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool is to 8erif1 the f4nctionalit1 of an
Intel 0icroprocessor' The 3iagnostic chec2s for 6ran3 i3entification( 8erifies the
processor operating fre;4enc1( tests specific processor feat4res an3 perfor0s a stress
test on the processor'
The 3iagnostic can 6e config4re3 to e<ec4te 5ith 8ario4s feat4res ena6le3 or 3isa6le3'
For 0ore 3etails see IPDT Feat4res E Para0eters
$ IPDT Test !%stem Re&uirements
Multiprocessor !%stems
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool is co0pati6le 5ith 04ltiprocessor s1ste0s' It is
essential that onl1 one Intel processor is teste3 at a ti0e in this s1ste0
config4ration' Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool 3oes not s4pport 04ltiple processors
inserte3 into a 04ltiprocessor s1ste0 config4ration'
Mot'er(oar) * Processor
It is essential that the 0other6oar3 1o4 4se to test 1o4r processor is f4ll1 co0pati6le
5ith 1o4r Intel processor' !ons4lt 1o4r 0other6oar3 0an4fact4rerJs s4pport to
ens4re the 0other6oar3 s4pports 1o4r processor' If 1o4 are 4sing an Intel
Mother6oar3 please 4se this 4tilit1 Intel Processors an3 *oar3s !o0pati6ilit1 Tool
Mot'er(oar) BIO!
It is essential that the 0other6oar3s *IO is at the 0ini040 *IO re8ision specifie3
to s4pport 1o4r Intel processor' !ons4lt 1o4r 0other6oar3 0an4fact4rerJs s4pport
to ens4re the *IO re8ision is at the correct re8ision'
Mot'er(oar) Arc'itecture
IPDT is onl1 co0pati6le 5ith 0other6oar3s 64ilt 4sing Intel Architect4re'
O8er-!loc2ing sho4l3 6e 3isa6le3 5hile r4nning Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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o0e po5er 0anage0ent feat4res He'g' Intel pee3tep technolog1I throttle or
re34ce the operating fre;4enc1 of co0ponents 5ithin the s1ste0' These t1pes of
po5er 0anage0ent feat4res 0a1 res4lt in 8er1 lo5 teste3 fre;4enc1 res4lts' This
3oes not 0ean that the processor is operating at 3egra3e3 perfor0ance le8els' It
0eans that the ena6le3 po5er 0anage0ent feat4re is opti0i:ing the efficienc1 of the
processor( either to sa8e po5er or re34ce heat 5ithin the s1ste0'
%e reco00en3 1o4 3isa6le an1 po5er 0anage0ent feat4res s4ch as Intel
pee3tep technolog1 an3 config4re 1o4r s1ste0 to its opti0al po5er 0anage0ent
settings( 5hen r4nning Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool' For instr4ctions on ho5 to
3isa6le these po5er 0anage0ent feat4res( please contact 1o4r s1ste0 0an4fact4rer'
Operating !%stems
The %in3o5s 8ersion of the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool is co0pati6le 5ith the
follo5ing operating s1ste0s HPlease 3o5nloa3 an3 install the rele8ant IPDT installer
for 1o4r Operating 1ste0 G 3?*it or A4*itIK
%in3o5s C'1 3? E A4 *it Hall 8ersionsI
%in3o5s C 3? E A4 *it Hall 8ersionsI
%in3o5s L 3? E A4 *it Hall 8ersionsI
%in3o5s $ista 3? E A4 *it Hall 8ersionsI
%in3o5s )P 3? E A4 *it Ho0e.Professional
%in3o5s ?@@@ 3? E A4 *it Professional.er8er.A38ance3 er8er
%in3o5s er8er ?@@C 3? E A4 *it tan3ar3.#nterprise
%in3o5s er8er ?@@3 3? E A4 *it tan3ar3.#nterprise
Fe3ora &in4< 1B E 1L 3? E A4 *it H!4sto0 Fe3ora &i8e"* pro8i3e3 61 IntelI
/ Acron%ms
Acron%m De#inition
!P" !entral Processing "nit
F* Front i3e *4s
,"I ,raphical "ser Interface
FPI F4ic2Path Interconnect
IM! Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller
IPDT Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool
MR Mo3el pecific Register
A$) A38ance3 $ector #<tensions
O Operating 1ste0
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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0 !o#t.are Re&uire)
The follo5ing soft5are is re;4ire3 to r4n IPDT in the %in3o5s en8iron0ent an3
04st 6e installe3 prior to installing IPDT
01" IPDT /$ Bit !o#t.are Re&uirements
M The Ne5 ?D Rotation test re;4ires that the 3ri8er for the specific platfor0
config4ration 6e installe3K
The IntelHRI ,raphics Me3ia Accelerator Dri8er for Mo6ile or
Intel HD ,raphics
Microsoft $is4al !NN ?@1@ P1 H<CAI R4nti0e &i6raries'
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser
%in3o5s Installer 3'1 Re3istri64ta6le H8?I'
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser
Microsoft 'N#T Fra0e5or2 $ersion 4'@ !lient Profile '
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser
If your Intel Processor supports AVX, your Operating System will also need to
support AVX in order to run IPDT AVX test.
Operating System minimum requirements for running IPDT AVX test
!inu" supported since #ernel $ersion %.&.'(,

released on )une *, %((*
+icrosoft ,indows supported in ,indows - SP. and ,indows Ser$er %((/ 0%
SP.. 1otfi" %2.-'-3 a$aila4le for non5SP. $ersion of ,indows Ser$er %((/ 0%.
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
Page A of 34
01$ IPDT 20 Bit !o#t.are Re&uirements
M The Ne5 ?D Rotation test re;4ires that the 3ri8er for the specific platfor0
config4ration 6e installe3K
The IntelHRI ,raphics Me3ia Accelerator Dri8er for Mo6ile or
Intel HD ,raphics
Microsoft $is4al !NN ?@1@ P1 H<CAI R4nti0e &i6raries'
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser

Microsoft $is4al !NN ?@1@ P1 H<A4I R4nti0e &i6raries'
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser
%in3o5s Installer 3'1 Re3istri64ta6le H8?I'
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser
Microsoft 'N#T Fra0e5or2 $ersion 4'@ !lient Profile H<A4I'
!lic2 here to 3o5nloa3 or cop1 the follo5ing "R& into the 6ro5ser
The IPDT Installer progra0 5ill chec2 for the presence of the a6o8e prere;4isites on
1o4r s1ste0'
If 1o4r s1ste0 is connecte3 to the internet the prere;4isites 5ill 6e 3o5nloa3e3 an3
installe3 on 1o4r s1ste0'
If your Intel Processor supports AVX, your Operating System will also need to
support AVX in order to run IPDT AVX test.
Operating System minimum requirements for running IPDT AVX test
!inu" supported since #ernel $ersion %.&.'(,

released on )une *, %((*
+icrosoft ,indows supported in ,indow - SP. and ,indows Ser$er %((/ 0% SP..
1otfi" %2.-'-3 a$aila4le for non5SP. $ersion of ,indows Ser$er %((/ 0%.
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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3 Installing IPDT in t'e 4in)o.s En+ironment
Installation Process
!op1 the IPDT Installer progra0 to the 3es2top' Do46le-clic2 on it an3 the 3ialog 6o<
6elo5 5ill 6e sho5n'
!lic2 O2 to contin4e to the IPDT prere;4isite chec2'
Initial Installer creen
If 1o4 re;4ire 'net 4'@ prere;4isite( please clic2 Accept to install 'net prere;4isite'
!lic2 Accept to install %in3o5s Installer 3'1 prere;4isite'

The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
Page C of 34
!lic2 QInstallR to install an1 prere;4isite soft5are nee3e3 to r4n Intel Processor
Diagnostic Tool'
IPDT prere;4isites 5ill start 3o5nloa3ing fro0 the internet'
!lic2 QNe<tR to contin4e IPDT installation'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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Rea3 &icense Agree0ent E elect QI acceptSR( clic2 QNe<tR 64tton to contin4e'
+o4 04st clic2 Agree in or3er for the installation process to contin4e'

Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool so4rce co3e is a8aila6le fro0 the sa0e location as the
IPDT installers at 555'intel'co0'
A3o6e Rea3er is re;4ire3 to 8ie5 the Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool help file'
!lic2 QNe<tR to contin4e'

The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
Page 1@ of 34
The elect Fol3er location is no5 3ispla1e3' !lic2 Q!hangeR if 1o4 5ish to change
installation fol3er location'
!lic2 QNe<tR to contin4e'

!lic2 QFinishR 64tton to finish installation'
If Q&a4nch the progra0R is selecte3 IPDT 5ill la4nch 5hen 1o4 clic2 QFinishR'

The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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6 Running IPDT #rom G5I
Running IPDT #rom t'e G5I
IPDT can 6e la4nche3 4sing the ,"I 61 3o46le-clic2ing on the Intel Processor
Diagnostic Tool Icon locate3 on the 3es2top or 61 selecting tart Progra0s Intel
!orporation Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool'
%hen IPDT is la4nche3 the IPDT !ontrol %in3o5 sho5n 6elo5 5ill open an3 IPDT
starts testing the !P" 4sing the 3efa4lt config4ration'
IPDT 5ill chec2 1o4r s1ste0s config4ration first an3 after a fe5 secon3s 5ill then
la4nch the 3iagnostic'

1ste0 infor0ation is sho5n in the top left 5in3o5' Testing tat4s 5in3o5s 5ith
progress 6ar is sho5n in the 6otto0 left 5in3o5' At the 6otto0 right is a list of
Feat4res E Para0eters( that sho5s the tests 5hich are ena6le3 in the 3efa4lt
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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IPDT automaticall% c'ec-s #or up)ate) +ersion
%hen IPDT is la4nche3 it 5ill a4to0aticall1 chec2 if an 4p3ate3 8ersion of IPDT e<ists
at 555'intel'co0
If 1o4 5o4l3 li2e to 4p3ate 1o4r 8ersion of IPDT si0pl1 clic2 on the option Q,o to IPDT
Do5nloa3 locationR' This 5ill ta2e 1o4 to the 3o5nloa3 location of the latest 8ersion of
IPDT on 555'intel'co0 5e6site'
If 1o4 3o not 5ish to 3o5nloa3 the latest 8ersion of IPDT at this ti0e( si0pl1 select
the option Q!lose this 0essageR' IPDT 5ill chec2 for the latest 8ersion of IPDT on
s46se;4ent la4nches of IPDT'
If 1o4 5o4l3 li2e to t4rn off the a4to0atic chec2ing for 4p3ate3 8ersions of IPDT on
f4t4re la4nches of IPDT( si0pl1 tic2 the 6o< QDo not chec2 for IPDT 4p3ates in f4t4reR'
+o4 can t4rn off.on A4to !hec2ing for IPDT 4p3ates in the 0en4 at the Pass an3 Fail
screens of IPDT( 4n3er the QHelpR 0en4'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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%hen IPDT co0pletes r4nning the Testing tat4s 5ill 3ispla1 either a PA or FAI&'
The PA screen is sho5n 6elo5'
!lic2ing on each Feat4res tat4s res4lt in the 6otto0 right 5in3o5 5ill sho5 1o4 the
e<act IPDT test res4lt in the 6otto0 left Test tat4s 5in3o5'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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The FAI& screen is sho5n 6elo5'
At the top of the %in3o5 is a Men4 *ar' The QFileR Men4 allo5s 1o4 to open the
TestRes4lts't<t file 4sing Notepa3( an3 allo5s 1o4 to e<it IPDT'
+o4 0a1 also 8ie5 the f4ll historical test res4lts file to sho5 all IPDT test res4lts fro0
each s46se;4ent test r4n' ee 6elo5

The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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The QToolsR 0en4 5ill allo5 1o4 to open !onfig 0en4( t4rn off.on &ooping( !hec2 for
"p3ate( &a4nch Tas2Manager an3 h4t3o5n 1ste0' ee 6elo5

Tools !onfig 0en4 is onl1 a8aila6le 5hen IPDT has finishe3 testing'
Tools !onfig Reset to Defa4lts' This 5ill reset 1o4r Feat4res E Para0eters to
3efa4lt 8al4es'
Tools !onfig #3it' This 5ill allo5 1o4 to e3it the Feat4res E Para0eters'
Tools !onfig Presets allo5s 1o4 to set IPDT to 3 preset settings of operation
Presets F4ic2 Test sets all IPDT feat4res to 3isa6le3' R4n ,en4ine Intel(
*ran3 tring Fre;4enc1 Test an3 Front i3e *4s test'
Presets F4ll F4nctional HDefa4ltI ena6les all IPDT feat4res an3 r4ns IPDT
stress test for 4 0in4tes' This is the 3efa4lt IPDT setting'
Presets *4rn In Test ena6les all IPDT feat4res an3 r4ns IPDT stress test for
1?@ 0in4tes' +o4 0a1 also t4rn on looping 5ith this *4rn In setting'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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Tools &ooping On or Off' et to ON( this 5ill loop.test IPDT contin4o4sl1 4ntil 1o4
t4rn &ooping to OFF' IPDT stops on a fail4re' ee 6elo5'
Tools Q&a4nch Tas2ManagerR 5ill la4nch 1o4r s1ste0s Tas2 0anager( 5here 1o4 can
8ie5 the s1ste0s perfor0ance 5hilst IPDT is r4nning'
Tools !hec2 for "p3ate Q!hec2 for "p3ate No5R 5ill chec2 1o4r 8ersion of IPDT
against the latest IPDT 8ersion online an3 3ispla1 a 0essage if 1o4r 8ersion of IPDT is
Tools !hec2 for "p3ate QA4to "p3ate !hec2 OnR 5ill ena6le IPDT to chec2 its
8ersion online e8er1 ti0e IPDT is la4nche3' QA4to "p3ate !hec2 OnR 5ill t4rn off IPDT
chec2ing online 5hen IPDT la4nches'
Tools QOnline %arrant1 !hec2R 5ill 6ring 1o4 3irectl1 to IntelJs online 5arrant1
s4pport page 5here 1o4 can chec2 the 5arrant1 for 1o4r Intel Processor'
Tools Qh4t3o5n 1ste0R 5ill sh4t 3o5n 1o4r s1ste0' A 5arning 0essage is
3ispla1e3 to ens4re 1o4 reall1 5ant to sh4t 3o5n 1o4r s1ste0'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
Page 1L of 34
$ie5 QF4llR' This 5ill 3ispla1 the f4ll IPDT 8ie5'
$ie5 Q!o0pactR' %ill 3ispla1 a co0pact 8ie5 of IPDT' "sef4l 5hen r4nning IPDT
5hilst 8ie5ing Tas2 0anager' ee 6elo5 for co0pact IPDT 8ie5'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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A6o4t QHelpR Men4 opens this IPDT help 3oc40ent' ee 6elo5'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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7 Running IPDT #rom comman) line
IPDT can 6e la4nche3 3irectl1 5ith the IPDT'e<e e<ec4ta6le locate3 in the
!KTProgra0s FilesTIntel !orporationTIntel Processor Diagnostic ToolT fol3er'
This allo5s for IPDT to 6e easil1 integrate3 into a 3
part1 3iagnostic or to 6e r4n
0an4all1 fro0 a co00an3 5in3o5'
To r4n IPDT fro0 a co00an3 5in3o5K
Open a !o00an3 Pro0pt %in3o5( right clic2 an3 select QR4n as a30inistratorR
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
Page ?@ of 34
For 3? *it O
!3 TProgra0 FilesTIntel !orporationTIntel Processor Diagnostic Tool
&a4nch IPDT 61 t1ping ip3t
Press ret4rn 2e1 to e<ec4te'
For A4 *it O
!3 TProgra0 FilesTIntel !orporationTIntel Processor Diagnostic Tool A4*it
&a4nch IPDT 61 t1ping ip3tA4
Press ret4rn 2e1 to e<ec4te'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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8 Running IPDT in a Multi,Processor !%stem
The A46it 8ersion of IPDT can test 04ltiple Intel Processors installe3 in a M4lti-
Processor capa6le s1ste0' IPDT 5ill a4to0aticall1 3etect if 1o4 ha8e 04ltiple Intel
Processors installe3 an3 r4n the IPDT test 0o34les on each processor se;4entiall1(
follo5e3 61 a parallel M4lti-!P" stress test on all installe3 processors'
et the Para0eter QM4lti-!P" top On FailR to #na6le if 1o4 5o4l3 li2e IPDT to stop
testing 5hen it enco4nters a fail' This is not ena6le3 61 3efa4lt an3 IPDT 5ill contin4e
to test all processors e8en if a fail4re is enco4ntere3 an3 report the fail4re at the en3
of testing'
elect in3i8i34al processor to test fro0 the Tools M4lti Processor 0en4'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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9 IPDT on#iguration
61" 4in)o.s IPDT on#iguration
+o4 can config4re IPDT fro0 the Tools !onfig #3it 0en4'
IPDT 0a1 onl1 6e config4re3 after IPDT testing has 6een stoppe3 or has co0plete3
Feat4res can 6e ena6le3 or 3isa6le3' Para0eters can 6e change3 in 8al4e'
ee here for 0ore 3escription on each IPDT feat4re an3 para0eter'
Please note 0unning IPDT wit6 settings ot6er t6an t6e default settings could possi4ly
gi$e a result t6at may not indicate a genuine fault wit6 your Intel Processor.
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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61$ Fe)ora Linu7 IPDT on#iguration
Follo5 the steps 6elo5 to create a 3es2top I!ON for the Q!onfig4re IPDTR progra0'
Right-clic2 on the 3es2top 6ac2gro4n3 an3 select !reate &a4ncher
!lic2 on the 3rop-3o5n arro5 for QT%pe8R an3 select Application
In the QName8R 6o< t1pe !onfig4re IPDT( or an1 other na0e 1o4 prefer
In the Qomman)8R 6o< t1pe the follo5ing H4sing all lo5ercase lettersI
!o00ent is optional'
!lic2 OU an3 an Icon 5ill appear on the 3es2top'
%hen !onfig4re IPDT is la4nche3 the follo5ing 5ill 6e 3ispla1e3'
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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9 IPDT Features * Parameters
Test Li(rar%
Genuine Intel Test
The p4rpose of ,en4ine Intel test li6rar1 is to 8ali3ate the !P" 6eing teste3 is a
Q,en4ineIntelR processor' This is 3one 61 rea3ing the contents of the #*)( #!)(
an3 #D) registers( an3 9oining the contents together to constr4ct the
Man4fact4rer na0e to ens4re it e;4als Q,en4ineIntelR'
Options None
Parameters None
De#ault !ettings N.A
Test Li(rar%
Temperature Test
The p4rpose of Te0perat4re li6rar1 is to 0onitor the te0perat4re of the
processor' This is acco0plishe3 61 rea3ing the DT 8al4e of the processor fro0
the MR( if s4pporte3 61 the processor' The li6rar1 3eter0ines if the DT sensor
is ena6le3 4sing !P"ID instr4ction' The 8al4e of DT is an offset 8al4e 0eas4re3
in 3egrees ! an3 is not the act4al te0perat4re of the processor' The DT is the
3elta 6et5een the c4rrent te0perat4re an3 the 0a<i040 94nction te0perat4re
of the 3ie HT9I 5hich is reference3 61 the processor as @' T9 8al4es 8ar1 a0ong
processors an3 are not rea3 3irectl1 fro0 the processor' If the DT 8al4e is
s4pporte3 an3 ena6le3( The DT 8al4e is rea3 an3 translate3 as Q< 3egrees !
fro0 0a< te0perat4re(R an3 reporte3' The initial e<ec4tion of te0perat4re
li6rar1 an3 the follo5ing 0essage is after the !P" Man4fact4rer Test &i6rar1 has
confir0e3 that a ,en4ine Intel processor is 6eing teste3' Then it is e<ec4te3
after each test li6rar1 to 0onitor the te0perat4re of the processor' The final
te0perat4re rea3 it reporte3 at the en3 of IPDT' *oth the initial te0perat4re an3
the final te0perat4re is sa8e3 in TestRes4lts't<t file
Options Te0perat4reTestP7#na6le7( te0perat4reTestP7Disa6le7
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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Parameters N40erical 8al4e in Degrees !elci4s
De#ault !ettings Te0perat4reTestP7#na6le7V Te0perat4re%arningToleranceP 7@7
Test Li(rar%
Bran) !tring Test
!P" 6ran3 string test li6rar1 3eter0ines 5hich Intel !P" is 6eing teste3 4sing
one of t5o 0o3es( presence test 0o3e or 8erification 0o3e' The 0o3e 6eing
4se3 is 3eter0ine3 61 the 2ip!onfig para0eter in the IPDTconfig'<0l
config4ration file fo4n3 in the IPDT fol3er'
If the 8al4e of 2ip!onfig para0eter is set to Q+esR Hi'e' 2ip!onfigPR+esRI( then
the presence 0o3e is 6eing 4se3 an3 the test li6rar1 5ill report the !P" *ran3
tring e<tracte3 fro0 the !P" registers e<tracte3'
If the 8al4e of 2ip!onfig para0eter is set to QNoR then the 8erification 0o3e is
6eing 4se3 an3 the test li6rar1 5ill co0pare 5hat 5as e<tracte3 fro0 the !P"
registers to a 2no5n list of 6ran3 string na0es Hnot( incl43ing tra3e0ar2s( etcI
Options 2ip!onfigP7+es7( 2ip!onfigP7No7
Parameters None
De#ault !ettings 2ip!onfigP7+es7
Test Li(rar%
P5 Fre&uenc% Test
!P" Fre;4enc1 test li6rar1 5ill 8ali3ate that !P" operating fre;4enc1 is 5ithin
test li0its of the e<pecte3 !P" fre;4enc1 liste3 in the !P" *ran3 tring for the
!P" 4nit 4n3er test' This is 3one 61 e<tracte3 *ran3 tring fro0 the !P"
registers an3 parsing the !P" Fre;4enc1 fro0 the string' If the processor
s4pports 6ase cloc2 an3 AP#RF E MP#RF MRs( it 5ill 4se the registers to
calc4late the !P" Fre;4enc1' Other5ise( it 5ill 6e 4sing the RDT! instr4ction to
perfor0 a calc4lation to 3eter0ine if calc4late3 !P" Fre;4enc1 is 5ithin li0its'
The li0its are set to N.- BW'
This test can 6e i0pacte3 5hen the test platfor0 is not config4re3 to 0eet the
s1ste0 re;4ire0ents specifie3 in section ?' To han3le this( the ite para0eter is
4se3 61 this test to in3icate that the test platfor0 0eets all the s1ste0
re;4ire0ents' This is achie8e3 5hen the para0eter is itePRDepotR' No5( if the
3etecte3 fre;4enc1 is o4tsi3e the li0its( the test 5ill stop e<ec4tion( an3 3ispla1
follo5ing error 0essage
7!P" Fre;4enc1 Test Faile3XXX7
%hen a test platfor0 is not config4re3 per test s1ste0 re;4ire0ents specifie3 in
section ? 34e to o8er cloc2ing or po5er 0anage0ent feat4res( the 8al4e 04st 6e
itePROtherR' No5 if the 3etecte3 fre;4enc1 is o4tsi3e the li0its( the test 5ill
contin4e e<ec4tion( ho5e8er the follo5ing 0essage 5ill 6e 3ispla1e3
7!P" Fre;4enc1 Test Passe3 5ith %arningXXX7
Options iteP7Depot7( iteP7Other7
Parameters None
De#ault !ettings iteP7Other7
Test Li(rar%
Front !i)e Bus Test
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The Front i3e *4s HF*I test li6rar1 tests the F* fre;4enc1 for processor 5hich
s4pports the front si3e 64s'
Front i3e *4s HF*I test li6rar1 e<ec4tes either in presence test 0o3e or
8erification 0o3e' The 0o3e 6eing 4se3 is 3eter0ine3 61 the 2ip!onfig
para0eter in the IPDTconfig'<0l config4ration file'
If the 8al4e of 2ip!onfig para0eter is set to Q+esR Hi'e' 2ip!onfigPR+esRI( then
the presence 0o3e is 6eing 4se3 an3 the test li6rar1 5ill rea3 !P" Mo3el pecific
Register an3 8ali3ate that the F* is 5ithin test li0its 8ia loo24p ta6les' The
li0its are c4rrentl1 N.- ?W'
If the 8al4e of 2ip!onfig para0eter is set to QNoR then the 8erification 0o3e is
6eing 4se3 an3 the test li6rar1 5ill rea3 !P" Mo3el pecific Register an3
co0pare against the *"pee3 para0eter liste3 in the !P" no3e list section of
the config4ration file'
Options 2ip!onfigP7+es7( 2ip!onfigP7No7
Parameters None
De#ault !ettings 2ip!onfigP7+es7
Test Li(rar%
Baseloc- Test
The *ase !loc2 Test 8erifies the acc4rac1 of the 6ase cloc2 4se3 to calc4late the
Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller HIM!I lin2 spee3 an3 the F4ic2 Path Interconnect
HFPII lin2 spee3 for Intel !ore iL( iB an3 i3 Processor( Intel )eon Processor
BB@@( BA@@ E LB@@ series an3 Intel Processors 6ase3 on Intel Micro
architect4re HNehale0 E an31 *ri3geI'
The test co0pares the 3etecte3 8al4e to the e<pecte3 3efa4lt 6ase cloc2 of
133MH: or 1@@MH:Han31 *ri3geI' The calc4late3 6ase cloc2 8al4e is calc4late3
61 4sing 8al4e of the Ma<i040 Non-T4r6o Ratio register fro0 Mo3el pecific
Register( 6ase operating fre;4enc1( c4rrent operating fre;4enc1 fro0 !P"
Fre;4enc1 Test an3 e<pecte3 6ase cloc2'
Options *ase!loc2P7#na6le7( *ase!loc2P7Disa6le7
Parameters Tolerance 8al4e fro0 1W - 1@@W
De#ault !ettings *ase!loc2P7#na6le7V *ase!loc2ToleranceP7BW7
Test Li(rar%
:uic- Pat' Interconnect :PI Test
The F4ic2 Path Interface Test 8erifies the FPI rate 6et5een processors on a
04lti-processor s1ste0'
Intel F4ic2 Path Interface HFPII test li6rar1 en40erates the 64ses 5ith FPI
gro4p f4nction an3 retrie8es the e<pecte3 FPI rate' The test 5ill 4se the FPI
04ltiplier to calc4late the 3etecte3 FPI rate an3 it 5ill either 3ispla1s or
co0pares the e<pecte3 an3 3etecte3 FPI rate'
Options FPITestP7#na6le7( FPITestP7Disa6le7 FPITestP7Displa1Onl17
Parameters Tolerance 8al4e fro0 1W - 1@@W
De#ault !ettings FPITestP7#na6le7V FPIToleranceP7BW7
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Test Li(rar%
Floating Point Test
The p4rpose of this test is to perfor0 a33ition( s46traction( 04ltiplication an3
3i8ision( to test ho5 fast the !P" can perfor0 0athe0atical floating point
n406ers operations( an3 3o a s40 co0parison to 0a2e s4re the floating point is
gi8ing the correct s40 8al4e at the en3 of each c1cle'
The test progra0 5ill 3ispla1 Million Floating Point Operations per econ3
HMF&OPI( ti0e starte3( c1cle co0plete3 an3 ;4antit1 of errors 3etecte3'
Options FloatingPointP7#na6le7( FloatingPointP7Disa6le7
Parameters Ti0e in secon3s
De#ault !ettings FloatingPointP7#na6le7V FloatingPointTi0erP7?7
Test Li(rar%
Prime Num(er Generation Test
The p4rpose of this test li6rar1 is to test ho5 fast the !P" can search for Pri0e
n406ers( reporte3 as operations per secon3' Pri0e n406er generation 5ill 6e
6ase3 on the ie8e of #ratosthenes algorith0' The test progra0 5ill test for
4nsigne3 integer t1pe an3 5ithin the n406ers of @-?YZ for 3? 6it platfor0'
Ran3o0 co0parison 5ill 6e 3one to 0a2e s4re the pri0e n406er generate3 is a
8ali3 pri0e n406er'
Options Pri0eN406erP7#na6le7( Pri0eN406erP7Disa6le7
Parameters Ti0e in secon3s
De#ault !ettings Pri0eN406erP7#na6le7V Pri0eN406erTi0erP7?7
Test Li(rar%
ac'e Test
The p4rpose of !P" !ache test li6rar1 is to 8erif1 the si:e of the &1( &?( an3 &3
!ache( 5hiche8er is present' The !P"ID instr4ction is 4se3 to rea3 #!) register'
The &1( &?( E &3 !ache si:e is in 1@?4-61te 4nits'
The test retrie8es the &1( &?( an3 &3 !ache si:e infor0ation an3 co0pare 5ith
entr1 in config4ration file for !P" 4nit 4n3er test'
The cache is teste3 4sing one either presence test 0o3e or 8erification 0o3e'
%hich 0o3e is 4se3 is 3eter0ine3 61 the 2ip!onfig para0eter in the
IPDTconfig'<0l config4ration file' If the 8al4e of 2ip!onfig para0eter is set to
Q+esR( then the test li6rar1 5ill si0pl1 report the cache si:e'
If the 8al4e of 2ip!onfig para0eter is set to QNoR then the test li6rar1 5ill 8erif1
the &? or &3 cache si:e 3etecte3 against the e<pecte3 cache si:e 4sing the
&?!ache or &3!ache para0eter fo4n3 in the !P" no3e list section of the
config4ration file'
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Options !acheTestP7#na6le7( !acheTestP7Disa6le7V 2ip!onfigP7+es7( 2ip!onfigP7No7
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings !acheTestP7#na6le7V 2ip!onfigP7+es7
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings A$)PR#na6leR
Test Li(rar%
MM;<!!E Test
This test 3etects 5hich MM) E #( #?( #3( #3( #4 instr4ction sets are
s4pporte3 on the processor 6eing teste3' If the instr4ction set is s4pporte3 then
the test 5ill e<ec4te all MM) E # instr4ctions for the s4pporte3 instr4ction sets'
The test 5ill 3ispla1 5hich feat4res 5ere 3etecte3 an3 th4s teste3'
Options MM)#P7#na6le7( MM)#P7Disa6le7
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings MM)#P7#na6le7
Test Li(rar%
A=; Test
A38ance3 $ector #<tensions HA$)I is a ?BA 6it instr4ction set e<tension to # an3
is 3esigne3 for applications that are Floating Point intensi8e'
The p4rpose of the A$) test is to 3etect the presence of the follo5ing A$) feat4res
on 1o4r Intel processor G
A$) HA38ance3 $ector #<tensionsI( A# HA38ance3 #ncr1ption tan3ar3I E
P!&M"&FDF H!arr1-&ess M4ltiplication of t5o A4 6it operan3sI'
7ote AVX capa4ility is first detected on your Intel Processor and t6en it is
detected if your operating system supports AVX.
Operating Systems t6at support AVX ,indows - SP., ,indows Ser$er %((/ 0%
SP., !inu" since #ernel $ersion %.&.'(.
A$) Test Description G #<ec4te a FIR HFinite I0p4lse ResponseI filter 4sing
con8entional co3e instr4ctions an3 then 4sing A$) instr4ctions' !o0pare the
res4lts of 6oth 0etho3s of calc4lation en3 e<pect the sa0e res4lts'
Also co0pare co3e e<ec4tion ti0es( e<pecting A$) opti0i:e3 co3e to e<ec4te
faster than con8entional non A$)-opti0i:e3 co3e'
A# Test Description G Decr1pt E #ncr1pt 3ata 4sing aes3ec( aes3eclast( aesenc E
aesenclast instr4ctions' Also perfor0 the In8erseMi<!ol40n aesi0c an3 generate
ro4n3 2e1 for A# encr1ption 4sing aes2e1genassist instr4ction'
P!&M"&FDF Test Description G Perfor0 a !arr1-less 04ltiplication of one
;4a35or3 of <00? 61 one ;4a35or3 of <003.01?C( ret4rning a 3o46le
;4a35or3 in register <001'
Options A$)PR#na6leR A$)PRDisa6leR
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings A$)PR#na6leR
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Test Li(rar%
Integrate) Memor% ontroller Test
The p4rpose of Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller HIM!I Test &i6rar1 is to test
Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller f4nctionalit1 5hich is incl43e3 in Intel !ore iL
an3 iB Processor( Intel )eon Processor BB@@ series an3 Intel )eon Processors
6ase3 on Intel Micro architect4re HNehale0I' This li6rar1 targets the 0e0or1
controller spee3( 0e0or1 si:e( an3 it perfor0s 0e0or1 stress test
!u(Test Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller Test - Me0or1 i:e 46test
The 0e0or1 si:e s46test 4ses the Me0or1i:e para0eter locate3 in the glo6al
para0eter section in the IPDTconfig'<0l config4ration file' This para0eter can 6e
4se3 to ena6le He<ec4teI or 3isa6le Hs2ipI the 0e0or1 si:e s46test' If the
Me0or1i:e P #na6le or RR Hno 8al4eI( then the 0e0or1 is in the first 6an2 onl1
an3 report it' This is the 3efa4lt 8al4e'
Me0or1i:eP73,*7( Me0or1i:eP7B1?M*7( Me0or1i:eP7?BAU*7(
Me0or1i:eP7#na6le7( Me0or1i:eP77( Me0or1i:eP7Disa6le7
H8al4es sho5n as e<a0ple onl1I
Parameters i:e ,*( M*( U*(
De#ault !ettings Me0or1i:eP7#na6le7V Me0or1i:eP77
!u(Test Integrate3 Me0or1 !ontroller Test - Me0or1 tress 46test
The 0e0or1 stress s46test rea3s an3 5rites 4sing sli3ing :eros( sli3ing ones
0o8ing in8ersion algorith0s' This s46test 4ses the Me0or1tressTesti:e
para0eter locate3 in the glo6al para0eter section in the IPDTconfig'<0l
config4ration file'
etting Me0or1tressTesti:e as a percentage of a8aila6le free 0e0or1 5ill
3eter0ine ho5 04ch a8aila6le free 0e0or1 is teste3 34ring the Me0or1 tress
Me0or1tressTesti:eP71W7( Me0or1tressTesti:eP7Disa6le7V
Me0or1tressTestTi0ePR1@R( Me0or1tressTestTi0ePR3@@R
W of total a8aila6le free 0e0or1 i:e for Me0or1tressTesti:eV
Ti0e in secon3s for Me0or1tressTestTi0eV
De#ault !ettings Me0or1tressTesti:eP71W7V Me0or1tressTestTi0ePR1@R
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Test Li(rar%
Intel 2 !eries 'ipset an) Intel $>> !eries 'ipset Mo)ule
The p4rpose of Intel A eries !hipset an3 Intel !?@@ eries !hipset Mo34le is to
3ispla1 the chipset infor0ation s4ch as chipset fa0il1( chipset stepping an3
e<ternal 3e8ices that are connecte3 to the chipset'
#<ternal De8ice #n40eration s46 0o34le c4rrentl1 onl1 s4pports P!I port( P!Ie
ports( ATA controllers( "* controller( Intel High Definition A43io !ontroller an3
,iga6it &AN'
Options P!HTestPR#na6leR P!HTestPRDisa6leR
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings P!HTestPR#na6leR
!u(Test Intel A eries !hipset an3 Intel !?@@ eries !hipset Mo34le G !hipset I3entification
The chipset i3entification s46 0o34le 3ispla1s chipset infor0ation incl43ing pro34ct
fa0il1 an3 chipset stepping
Test Li(rar%
Intel 2 !eries 'ipset an) Intel $>> !eries 'ipset Mo)ule ? E7ternal
De+ice Enumeration
The #<ternal De8ice #n40eration s46 0o34le 3ispla1 P!I( P!Ie( ATA( "*
3e8ices( a43io co3ecs an3 &AN 3e8ice 5hich connecte3 to the chipset
Options P!H#n40PR#na6leR P!H#n40PRDisa6leR
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings P!H#n40PR#na6leR
Test Li(rar%
Integrate) Grap'ics De+ice , IGD
Description The p4rpose of Integrate3 ,raphics De8ice is to 8ali3ate that there is a
f4nctioning IntelHRI Integrate3 ,raphics De8ice on the !P" 4nit 4n3er test'
$erif1ing the presence of the IntelHRI I,D an3 5ill list infor0ation o6taine3 fro0
rea3ing specific registers fro0 the I,D' Infor0ation ret4rne3 5ill contain the
The Intel Processor Diagnostic Tool - Help
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follo5ingK $ID?( DID?( RID?( ,TTMMADR( ,MADR( $ID?( ID?( ROMADR( ,M(
I$D( an3 Fra0e *4ffer i:e 3eter0ine3 fro0 ,M register 8al4e'
If I,DTest para0eter is set to QDisa6leR then I,D 5ill not e<ec4te an3 s46set
tests Q,F)Test#<eR or Q,F)?DTest#<eR 5ill not e<ec4te regar3less of the ,F)Test
Options I,DTestPR#na6leR or I,DTestPRDisa6leR
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings I,DTestPR#na6leR
Test Li(rar%
A)+ance) Grap'ics Testing ? GF; Li(rar%
The p4rpose of A38ance3 ,raphics Testing is to e<ercise the ,P" 61 3ispla1ing
graphics' The graphics li6rar1 calls a separatel1 3e8elope3 Open,& graphics
6inar1 that is 3ispla1e3 34ring test'
If I,DTest para0eter is set to Q#na6leR an3 I,D 3etection is tr4e an3 ,F)Test is
set to Q#na6leR an3 then the 3D-,F) test 5ill e<ec4te'
If I,DTest para0eter is set to Q#na6leR an3 I,D 3etection is tr4e an3 ,F)Test is
set to QDisa6leR then the 3D-,F) an3 ?D tests 5ill not e<ec4te'
If I,DTest para0eter is set to QDisa6leR then I,D 5ill not e<ec4te an3 the s46set
test Q,F)TestR( Q?DTestR( an3 QRotationR 5ill not e<ec4te regar3less of the
,F)Test setting'
If the ,F) 5in3o5 is ina38ertentl1 close3 61 the 4ser 6efore the allotte3 ti0e
specifie3 61 ,F)Ti0e then IPDT 5ill generate a fail'
If Rotation para0eter is set to Q#na6leR then Rotation of 3ispla1 5ill e<ec4te'
If Rotation para0eter is set to QDisa6leR then Rotation of 3ispla1 5ill not e<ec4te'
,F)TestP7#na6le7 or ,F)Test QDisa6leR( ,F)Test#<eP78is,F)1'e<e7 for %in3o5s
or ,F)Test#<ePR'.8is,F)R for &in4<( ,F)?DTest#<ePR8is?Dgf<'e<e for %in3o5s
or ,F)?DTest#<ePR'.8is?Dgf<R for &in4<( ,F)Ti0eP7?@7 or ,F)Ti0ePRR(
,F)pinP7?@7 or ,F)pinPRR( RotationPR#na6leR or RotationPRDisa6leR
,F)Ti0e para0eter ta2es in a ti0e 8al4e in secon3s' This infor0s IPDT ho5
long to 3ispla1 the 8is4al' If ,F)Ti0e is set to QR then 3efa4lt ti0e is ?@
,F)pin para0eter ta2es in a spin spee3 8al4e' The lo5er the 8al4e( the faster
the spin of the 8is4al' If ,F)pin is set to QR then spin 8al4e is set to 1@'
De#ault !ettings
,F)TestPR#na6le( ,F)Test#)#PR8is,F)1'e<eR( ,F)Ti0ePRR( ,F)pinPR1@R(
,F)?DTest#<ePR8is?Dgf<'e<eR( RotationPRDisa6leR
Test Li(rar%
Multi,core<Multi,t'rea)e) Test Li(rar%
Description The M4lti-core( M4lti-threa3 test li6rar1 5ill stress the !P" cores for a gi8en
perio3 of ti0e 4sing Intel Threa3ing *4il3ing *loc2s' This test 4ses the
tressTestTi0e an3 tress&oa3&e8el para0eters 6oth locate3 in the glo6al
section in the IPDTconfig'<0l config4ration file'
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The tress&oa3&e8el para0eter is a n40erical 8al4e 5hich represent the n406er
of tas2s re;4ire3 to s4fficientl1 loa3 the cores'
The tressTestTi0e para0eter is 4se3 to set the 34ration of this test li6rar1(
there61( e<ten3ing the total test ti0e for the 3iagnostic'
Options tressTestP7#na6le7( tressTestP7Disa6le7
Parameters N406er of Tas2sV Test Ti0eV
De#ault !ettings tressTestP7#na6le7V tress&oa3&e8elP7C7V tressTestTi0eP747
Test Li(rar%
Test Results File Name
Description The para0eter 7O4tp4tRes4ltsTe<t7 is 4se3 to set the na0e of the o4tp4t file
Options N.A
Parameters Na0e of File
De#ault !ettings Defa4lt file na0e is TestRes4lts't<t
Test Li(rar%
Test Results File Format
The 8al4e of para0ter 7O4tFileFor0at7 is 4se3 to store the test res4lts in te<t file
for0at or )M& file for0at'
Options Te<t . )M&
Parameters N.A
De#ault !ettings Test
Test Li(rar%
Output Pass Te7t File @OutputPassTe7tA
Options Na0e of File
Parameters pass't<t
De#ault !ettings
"se3 to s4pport internal legac1 test processes' ets filena0e flag creation 5hen
IPDT passes test
Test Li(rar%
Options Filena0e
Parameters fail't<t
De#ault !ettings
"se3 to s4pport internal legac1 test processes' ets filena0e flag creation 5hen
IPDT fails test
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States and;or ot6er countries
88Intel, Intel SpeedStep and t6e Intel logo are a trademar# or registered trademar# of Intel 9orporation or its su4sidiaries in t6e
:nited States and ot6er countries
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