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Name : Ms. Rachna Yadav

Complexion : Fair with Slim body
Father Name : Mr. Devendra Singh Yadav
(Bank Manager Retired)
( Gotra Deshwal )
Mother's Name : Mrs. Maya Yadav (o!sewi"e)
ate o! "irth : #$.$%.&%''
"irth #lace ( Bagh)at (*+)
$ei%ht : ,- &.
Address : D/'%0 +allav)!ram0 +hase 1
Modi)!ram0 Meer!t (*+) 2,$ &&$
Mo&ile No. : 3%&/%4%$'$25&2
'd(cational )(ali!ication : M.6. (7nglish) "rom 88S *niv.0 Meer!t.
B.+.7d. "rom 88S *niv.0 Meer!t.
9ne Year Di)loma in Retail Mgt.
Famil* "ac+%ro(nd
'lder "rother : Mr. Nitin Yadav working as Manager Marketing
in a well re)!ted 1nvertor/Battery Brand.
'lder ,ister : 7lder Sister Married (o!sewi"e) married to a
well settled b!sinessman.
1n :ase the above )arti:!lars are to yo!r satis"a:tion0 ;indly "!rnish !s with similar details o"
yo!r son < "amily alongwith his re:ent )hotogra)hs.
=ith Regards.

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