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Summoning a Succubus Guide Important facts on

the ritual!
Posted in General, Guide with tags Guide, succubus, truth on January 4, 2014 by ryan2k
I would like to tell you guys some truths about Succubae and the ritual. I have
pondered a long time if I should ever come forth with this. But I cannot in good faith
keep this a secret any longer, as I know many readers are more than willing to try out
the ritual, not knowing what they are getting themselves into.
Now I know that many of you will not like what I am about to write, as it may offend
you and your beliefs. However I will not apologize for it.
A succubus is not of this world and never was. It was not born of human flesh and has
ZERO connection to humans. To think of them as human spirits would be very
A succubus can be dangerous even deadly if not handled with care and respect. Do
not think of them as a stereotype
The Word Succubus is but one word of many. They go by many names and are
sometimes known and seen as much worse things. For example: Have you ever seen
that black flicker in the corner of your eye, something that is just beyond your
peripheral vision and sends shivers down your spine, or when you awake late at night
and get an intense feeling of dread? Well, to keep it simple, that is the same kind of
entity I am talking about. A succubus is just one of many forms and meanings of the
same creature.
So why is it dangerous. = Ignorance
Many people (95%) think of them just as sexual beings which serve no other purpose
then to satisfy your lust and needs. Now thankfully many people who summon a
succubus have little to no real talent in maintaining the link. This means that after the
initial ritual most people hardly ever feel a second visit, even if they repeat the ritual
on a daily basis.
I believe this has saved many people terrible misfortunes. Then to fully accept a
succubus into your life will require you to accept many facts which go against moral
and religion.
If you are one of the very few who have the gift on connecting with the supernatural
the danger then becomes real, especially if you cannot accept the true nature of the
succubus. You will in fact become haunted, and believe me that is the last thing you
If you have a strong believe in God and place your faith into him then I strongly
recommend you NEVER summon a succubus. Do not get me wrong, these entities
really do not care about your religious convictions, but it will be your own moral
standpoint which will create the problem. Not only will it block out most attempts in
creating the initial connection, it may even go so far as to offend the succubus for
making it into a creature of God, which it not is. When summoning and bonding with
a succubus, you must leave ALL moral convictions behind you.
A Succubus will only accept you if you accept it for what it is (Its not stupid!).
Lets be honest, most men who visit this site have but a single goal. To get free sex!
There is no need to delude this answer, it is what it is. Off course the motivations for
such a goal can be multifold. But in the end the result is always the same. You want
your sexual desires fulfilled by a beautiful spirit, which has no taboos, cannot get
pregnant and can be there for you whenever you long for it.
This goal is a strong motivation when performing the ritual, and in many cases it even
attracts the attention of the succubus. It will come to you, make her presence known
to you (Chill, tickling, touch)..but thats where it ends. The succubus can
communicate and sense information on a level that is beyond our understanding. It
will sense your motivation and your reason for it to be a sexual plaything. Now there
are some Succubae which will entertain such singular motivations, but not many. I
have only ever encountered one of those, and even then it was just for 2 nights.
Do not get me wrong, these entities do not want to be treated like a woman, but they
do want respect. You see, the most important aspect of summoning a succubus is
INTENT. Sexual desires can great a very strong intent.but what is there besides that.
Is your desire so strong that it can keep your intent fueled for longer periods of time?
And thats exactly the main reason why a Succubus will abandon you after initial
contact. You are most likely just too weak to keep the link up beyond your initial try.
So what is there besides the INTENT for Sex???
I believe that many can relate to this, as it has happened to most. If you are truly
scared, you start to believe, your mind focuses with such energy that it attracts such
an entity. And it will connect with you on a level on which it is compatible.namely
FEAR. You will begin to see and hear things, if you are really unlucky you will even
feel touches. Thankfully these moments of Fear are gone, once you gain focus; turn
on the light, etc. Soon you will doubt what happened to you and blame your
imagination for it. Thats why you should NEVER go into a ritual if you are easily
I know this sounds harsh, but its the truth. If you want to really establish a connection
with a succubus beyond the initial ritual then you will need to have a much stronger
motivation then sex (and obviously fear). The first and most important step is to
accept that the succubus you are trying to summon is more than just an outlet for
sexual needs. I know its hard, because what do you truly know about these

Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 5
Communicating with your Succubus
Posted in Guide on March 15, 2012 by ryan2k
Let us face it. You felt her touch and you asked yourself countless times, Is this real
or am I imagining this. You ask the question out loud and in your mind What is
your name, and you think to hear voices in your head but cannot say if these voices
are your own thoughts or not.
Communicating with your Succubus can be very frustrating at first. It will lead to
self-doubt which in term leads to you not believing anymore. So how can you
effectivly communicate with your Succubus???
Use a Pendalum
A Pendalum you say, isnt that a cheap trick. Well the answer is Yes and No. Yes if
you use it incorrectly and No if you follow my method.
The first thing you will need is a Pendalum. I do not recommend making one yourself
since it needs to be perfectly balance to get the best results.
Second you need to forget all the crap you heard about fortune tellers and other
mumble jumble.
Third you need to have a steady hand
Now the thing you need to remember here is that its very easy to cheat using a
pendalum. You might not even be aware that you are cheating since only the smallest
movement of your hand will change the outcome in what you want to read.
So how do we not cheat and get an accurate reading.
2 Pieces of Paper and a pen.
- On one paper write down in a single column the numbers 1-24.
- Next randomly assign letters to the numbers non-chronological Order. For instance
11=B, 23=S, 2=R etc. make sure you do this fast and for the whole alphabet and do
not begin memorizing the pattern. Once your done, turn over the paper and wait a few
hours. Do not turn over the paper and look at the numbers and assigned letters.
- Next you will create a half circle chart about 15 cm across. Similiar to the chart
below, but make it with 1-24 numbers instead of 0-10

- Basically you have now made a direct reference to the alphabet without knowing
which letter is hidden behind each number. This pretty much rules out cheating
- When you are ready and preferably at night, take the first paper you turned over and
place it behind your back or nearby and turn it around again so that the writing is
visible. Do not look at it.
- Take your chart and place it in front of you
- before you begin its important that you dedermine a Yes/No position. The Following
information is not from me, but in essence tells you how it works
Determining the yes and no Response:
Before using a particular pendulum for the first time, hold it in the appropriate
position, and ask, either aloud or mentally, Pendulum, please show me YES.
Give the pendulum time to respond and observe the direction of the swing as
it responds. If the swing is modest at first, dont be concerned, because it
takes a while for a particular pendulum to begin to vibrate with you. After you
have determined the YES response, ask the pendulum to show you the NO
response in the same manner. Check the YES/NO response in this way, the
first few times you do a session with the pendulum. This is necessary
because different pendulums can give their YES and NO responses by
swinging in different directions. Also, if at any time you feel you are not getting
accurate responses, even after using the pendulum for a while, check the
YES/NO response again. It is a good idea to check the YES/NO response
periodically because it can change as you change and grow. It can also
change if you let other people handle your pendulum.
- Once you have determined your Yes/No Position you can begin
- Talk slowly and be accurate. Tell your succubus that you have prepared a paper
which is hidden to you on which the corrosponding Letters to Numbers can be found.
Tell her to show you the numbers which corrospond to the letters which only she can
- Ask your Succubus if she understands the questions. If you get a yes responce then
you can continue
- Begin with a simple question, but remember to take it very slow. Single word
answers are your goal for the first few sessions. make sure you take breaks between
- Once you get an indication in which way the Pendalum swings, write down the
This process can be very timeconsuming since you need to verify each letter with a
YES/NO Check. For the first session, ask only 2 questions and then check the paper
with the numbers you wrote. The first time I used this method I asked the question
what she wanted from me, her answer was: Love me please
Here is a sample for asking the name
Please tell me the first letter of your name
Does your name contain any other letters
Please tell me the second letter of your name
Does your name contain any other letters
and so on
Be patient and take your time formulating your question. Do not worry, you will not
irratate your succubus by asking and verifing each letter because do not forget, she
wants nothing more then to communicate with you as well.
Posted in General with tags F.A.Q. on March 14, 2012 by ryan2k
Hello everyone,
first of all I want to say thank you for all the E-Mail I received. I understand that it
can be frustrating when nothing happens the first time, but then again you should see
this as a challenge. Is your Intent strong enough to achieve your goal.
I could list at least 5 other methods which you could use to summon a succubus
(perhaps I will later on), But let me now summerize some answers to the most
commen questions I received
Q: The ritual did not work for <enter reason>
A: If I could answer this question for everyone, then I guess I could become a prophet.
Fact is that it will not work for some people. Most howewer can achieve success when
using proper Intent. The goal here is to believe that you will succeed. Continue your
meditation and learn to focus
Q: Is it dangerous
A: Yes, simply put it is. You are dealing with something you cannot explain.
Something you cannot grasp, and in fact are pretty much at the mercy of if you piss it
off. Also while performing a ritual you are more likely to attract other spirits / Entitys
/ Demons which are very keen on contacting you and even masqerading as a
Succubus. I know you might feel why am I trying to scare you away. Well, I just want
to warn you that I cannot give you any qaruntee that your ritual will be safe. All I can
do is give advice on what kind of precautions you should take in advance and how you
should end your ritual.
EDIT: Here is some personal advice I recommend YOU NEVER EVER DO. After
you complete a ritual, especially a longer one where you where in a deep trance for
over 30 minutes. Never look in a mirror and concentrate on yourself. I cannot attest if
this will happen to you, but what I have seen in the reflection is horrible enough for a
grown man to piss himself. I will not go into details, as this is one of those things that
I want to forget.
Q: Can the Succubus manifest
A: Yes, but it will take time. Before you can actually start to really feel her your bond
will need be deep. In my case it took me nearly 9 months before I actually felt her for
the first time. Also be warned that although you might think that you are making love
to a women you will be surprised that this bill does not fit to succubi and their
appearence to you
Q: Can you help me perform the Ritual or give me personal advice
A: Due to the ammount of E-Mails I have received I am no longer able to offer this
service for free.
Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 4 The
letter method
Posted in General, Guide with tags succubus, summoning succubus on February 21, 2012 by ryan2k
I have received a lot of E-Mails asking if there was any quick way of summoning a
succubus. Well the answer is YES, however I do not recommend it.
So today I would like to elaborate on a popular Website that outlines a summoning
Basically what Endure is trying to tell is correct, however he does not go into greater
detail, resulting in most people performing the ritual the wrong way.
Before I begin I would like to REMIND everyone who tries this, that I do not
recommend this method as it a very potent and direct way in calling a succubus.
I always believe (from experience) that taking it slow is better. And if you have
no experience with the supernatural you may be overwhelmed and burn away
any talent you have. There are many ways in summoning a succubus, so choose
with caution!!
Ok so now that the warning is out of the way lets get started.
Materials you need: Candle (Any Color, any kind except tea lights), Paper, Pen, and
Location: A place where you are alone and undisturbed, if you have children sleeping
Time: Endure recommends 3am. I can concure to this. Its not about the veil thinning
between realities. However I have noticed that if i go to bed say at 9pm and get up at
3am I am much more aware and keen to my surroundings, and find it easier to get into
a trance state
Conducting the ritual: Make sure you are in a comfortable position (prefarbly
sitting). Clear your mind and start formulating what you want in your mind.
You will start this letter by addressing Lillith. Now I will not eloborate on titles since
it is a matter of belief. However you should always adress her with the highest
ammount of respect. Never use words /sentances like:
I command you | Obey me | I order you | etc
Respect, respect, respect for example
Great Lillith, I seek your blessing, I ask a favour of you if it please you, etc
Right your thoughts to paper. This is NOT a essay so no need to watch out for
grammer or spelling. Write what you are thinking. The first few sentances will be
normal but try to let go and write what you really want from your heart. Do not think
about it, just write. Repeat things you want as many times as you want. There is no set
limit as how much you should write. Only when you feel that all your wishes have
been expressed in full then its time to end the letter by once again adressing Lillith
and thanking her for considering your request.
End the letter with the following sentance:
All these words are my hearts desire, I mean them truthfully and swear to them in
name and blood.
Sign the paper in your full birth name and then prick your finger with the needle and
let one drop of blood soak into the paper.
NOTE: I cannot stress enough how important it is to really want this to work. If you
are doing this just for the sake of seeing what happens then DONT. Intent is
After you have finished with your letter, lay it infront of the candle and begin to
meditate. Take your time and concentrate on everything you wrote. Focus your desire
on the letter. Once you feel you are ready then say the following
Lillith, please receive this offering. I give it truthfull and willingly.
Burn the paper without folding it. While it is burning say:
May the light of this candle burn brightly and guide your daughter to me.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you leave the candle burning for at least another 30
minutes. Relax yourself and clear your mind.
Things to expect: The effect can be (and mostly is) immediate. You will feel small
gusts of cold air brush your cheeks. A tingling on your skin that feels as if your hairs
have been gently touched. Depending on how sincere you where and your overall
ability you might feel a tightness in your chest as if your breast is pinched. It is
PARAMOUNT that you let this happen without breaking your meditation. You will
feel aroused and your breathing will become faster.
At some stage your arrousal will become so strong that you will loose concentration.
If that is the case then say the following
I thank you daughter of Lillith for coming to me. I welcome you into my life and into
my dreams and ask all other spirits, demons and entities who have been attracted to
my ritual to begone and leave in peace.
Blow out the candle and then go to bed.
If you felt something during the ritual you will feel it starting up again. Relax, lay on
your back and let it happen. How far you take it depends on how far you can relax. It
will be different then being with a real women. You will not see her, nor will you feel
her skin or body. She however can touch you and interact with you.
Do not push it. If you feel that you cannot experience more then just her touching you
then accept it and anticipate your next encounter.
to be continued
The unbelievable BULLSHIT people believe on
the Internet
Posted in Uncategorized on February 21, 2012 by ryan2k
A few days ago I read on some random blog post about summoning a succubus
Hey, I am a good looking mid 30s male. I am very successfull have a beautifull wife
and a great sex life, however I cannot stop myself from constantly cheating on her. So
I am thinking about getting a succubus, since technically its not cheating right?
I do not know if I should laugh or cry when I read this. I mean come on, what do
people expect in a succubus.
Again, if you sole desire is to have sex with your dream women, you better start

Update: I am still away
Posted in General on February 21, 2012 by ryan2k
Sorry for not updating the Blog yet, I am overseas and have had little time to sit down
and write another entry. I will be back shortly and continue, thanks for your patience.
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Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 3 Formulating
the ritual
Posted in Guide with tags succubus, summon on February 10, 2012 by ryan2k
As I mentioned in a earlier Post, I prefer to work without protective circles or other
means of enslaving a spirit. Whats important to remember in this exercise is that
planning is essential. DO NOT just call any spirit. Do your research. If its a succubus
you wish to call then prepare in advance.
Its important that you remember this You are always in control of the ritual as long
as you follow a very simple 3 step guideline
1. Who are you intenting to call (introduction)
If you know the name of the Spirit / Demon you are calling, use it here. make sure to
use the right words Never say things like, I command you, or I hereby summon.
Like in real life courtesy is paramount. If you show respect then you will also receive
2. What is the purpose of the summoning (Agenda)
Once you have made your introduction, you must declare what your intention is.
Some spirits, especially demons do not have a lot of patience, so its best to prepare in
advance what you want to achieve with this ritual. You do not need to lay out all
questions in advance, just give the whole ritual a purpose and work from there. For
instance if you wish for a succubus, then the first step would be to call upon Lilith and
make your intention clear that you wish to call one of her daughters. (Personal Tip:
Try Agrat Baht Mahlat)
3. How will you dismiss the spirit (departure)
Just as important to calling a spirit its important to dismiss it once you are finished.
Again courtesy is key.
Dont be afraid to write down these questions and formulate an answer to each one.
While a succubus is telepathic, its important at the beginning to speak out the words.
When you say them make sure you mean it!
For Example
Lilith, Mother of Succubi, I ask of you to make yourself known to me in pleasent
form* if it please you.
I wish to feel your presence and ask for the favour of one of your daughters.
I thank you Lilith for answering my call. I would now ask you to leave in peace. I
would also ask all other spirits which were drawn to this ritual to be begone as well,
please leave in peace
* I highly recommend you always add make yourself know to me in pleasent form,
or else you might be in for a suprise!!
Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 2 Tools of
the trade
Posted in Guide with tags Guide, succubus, summoning on February 9, 2012 by ryan2k
What do you need when you want to summon succubus? Nothing!!!
there are certain tools that will help you and should be used by beginners.
A Candle
Pen & Paper

NOTE: What I am writing here is PERSONAL PREFERENCE, I know that there are
opinions on some of these items like there is sand on a shore. I am just giving you the
info that works best for me!
1 Candle
Lets start of with the type of candle. I highly recommend a wax Candle, prefereably a
wider one. No tealights please. Candles play a very important role in any ritual. For
me do they not only give me focus, but they indicate when a spirit (or succubus) is
near and wishes to communicate. NOTE: Not every flicker is a sign of a supernatural
being. But when you start noticing patterns that are not random then you will know
that your succubus is trying to communicate with you. In a later post I will post a
video showing you some of the results.
Candle Color against commen believe, the color of the candle only plays a small
role. However if you know what you are calling will be a Dark Spirit then I
recommend Black & Red candles, etc. Just make sure that the candles are not just
colored with a white core.
2. Pen & Paper
In the beginning you will have very little to go on. It is almost certain that you will
not a have 100% satisfactory event on your first try. However you will get hints and
impressions. Its important to write these down. A name that keeps repeating in your
head for instance.
I prefer working with Sigils and drawing them on paper and using them as a focus
helps me establish contact quickly.
You can be very creative here. Example
Put the the pencil in your hand and rest your hand on the paper. Begin your ritual, go
into a deep trance as outlined in my past exercise. Once you have no more feeling in
your hand, ask the spirit that you wish to contact to guide your hand. But your will
behind it and you will feel your hand move and start scribbling. Its important TO
NOT concentrate on your hand, rather focus on the questions you want answered. A
Question I can recommend to you without angering a succubus is What is your sigil
/ Show me your sigil. Its not as direct as asking for a name. Do not look at the paper
while you are drawing, focus on the question. Only after the ritual is done and you
have dismissed your succubus can you look at your drawing. It will most likely be a
couple of lines criss crossed. Congratualtions, you have just discovered the sigil of
your succubus. With a sigil it will be much easier in calling her in the future, and most
importantly, its the first step in finding out her true name.
And again. IntentIntentIntent
Spirit Alignments
Posted in Guide on February 9, 2012 by ryan2k
Well I thought I would stay neutral in my blog, but its to difficult to dance around the
pot without tackling these subjects first.
There is a famous saying called All roads lead to rome I would change that into
Many paths lead to Rome or Many rituals lead to succuss.
Let me start of by saying that it does not matter if your a christian, a spiritual Satanist
an atheist or any shade of grey inbetween. The goal is always the same, its just a
different starting position.
Spirits come in many forms and alignments, but I prefer to break them down into 3
There is no evil or good. There is just morality and how far you are willing to take it.
Some people like myself prefer Dark spirits, others will only interact with Spirits
associated to certain religions. One can now argue that a Succubus is a demon in the
service of Lucifer, or so the Bible will have you belief. As always there is always a
grain of truth, but its covered in so much bullshit that once cannot take anything at
face value.
If you wish to learn how to call a succubus think in terms of morality. Like I
mentioned in another post, the term Succubus is used be me as a commen demeonor.
While I will not say that following certain religions have different benifits, I do
believe that having a neutral approach to subject helps and most importantly will not
close any doors.
One thing thats very important and should be considered by you is that calling a spirit
is not a one way door. Make sure the spirit you are calling is on a similiar moral
ground as yourself or else it might get uncomfortable.
To be more precise: A dedicated Christian SHOULD NOT call a Demon, this is very
What happenes when you call the wrong Spirit A
personal Experience
Posted in Experience with tags succubus on February 9, 2012 by ryan2k
Besides telling this story my best friend I have never talked about this incident. But I
think its important that I explain to you what can happen if you screw up and bad
things start to happen.
It happened nearly 20 years ago when I was just 17 years old. At that time I had a
strange fascination with the occult. I was misled by books and friends and began
tinkering in all kinds of rituals and spells. Most if not all of it was just another excuse
to get some nice goth girls into bed (which did not work btw)
It was a night like so many before. My parents where both out working late and I was
at home bored. So I decided to create my own Ouija board. A Piece of carboard and a
black marker. I never ever used one before and I was feeling particular cocky that
night. I did the usual, calling spirits, asking if a spirit was present, bla bla.
Needless to say nothing happened. But then instead of just putting the board aside I
got angry. I became furious and starting cursing and demanding that a spirit show. I
let all my anger flow through the board and thats when I did it. I dared a spirit to come.
I challenged a spirit to show itself. And then as my final show of frustration I tore up
the board and threw it in the trash.
I was so intent, fueled by anger that the effect was immediate. The room went silent,
all sounds drained out, and I started to shiver. It became very cold for me. A feeling of
immesne dread overcame me. Something was watching me, and something was very
near to me.
Instead of running away, I became chickenshit scared and hid under the blanket in my
room. The bed in my room had one side facing the wall. I pulled the blanket over my
head and hugged the wall. I then felt the matress give in to weight near my feet. I was
freezing under my blanket. Something then moved upward towards my back. And
then the most horrible thing happened. It touched me.
Just a simple prick with a finger on my back. But strong enough to push my back
forward. And another push, and again. I was stunned in fear, I could not scream and
my heart felt like it would explode.
I knew that if I would turn around in that instant and look in the direction where the
push came from, that I would see something. But I did not have the courage. After the
pushing I heard a laugh, a high pitched almost insane laugh. Then the cold disapated. I
stayed in bed shaking until my parents came home a few hours later.
I did not tell them what happened.
Then for the next 3 years every night, no matter where I slept I heard a scratching
sound coming from the ceiling. It would always start at exact the same time I went to
bed and continue for 10-15 minutes.
And then one day it suddenly stopped.
What I am trying to say here is that Intend can be very powerfull. And I am certain
that my anger outbreak along with my challenge called a spirit that teased me. Now
20 years later after numerous encounters with spirits I can say that I actually got very
lucky that night, because there are things out there that do more then push you with a
Be very carefull when using Intent
Desire | Intend Absolute prerequirements when
calling a Succubus
Posted in Guide with tags intend, summoning on February 9, 2012 by ryan2k
First a metaphor
Its been a long day at work. You skipped breakfest and you worked through lunch.
All day long you lunged for a nice XXL Burger with crispy bacon, tasty beef, and soft
melting cheese. The more you think about it, the more hungry you get. You can almost
taste the savoury flavour of the burger as you imagine yourself biting into it. Your
desire to eat that burger grows with each passing hour until you finally arrive at
home and prepare your delicious meal.
Now thats desire!
As with all things in life, nothing is free. And if you really want something you need
to desire it. Please do not mistake it with The Secret crap out there, I am not telling
you that you will win the lottery if you desire it, lol.
Just sitting down and meditating and telling yourself that you want to call a succubus
will not cut it. You really have to want it, with all your heart and soul. I know this
sounds like an easy thing to do, but its not. To actually anticipate the spirit close to
you. Feel its touch on your body, the kiss on your lips, the heat in your body as jolts
of pleasure surge through you. And the real challenge herin lays that you must not
only want this with your mind, but with your whole body, and all that while staying in
a state of trance.
But Desire is just half of the rent. Intend is seeing it through. The will to follow
through with your actions no matter the cost. Intend is your most potent (and also
dangerous) power. People with stroing desire and Intend can perform true miracles,
with or without performing rituals.
Ask yourself what you want and how you want to get it.
If it is a succubus you want then set your mind and body to it. Dont see it a tryout
to see if it works. Convince yourself that your target is within reach and that you can
achieve this goal. Do not give up if it doesnt work at first. A lot of people see you a
crappy ritual on the net, try it, and have no succuss. And those who claim that it
actually work are just attention seekers with no clue as to what really happenend.
And that will be your first big challange, to accept that you will not be succussfull on
your very first attempt, but not give up and continue trying. Intend, Intend, Indent. I
cannot stress this enough, its the absolute requirement when working with spirits. A
strong will can be sensed. A focused strong will be heard and answered.
In my following Post I will give you a real life example of what Indent and desire can
do (in a bad way)

Recommended Reading
Posted in General with tags Books, spirits, succubus on February 8, 2012 by ryan2k
If you are actually searching for good material on summoning a succubus, you will
find that there is virtually nothing available on the open market. You may find links to
a PDF book on how to summon a succubus in 7 steps or an amazon E-Book, but trust
me, your better off investing your money elsewhere.
When you break it down there are only a handfull of books which deal with the
subject matter at hand.
First and foremost a book I can truly recommend is:
Sexual Alchemy from Donald Tyson

You can buy it on Amazon (, but be warned the price can exceed 100$). This book is
worth every cent, since it really works. Some of the practical examples are really good
and have helped me in the past. The book has a somewhat biased relegious tone to it.
However the parts which go against your religon can easily be changed.
A word of warning though. This book is NOT intended for beginners. Some of the
rituals in this book are very intense, and if performed haf-assed or with the wrong
intend may result in having a pissed off spirit in your life.
Another Book I recommend and should be read from cover to cover is:
The Complete Book of Demonolatry from S. Connolly

This book talks about a lot of topics concerning demons and spirits. Parts that I an
recommend (and that I will eloborate in a later post) are the procedures on how to call
spirits and demons without forcing your will onto them. The book also covers many
aspects of sigils (which I will also get into later). This book will give you a solid
REALISTIC foundation and will cleanse you of all the crap that is available currently.
Highly recommended. You can also purchase this Book from Amazon.

To Summon, Conjure or to Call a Succubus
Posted in General, Guide with tags Warnings on February 8, 2012 by ryan2k
I see so many spells on the net saying that you have to draw a circle or bad things
will happen to you when working with spirits in general. In the lesser Key of Salamon
it is said that if you wish to conjure a demon it is important that you incase its sigil
(Seal) in a circle.

Image: Seal of Paimon
Now, while this may seem like a wise thing to do, it is not right. By conjuring a Spirit
by encasing its seal / Sigil in a circle you are basically commanding it to appear,
making it a slave to your will. While this may work well for a seasoned Conjurer, it is
not something I recommend doing when beginning to work with spirits.
A spirit (in our term Succubus) must come freely and be able to leave freely without
being forced into any action. In a later post I will outline how you can call a succubus
or demon without a protective circle and still be safe.
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Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 1 Relax &
Clear your mind
Posted in Guide with tags Guide on February 8, 2012 by ryan2k
Today I will start with the guide. Its important that before you actually begin to call a
succubus that you at least have siome measure of putting yourself in a trance. Why
you may ask? Simple Your mind in its normal state will block out anything that is
even remotely supernatural. This is way you need to learn to relax and empty your
mind of any thoughts. I know this may sound simple, but thrust me it takes practice.
So lets get started:
1. ) Find a place where you can retreat. A place where it is quiet and where you will
not be distracted by outside influence. Make sure you are wearing loose fitting and
comfortable cloth. I also recommond you take a shower first.
2.) Sit down in a comfortable position. I do not recommend laying down in the
beginning since its to easy to actually fall asleep
3.) Either do this at night or dim down the lights of the room.
4.) Do help yourself focus light a candle and place it infront of you (Any color)
5.) Try finiding a relaxing breathing rythum. Take full and deep breaths, but not to the
point where it becomes cumbersome.
6.) Take a look at flame of the candle and then close your eyes and try to keep the
image of the burning flame in your mind. Imagine it burning and let all other thoughts
go. The only sound you will hear is the sound of your breath.
7.) Imagine your body getting heavy. Start with your toes and slowly move upwards.
Take your time. Feel as if invisible roots are locking your body into place. In the end
only your neck and head remain free.
8.) Any stray tought that comes into your mind should be blanked out.
The more you practice the above exerciese the better it will be for you to prepare your
body to feel vibrations emmitting from supernatural beings.
The Goal should be to not be able to move your body. Your mind should be
completely empty. However your perception of your surrounding will be peaked. You
will be able to pick up the slightest sound and see the slightest flicker in the shadows
since all other distractions have been blanked out.
Try to perform this exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. You will find the more you
practice the faster it will get to get into a state of trance.
My first real encounter
Posted in Experience with tags Succubus experience, summon Succubus on February 7, 2012 by
I believe that many people who have tried calling a succubus have had a hard time
telling if they where succussfull. They might have felt a surge of cold air, or a tickling
sensation in one of there feet. But perhaps it was just your mind playing tricks on you.
What would it take for you to firmly believe that you have been visited by a succubus?
Let me tell you my story on what convinced me 100% without a doubt
It was a night like any other. Before going to bed I usually meditate for 15-30 minutes,
I do this to clear my mind so that I can get a good nights sleep. I had in the past tried
to call a succubus, but always with questionable results. Nothing that would convince
me that something really came.
At this particular night in February 2010 I had made no special preperations. No
spells or rituals. Just simple breath exercises and a blank mind.
It happened suddenly and without forewarning. My chest tightend. I felt as if I was
jolted by electricity. A sensation that started in my chest and spread out to my
abdomen. The sensation was so strong that at first I thought I was fiercly hugged. But
I opened my eyes and saw nothing. I decided to lay down and relax. The next thing I
felt was a gentle touch on both my legs which slided upwards. Not just a breeze but a
real touch. I could feel fingers below my pyjamas. My legs parted and felt as if they
where floating on air.
The next thing I felt I can only describe as the most intense sexual feeling that I ever
had. It was like a pulse vibrated throughout my own body. So strong that I actually
moaned in ectasy. And it did not stop. The feeling of hands over my body. The erotic
spasms, and a preasure on my legs that felt as if someone was sitting on them.
At the height of my pleasure I actually saw a very hazy shape over me. Although i
could not see a distinct form, I could feel that it was female in nature.
I had often asked the question in the past What is your name. And I would get all
kinds of names in my head. But I was always pretty sure that it was just my
imagination. But when I asked that night, I got a clear name, so alien to the thoughts
of my own mind that it was clear that it was not my own mind playing tricks.
I remember going to bed at 10pm. The next thing I knew it was almost 2am. It felt
like 10 minutes for me.
This was my first real encounter with a Succubus, and I can say that my life forever
changed after this first encounter

Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 6 The Black
Mirror Method

3 Votes

There are many paths towards summoning a Succubus, the letter method I wrote
about earlier is just one of many. Today I would like to introduce another means of
calling a succubus, however this being far more dangerous than the letter method. I
have thought long and hard if I should write about this method as it is most likely the
most dangerous way.
I once wrote that the worst experience I ever had was using a mirror directly after
doing a ritual. I still stand true to this, however today I would like to give instructions
on how to use a black mirror in calling a succubus
First off you need a black mirror. These are very simple to make yourself. Here is a
link to a site explaining how to make one, without the entire esoteric mumble jumble
Things to note about Black Mirrors
I am no esoteric expert, so I cannot give any advice to scrying properties. However a
black mirror is a very powerful tool for a summoner, it will allow you to actually SEE
the spirit you have called. While this may sound like a fantastic experience it can be
also a haunting one. For whatever you see in the black mirror is always considered to
be the true form of the being you are calling. Unlike a Succubus that you are seeing
through your mind eye there is no layer of imagination between you and the being
you have called.
Also a very important note: Never ever look at your own reflection (Face) in the
mirror. Always keep the mirror at an angle where your own reflection cannot be seen
by yourself. I cannot stress how important this is!!!
The Ritual
For the ritual you will need a candle, a large towel, some cord or string and the mirror.
Place the mirror in front of you and angle it slightly to one side of your body so that
your face is just cut off. The candle must have a reflection in the mirror, if required
place it so that it is centered in the mirrors reflection. The Towel and cord is used for
emergencies if things go wrong and as such should be prepared in such a way that it
can very quickly be used to cover the mirror and tie up the towel. Under no
circumstance should you use a stone or anything else to break the mirror!!!!
You should sit comfortably in an upright position and begin to meditate as outlined in
my other steps. Its important to let everything go, your mind must be a complete
blank and your breathing deep and regular. When you are at the point of not even
feeling your body, then you are ready to begin.
As with most other rituals your focus point is the flame of the candle. However in this
case it must be the reflection of the flame. Its important for you at this point to let the
thought of the mirror go. For you this reflection is the real flame, forget everything
around it and just concentrate on the reflection.
You will begin to see strange halos curve and twist about the flame, always shifting
and swirling in different forms and colors. Let yourself be lost in the spectacle.
Then take a deep breath and call to Lilith. There is no fixed formulation of what to
speak, just keep in mind that you must give her the highest form of respect. As always
Intent is the key to success here. Put your heart and your focus into your words. Mean
it like your life depends on it. I will give a small example of what you can see, but
feel free to change it to whatever suits you best
I am <firstname> <lastname> and I call to you great Lilith, mother of all Succubi.
Repeat this 3 times
I am pure of thought and seek no ill intention and ask your forgiveness if I have
offended you with my calling
Wait a few moments after this, keep your eyes focused on the flame and watch for a
If you see fluctuations in the flame such as rising and falling or mad flickering then
you must abort with the following
I humbly apologize to you great Lilith and withdraw from your greatness
In such a case you must close the ritual probably.
I now ask all other spirits, demons and entities who have been attracted to my ritual
to begone and leave in peace.
After that refocus your gaze just past the flame and make sure you see nothing else. If
necessary repeat the above dismissal again.
If however you see something move or is in anyway unfamiliar to you then you must
blow out the candle, take the mirror and cover it completely in a towel. Wrap it up
and tie it together in a towel and remove it from your home, and never bring it back!
I know this sounds extreme, but believe me; you do not want to keep the mirror in
your possession if you have attracted something else which does not leave after a
proper dismissal.
If the flame stays calm then you may continue
Great Lilith, it is my hearts desire that one of your children visit me. I seek no gain
from this visit other than to bask in the presence of your magnificent daughter. I will
never make any claims towards her and promise to not bind her against her will.
Make a pause and again watch the reflection of the flame for a negative reaction
Thank you great Lilith for hearing my wish. If you grant me this favor then let this
flame guide your daughter to me.
It is now essential to focus on the flame with the intent of calling a succubus.
Now its important for you to understand that what happens next can be a life
changing experience. You will see the succubus in the mirror as she comes to you in
her true form. This is not the form that you imagine her to be, but rather the form she
wants you to see, and in some cases (at least from my own experience) this can be
horrific in nature.
Under NOOOOOO circumstances are you to abort the ritual at this stage by freaking
out. If you see something in the mirror which is too much for you behold then close
your eyes, take a deep breath and say.
Thank you, daughter of Lilith for visiting me. I kindly ask you to show yourself to
me in pleasant form.
At this stage imagine how she should look with all your intent and then open your
eyes again and look into the mirror.
Normally this helps and the Succubus should have changed form. If the form still has
not changed, you can try again or just try to accept her natural form. Either way you
will know without a shred of doubt that you called a succubus to you.
Its important to remember that what you are seeing is a reflection of the real world
and that the succubus is really there with you. You might not see or feel her there
right beside her, but she is in fact there.
From here on out its up to you how you continue. I can just give you the
recommendation to take it slow. If she appears once for you, then she will appear
again. Try to get her name, as this will make subsequent summoning rituals much
easier as you can call her directly.
I strongly recommend moving away from the black mirror as soon as possible. Once
you have her name and know how she looks in her true form it should easily be
possible to call her with just a candle.
Closing words
The Black Mirror method is a very direct and certain way of calling a succubus. It
will give you proof beyond doubt that she exists. However this is also a very
dangerous method, as you will be able to see things that your mind cannot handle. So
in closing all I can say is, perform this ritual at your own risk!!
28 Responses to Summoning a Succubus Guide: Step 6 The Black Mirror Method
Jerka Says:
July 17, 2012 at 06:10
Are you still going to talk about sigils?
ryan2k Says:
July 18, 2012 at 07:54
Yes I will in an upcoming Post
Todd Says:
July 18, 2012 at 19:08
I just have to askwhy do you never want to look at your own reflection in
the mirror?
ryan2k Says:
July 19, 2012 at 04:36
Its a personal recommendation, which I strongly recommend
Will Says:
July 18, 2012 at 21:05
Whats your email. Can we talk? thanks
ryan2k Says:
July 19, 2012 at 04:35
my email is
Panait Ion Says:
July 19, 2012 at 15:32
Shall i be dammned. You really freaked me out with this. I was awake a whole
night and ive tried to suppress my thoughts and feelings, because my mind
wanted to invoke the ruler of the hell: Lucifer. DAMN!!!
ryan2k Says:
July 19, 2012 at 16:31
If you have such thoughts during the ritual, then I strongly advice you
not to perform it, unless you have an religious affinty towards Lucifer.
Jonathan Kossow Says:
July 20, 2012 at 02:57
So im going to try this method,i have always had a affinity to the supernatural,
and i dont believe that succubus are actually demons either that they are
people just like us and have feelings like us also, my question though is what
was the first thing you noticed about your succubus in the mirror? her eyes?
her physique? A scent, perhaps? all the above lol
ryan2k Says:
July 20, 2012 at 08:56
The very first time I did this I saw her Shape on the floor, the more I
focused on her I then saw her face, her claws (yes claws).

Jonathan Kossow Says:
July 20, 2012 at 14:15
so are they demon, human or a hybrid of sorts?

ryan2k Says:
July 21, 2012 at 06:42
They are not Human and never were. Other then that I want to
stay neutral

Jonathan Kossow Says:
July 21, 2012 at 11:55
do you have a facebook account?i can talk about the
supernatural all day
Panait Ion Says:
July 20, 2012 at 11:05
So there is no problem with the mirror if your head is clear and your intend is
to summon a sccubus.
ryan2k Says:
July 21, 2012 at 06:41
Just make sure you are calm and clear, if there are no lingering
thoughts on other things and your focus remains true, then you are safe
arieschia Says:
August 4, 2012 at 13:01
Are u freaking serious!? Dude, so u did comunicate with her but does she
appear often after the summoning ritual? Curious to know. Do u still dare to
strike up conversations even if she did appear every second or now?
whoscameron Says:
August 5, 2012 at 00:33
If you summon a succubus and welcome her into your life can she.affect the
ones around you. Example youre home with your family, maybe not in the
same room but their presence is known?
Aryz416 Says:
August 6, 2012 at 04:44
I am very excited for new methods. I am very serious about developing a
relationship with a succubus but am very cautious about trying the two that
you have posted so far. I have read this blog from bottom to top and all
comment. I believe you have done a wonderful thing putting this together.
Thank you.
Aryz416 Says:
August 10, 2012 at 07:43
So this is twice now that you have mentioned to NOT look at your own
reflection in the mirror after/during the ritual. How long should you wait.
Before attempting to look into a mirror. I have a lot throughout my place and
they are kinda hard to miss. Also, I live with my ex and out two children.
Once I a great while, me and my ex sleep with each other. I wanna summon a
Succubus for more than just the physical company, but you mentioned that
they can be very possessive/jealous. What precautions should I take into
summoning and developing a life long commitment with a Succubus? I am
just trying to clear up every loose end before I begin.
I would also like your input on one other thing. The night of my last post, me
and my ex were fooling around. While she was doing stuff to me, I was
concentrating very hard on Lilith and saying a little summons in my head. I
finished my ritual in my head before I ejaculated and even did the closing
ritual. Then when it came time to ejaculate, I felt a sharp pinch or cramp
behind my testicles or legs, somewhere between the two. And through out the
night I kept dreaming about a VERY fair skinned, tattooed and pierced female
that I have never seen before. I have yet to encounter anything like either
events since that night. Do you think that either contributed to the
ritual or a Succubus?
ryan2k Says:
August 10, 2012 at 10:19
Give it an hour or two before looking in the mirror. I am saying this
again, this is my personal preference.
As to your ritual. It is very commen to feel a pinch behind your
testicles. Actually its your prostate which has received the stimulation.
in 90% of the time sexual arrousal will start from the prostate and
move on from there. So yes I would say that you actually called a
succubus to you and interacted with you
Yes a succubus can be very jealous if you do not set proper
boundries in the beginning. Make it clear that she must accept the fact
that there will be other women in your life. But unlike the rumors you
here that a succubus will wreck havoc on your life if she is jealous
which is not true, most of them will just disapear.
RYthere Says:
August 11, 2012 at 00:14
as you said in some cases (at least from my own experience) this can be
horrific in nature can you explain in detail what you so curious to
know about that.
ryan2k Says:
August 12, 2012 at 20:58
Like I said in my earlier posts I would rather not talk about it, since it
is very personal in nature
Panait Ion Says:
August 11, 2012 at 14:54
So what if i live with my family and i have dogs outside?Is there any
problem?I read that animals can feel spirits.
ryan2k Says:
August 12, 2012 at 20:59
Thats a good questions, because I actually have 3 dogs myself. And
yes sometimes they do get jumpy and go all nuts when I am
performing a ritual.
bill Says:
September 2, 2012 at 23:17
Ok I have put much thought into this next question why cant you ask your
succubus to bring me one ? After all see talks to you and is in touch with that
realm. ThanksBill
Brian Says:
September 21, 2012 at 17:10
Hello. I came across your website and find it very interesting. Out of all the
methods for summoning the letter may work best for me. I am married (I
wont go into details). The letter could work the best fir me so as not to tip off
the family. They would definately catch me inside a chalk circle; not safe and
many questions would arise. She may have already come. For a very long time
I have sincerely wanted someone like this. I was laying in bed last evening and
something caused me to stir. I thought Yes Lillith? without even thinking
about it. I could feel a presence but not see her. I thanked her sincerely for
sending one of her daughters. I then felt someone sit diwn on the bed beside
me. The matress compresses and it gave me a start. I was all alone in the room.
I felt a peace from that point on. I am confident she is here through my
genuine sincerity of wanting her. What are your thoughts on all this. This is all
new territory for me. Thank you
curtis Says:
October 21, 2012 at 19:40
hello im 19 and have been lookin into summoning a succubus im on psp hard
to type can we voice on skype or by fone plz reply

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