Kyriale Modern Notation

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1000-A V)

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Including the Requiem


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in U .2 0
V) ..... -­
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with «Qr::<~

1000 ' Accompaniment. A~ Bragers $3.50

2093 Accompaniment' (Low Keys) $3.50

l000-A Modern notation, with rhythmic signs .80

1000-B Gregorian notation, with rhythmic

signs .60

PNblished with ecclesiastical permiJJion


((Jordon "f( Thompson Ltd.,.'!'oronto, Canada)
Printed in U. S. A.

On Sundays- Sprinkling of Holy Water

Priest Ch~ (13th Century)
A t.
A - spar - ges me, Do - mi - ne, hys-so - po,
, Tltou, shalt sprinkle lite UJitlt hyssop, 0 Lord,

et_mun-da - bor: Ia - va - bis me, et su ­

and I shall be cleansed: TI"Ol~ sltalt u'flsn lJl,e, and I skall be

per nl-vem de -
lnade uJhiter titan snOIlJ.
- a' - bor. Ps.50.
aIb ' ~M~
I - se - re-re
Have mercg on me,

· D'
me - 1, e - us,_ *
se - ,
cun- dum ma-gnam
' · se-rl­·
o Ood,. according to Thy great mercu.

cor - di-am tti - am._ Glo - ri - a Pa-tri, et Fi'-li­

Glory be to tlte Fatlter, and to the

M. & R. Co. tOOOA t

Sprinkling of Holy Water

0, et Spi-ri' - tu- i San- cto._ *Sic - ut_ e-rat in.prin-

Son,. and to tlte HolU (}/I,ost. As it uJas in tke beg,'nning,

. ei:pi-o, et nunc, et sem-per,_ et_ in_ sae- cu-Ia sae­

is now, and ever skallbe, world UJitltou,t end.

cu - lei-rum. A - men._
Asperges me
Repeat: Ant.
II On Passion Sunda,y and Palm Sunday, the "Gloria Patri" is not said,
but the Antiphon "Asperges me" is repeated immediately after the Psalm.

i. e. from Easter Sunday till Whitsun inclusive
. C' (10th Century)


Vi' - di a - quam * e - gre - di-

I sa 111 water flollJing fro1n tlte

en - tem_ de_ tern - - plo _

&- Ii - te - re_ dex - trot­

• " R.. Co.lOOOA 2

Sprinkling of Holy Water

aI-Ie - Iii ia:_ et_ 0 - mnes, ad quo 8 per­

allell4ia: and all to uJAom tAat UJater

ve - nit a. - qua r - sta, sal - vi

came, were saved,

fa - cti_8unt, et_ di' - cent,_ al- Ie - hi -ia, al ­

and tAey sAall say, allelll,,,,oa.

Ie - - Iii - ia. A,. 117. Con~ fi - te' mi-ni Do-mi-no
Praise tlte Lord lJecause he ill

quo- ni - am bo - nus: * quo - ni - am in S8.e- eu-Ium
good: lJeca1J,se Itis mercy enduretlt.

mi- se-ri- cor - di - a_ e-jus.. Glo-ri - a_ Pa-tri, et Ff­

Clory he to the Pather, and

••••• Co.IOOOA 3
Sprinkling of Holy Water

Ii - 0, et Spi-ri' - tu - i San-cto. * Sic - ut_ e- rat in

to the Son, and to the Holy Chost. As it 'loas in tke be­

prin- cr- pi- 0, et_ nunc, et' sem-per, et_ in_ saa-eu­
ginning, is now, and ever skallhe, world witkou,t e.nd.

f - - - - - ­

la sae-cu - 10 - rum. A-men. Repeat: Ant. Vidi aquam.

t. Ostende nobis, Domine, misericordiam tuam. (In PaschalTime: AllelUia)
Skow us, 0 Lord, ThU mercy.
~. Et
salutare tuum da nobis. (Paschal Ti1ne: Alleluia)
And grant us Thy salvation.
~. Domine, exaudi orationem meam.
o Lord, kear,ny prayer.
It. Et clamor meus ad te veniat.
And let 11lU cry cOlne u,nto Tkee.
V. Dominus vobiscum.
The L~rd be u",:tk 1/014.

~.Et cum spiritu tuo.

And 'lI1itA tltu spirit.
Oremus Prayer
EXaudi nos, Domine sancte, Pater omnlpotens, aeterne Deus: et Dl(ttere
digneris sanctum Angelum tuum de caelis; qui custodiat, foveat', pro­
tegat, vi'sitet, atque defendat omnes habitantes in hoc habitaculo. Per
Chrlstum·Dominum nostrum. R. Amen.

M.&R. Co. iOOOA 4:

Sprinkling of Holy Water

OTHER CHANTS ad lilJitutJl

P riest ~~)
As - per - ges_ me, * Do - mi - ne, hys - so ­
Thou shalt sprzonkle Ille UJith Ill/SSOP, 0 Lord,

po,_ et_ mun- da - bor: la - va - bis__ me,

and I shall be cleansed: Thou shalt wash tile,

et_ su - per_ ni' - vern_ de - al - ba - bore

and I shall be Inade 1I,111:ter than snollJ.
J)s. Miserere, as bfJjore

Ot II. Ch ° (12th Century)

Af~ ,
As - per - gcs_ me, * Do -mi - ne,_ hys­
Tll-ou shalt sprinkle tne lIn:th kussop, 0 Lord,

, . , ~ ,
so - po,_ et_ mun - da - bor:_ la - va ­
and I shall be cleansed: Thou shalt wasil,

bis_ me, et su - per ni' - vern de -al - ba - bore

'Ille, and I shall be made uJhiter than snollJ.
M. &: R. Co. IOOOA 5
Sprinkling of Holy Water

,. ,.~

P.fl. 50. Mi - se - re - re me - i De - us, * se - cun­

Have mercv on me, 0 God, according

dum ma-gnam mi - se - ri - cor - di - am_ tu - am.

to TkU great mercy.

I~ , .

GIO· - ri - . a·· Pa - t r i, e t Ff - Ii ­ 0, et Spi­

GlorylJe to tke Patker, and to tke Son, and to tlt~

ri' - tu - i San- cto. * Sic - ut_ a - rat in
Holy Ghost. As",·t liJas in tke beginning

~ ~,.jj=
prin - ci' - pi - 0, ~t nunc.. et sem- per, et
is nOll}, and ever skall be, llJorld

in saa - eu - Ia sae - eu - 10 - rum._ A - men.

'II,itltOl/,t end. Amen.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 6

I. - In Paschal Time

I. -In Paschal Time

(Lux et origo) (, )
10th Century

8. " ~
Ky - ri - e *e - lE; - i-son.

Lord, nave mercy. (3 titnes)

Chri' - ste e - le- i-son.
Christ, have tnercg. (3 times)

Ky - ri- e __ ' ,
e I e - '. i-son.
Lord, have Inercu. (2 tilnes)

Ky-ri - e *e Ie - i-son.
Lord, Ilave IllercU.

(10th Century)

4. t ;i
Glo-ri - a in ex- cel- sis_ _ De- o. Et
Glory to God 'in the h,ighest. And

in ter - ra-pax ho- mi'-ni-bus bo~nae vo-Iun- ta­

on eart'" peace to tnen of good wl·II.

M. a:R.Co.tOOOA 7
I. - In Paschal Time

tis. Lau-da-muste.- Be-ne-di'-ci - mus_tee

We praise Thee. We bless Thee.

Ad-o - ra - mU8 tee Glo-ri- fi - ca - mus tee Gra-

We adore Thee. We glorifu T"'ee. We

ti - as a- gi- mus ti' - bi pro - pterma-gnam glo - ri - am_

give Thee tAanks for Tltg great glory.

tu - am. Do - mi- ne De- us,_ Rex cae -Ie-stis, De ­

o Lord God, Aeavenly K'ing, Ood the

us__ Pa - ter 0 - mni: po - tens. Do-mi - ne Fi'-li_ u­

:Fatker almigkty. 0 Lord Jesus Chr'ist,

ni-ge-ni-te Je-su_Chri:ste. Do - mi-ne_De-us,

tke only begotten Son. 0 Lord God,

A - gnus:.- De - i, Fi' - Ii - us_ Pa- tris. Qui tol- lis

Lalnh Of God, Son of tlte Patlter. WllO takest

M.&R.Co. iOOOA 8
I. - In Paschal Time

pee- ea-ta_ mun-di, mi-se- re- rc_no -bis. Qui tol- lis
au'au tke sins of tke 'UJorld, kave mercy on 14S. Wh,o ta-Rest

pcc-c1i-ta_mun-di, su-sci-pe de-pre-ea-t.i- o-nem_Do­

allJay tke sins of the uJorld, receive our prayer.

stram. Qui _ se - des ad dex - te - ram_Pa-tris, mi- se - re-

Hno sittest at tn.e right of tlt.e Pather, nave mercg

re_ no - bis. Quo- ni - am tu_ so-lu8 san-etus. Tu_ so­

on u.s. For Tn014 only art "'oIU. Tlwuonlu

Ius Do - mi- nU8. Tu so-lu8 Al-tis-si-mus, Je - su_

art Lord. Tkou only art most high, 0 Jesus

=F=r '1
Chri'- stc. Cum San- eto_ Spi'- ri - tu, in glo - ri - a

Christ. . TogetJter llJitk tke HolV Ghost in tke glory Of

De - i__ Pa- tris. A - - men._

Cod tlte Patker. So be it. ~ESPONSffi
N os~.t- 2 - 3 -"A
M.&R. Co.l000A 9
I. - In Paschal Time

San-ctu8,_ * San - ctU8,_ San-etusDo-mi­

nus De-U8_ Sa - ba. - oth. PIe - ni sunt cae - Ii et_

of Ho,ts. Heaven and earth are fu.ll of

ter-ra glo - ri- a_ tu - a. Ho-san-na_ in ex -

TAg glory. Rosanna in the highest.

eel- sis. . Be - ne- di'-ctus qui va -nit in no - mi-ne_

!Jlessed is De that cO"I,etk ,·n the naJne of the Lord.

Do' - mi - ni. Ho - san- na_ in_ ex - eel - sis.

Hosanna in the highest. IRESPONSES!
Nos. 5-6

_ A-gnus_ De-i,_*qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta_mun-
Lamb of God, who takest awa1/ the sins of the

di: mi- se· re - - ~ re no - bis. A·- gnu8_

uJorld, have mercg on U8. Latllb qf Got'l,

-M. &tB. Co. 1000A to

I . - In Pasehal Time

De - i._ * qui tol - lis pee- ea - ta_ mUD - di:

u'.ko tn kest allJay tke BinI Of eke lIJorld,

mi - se - re - - - - re no - bis.
kave mercy on f~8.

A-gnus_De-i,_*qui tol-lis pee-ea- ta_mun - di:

Lamb of God, wko take,t awall tkesina of tke world,

d ~~~~
o - na_ no -
grant U8 peace. .
- - -

IS pa - eem.
Fronl Holy Saturday till Easter Saturday inclusive. No.. '1

(Priest) I - te. mis- sa est, al-Ie-Ili - ia, ai-Ie - Iii - ia._
Go, tke MaBs is ended.
(Choir) De-o gra-
ti - as, aI-Ie-Iii - ia, ai-Ie - lli - ia._
TkankslJe to God.
l-'rom Lo,," Sunday till Whit· Saturday inclusive.

(Priest) I .. - te, mis - sa est.
Go, the MaBs is ended.
(Choir) Dc - 0 - gr& - ti- &S.
Tkanks be to Ood.
II. - For Solemn F~asts. 1

II. - For Solemn Feasts. 1

(Kyrie fans bonitatis) (10th Century)

~ .
lCy-ri- e *
Lord, have tnercv.

e - Ie - i-son. Chri:' ste ~---

(3 ti1Jles) Christ, kave tnerc1/.

e-Ie - i-son. Ky-ri- e _

(3 times) Lord, kave mercy.

____- - - - e- Ie - i-son. Ky-ri - e *

(2 titnes) Lord, kave tnerc1/.

** e-Ie - I-son.

M. & R. Co.l000A 12
II.-For Solemn Feasts. 1

(13th Century)

f.~ ;

Glo-ri - a in ex-eel-sis De - o. Et in ter ­

Glory to God zan the highest. And Oil earth,

ra_pax ho mf - ni - bus bo-nae vo-lun-ta-tis.

peace to Ine n of good 1I'ill.

Lau-da-mus_ te._ Be-nc-di:ei -mus tee Ad-o - ra-mus

"re pra'ise Th,ee. We hles.~ Thee. We adore Th,ee.

te._ Glo-ri-fi- ea - mus tee Gra-ti- as a-gi-mus

H"e glor1fU Thee. JJ~ give ~Thee tltanks

ti' - bi pro-pter ma - gnam glo - ri - am_ tu- am.

for TkV great glory.

Do-mi-ne De - us, Rex eae-Ie- stis, De-us_ Pa-ter 0 - mni'­

o Lord God, heavenlU X'lng, God the Pather almighty.

M. & R. Co. lOOOA 13

II. - For Solemn Feasts. 1

po - tens. Do - - mi- ne Fi'-li u - ni - gc- ni- te~

o Lord Jesus ell.ri.c:t, tke onlU begotten Son.

Je - su _ Chri'- ste. Do-mi- ne De - us A - gnus De - i,

o Lord Ood, Lamb of Ood,

Fi' - Ii - us_ Pa- tris._ QUi_ tol - lis pee-ca-

Son of tke Patker. WllO takest aUlau tke sin.~ Of

ta mun-di, mi- se - ra - re _ _ no - bis. Qui_ tol ­

tke world, kave mercu on us. Wko takest awau

lis pee~ea-ta mun-di, su- sci - pe de-pre-ea-ti - 0 - nem no­

tlte sins of tke world, receive our prauer.

stram. Qui se - des ad _ dex- te - ram Pa - tris mi- se -

Wko sittest at tll.e right Of the 'atker, kave mercy

re ­ re _ _ no-bis. Quo-ni-am tu __. so - Ius san-etus.

on u,s. .Por Tkou onl!1 art koly.
M. & R. Co. 1000A 14
II. - For Solemn Feasts. 1

Tu 8o-Ius Do - mi - nus. Tu so-Ius Al - tis - si - mus,

Tko14 only art Lortl. TltOf4 only art most Itiglt,

Je - su_ Chri' - ste. Cum San-cto Spi'- ri - tu, in_

o Jesus ell.rist. Togetlter UJitlt tlte JIoly (lltost in tlte

- a
.ID"~ ~~
fl- C-I Pa - trIS.
glory of Ood the Fatlter.
A -
80 be it.
- - men.

San - ' - ctus, * San - - ctus,__
Holy, Holy, .

San - - ctUB Do-mi- nus_De - us_ Sa- ba - oth. Ple-

Boly Lord Ood of Hosts. Hea'lJen

ni_ sunt cae-Ii et_ ter - ra glo -' ri- &_ tu-a. _
and eartlt arefull of Tlty glory.

1\1. & R.Co. 1000A 15

II. - For Solemn Feasts. 1

Ro- san-na in ex - eel-sis. Be- ne - di'- ctus

Hosanna in tlte kigkest. Blessed is He tkat

qui_ ve - nit in no - mi- ne_ Do-mi-ni. "­

cometlt in tke name of tke Lord.

Ho - san - na _ in ex eel - sis.

Hosanna in tke kigkest. RESPONSES

A - gnus, ~ D'e - I,• * qUI_· t'l0 - l~
Lamb of Ood, wko takest away tke sins

pec - Ca- ta mun - di: mi- se - re - re_
of tke world, nave mercy on us.

no - - bis. A - gnus· De - i, *qui tol-lis-

Laino of (}od, u,ko takest

M. &R. Co.l000A 16
II. - For Solemn Feasts. 1

pec-ca- ta mun - di: mi-se- ra - re_no ­

away tke sins of tke world, have mercy on 1.t8.

- bis. A- gnus De - i, * qui_ tol ­

Lam.lJ of (Jod, ulko takes!

· - lis_ pee - ca - ta mun - di:

away tke sins of the uJorld, .

do-na_ no bis_ pa - -cern.

grant 1.tS peace. RESPONSE

(Priest) I - to, _
(Jo, tkeMass is ended.
(Choir) De - 0 _
Tkanks be to God.

mis - sa est.
gra - ti ­ as.

M.&R.Co.IOOOA 17
III. - For Solemn Feasts. 2

Or, more ,.suallV

5, I~
(Priest) I - te, ~
Go, the Mass is ended.
(Choir) De' - 0 _
Thanks be to God.

~ .'
mlS - sa_ est.
gra - ti - as.

~~ ~~ ­
(Priest )B e-ne- d1- ea- mus Do - - ~

- - - - mi - no.

III. - For Solemn Feasts. 2

4,_. ~=ne)~ntury)
Ky - ri - e * I
e - 1-'
e - 1· ­
Lord, -nave mercy.

son. Ky-ri- e _
Lord, nave mercy.­
••••• Co.lOOOA i8
III. - For Solemn Feasts. 2

Ky - ri - e e- Ie- i-son.
Lord, have mercy.

Chri' - s t e e- Ie- i- son.

.Ckrz·st, have mercy.

Chri'- ste e- Ie- i-son.

Ckrz·st, have 1nercy.

Chri' - ste e- Ie- i-son.

C/trist, have mercy.

Ky - ri - e I e- Ie - i ~ son.
Lo rd, ha've mercy.

. I
":../ I
Ky~ ri - e ' I e- Ie- i-son. .
Lord, have 1nercy.

Ky - ri - e *
Lord, have mercy.
M.&R.Co.1000A 19
III. - For Solemn Feasts. 2

-........; e - e-l,~ 1- son.

(11th Century)

Glo- ri - a in ex-eel- sis- De - o. Et_
Gloru to God in tke In·gltest. A nd on

in- ter- ra- pax ho - mi'- ni-bus bo - nae_ vo - Iun- ta­

eart!1, peace to Inen of good w'I,·II.

tis. Lau - da - mus-te._ Be-ne- di' - ei - mus tc.
We prtlt·se Tkee. We bless Thee.

Ad- 0 - ra - mus te._ Glo-ri- fi - ca -

mus tee
Jle adore We glorifU Tkee.

Gra-ti - as a-
gi-mus ti' - bi pro-pter_ rna - gnaDLglo­
JJ~e gi've Thee thanks for Tl1u great glory.
II.&B. Co. iOOOA 20
III. - For Solemn Feasts. 2


ri-am tu- am. Do-mi-ne De-us, Rex eae- lc-stis,

o Lord Ood, heavenly K~·ng,

De-us Pa - tero - mni'- po - tens. Do-mi-ne Fi:'li

God the Father alln'l·ghtu. 0 Lord JesusChrlst,

u- ni - ge-ni-te, Je - su_Chri'-ste. Do-mi-ne De-us,
the onlu begotten Son. 0 Lord Ood,

A - gnus De-i, Fi~li-us Pa-

tris. Qui tol-lis pee -
Lalnb of God, SOil of tIle Pafhet·. Who takest au/ay the

ea - ta_ mun-di mi- se - re - re __ no - bis. Qui tol­

sins of the u.'orld, have lnercu on us. Wllo takest

lis pee - ea - ta mun-di, sri-sei- pe de-pre- ea - ti - 0- nem

aUJau the sins Of the IlJ orld, receive our prayer.

no-stram. Qui se - des_ ad dex-te - raltt_ Pa - tris, mi-

Jfno sittest at the right of tlte Pather, "'ave
M.&R.Co.lOOOA 21
III.- For Solemn Feasts. 2

se - ra - re_ no - bis. Quo-ni- am- tu so-Ius san-ctus.

lnercu on '48. Por TltOU onlU art holU.

Tu 80-1us Do-mi-nus. Tu ~-Ius AI- tis - si - mus,

Thou, onlU art Lord. Tltol4 onlU art J/lost kigk,

J8 ,- su_ Chri' - ste. Cum San-cto Spi:' ri - tu,

o Jesu8 Christ. Togetlter Il'ith tIle Holu Gllost

in gIo- ri .. a De-i_ Pa - tris.

in the glory of God the Patker.

San - *
etus, San - etus,- San-
HolV, HoIU, Holy Lord God of

etu8 Do ­ mi - nUB De-us _ _ Sa ­ ba ­ oth. Ple-ni_ sunt

H08ts. Heaven and

)I. " R. Co. 1000A 22

II!.- For Solemn Feasts. 2

. cae - li_ et_ ter - ra glo ri-a_'_ tu- a.

earth are full of Thy Klorg.

Ho - san - na- in- ex - cel- sis. Be- ne ­

Rosanna in tlte lu:gltest. Blessed

di' - etus qui_ ve - nit in no - mi- ne__ Do - mi - ni.

is He tnat cOlnetlt in the KaIne of tlte Lord.

Ho - san na_ in_ ex -

Rosa nna in tnl! nigh,est.

A - gnus-De - i, * qui_ tol - lis pee-
Lamb of ODd, UlltO takest allJau tlte sl'ns of

ea - ta___ mun di:_ mi - se-re-re_no­

the lIJorld, !lave merc1/ on 1"'8.'

lI. &: R. Co.IOOOA 28

IV. - For Doubles. 1

bis. A- gnus De - i, * qui_ tol - lis pee-ea -

LaIno of God, ll'nO takest alt!au tIle s'ins oftne loorld,

ta nuin di:_ mi - se - re-re_ no-bis.

have tnercu on us.

A - gnus De - i, * qui_ tol - lis pee-ea

.LaIno ofOod, It'h.o takest au'av tke sins of tke ll'orld,

ta nurn - di:_ do - na- no-bis_ pa-eem.

grant /l,S peace.
No; 7
Ite, missa est, or Benedicamus Domino, as at the end of the preceding ~Iass.

IV. - For Doubles. 1

(Cunctipotens Genitor Deus) (10th Century)

1...~ I

Ky-ri-e * e - ­
Lord, ILave Illerc1/.

Ie-i-son. Chri: ste e

(3 tinl,es) C/trist, ka ve Inercu.

M. " R. Co. 1000A 24:

IV.· For Doubles. 1 .

le-i- son.'~ Ky- ri - e _ e ­

(3 times) Lord, nave mercy.

le- i-son. Ky - ri - e *
(2 times) Lord, have tnercy.

** e - Ie - i-son.
(10th Century)

4.· ,.~
I I -

G16 - ri- a in ex-eel-sis De - o. Et- in_

Glory to God in tlte hz·gltest. And on

ter - ra pax 'ho - mi' - ni - bus bo-nae vo -IuD - ta - tis.

earth peace to men of good 10ill.

- I
Lau-da-mus_te. Be-ne - di'- ei - mus- te. Ad-o - ra ­
We praise Thee. We bless TAee. JJ'e adore Tltee.

K. & R. Co. iOOOA 25

,IV. - For Doubles'. 1

mus_ teo Glo-ri- fi - ca - I MUS tee Gra-

We glorifu Thee. We

ti - as a-,gi - mus- ti' - bi pro- pter- ma-gnam_gIo~ri - am_

gi've Thee thanks for Thy great gloru.

tti - am. Do-mi- ne_ De ~ us, .Rex cae -Ie - stis, De - us

o Lord God, Iteavenlu King, God the

Pa - ter ·0 - mni'- po - tens. ,:po-mi-ne_ Fi' - Ii

Pather al/nigktv. 0 Lord Jesus Christ,

u - ni - ge - ni - te, Je - su Chri' - - ste.

tIle onlU begotten Son.

Do-mi-ne- De-us, A-.gnus_De'- i, Fi' - li-us- Pa

o Lord God, LaIno of God, Son of tIle Pather.

tris._ Qui. tol-lis pce-ca- ta:- mUD - di, ~i- se - ra - re:""

"Wkotakest au/ay tke sins of the 10orld, have /ll,ercy on
,M. & R. Co. iOOOA 26
IV. - For Doubles. 1

no - bis. Qui tol- lis pec-ca- ta- mun - di, BU- sci - pe
U8. Wlto takest alcay the sins Of the world, rece't·ve our

de-pre-ca-ti- 6 - nem_ no-stranl. Qui se - des addax-te-ram
prayer. Who st"ttest at the right of the

Pa - tris, mi-: se - ra - re- no - bis. Quo-ni ­

Pather, have tnercy on 1"S.' Por Thol"

am- ~- s·o-lus-san-ctus. Tu- so - Ius Do -_mi - nus.

only art kol1/. Thou only art Lord.

Tu so-Ius AI-tis- si - mus, Je - su Chri' - - ste.

Thou, only art most higlt, 0 Jesus Christ.

Cum San - cto Spi' - ri - tu, in gIo-

Together u'ith the HolU Ghost in tke glory

~l-f f~
ri-'a. De-i_ Pa - tris. A- men.
of God the Pather. So be't·t. RESPONSES
Nos. 1-·2- 3-_,!A
M. & R. Co. IOOOA 27
IV. - For Doubles. 1

San - etus, * San - etus,- San
Hol1/, HolU, HolU Lord Cod

etus Do-mi-nus De- us Sa - ba - oth. Ple- ni sunt

of Hosts. Heaven and

cae-Ii et ter- ra glo - ri - &_ tu - R. Ho - san- na

eartll, are fUll of Thy glorv. Hosanna in tke

in __ ex cel sis. Be-ne-di:etus qui ve - nit

highest. Blessed is He that cometh in

in no-mi-ne Do - mi - ni. .Ho - - ­

the name of the Lord. Hosanna in tlte kigkest.

san-na in _ _ ex - eel - - - sis._
M." R. Co. tOOOA 28
IV.-For Doubles. 1

(12-13th Century)

A - gnus_De i, * qui tol- lis pee-ea - ta_
Lamb of Ood, who takest awag the sins of

mun-di: mi- se-re - re no - bis. A-gnus De-i, *

the 1110 rid, have mercy on us. .Lamb of Ood,

qui tol-lis pee-ca- ta__ mun - di: mi- se- re - re no ­
11'11,0 takest awou the StOns ofthe world, have mercg on us.

~ ,.
bis. A - gnus De - i, * qui tol - lis pee-ea-
LalnlJ of Ood, lIJho takest away the

ta__ mun - di: do - na no - bis pa - cern.

S1~ns of tlte 100 rid , grant us peace.

1. t ,.
(Priest) I - te, mis- sa est.
00, tlte Mass·tOs ended.
(Choir) De-o gra - ti - as.
Thanks IJe to Ood.
M.&R.Co.IOOOA 29
v. - For Doubles. 2

(Priest) Be - ne - di - ca - MUS Do-
Let us bless the Lord.

I ~ _ ml- no.

v. - For Doubles. 2
(Kyrie magnae Deus potentiae) ( )

Ky-ri- e *e - ­
Lord, have mercy.

- Ie'- i-son. Chri' - ste _

(3 times) Christ, have mercy.

c Ie-i-son. Ky-ri-e __
(3 times) Lord, have mercy.

I I '-....:: *e - - (3 time.)

K.&R.Co.1000A 80
v. - For Doubles. 2
(12th Century)

Glo-ri - ~ in ex .. ceI- sis De - o. Et in
Glory to God in the highest. And on

t er-ra pax h0 - .' nI-
mI- · bus bo-nae_vo-
' I
un t
­ 'a­
earth peace to men of good will.

tis. L8;Jl-da-mus-te.__ Be-ne - di'-ci-mus-te.

we praise Thee. We bless Thee.

Ad-o - ra-mus te._ Glo-ri-fi - ca- mus- tee Gra ­

We adore Thee. We glortJ!/ Thee. We give

ti - as__ a - gi-mus ti'- bi pro-pter_ma-gnam_

Thee thanks for ThU great glory.

glo - ri- am_ tu- am. Do - mi- ne __ De-us,_

o Lord (Jod,

Rex cae-Ie - stis, De-us_ Pa- ter_ 0 mni'- po -tens.

heavenltl King, God the Pather al/nighttl.
M.&B.Co.t.OO()A 81
v. - For Doubles. 2

Do -mi - ne - - Fi'- Ii _ u - ni- ge- ni- te, Je - su Chri:

o Lord Je8'148 Ckrist, the only begotten Son.

ste. Do-mi-ne_ De-us,­ A - gnus_De- i, Fi:li­

o Lord Ood, Lalnb of Ood, Son of

us_ Pa - tris. Qui tol - lis pee-ca- ta mun-di, mi­

tke .Patker. Wko takest awau tke sins of the world,.

se - re - re_ no-bis. Qui_ tol- lis__ pec­

have mercy on us. WAo takest away the sins

ca - ta mun-di, su-sci-pe de-pre - c~-ti - 6 - nem_

of tke world, receive 0'l4r prayer. .

no-~tram. ""'"
QUi_ se - des__ ad dex - te-ram Pa-tris,
Who sittest at the right of the I'ather, have mercg
. . . "-'
ml-se - re, - , b·IS.
re_ no- Q
uo -'nl-
. am__ tu
. on '14B. I'or Thou onlV art holg•
.11. &R. Co.IOOOA 32
v.. For Doubles. 2

so - Ius san-ctus. Tu so - Ius Do-mi-nus. Tu so ­

Ius_ Al - tis - si - mus, Je - su _ Chrf - ste.

art most hign, 0 JeS148 Christ.

Cum San - .eto Spi: ri - tu, in glo-ri- & De- i _ _

Together with the 801y Ghost in tAe glory of Ood the PaIAe,..

Pi - tris. A -
So be it.
- ­ -1rt
. (12th Century)

an -
e us,
* SY_AN·
an - c
~ ­
Dol1/, Holv, HolgLordUod

I ~ I
etus . Do-mi-nus De-us Sa - ba - oth. Ple~ ni sunt cae-Ii
of Hosta. Heaven and earth are

. et_ ter- ra glo-ri - a_ tu &. Ho ­

full ofTkv glorg. Hosanna in tAe
lI.AR.Co.l000A 88
V. - For Doubles. 2

san - na in ex - cel sis.

Be- ne- di:ctus
kigkest. Blessed is He

qui va - nit __ in no - mi - ne Do - mi - ni.

tkat cometk in tke nalne of tke Lord.

Ho - - san - na in ex - ·cel
Hosanna intke kt"gltest.

( 12th Century)

~'YY I

A - - gnus De ­ i,_ * qui tol

LalnlJ of God, U"I,O takest awau

lis_ pee - ca - ta_ mun di: mi- se - re

tke sins of tke icorld, kave mercu on us.

re_no _0 bis._ A - gnus De ­ i,_ *

LallllJ of God,

•• A R. Co. 1000A 34:

v. - For-Doubles. 2

qui tol - lis_ pee - ea - ta_mun • di: mi- se ­

11'11,0 takest all/au tlte szOns Of the ll/orld, nave /Jl,ercV

re - re_ no - bis.- A - - gnus

on 148. Lamb Q/ Ood,

De - i,_ *qui tol - lis_ pee - ca - ta_

IlJho tnkest au/au the szOns of the llJorld,

mun di: do - na_no bis_pa cem._

grant us peace. IRESPONSEI

8. ¥ft
(Priest) I - te, _
Co, the Inass ,:s ended.
(Choir) De - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ­
Thanks be to God. ~

mis- sa est.
gra- ti - as.

Ifo &R.Co.1000A 35
VI. - For Doubles. 3

VI. - For Doubles. 8

(Kyrie Rex Genitor) (10th Century)

' · e *e - ' 1­
I 6- ·
Lord, have mercg.

son. Ky-ri - e e - Ie - i-son. Ky-

Lord, Ilave m~reg. Lord,

ri - e e - Ie- i-son. Chri'­

have Inered. Cltrt'st, Itave

ste e - Ie - i-son. Chrf- ste _

mereg. Cltr,"st, ltaueJnercg.

e - hi-i-son. Chrf- ste e

Cltrist, Itave mercg.

Ie - i-son". Ky-ri - e _ e Ie- i-

Lord, have mercy.

M.&B.Co.1000A 88
VI.- For Doubles. 3

Ky - - ri - e . e - . ­
Lord, have mercJI.

Ie - i-son. Ky- ri - e------ _

Lord, nave mercy.

* **

e - Ie - 1- son.

P · t (10th Century)


Glo - ri - a in ex - eeI- sis De- o. Et in_

Cloru to Cod in tne nighest. And on

i "I
ter - ra pax ho - mi' - ni - bus bo-nae_ vo-Iun - ta- tis.
eartn peace to men 0/' good liP';ll.

Lau- da - mU8 tee Be- ne - di' - ei - mU8 tee Ad-o ­

We praise Tnee. We bless Tnee . We adore
. M.clR.Co.iOOOA ~7
VI.· For Doubles. 3

ra - mus...:te. Glo-ri - fi - ca - mus tee _

Tltee. JVe glorify Thee.


Gra- ti - as Ii - gi-mus ti'- bi pro - pter rna - gnam glo­

We give Tltee tltanks for Thy great glO''rU.

ri - am- tu- am. Do-mi - ne__ De-us, Rex eae-Ie- stis,
o Lord Ood, ltea'venlU King,

De - us Pa - ter 0 - mni'-po-tens. Do-mi - ne _ _
Ood tlte Fatlter alJlzigltty. 0 Lord, Jesu,s CltrtOst,

Fi'-li_ u - ni- ge- ni - te, Je- su- Chrf· ste. Do - mi- ne­
tlte only begotten Son. o Lord Cod,

De - us, A - gnus De - i, Fi" - Ii - us_ Pa -tris. Qui

Lalnb of Ood, Son of tlte Fatlter. Who

tol - lis pee - ea-ta mun-di, mi-se- re-re- no-bis.

takest away tlte StOns oftlte uJorld, Itave tnercy on 1/,s.
M. & Ro Co. iOOOA 38
VI. - For .Doubles. 3

Qui tol - lis pee- ca - ta_ mun - di,__ su - sci-

Wlto takest allJQU the sins of the world, receive ou,r

pe de-pre-ea-ti - 0 - nem no-stram. Qui se - des ad

prayer. Wlw sittest at tlte right

dex - te - ram Pa - tris,__ mi- se - re - re_ no - bis.

Q/ the Pather, have mercy on u,s.

Quo-ni - am tu _ so-Iu8_ san-ctus. Tu so-Ius_ Do- mi.. nus .

.For Thou only art holy. Thou, only art Lord.

Tu so - Ius Al - tis - si - mus,_ Je - su_ Chri:'ste.

Thou, only art most high, o Jesl4s Christ.

Cum San - cto Spi' - ri - tu, in_ glo - ri - a_

Together with the Holy Ghost in the glory Of Ood the

De-i____ Pa - tris. A -
- '*' I
- men._
Pather. So be it. RESPONSES

M.&R.Co.1000A 39
VI. - For Doubles. 3

(11th Century)

San-ctus,_ * San - etus, San-etus-Do-mi-nus
Holy, Holy, HolU Lord Ood of Hosts.

De-us_ Sa-ba-oth. Ple-ni sunt-cae - li- et_ter­

Heaven and earth are full of Tltu

ra glo-ri - a tu - a. Ho - san-na _ in'

gloru· Rosanna in the highest.

ex eel - sis. Be - ne - di' - etus- qui va -

Blessed is He that cometh in tlte nalne

in no mi- ne- Do-mi - ni. Ho ­

of the Lord. Hosanna in tlte

san- na in_ ex - eel - - I - sis.

Nos. 5-6
.K. cl a. Co.1000A 4:0
VI.• For Doubles. 3

A - gnus De - i, * qui tol - lis_ pee ­
LaIn/)\ qf (Jod, 101t0 takest awau tlte sins of

ea - ta-
tile uJorld,
-mun .

di: mi-se - -- ..

have mercy on '148.

~ . .

re -
re _ _ no-bis.

A -. gnus De - i, * qui tol. - lis_ pee ­

Lamb qf (}od, who takest allJoU tlte sins of tlte

ca - ta_ mun - di: mi-se - re - r e - - no-bis.

lIJ orld, have mercu on II,S.

A - gnus De - i, * qui tol - lis_ pee - ea-

Lamb of (Jod, wlto takest aUJag the sins of tlte

ta_ mun - di:· do-na no- bis_ _ pa-eem.

world, grant UII peace. IRESPONS~
)f. A B. Co. iOOOA II
VII. - For Doubles. 4

(Priest) I - te, . mis-sa est.

Go, the m·QSS is ended.
(Choir) De - 0 gra-ti- as.
Thanks be to God.

VII. - For Doubles. 4

Ky- ri - e * e ­
.Lord, have mercy.

- Ie- i-son. ehrf· ste _

(3 ti/nes) Christ, have tnercu.

e - - Ie - 1 - son.
(3 titnes)

Ky - ri - e- _
Lord, have mercy.

-M' I ~ -M' , •
*e - - - Ie - 1- son.
(9 times)

II." R. Co.1000A 4:2

VII. - For Doubles. 4

Priest. . (12th Century)

Glo-ri - a in ex - cel- sis_ De - o. Et in­
Oloru to Oot/, in tlte Itigltest. .And on

ter - .ra- pax ho - mi'- ni - bus bo -nae-vo-Iun - ta - tis.

eartlt peace to men qf good 111ill.

Lau- da- mU8_ te. Be-ne- di'- ci - mus- ta. Ad-o - ra­
We praise Tltee. We bless Thee. We at/,ore·Tltee.

mus-te. Glo-ri - fi - ca- mus- te. Gra-ti ~ as a - gi­

We glori/v Tltee. We give Tltee thanks

MUS ti'- bi pro-pter- ma-gnamglo-ri - am- tli - am. Do­

for TAg great glorv. o

mi - ne De-us, Rex cae-Ie - stis, De - us- Pa - ter_ 0 ­

Lord fiod, Aeavenlv Xz·ng, God tlte Pather almightv.
II. &lR. Co. iOOOA 43
VII. - For Doubles.. 4

mni'- po-tens. Do - mi-ne Fi'-li_ u - ni - _ge- ni - te,

. 0 Lord Jesus Ohr'l:st, the onltllJegotten Son.

.Je- su- Chri:ste. 'Do-mi - ne De -us, A- gnus De ­

o Lord Ood, Lamb of (Jod,

i, Fi'-li - us pa-tris. Qui tal-lis pec-ca-ta mun-di,

Son of tlte Patlter. Who takest au/au the sins of the

mi- se - re- re- no-bis. Qui_tol-lis_pec-ea-ta mun - di,

world, have mercy on 1./,8. Wko takest awau tkesins qf tke

su- sci - pe de·pre- ca- ti - 0 - nem no - stram. QUi_ se ­

world, receive Ol./,r prayer. Wlto sittest at

I' '-'
des ad dex-te-ram pa: - tris, mi- se- re - re no - bis. Quo­
tlte right of the Pather, have mercy on 11,8. Por

.ni - am tu so-Ius san - ctus. Tu so-Ius Do-mi-nus.

Thol./, only art 11,011/. Tkol./, onlU art Lord.
M.&R.Co.1000A 44
VII. - For Doubles. 4

, ~

Tu so-Ius Al - tis - si - mus, Je- su Chri' - ste.

Tkou, only art most kigk, o Jesu,s Okri.!t.

Cum_ San - cto Spi' - ri - tu, in glo - ri -

Togetker lIJith tke Holy Gkost in tke glory of

. ~
a_ De - i_ Pa - tris.- A - men._
Goa tlte Potlter. So be 'it. I RESPONSES

San - ctus,- * S'an - ,
ctus ,- San -\.",.;
Hol#, Holy, Holy Lord

- ctus Do-mi - nus De - us Sa ba- oth.

God Of Hosts.

Ple-ni_ sunt_ cae-li_ et ter ra glo-ri-

Heaven and ear!lt arefull of Th.y glory.

M.&R.Co.l000A 45
VII. - For Doubles. 4

&_ tu - &. Ho - san-na in_ ex ­

Hosanna i n the highest.

eel - - - sis. Be - ne - di' - etus

Blessed is He that cometh in

qui va nit in no - mi-ne Do-mi-ni.
the name of the Lord.

Ho - san-na in_ ex - eel- - sis.

Hosanna in the highest. RESPONSES
Nos. 5-6

A - gnus De - i, * qui __ tol - lis pee-ca-
Lamb of Cod, ll}hQ takest alooy tlte sins of the

ta_ mun-di: mi- se - ra re no bis.

world, have mercy on us.

M. & R. Co. iOOOA 48

VIT.· For Doubles. 4

A - gnus De - i, * qui _ _ tol - lis pee - ea -

Lamb Q/' God, UJ/to takest al0au the sins of the

ta_~_ mun-di: mi-se- re - re no - bis.

100rld, have mercg on 1-'8.

A - gnus- De - i, * qui tol- lis pee- ea - ta_

La1nlJ qfOod, who takest au/au the sins of the

mun - di: do -na- no bis pa

u/orld, grant' us peace.

8·)1 '
(Priest) 1- t e , - - - - - - - - - - - -
00, the mass is ended.
(Choir) De- 0 _
Thanks be to God.

- ...... I "'-' mis- sa es t .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ gri-ti-as.

M. &R.Co.1000A 47
VIII. - For Doubles. 5

VIII. - For Doubles. 5

(de Angelis)
(15-16th Century)

5. , '
Ky- ri - e *
Lord, nave mercy.

e - Ie- i-son. Chri'- ste _

(3 titnes) Ckrist, Ilave mercy.


e Ie - i-son.
(3 ti/nes)

Ky- ri - e _ e -
Lord, ka'ue mercy.

Ie-i - son. Ky-ri- e. -..:*~ _

(2 t1;Jnes) Lord, kave mercy.

~!PsF I

** e - - Ie - i-son.

M.&R.Co.lOOOA 48
VIII. - For Doubles. 5

(16th Century)

6 . ,
.~ ' I

Glo-ri- a in ex-eel-sis De - o. Et in ter-ra pax

Olory to {lod in tke Itigltest. And on eart}/,peace

ho-mi:' ni- bus bo-nae vo-Iun- ta - tis. Lau-da - MUS

to men of good wt"ll. Weprat"se Tltee.

tee Be-ne-di'- ci - mus_ te._ Ad- 0 - ra - MUS tee

JVe bless Tltee. We adore Thee.

Glo-ri-fi - ca-mus tee Gra-ti- as a- gi - mus_ ti' - bi pro-pter

We glorifY Thee. We give Tllee thanks for TkU

ma-gnamglo-ri-am tu - am. Do-mi- ne .De-us, Rex cae­

great gloru. o Lord {lod, }Ieavenlu


le-stis, De-us- Pa-ter 0 - mni' po - tens. Do-mi-ne Fr-·

King, {lod tlte ./i'atlter al/nigh/u. o Lord Jes148
K. aR. Co.l000A 4:9
VIII. -For Doubles. 5

Ii u - ni- ge-ni-te, Je - su_ Chrf.. ste. Do-mi-ne De-us,_

Christ, the only begotten Son. o Lord God,

A-gnus De - i, Fi'-li - us_ Pa - tris. Qui t6I-lis pec-

Lamb of God, Son of the Pather. WllO takest a'waH


ea-ta mun - di,­ mi- se- re - re_no- bis. Qui tol-lis

the sins of the world, have mercy on u,s. Who takest

pec-ea-ta mun-di, su-sci-pe de-pre-ea-ti- 0 - nelD-no

a1lJau the sins of the 1lJorld, receive our prayer.

stram.- Qui se-des ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris, mi- se-re-re

Who sittest at tke right of the Pather, ha'iJe mercy on

a"no - bis. . Quo'- ni - am tu so-Ius san-etus.

Tu so-Iu8­
• us . Por Thou onlU art. holy. Thou, only art

•. elK.Co. tOOOA &0

VIII. - For Doubles. 5

Do.; mi- nus. Tu so-Ius AI - tis - si- mus.- Je - su_

Lord. Tkol~ only art most kigk, 0 Jesus


Chri'- ate. Cum San- eto_ Spi'- ri - tu, in gIo-ri- a

Ckr't°st. Togetker lIJ'/:tk tke Holy Gkost. in tke glory of

De-i Pa tris._ men.­

God tke Patker. RESPONSES
Nos.1 .. 2.. 3.. 4A

San - *
etus, San-ctus,­ San - ctus_
Holu, Holy, Ho11l

D' ° - ml· - nus D'

e- us- S'a - ~ - - ba ­
Lord God of Hosts.

oth. Ple-ni_ Bunt cae - Ii et_ te - ra_ glo-ri-

Heaven and eortk arefl!'ll ofTkU gloru.

K.&B.Co.1000A 51
Vill. ~ For Doubles. I)

&_ ttl - &. Ho- san- na- in ex - eel

Hosanna in tke kigkest.

Be-ne- di" - etus qui_va - nit- in no-mi-ne Do - mi­

Dlessed is He tkat cometk in tke name oftke Lord.

ni. Ho-san - na- in- ex - cel

Hosanna in tke kigkest.

~ -- I

A - gnus_ De - i, * qui tol- lis- pee-ea- ta-

Lamb ofOod, wko takest allJau tke sins

mun - di: mi- se - re- re _ no - bis. A- gnus­

of tke world,kave mercy on II,S. Lamb of

De - i, * qui tol - lis pee-ea-ta- mun - di: mi- se - re­

f![!d, wlw takest away tlte sins of tlte world, kave mercy

,II. A B. Co.IOOOA 52
VIII.-For Doubles. 5

re no - bis. A - gnus De - ,i, * qui tol­

on I./,S. Lamb of (}od, wkotakest

lis- pec-ca-ta- mun - di: do-na- no- bis pa - cern.

away tke sins qj'the 'UJorld, grant I./,S peace. IRE SPONSE

(Priest) I - te, _
(Jo, tke mass is ended.
(Choir) De - 0 _
Tkanks be to God.

mis - s& est'.
gra- ti - as.

(Priest) Be - ne - di - eli - mus Do ­

Let us bless the Lord.

- mi - no.

M.&R.Co.tOOOA 58
IX. - For Feasts of the B.V. Mary. 1

IX. - For Feasts of the B.V. Mary. 1

(Cum jubilo)
(12th Century)


Ky - ri - e _ _ * _ e - Ie- i-Bon._ Ky-

Lord, !lave mercy. Lord,

ri - e I e - Ie - i-son._ Ky - ri - e I

have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

e - Ie - i - BOD._ Chri: ste e - Ie - i-SOD.

Christ, have mercy.

ehri' - ste I e - Ie - i - 80n._ Chri: ste_

Christ, !lave mercy. Christ,llaue

e - Ie - i-Bon. Ky-ri- e _ e-
mercy. Lord, !lave mercy.

Ie - i-son. Ky - ri - e I e - Ie - i - SOD._
Lord, have l11ercy.
(C.58 -4)
M.&K.Co.l000A 54
IX.- For Feasts oftheB.V. Ma.ry.l

Ky- ri - e *
Lord, kave mercg.

** I e - Ie - i - son._

(11th Century)

Gl0 - ri - a in ex - cel- sis_ De - o. Et in'
Glory to Ood in tke higltest. And on

ter - ra pax ho - mi - ni' - bus bo-nae vo-Iun-ta - tis.

eartlt peace to tnen of good will.

Lau-da - mus tee Be-no - di'- ci-mus tee Ad-

We.praise Thee. We bless Thee. We

o - ra - mus tee Glo-ri-fi- ca - mus tee Gra-ti- &s

adore Thee. We glorify Tkee. We give
II. cl R. Co. IOOOA 5&
IX.- For Feasts of the B.V. Mary.!

a- gi - mus ti' - bi pro- pter_ ma- gnam g16 - ri _. am- tu ­

TI"ee thanks for TI1U great gloru.

am. Do-mi-ne_ De-us, Rex cae - Ie - stis, De­

o Lord God, !lBa'venlu King, God

us- Pa - ter_ 0 - mni: po - tens._ Do-mi - ne Fr-li u - ni­

tlte Father alllliglltU. o Lord .fesu,s Christ, the

ge - ni - te, Je - su Chri' - ste. Do - mi-ne De-us,

onlu /Jpgotten, SOIt. o Lora God,

A - gnus_ De - i, Fi'-li - us_ Pa - tris._ I Qui to1-lis pee­

La JJI.lJ of God, Son of the Patlter. Wlto takest all/au

ca-ta mun-di, mi- se-re ­ re- no - bis. Qui to1 - lis_

th,e sins of the llJorld, Ita've mercy on us. Who tukest away
M.&R.Co.l000A 66
IX. - For 14easts of the B.V. Mary. 1

pec-ca-ta_ unin- di,_ su - sci - pe de-pre- ca-ti - 0

tlte sins Q/'tn,e 1I1orld, recei'ue our prayer.

nem _ no - stram. Qui se-des ad dex~t.e-ram Pa-tris,
Wlto s'lttest at the rz'gltt ~r tlte Fatner,

./ mi- se - re - re- no - bis. Quo-~i- am tu- so-Ius san-ctus.

Itfl'Ue Inercy on us. Por TI,.ou only art ltolV.

Tu so -Ius_ Do-mi-nus. Tu so-Ius Al - tis - si - mus,­
Tltolt olliV art Lord. Tltou, only art most It'l·glt,

Je- su Chri'- ste. Cum_San-cto_Spi:ri-tu, in_ glo-ri- a
o JetfitS Chril;t. Together uritlt tlte Roly Glwst in tlte gloru €if

De-i Pa - tris. A - - men ..-

Ood the Fatlter. So be it. RESPONSES
M. & R. Co. lOOOA 57

San - *
ctus, San-ctus, San - ctus:...
HoIU, HoIU, HollI Lord Cod qf Hosts.

Do-mi- nus_ De - us Sa ba - oth. Pla-ni_sunt cae-

Rea'lJen and earth

. I ~
Ii et tar - ra g16-ri - a- tu - a._ Ho-san ­
arefull of Thy glory. Hosanna in

na_ in ex - eel - sis.­ Be - ne-df- ctU8 qui- va ­

tke highest. Blessed is He that conteth in tke

nit in no - mi - ne Do mi - ni. Ho ­
name of tke .Lord. Hosanna

- san ­ na in ex - eel -
in tke highest.
(C .. 53-i)
M.&R.Co.l000A 58
IX. - For Feasts of the B.V. Mary. 1

5. ~
A- gnus- De i,- * qui_ tol - lis
LamfJ qf (lod, wko takest al0a1/ tke sins

pec-ca - ta mun - di: mi - se - re - re- no -bis.

of tke llJorld, kave merc1/ on l.{,S.

A - gnus_ De i,-- * qui tol - lis pec-ca-ta

LaJnlJ Q/ (loa, 'loho takest au'ay the sins ofthe

mun-di: mi - se - re - re- no - bis. A- gnus

u!orld, have Inercu on us. LatJllJ of

De i,-- * qui_ tQI - lis pec- ca - ta

(lod, ' who takest a/oay the sins qf tlte u}orld,

mun - di: do - na-- no - bis_ pa

grant U,ll peace. ------"

1I.&R.Co.l000A 59

X. - For Feasts of the B.V. ~fary. 2

~ I .' ""'-"
(Priest) I - te, MIS - sa est._
Go, the tnnSR is ended.
(Choir) De - 0 gra - t-i - as.­
Thanks be to God.

(Priest) Be - ne - di - ca -
MUS Do I - mi- no.- .
Let us hless tlte Lord.

X.-For Feasts of the B.V. Mary. 2

(Alme Pater)

­ .

Xy - ri - e *e - hi. i-son. Ky-ri - e-

Lord, have ,.,tercg. Lord, AalJe IllereN.

e I 1'.
e -1- son. Xy -'. rl - e e I
Ie- i-son.
Lord, have mercg.

Chri:ste_ e - Ie-i-son. Chri' - ste - e ~ le- i-SOD.

CA1'ist,ha'lJe mercv. Oh1''/,·st, ha've merey.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 80

x. -For Feasts of the B.V. Mary. 2

Chri~ste_ e- Ie-i - son. Ky-ri-e e - Ie- i-son.

Christ, have merc1/. Lord, have tne'rcU.

Ky - ri-' e . e ~ le-i-son. Ky-ri-e *

Lord, have tnerc1/. Lord, ha"ve tJ/.ercu.

------------*..:.....:..*-____ e ~ Ie - i- SOD.

· t . ( 15th Century)


GIo-ri - a in ex-eel- sis_ De ­ o. Et in ter-

Glory to Ood in ,the highest. And Oil eartll,

ra_ pax ho - mf-ni- bus bo-nae vo-Iun-:-ta- tis. Lau-cia-mus

peace to tnen of good unoll. We praise

tee Be-ne-di'- ei- mus tee Ad- 0 - ra.- mus- tee Glo­
Thee. We bless Thee. we adore Thee. JJ"e

ri-fi-ca-mu8 tee Gra-ti - as a-gi-mus tf- hi pro-pter_
glori/v Thee. JI'e give Thee thanks for Thu
JI.aR.Co.l000A 61
X. - For Fea~ts of the B. V. )fary. 2

ma-gna.m glo- ri - am- tu - a,m. Do-mi - ne De-us,_

great glory. 0 Lord God,

Rex_cae-Ie-stis, De- us- Pa- ter_ 0 - mni'- po - tens. Do­

kea'venly KinK, Cod tlu~ fi'ath,er al/nigh/y. 0

mi - ne Fi'-li u - ni- ge-ni-te, Je- su Chri:'ste. ])0 -mi ­

Lord Jt'lO{.~ Chri.~t. the onlU begotten Son. 0 Lord

ne De-us, A- gnus_ De - i, Fi'-li-us Pa-tris. Qui tol­
Ooa, La III 0 qf Cod, Son qf the Pather. 1171-0 takest

lis pec-ca-ta. mud - di, mi- se - re - re __ no- bis. Qui

al/.'ay fliP Sf/iS of tI,e I/Jorld, )lave Illerey Oil u,s. 11r-h 0

tol - lis pec-ca-ta. mun - di, su - sci- pe de-pre- ca-ti- <> ­

,takest al/'llY tl,B sins oftl,.e "torld, receille ou,r prayer.

nem-no-s t ram. . ~
d' 'd d ~
P' t· ...
QUI_ se- es a ex-te-ram a- rIs, nu-se­
Jf7l0 slttest at tI,e righl of the Father, nave
M. &R. Co. lOOOA 62
X.-For Feasts of the B.V. :\Jary. 2

re-re no - bi.s. Quo - ni - am tu- so - Ius san-ctus. Tu

'Illercyon us. Por Thou, only art holy. Thou,

so-Ius Do - mi - nus.­ Tu so - Ius Al - tis - si - mus,­

only art .Lord. Thou, ollill art 'I/lost htgh,

Je- su Chri: ste. Cum San-cto Spi'- ri - tu, in_ glo ­

o .Iesus Ch-rist. Together ,,'t"tll the Holy Oltost il1, the glory qf

rl - a De-l
Pa ­ trlS. A -
- - men.­
God tIle Father. 80 be it. I RESPONSES

San - ctus, * San - ctus,- San - ctus Do-mi.-nus De-
Holu, Holy, BolU Lord God qf Hosts.

us_ Sa-ba - oth. PIe- ni sunt- cae-Ii et ter- ra glo-ri- &

Rea'lJen and earth are full of Th,y gloru.

11. & R .Co. ioooA 63

X.·-For Feasts of the D.V. Mary. 2

tu - a. Ho - san- na in ex - eel- sis. Be- ne- di'- etus_qui

Hosanna in the Itigltest. Blessed is He Iltot

ve - nit in no-mi- ne Do-mi - ni.

-cOlnetk in tlte _nalne of tke Lord.

~~' A- gnus_De - i, * qlli tol-lis pee- ea-ta_mun-di: __

Lauth Q/ God, IIIko takest"aUlflU tlte 8':IlS of tlli'

mi- se - ra- bis. A-gnus De-i, * qui tol-lis pee- ea­
lI'orld, lUI l'e IJ/.ercu on Uti. of Ood,
LnullJ ",Ito takest all'flU tlte

ta-irnln-di: mi - se - re - re_ no - bis. A - gnus De - i, *

.4Jins of the world, Italle .,nercu on, 148. Lamb of God,

Ite, missa- est, or Benedieanlus Domino, as in Mass IX.

)I. &R.Co.1000A 84
XI. - For Sundays througout the Year

XI. - For Sundays throughout the Year

(Orbis factor)

f·~2J2~ ~ I

Ky - ri - e _ * e - - - Ie - i-son.
Lord, kave mercu. (3 tt,netl)

Chri'-ste e - - - Ie- i-SOD.

Christ, have Inercg. (3 liJnea)

Ky - ri - e__ e - - - Ie - i-son.
Lord, kave tnercg. (~tiJnea)

Ky - ri - e *e - Ie'- i-son.
Lord, have Inercu.

tJ Priest

J' 1] IS J] J1 J) J J ~ f
( 10th Qentury)



Glo- ri - a- in_ ex-eel-sis De- o. Et in tir-

Gloru to God'in tke Iligkest. Atl,d on eartk

ra_ pax ho - mi'- ni - bus­ bo- n1ae vo-lun-ta~ tis. Lau-"da­

. peace to men of good liJill. We praise
XI.· For Sundays throughout the Year


mus-tee Be-ne - di' - ci-mus tee Ad-o - 1-i- mus- tee

Thee. we blet/s Tkee. "He adore Tkee.

Glo-ri- fi - ca-mus te. Gra-ti - as Ii - gi-mus ti'- bi

we glorifu Tkee. we give Tkee thanks

pro- pter_ ma-gnam glo- ri - am_ tu - am. Do - mi - ne_ De-'

for ThU gre~·t,gloru. 0 Lord God,

us, Rex cae-Ie - stis, De- us- Pa-ter 0 -. mni' - po - tens.

Il,e'avenlu Ki"ng, (}od tke ./i'ather al'lnightu.

Do- mi - ne- Fi'- Ii u - ni- ge-ni-te, Je - su_ehrf- ste.

o Lord Jesus Christ, the onlU begotten Son.

Do- mi. - ne- De- us, A- gnus De- i, Fi"- Ii - us_ Pa- tris.
o Lord (}od, Lamb of (}od, Son of tke ./i'atker.

Qui tol-lis pec- ca-ta mUD - di, mi- se - ra- re- no - bis.
Who takest aloav the sins of the llJorld, have mercg on '14S.
M.AR.Co.tOOOA 88
XI. - For Sundays throughout the Year

Qui tol-lis pee- ca-ta mlin - di, su- sci- pe de-pre- ea-ti- 6­
WIlo takest aUJau the sins of tlte world, receive our prager.

nem_ no-stram. Qui- se - des- ad dex - te-ram Pa-tris,

Who s'ltteat at tlte right of the .Fatiter,

00- se - re - re_ no - bis. ' . - am- t u__

Quo-nl 'I
80- '
us san­
have mercy on 148. Por Tlto14 only art holy.


etus. Tu_ so-Ius Do-mi-nus. Tu so - Ius AI-tis-si- mus,

Tltou, only art Lord. Thou only art tnost hz·glt,

Je - su_ Chri':. ate. Cum San- eto- Spi'-ri - tu, in gIo.-ri­

o Jesus Christ. Together 1I1itll, tlte Holy Olto.Yt 'in the glory

& - De ­ i Pi ­ - tris_ A - men.­

of (Jod tke Patlter. So b_e-it-.---_
Nos. 1-2; 3-4~\
1I.&R.Co.l000A 67
XI. - For Sundays throughout the Yenr

Qui tal-lis pee- ea-ta mlin - di, su- sei - pe de-pre- ea- ti - 0­
WIlo takest al0QU tke sins of tke world, rece,'ve our praller.

nem_ no-stram. Qui- se - des- ad dex - te-ram Pa-tris,

Wko St'ttest at tke rigkt of tke Patller,

mi-se- re-re- no- bis. Quo-ni - am_tu __ so-Ius san­

kave mercy on II,S. Por TIuJ,1, onlv art koly.

etus. Tu_ so-Ius Do-mi-nus. Tu so - Ius Al-tis-si-mus,
Tll-ou only art Lord. Thou only art Inost hz'gll,

~. I

Je - su_ Chri:ste. Cum San- eto-Spi'-ri- tu, in glo.-ri­

o Jesus Ckrlst. Togetker lIJitl" tke Hol1/ CkOfyt ,'n tIle gloru

&- De ­ i Pa ­ - tris_ A - men.­

of God tke Patker. So o...
e_it_. --.
1I.&R.Co.l000A 67
XI. - For Sundays throughout the Year

(11th Century)


San - ctus, San • etus, San • ctus_ Do. mi·
HoIU, Holy, Holy Lord (}od of Host8.

nus De - us_ Sa. ba - oth. PIe. ni_ sunt- cae· li_

Beaven and eartk are fl/,ll ofTAU

et_ ter - ra_ glo - ri. a_ tu· &. Ho- san-na___ in

gloru. Hosanna in tke ".igltest.

ex - eel. sis. Be-ne· dr· ctU8 qui_ va ­ nit

Blessed is He tkat cometk in the name of

in no - mi-ne_-.Do- mi- ni. _

tke Lord.

Ho - san ­ na in ex . eel - sis.
Hosanna in tke kigkest. J.RESPONSES
Nos. &-8
II. AB.Co.'lOOOA 68
XI. -For Sundays throughout the Year

(14th Century)

I '

A - gnus De - i, * qui tol - lis_ pee ;.

Lamb ofllod, UJko takest away!ke sins of

,. ~
ea - ta- mtin- di: 'mi- se - re - re__ no - bis.
tke world, have tnercy on l/,S •.

A-gnus De - i, * qui __ tol - lis pec-ca-ta mun - di:

Laino qj' (lod, wko takel~t au/au ike sins qf tke 100rid,

mi - se - re - re_ no - bis. A - gnus_ De-i, * qui_tal-lis

have tnercu on us. Laino of Ood, 10ko takest

pee - ea - ta mtin- di:_·_ do-na_ no - bis_ pa- cern.

au/ay the sins oftke uJorld, grant I/,S peace. IRESPONSE

(Priest) I - te, mrs - sa~ est.
(lo, the mass is ended.
(Choir) De - 0 gra - ti - as.
Thanks oe to God.
JI.&R.Co.l000A 69
XII. - For Semidoubles. 1

(Prie:1t) Be - ne- di - ea- mus Do - - mi - no.
Let 1/,S bless tlte Lord.

XII. - For Semidoubles. 1

Ky-ri- e *e - Ie - i-son. Chrf·
Lord, Itave mercy. tiJlles) Cltrlst,

ste e - Ie- i-son. Ky- ri - e e -

nave tnercy. (/I times) Lord, Ita've mercy.

~ I

Ie - i-son. Ky-ri- e * e -Ie-i -son.

(2 tiJnes) Lord, have mercy.
· t (12th Century)

Glo - ri - a __ in ex-eel-sis De - o. Et in
Olory to (}od ill, the kignest. And on

ter-ra pax ho- mi'- ni- bus bo-nae vo - lun-t~ - tis. Lau­
earth peace to men of good UJill. We
lI." R. Co. IOOOA 70
XII. - For Semidoubles.1

da- muste. Be- ne - di'- ci- mus_ tee Ad- 0 - ra- mus_
praise Thee. We bless Thee. We adore Thee.

tee Glo-ri- fi - ca-mus- tee Gra-ti - as a- gi:" MUS ti ­

We glorify Thee. We give Thee thanks

bi pro-pter ma.. gnam glo-ri- am~ tti - am. Do-mi- ~e De­

for Thy great glory. o .Lord (Jod,

us, Rex cae -Ie- stis, De- us Pa- ter 0 - mni'- p'o - tens.
heavenlu King, God the Patller almighty.

Do- mi - ~e Fi'- Ii u - ni - ge- ni - te, Je - su Chri'- ste.

o .Lord Jesus Christ, t~,e only begotten Son.

Do-mi-ne De - us, A-gnus De- i, Fi'- Ii - us pa-tris.

o .Lord (Jod, .Lalnb 'II' (Jod, Son of the Pather.

K.AR.Co.tOOOA 71
XII. - For Seraidoubles. 1

Qui tal-lis pec-ca-ta nllln- di, mi.;. se - re- - re- no - bis.

Wko takest aI/JaY the sins of the lIJorld, have mercy on us.


Qui tol-lis pec-ea-ta. mun-di, su-sci-pe de-pre-ca-ti-

Wko takest alOOY tIle sins of the 100rld, receive our prayer.

~ I .
, ~ ~ W&fii#=

o- nem no - stram.• Qui se-des ad dex- te-ram Pa-I tris,

Wlto sittest at the right of the Pather,

mi- se - re- re_ no - bis. Quo- ni - am tu so - Ius san­

have mercy on 1/;S. Por Thou only art holy.

ctus~ Tu so-Ius Do-mi-nus. Tu so-Ius AI-tis- si - mus,

Thou only art Lord. Thou, only art most high,

.Je - su_ Chri'- ste. Cum San- cto Spi' - ri - .tu, in

o Jesus Christ. Together 10ith the Holl/ Ghost in

.1I.&R.Co.iOOOA 72
XII. - For Semidoubles. 1

glo-ri- a De- i pa-tris. A - - men._

the glorg of Cod the Pather. Sf? he 'it. RESPONSES

- * ,
ctus, San - ctus, San -
, I
- ctus
HolU, Holy, HolU Lord Cod ofHosts.

Do-mi - nus De - us Sa- ba - oth. Plt~-ni_ sunt cae-Ii et

Heaven and earth are full

ter-ra glo-ri - a__ tu- a. Ho-san-na in ex- cel-

Q/" TkU glory. Hosanna in tlte k'lgkest.

• I .
.- - sis. Be- ne - di:etus qui va - nit in no - mi-.
Blessed is He that cOlnetlt in tlte naJlte of tlte

Be- Do- mi - ni. Ho-san- na in ex - eel

Lord. Hosanna in tlte highest.

It 4B.Co.l000A 78
XII. - For Semidoubles. 1


A - gnus- De - i, * qui tol - lis_ pee - ca -

LaJnb of Cod, loho takest aUJoy tIle sins of

ta- mun- di: mi- se - re - re_ no- bis. A-gnus De - i, *
the'llJorld, have In-ereY on us. La/JIb of God,

qui tol - lis pee - ca - ta rntin - di: mi - se - re - re

loho taken- tH1WU the sins of the lI'orld, have mercy on 1/,s.

no- bis. A - gnus_ .De - i, *qui tol- lis_ p;ec-

of (lod,
Lalllb lIJho takest all'flY the sills

ca - "ta_ mun - di: do- na __ 'no

iif the loorld, grant us peaee.

8~ t.
(Priest) I - te, . mis - sa est.
Co, tlte IJlaSS is ellded.
(Choir) De - 0 gra - ti - as.
TItan ks be to Cod.
M. &R.Co.IOOOA 7"
XIII.- Fo~ Semidollbles. 2

XIII. - For Semidoubles. 2

[Stelliferi Conditor orbis] (11th.Century)

~ I

Ky- ri - e . *e - le- i-son. Chri':.

Lord, nave tnercu. (// ti/nes) CIl,rz'st,

ste e - Ie- i-son. Ky- ri - e _

have tnereg. (3 ti/nes) Lord, Ila've 1nereu.

e Ie- i- son. Ky- ri - e *

(2 fi/nes) Lord, Ilave Inercu.

. . ** ~
e -
Ie -
1- SOD.

1.. .

I .

Glo-ri - &_ in ex-cel-sis_ De - o. Et in_ tar­

oz ory tf) Cod in tke k igllest. And on eartlt

ra_ pax ho - mi'- ni - bus bo-nae vo-Iun- ta- tis. Lau- da­
peace to lnen of good UJill. Jl'epraise

M.&R.Co.1000A 75
XIII.- For Semidoubles. 2

mus-tee Be-ne- di'- ci-mus.-te. Ad-o - ra-mu8_te.

Thee. We bless Thee. He adore TluJe.

Glo-ri - ca- MUS tee Gra-ti - as Ii - gi - mus ti'- bi pro-

We glorifY Tltee. we give TI,.ee tkonka for

.pter_ ma-gnam glo- ri - am- tu - am. Do-mi-ne De- us, Rex-

TkU great gloru. o Lord God, lleav­

cae - lEi - stis, De- us- Pa - ter 0 - mni:' po - tens. Do-mi-ne

enlu K'Z·ng, God the Pather allnigll.fu. o Lord

Ff - Ii u - ni - gEi- ni - te, J6 - su- Chri:ste. . Do-mi-ne

JeSl~8 Ckrist, tlte only begotten Son. 0 Lord

De - us, A- gnus De - i, Fi:'li - us pa-tris. QUi_ tol­

God, La1ltlJ of God, Son qftlle Patlter. Who takes!

. -
lis pec-ca- ta nlUn- eli, mi - se ­ re - re no - bis. Qui_
awau tke sins of tI,e 1I1orld, have Iltercg on ,~s. Who takest
M.clR.Co.1000A 78
XIII.-For Sernidoubles. 2

tol - lis pec-ca-ta mtin- di, su- sci - pe de-pre-ca-ti - 6 - nem_

alllau tlte sins of the II/orld, ~ecei'lJe OI~r prayer.

no-stram. Qui se- des ad dex-te - ram_ Pi-tris, mi- se -

Wlto s'tttest at the right of the Pather, have lJ1erCU

re - re~ no - bis. Quo-ni - am_ tu so-Ius san-ctus.

on us. Por Thou, onlU art holU.

Tu- so-Ius Do-mi - nus. Tu~ so -Ius Al - tis - si - mus,

Thou onlv art Lord. Thou onlU art ",ost Itigh,

Je - su_ Chrf- ste. Cum-San-eto Spi'- ri - tu,
o Jesus Chrz·st. Togetlter Iuitlt tlte HolU Oltost

in glo - ri - a De - i Pa ­ tris. A men.

in tIle gloru of Cod tlte Patl,er. So be 'it.
1I.4R.Co.l000A 77
XIII. -For Semidoubles. 2

San-ctus, * San-ctus, San-etus Do-mi-nus De-us Sa­
.I101U, Holy, Hol!lLord God cif Hosts.

ba - oth. Ple-ni sunt cae-Ii et ter-ra glo-ri- a tu- a.

IlealJen, and eat·tk are/ull cif Thy glor!l.

Ho-san- na in_ ex - ceI- sis. Be-ne-di:ctus qui ve-nit in

Hosanna in tlte Itfglle.,;t. Blessed is He tkat cOlnetlt in tke

no - mi- ne Do-mi- ni. Ho - san - na-- in ex - ceI- sis'.

Illlllle 0/ tl/B Lord. Hosanna in tlte Itig/test; IRESPONSES
Nos. 5-6

* qui tol-lis
A - gnus- De- i,_ pee - ca- ta_
LaIJl,!) of God, UlltO takest aUJay tke sins of tIle

mun - di: mi-se-re-re I no-bis.­ A-gnus

IIJorld, Ita've lnerC!I on us. LalnlJ '!f

M. & R. Co. 1000A 78

XIII.- For Sernidoubles. 2

De i, * qui___ tol
- lis pcc-ea - ta mUD-
God, who takest aloog tke st"ns of tlte uJorld,

di:_ mi- se- re -" re no - - I - bis._

nave tnercg on 'Us.

A - gnus- De - 1,--
Lalnh of God,
* qUI ~l to - 1·IS pee -
UJho takest al/Jau tlte sinsoftlte lI'orld,
ca- t a-_I

mun - - di: do- na no- bis _

grant t.lJS peace.

1.' ' (Priest)

I - te,
Go, tlte 1nass is ended.
De - 0


sa- est.

ti - as.
Tltanks he to God.


( Priest )
. ,
Be-ne-di - ea - mus__
Do -

lDl - no.
Let us hless the Lord.
K. & R. Co.1000A 79
XIV. - During Octaves

XIV. - Durit:tg Oct'aves

except those of the B.V. Mary
(Jesll Redemptor )
(10th Century)

Ky - ri- e *e
Lord, Ila've 1nercy.

le- i- son. Chri:ste e - ­

(3 ti/lles) eltrist, l,alJe Inercu.

le'- i-son. Ky - - ri- e _

. (3 times). Lord, Itave 1nerc!I.

e - le-i-son. Ky - - ri-e
(2 tiJltes) Lord, lI.ave Inereu.

*e le- i-son.
( 10th Century)

Glo-ori- a in ex-eel- sis De- 0.__ Et in
Glory to God in tIle luOgkest. And on

M. & R. Co.1000A 80
XIV.- During Octaves

ttir - ra- pax ho - mi'- ni -bus bo - nae- vo-Iun- ta - tis. Lau­

earth peace to men of good UJill. . 'IVe

da- mus te.­ Be-ne- df - ci - mus_tee Ad- 0 - ra ­

praise Thee. we bless .Thee. Jl7C adore Tltee.

mus te._ Glo-ri - fi - ca - mus- tee Gra-ti - 38_ a­
JVe glorifu Tltee. We g~·'lJe Thee

gi-mus ti' ­ bi pro-pter_ma-gnam glo-ri-am tu- am. DO­

thanks for Thy great gloru. o

mi- ne De - us, Rex_.cae - Ie - stis, De - us Pa-ter_

Lord God, heavenly X';ng, God tlte Fatlter

o - mnf.. po-tens~ Do-mi - ne Fi'- Ii u - ni- ge- ni - te,­

al1niglttll. 0 Lord Je8u,.~ Chr~·8t, the only begotten $on .

•••••Co.IOOOA 81
XIV. - During Octaves

Je - su- Chrf-ste. Do-mi-ne De - us, A - g~us- De ­
o Lord Ood, Laillb ofOod,

i, Fi' - Ii - us_ Pa - tris. QUi_ tal-lis pec- ea - ta

Son of tIle .fi'afller. "Who takest alllau the sins Q/

mun- di, mi-se - re - ra no - bis. QUi_tol-lis pec­

tke uJorld, Ita ve /ltercU 0 n us. Who takest au'au

ea - ta mtin - di, su - sci -pe de-pre- ca- ti - 0-nem no - stram.

tlte sins of the uJorld, receive our prayer.

Qui se - des ad dex- te - ram_Pa - tris, mi- se - ra-

JVltO sittest at tlte rigltt of the Father, Ita·ve IIzercu on us.

re _ no - bis. Quo-ni- am tu so-Ius san - etus.

For Thou, only art nolu.

M. & R.Co.l000A 82
XIV.· During Octaves

Tu- so-Ius Do - mi - nus. Tu so - Ius AI- tis - si - mus,

Tko/~ only art Lord. TllOU only art JJIOst Iligll,

J6 - su Chri:' ste . Cum San - cto_ Spi'- ri - tu, in gIo­

o Jesus eltrist. Together uritlt tIle Holy Ghost in tIle gloru

'-' ~
ri- a De-i_ Pa- tris. A - - - men.­
of God tile Patlter. So be 'it. I RESPONSES

(12th Century)

San - ctus,- * San - ctus,- San-

HoIU, Holy, Holy Lord Cod

ctus_ Do-mi-nus
De - us_ Sa ba- oth. Ple- nl sunt
of Hosts. Hea'uell and

cerrJ~a S 18bJ)~
cae - Ii et ter - ra
glo-ri- a tu - a._
ear!lt are full of TI1U gloru.

M.&R.Co.l000A 83
XIV. -l;>uring Octaves

_,*, I

Ho ­ san- na in~ ex - eel Be - ne­

Hosanna in the kigkest. .Blessed is He

di' - ctU8_
qui _ _ va - nit I
in no-mi- neDo ­
that cometk in tke name of tke Lord.

mi - ni. Ho ­ san- na in- ex - eel
Hosanna in tke higkest.

A - gnus De - i,_---_ * qui_ tol - lis pec- ca -
LaIno of God, WllO takest allJau tke s'lns of tIle

ta- mUn-di~ mi- se - ra - re_ no -bis. A-gnu8_De-i, *

'1110 rid, ka've mercu on 'Il,s. LafltlJ of God,

qui tol-lis pec- ca - ta mun- di:_ mi- se - ra - re_ no - bis.

'Ulho taketlt aUlau tke sins of tIle IIJorld, Ita've 'Inered on '/'/'s.

II. & R. Co. 10aOA 8i

xv. -For Simple Feasts

A - gnus De - i, _ _ * qui_ tol - lis pee ­

Lalnb of Cod, ulho takes! all'flU tlte sz·ns of the

ea ta- mlin - di: do - na- no, - bis_

IIJorld, grant 1/,S peace.

(Priest) I - te, mis - sa_ est.
{lo, tlte.lnass 'ls ended.
(Choir) De - 0 gra - ti - as.
TIta nks be to {lod.

xv. - For Simple Feasts

(Dominator Deus)
(i1-13th Centu~)

Ky- ri- e_*e le- i-son. Ky- ri - e _
Lord, M1Je Jl1ercl/. Lord, IUllJe Inert'u.

e - le- i-son. Ky- ri- e- e - le- i- son. Chrf-

Lord, hfl've Illercu. Cltrisf,

M.&R.Co.1000A 85
xv. -For Simple Feasts

ste e - 1e- i-son. Chrf - ste e - Ie i-son.

Ila'iJe tnereU • Ckri.fJt, have mered.

Chri'-ste e - Ie - i-son. Ky- ri - e _

Cltri.fJt, ka'lJe mered. Lord, !la'lJe mered.

e - le- i-son. Ky-ri - e_ e - ­

Lord, have mercy.

=m h~- i-son. Ky - ri - e_ * e ­ Ie - i-son.

Lord, Ilave mercy.

(10th Century)

~~ I

Glo-ri - a- in ex-cel-sis De-o. Et in ter-ra

Glory to God in tlte htgltest. And on earth

pax ho-nrl:ni-bus bo-nae vo-lun-ta-tis. Lau-dR-mus tee

peace to men Q/' good UJill. We praise~Tkee.

1I:& R. Co. iOOOA 86

xv. -For Simple Feasts

Be-ne - di:' ci-mus teo Ad- 0 ~ ra-mus teo Glo-ri- fi-

We hless Tkee. We adore Tkee. IVeglorifu

ea-rnus teo Gra-ti - as a- gi- rnus tl- bi pro-pter rna-gnam 1Ve give Tkee tkanks for TkU great

~ ,. I
gI 0'- .
rl - am tu' - am. Do-mi- ne De - us, Rex eae-Ie- stis,
glorl/. o Lord God, keavenlu King,

. I

De-us Pa-ter 0 - mni'- po-tens. Do-rni- ne Fi'- Ii u - ni-

God tke Father al/nigktg. 0 Lord Jesus Ckrist, tke onlU

,ge- ni - te, Je- su Chri:ste. Do-mi-ne De-us, A-gnus De-

begotten Son. 0 Lord flod, Lamb of (lod,

i, . Fi'-li - us Pa-tris. Qui tal-lis pee- ea-ta rnun-di,
Son oftke Fatlter. Wko takest away tke sins of tlte llJorld,

rni- se - re- re no-bis. Qui tcil-lis pee-eli - ta mun-di, su-sei-

Ilave mercl/ on /l,s. Wko takest aUJall tke sins oftke uJorld,.rece'lve
M. & R. Co. 1000A 87
xv.- For Simple Feasts

~,~ I

pe de-pre - ea- ti- 0 -nem no-stram. Qui se-des ad dex- te­

our prayer. 1VllO sittest at tIle right of


ram Pa-tris, mi- se - re- re no-bis. Quo - ni - a~ tu so.­

the Father, have mercy on us. Por TIl-oU only art


Ius san-ctus. Tu so-Ius Do - mi - nus. Tu so-Ius Al­

holy. Thou, only art Lord. Thou, ollly art

I - ­

tis- si-mijs, Je- su Chrf - ste. Cum San-cto Spi: ri - tu,

most high, 0 Jesus Christ. Togetlter Illitlt tIle Holy G/l,ost

in glo- ri - a De- i Pa - tris. A - men.­

in the glory of God the Pather. So be it_. ----,

2·fi ~
San - ctus, * San- ctus, San-ctus Do-rni-nus De-us
( C.5S-4.) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God 0/ Hosts.
K.clR.Co.1000A 88
XV.- For Simple Feasts


." Sa - ba - oth. '-' - ra

Ple- ni_ sunt cae - Ii et- ter glo ­
Hea"ven and earth are f/l,ll 0/' ThU gloru.

ri - a_ tu- &. Ho - san- na___ in ex- eel­

Hosanna 'Ion tke- highest.

sis. Be- ne - df- ctus qui va - nit in no-mi- ne Do­

Blessed is De tllat cOlnetlt in the naJlle of the .Lord.

=---=. f •Ho~_,w--=- I '­

mi - ni. - san- na _ in ex-

Hosanna in the kig/test.


A-gnus De - i, *qui tal-lis pec-ca-ta_ mun-di:

.La/Jib l!I'(lod, II'no takest all'au the SZollS of the uJorld,

mi- se- re - re- no bis. A - gnus_ De ­ i, *

Ilaue Jllercg on us. .Lainb 0/' Ood,

M. &R.Co.l000A 89
XVI.-For F-erias throughout the Year

qui t6l - lis pec- ca - ta- mun - eli: mi- se - re ­

wllO takest a'wau the sins of the uJorld, ha've mercy on us.

re no - - bis. A-gnus De - i, *qui t6l- lis

La/nlJ Qf God, UJho takest

pec-ea- ta __ mun- di: do- na no - bis_ pa cern.
a'way the sins Qf tlte world, grant us peace.

4·t'~ (Priest) I - te, __ mis sa est.


Go, tlte mass is ended.

(Choir) De - 0 __ gra ti - as.
Thanks be to God.

XVI. -For Ferias throughout the Year

3.~ ,
Ky-ri- e_*e-Ie-i-son. Chrf~ste_ e - le- i- son.
Lord, halJ~ mercy. (3 ti1lles) Cltrist,have 1nercu.(3 ti/Iles) .

M. &R.Co.1000A 90
XVI.- For Ferias throughout the Year

Ky-ri - e- e - hi- i- son. Ky-ri - e-*e -Ie - i - son._ _

Lord, have lnercy. (.2 times) Lord, have lnercy. I RESPONSES

2.~t I

San-etus,..:t:San-etus,-San-etus Do - mi-nus De-

Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Ood Qf Hosts.

us Sa - ba - oth. Ple- ni sunt cae -Ii et ter - ra
Hea'vell and earth arefllil of Thy glory .

gI6-ri- a tu - a. Ho-san-na _ _ in ex - eel - sis._

Hosa nna 'in the highest.

Be - ne - di' - etus qui ve - nit in no mi - ne-

Blessed 'i.~ He fllat cOlneth 'in, tIle nOllle of the Lord.

Do - mi- ni. Ho-s~in-na _ _ in' ex - eel - sis.­

Hosanna 'in tlte highest. IRESPONSES
M.&R.Co. iOOOA 91
XVI. - For Ferias throughout the Yeatr

, (10-11th C'entury)

i. ~~IJr~~
rt> J) ~
A - gnus De'-.1, ~ * qw
to'I - 1·IS_ pee- ea-
, ta-
La Illh of Cod, uJno takest aliJoU tlles'ins of

mun - di: mi- se- re - re_ no - bis. A-gnus De - i, *

tIle /lJorlti, Ilave Illercu on /l,s. Lauth qf God,

~JJnifi?nJ I ~

qui tol-lis pee - ea - ta mun - di: mi - se - re - re-­

lolto takest aloau tIle sins of the loorld, have IJlercu on /l,s.

no - b 18. A De '- ·1,
- gnus ~ * qUI
I. t'l
0 - 1·IS­
La//tb Of (lod, IIJho takest a"Jay

pee-ea - ta_ mun - di:

tIle, sz·ns Of tke world,

~ ""­
Be-ne-di-ea-mus Do-rni-no._ J).De-o gra-ti- as._
Let 1/,S hless the Lord. Thanks be to Ood.

M. elR. Co. 1000A 92

XVII. - For the Sundays of Ad,·ent and Lent

XVII.- For the Sundays of Advent and Lent

• 1.

Ky-ri - e *e - Ie- i-son.

Lord, have Jnercy·. (3 tiJnes)

Chri' - ste- e - - Ie - i-SOD. Ky- ri -

Cltrist, have Inercy. (3 tiJ/le.~) Lord,llave

e e - Ie- i- son. Ky-ri - e _

Jlleri'U. (t2 tt"Jnes) Lord, ha've Inercu.

~ f,;Qd rEe~ ~

* **

e - - - - - Ie - i-son.

Ky-ri - e *e - Ie - i-son: Chrf-
Lord, have mercy. (3 tt"IJles) ellrist,

M. "R. Co. iOOOA 93

XVII.- For the Sundays of Advent and Lent

ste _ e Ie - i-son. Ky - ri - ·
Ila've IItercU . (3 tiIJlel~) Lord, have

~ e ,-_ e Ie i-son. Ky- ri -

Inercu· (2 tz"tnes) Lord,llave

e * e - Ie - i-son.

o I

San - ctus, * San - ctus, San - ctus Do-mi-nus

Holy, HoIU, HolU Lord God cif Hosts.


De - us Sa - ba - mh. PIe- ni sunt_ cae ­

Heaven and earth arefull of

Ii · et- tar - ra glo-ri - a- tu - a. Ho -
ThU glory. Hosanna in tke

M. & R. Co. 1000A 94

XVII.-For the Sundays of Advent and Lent

san - na . in ex - eel - sis. Be - ne ­

Itigltest. Blessed is He,

di' - ctU8 qui va - nit in no - mi - ne Do - mi - ni.
tltat cometlt in tlte name of tIle Lord.

Ho - san - na _ in ex - eel - sis.

Hosanna in tlte Itz·gltest. I RESPONSES

°A_ gnus De - i, * qui- tol - lis pec- ca - ta-
Lamb Of (Jod, IOItO takest away tlte sins of tlte

mun- di: mi- se-re-re_ no - bis. A - gnus De - i, *

uJorld,' Itave lnercy on us. LaInO of Ood,

. qui_ tol - lis pee - eal - ta- nnin- di: mi - se - re - re,­

wlto takest away tlte sins of the world, !lave mercy on us.

M. &R.Co. iOOOA 95
XVII. - For the Sundays of Advent and Lent

~ ,

no bis. A - gnus De ­ i, * qui_ tol - lis

Lamb qf God, who takest awau tke

pee - ea - ta- mun- eli: do - na no - bis_..

sins.oftke world, grant us peace.

I ., , ~ I I •
Be-ne-di- ca -mus Do - - - ml-no.
Let us bless t/~e Lord.

~ I I
," ~ ,
B.De - 0___ gra - - - ti - as.
Thanks be to (Jod.


Be-ne-di- ca-mus Do ­ - - mi-no.

Let usb/esa tke Lord.


B. De - 0 gra - - - ti - as.
Thanks be to (Jod•

.M.&R.Co.l000A 96
XVITI. - For the Ferias of Advent and Lent

XVIII. - For the Ferias of Advent and Lent

as well as for Vigils, Ember days and Rogation days..

[.Deus Oenitorallne] (11 h e )

Ky - ri - e * e - Ie - i-son. Chri'- ste_ e ­
Lord, have lnercd. (3 ti/nes) Ohrist, Ita've mercy.

~ ,. ,,1

Ie - i-son. Ky - ri - e e - Ie - i-son.
(3 times). Lord, Ao;ve Inercy. (,2 tilnes)

Ky - ri - "e_ * e Ie - i-son.
Lord, have mercy. RESPONSES
Nos. 1- 2-3-48

t ,. San- ctus,_ * San- ctus,_ San-ctus Do-mi-nus De-

Hold, Holu, Hold Lord God of Hosts.

us Sa-ba-oth. Ple-ni SWlt cae-Ii et ter-ra glo- ri - a tu - a.

Hea'lJe1l, and eartlt arefuII QTTlid glory.

Ho-san-na in ex-ceI- sis. Be - ne - dr:. ctus qui ve - nit
Hosanna in the It'lgltest. Riel/sed is He that cOlnetlt in tlte
M.&R.Co.1000A 97
XVIII. - For the Ferias of Advent and Lent

in no-mi-ne Do-mi- ni. Ho - san - na in ex- eel - sis.­

nallte ofth,e Lord. Ho.~anna in tlte It'igltest. IRESPONSES
Nos. 5.:.6

A-gnus De - i, * qui tol-lis pee-ea- ta rnlin-di:

LlUnlJ Of (Jod, loltO takest aU'll.1/ tlte sins of tke IlJOrld,

mi - se- ra- re no - bis. A- gnus De - i, *qui tol-lis pee-ea­

I"(l-ve '/nercu on Its. LalnlJ of Cod, u,Ito takest alllau

J;m I

ta mun- di: mi- se - ra - re no - bis. A-gnus De - i, *

tlte s,ins ofthe IlJorld, Itave Iltercu on I.(,S. LalfllJ qfOod,

qui tol-lis pee-ea- ta mtin- di: do - na no- bis

"'/"0 tllke.~t au'au tlte sins oftlte Ii'orld, grant us peace.

"'-" "'­
Be-ne-di-ea- MUS Do:·mi- no.- R.De-o gra-ti- as.­
Let ItS bless tlte Lord. . ThanKS 1Jp, to (Jod.
M.&R.Co.1000A 98
Credo -I

(11th Century)
~riest Ch.oir

4. ~t~ I I

Cre-do in u- num De-urn. , Pa - trem 0 - mni~

I belie've t',l, one (lod, tlte Patlteral,,,,igldU,,'

po-ten-tem, fa -, cto-rern cae-Ii et· ter - rae, vi - si - bi'- Ii ­

IJl.aker of Iteaven and eartlt, of all th'ill,g.,

urn o-mni-um,- et- in-vi- si- bi'-li - urn. Et in u­

'lJi.t;ihle and ill'visillie. And 'iIi olle

num Do-mi-num__ Je-sum' Chri:stiun, Ff - Ii - um De-

Lord Jesus Cltr,'st, tlte on~1J begotten

I I '

i u~ ni-ge-ni - tum. Et ex Pa-tre na-turn an - te 6-mni­

SO/l, of God. A Ild of tlte Patlter born hifore all ages.

a sae-cu-Ia. De-urn de De­ 0, lu-mendclu-mi-

God of God, 'Lig}tt of L'l"gltt,

M.&R.Co.l000A 99

ne,__ De-urn va-rum de De-o va-roe Ga-ni-tum,

tr'ue God of true God. Begoften,lnot

non fa-etum, eon-sub-sta,n-ti - a-lem' Pa- tri: per_quem 0 - mni­

l1tade, consuostantial '111ilk t/l·e .Fat/ by lokoln all filings

a fa- eta_sunt. Qui pro-pter nos ho-mi-nes, et pro-pter no­

,,'ere 1nade. JVltofor us 'Inen, and for our .Yfll,­

stram sa-hi-tem de-seen-dit de cae - lis. Et in-ear- na-tus

vation, caine dOll1nfro.m Itea'uen. And lI!a.Y 'incarnate

est de spi'- ri- tu San-eto ex_ Ma-ri'- 'a Vir-gi - ne:

OU tIle Holu GkOtlt, of Naru the P'zOrgin:

. I
Et- ho-mo fa-etus est. Cru-ei-fi:'xus et·-i-a.m pro no-bis:
And UJas tnode 'Inan. He 1(las crt/,cified alsofo~ I/tS:

sub-Pon-ti- 0 Pi-la-to pas- sus, et se-pUl-tus- est. Et

l/,nner Ponti'l/'8 Pilate He sl".tf'ered and 10aslnwied. And

X. & R. Co. 1000A t.00

Credo- I

re-sur- re-xit ter- ti - a df- e, se - cUn-dum Scri-ptu-ras.

He rose agaz'n tlte t/tird day, according to tIle Scriptures.

Et a-scen-dit in cae-Ium: se - det ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris .
.And He ascended into heaven: sittetl/. at the right hand Q/' tlte Father.

Et- i'- te-rum ven-tu-rus e~t cum gl<>-ri- a,__ ju~di- ca­
.64nd Hl~ shall COlne again II/it/t glory toiudge tIle

re vi' - vos et mor-tu - os: cli-jus ra- gni non e-

rit fi­
living and tke dead: of ill/lOse Kingdol/l tltere slUIl1 be no

I ~
nis. Et in ~pr- ri-tum San-ctum, Do -mi - num,­ et-
end. And in tIle Holy Ghost, tIle Lord, and

vi-vi-fi-ean-tem: qui ex Pa-tre Fi -Ii - <> - que pro - ca - dit.

Life-gi-ver: ulkofrolll the Patker and tke Sonproceedetlle

Qul cum Pa-tre et Fi'-li- 0 si'-mul ad- 0 - ra-tur, et_ con-

JVllo together "'itl,, the .Fatller and tIle Son iR adored, and glo­

M.&R.Co. tOOOA tot



gIo- ri- fi - ca-tur: . qui 10 - eu-tus est per ~ro- phe - tas.
rified: II/Ito spoke through the Prophets.

Et_ ti -nam,san-etam, ea-tho-li - eam,_ et_ a - po-sto-li-eam
And one Itoly, CatholzOc, and Apostolt"c Cllurch.

Ee-elEi - si..; am. Con - fi'- te - or u-num ba - pti'- sma in

I confess one baptislll for

f~ I

re - mis- si- o-nem pee- ea- to - rum. Et ex- spe- eto

the relltission, qf sins. And I look for tlte

re - sur- re - eti - 0 - nem mor- tu - 0 - rum. Et_ vi:' tam
rf'surrection of th.e dead. And the life tif

ven-tu - ri sae - eu - It A - - men.­

the uJorld to COllIe. So be 'it.

.M.&R.Co.1000A 102.
Credo - II


1 priest.
- 'Choir .
(? Century)

I I . I

ere-do in u-num De-urn. Pa-trem 0 - mni- po-ten­

.I bel'le've in one fJod, the Pather al1Jl'lghty,


tern, fa- eta-rem cae-Ii et ter- rae, vi- si - bi'- Ii - urn 0 - mni­
JJlaker of healJen and earth, of all thing.~ v'lszoble

urn, et in - vi - si - bi' ­ Ii- urn. Et in u- nurn Do-mi-
and -inlJisible. And in one Lord

num Je-sum Chri:stum, Fi'- Ii - urn De - i u - ni - ge - ni­

Jes;/,s Cltrist, the onlU begotten, Son qj" fJod.


tum. Et ex Pa-tre na-tum an-te 0 -mni- a saa-eu-Ia.

And of tlte Pather born, bifore all ages.

De-urn de De-o, Iu-men de Iu-mi- ne, De-urn ve-rum

Cod of fJod, Lightof Light, true fJod of true

M. & R. Co.l000A 103


~ I

de De- 0 ve- rOe Ge - ni-tum, non fa-etum, eon-sub-

God. Begotten, not tnode, consulJ-

stan-ti ­ a-lem Pa-tri: per quem 0 - mni- a fa - eta sunt.
stantial10ith th,e Pother: by ll}lloJJl all tht"ngs 10ere tnade. v

Qui pro-pter nos ho-mi-nes, et pro-pter no-stram sa-Iu-tem

Wkofor us men, andfor our salvation,

de-seen-dit de cae -lis. Et in-ear- na-tus est de Spi:ri­

came dOlllnfroln heaven. And 1I'as t"ncarnate oy the Holy Chost,

tu San-eto ex Ma-ri'- a Vir - gi- ne: Et ho-mo fa - etus

of Mary the Pirg'l"n: And ulas made 'Inan.

est. Cru- ei- fi'- xus et- i-am pro no- bis: sub Pon-ti - 0
He UJas crucified alsofor us: under Pontius

Pi ~ la - to pas- sus, et se - pul- tus est. . Et ;e- sur - ra -

Pilate Be su.tlered and 1IIOS ourzed. And Be rose again

M.&R.Co.l000A 10~

· . .
xit ter- ti - a dl- e, se-ctin-dum Scri-ptti-ras.
. Et a-scen­
the third day, according to tke Scriptures. AndRe QS­



dit in eae-Ium: se - det ad dex- te- ram pa-tris.
cended into heaven: sitteth at the rigkt hand of the .Fatlter.

Et r- te - rum ven- tu - rU8 est cum glo - ri - a,
And He sAall come aga'l°n 1I1itkglory

jU - di - ca- re vi'- vos et mor - tu - os: cu- jus re-
to JOudge the li'ving and tke dead: of whose King­

g..u non e - rit ff - nis. Et in Spi'- ri- tum S"an-ctum,
d01n tkere skallbe no end. And in tke Ho11l UAost,


Do-mi-num, et vi-vi- fi-can-tem: qui ex Pa-tre

the Lord, and Life-giver: wno/roJJ" tAePatAer

~,~ I I

Fi -Ii - 0 - que pro- ee - dit. Qui cum Pa-tre et Fi'-li­

. and tke SonproceedetA. WAo togetAerwitk tlte PatAer

K.• a.Co.tOOOA 101

Credo- II

~ I

o si-mulad-o- ra-tur, et con- glo-ri - fi - ca- tur:

and the Son is adored, and glorified:


qui lo-eu-tus est per Pro-phe - tas. Et u- nam,

1IJM spoke through the Prophets. And one ItolU,

san- ctam, ca - tho - Ii - cam, et a - po - sto - Ii - cam
Catltol'ic and Apostolic Chu'rch.


Ec - cle - si - am. Con-fi' - te - or u - num ba- pti'-sma

I confess one lJaptistn

~ ,~',~
in re - rnis- si - 0 - nem pee- ea- to - rum. Et ex - spe­
for tlte relnission of sins. And I lookfor


cto re-sur- re - cti - 0 - nem mor- tu - 0 - rum. Et_ vi' - .

tIle resu'rrect'ion oj tlte dead. And the life

tam ven-tti - ri sae - ell - Ii. A - - men._

of tlte II/orld to come. So 'he it.
M. & R. Co. 1000A 106

• ?
III Choir (17th Century)

ere-do in u- num De - urn, Pa-trerno -mni-po-ten-
I helie-vein one God, tlte Patner alm1·gn,fU,
tern, fa- eto- rem cae-Ii et ter-rae, vi - si- bi'-li- urn 0 - mni-
Inaker of !l,paven and earth, Q/ all thing.y visible

urn, et in- vi - si- bi' - . Ii-urn. Et in ti - num Do~mi-num

and '1~nl1isihle. And in one Lord

Je-sum Chri:stum, Fi'-li - urn De- i u .. ni- ge- ni-tum.
Jesus ellrist, tlte only begotten Son of God.

Et ex Pa-tre na - tum an-te 0 - mni- a saa - eu-Ia.

And·offlle Patll.erborn before all ages.

De- urn de De- 0, Iu-men de lu- 00- ne, :Qe-um vo­
(}od qfCod, Light qf Ll·gltt, true Cod Q/

M. " R. Co. 1000A 107

Credo- III

rum de De-o va-roo Ge- ni-tum, non fa ­ ctum, eon­
tr/l,e God. Regotten, not Inade, con­

8ub-stan-ti - a -le.m Pa-tri: per quem 0 - mni- a fa- eta sunt.

s/I,lJl/tant'l°alIlJith the Pather: hy 1/Jllom all thing.fJ 1I1ere made.

Qui pro-pter nos ho- mi - nes, et pr6-pter no-stram sa- hi-tern
Wlto for /l,S 1nen, andfor our salvatz·on,

de-seen-dit de_ eae-lis. Et in-ear-na-tus est de Spi:ri-tu

came dOMIn/rom heaven. And 1I1a.fJ incarnate lJU the Holl/ Ullost,

San-eto ex Ma-ri'-a Vir-gi-ne: Et ho-mo fa-etusest.
of Mary tI,e Y'l·rg'l°n: And U'flS 1/lade man.

. P tE
Cru- ei - fi' - xus et - i. - am pro no - bis: sub Pon-ti-
He ulas crucified also for /l,S: ulmer Pontius

o Piela-to pas- sus, et se - pul - tus est. Et re-sur-re­

P,·late He sUffered, and ulas lJll,ried. And Btl ro.e­

1I.&R. Co.IOOOA 108


xit ter- ti - a di'- e, se-etin-dum Seri-pffti- rase Et a-
again the th'ird day, according to the Scrt"ptures . And He

seen-dit in cae - lum: se- det ad dex - te- ram pa: - tris.
allcended into heaven: s'ittetk at the rt"gkt kand of tn-e Pather.

Et f - te-rum ven- tn-rus est cum glo- ri- a, ju.. di- ea­
And He shall cOlne again lIJitlt glory tOJ·u,dge the

re vi:vos et mor-tu-os: cu.-jus re-gni non e-rit ri' - nis.

living and tlte dead: of lI!hose X,·ngdom there skallbe no end.

Et in Spi'-ri-tum San-etum, Do-mi-num, et vi- vi . . fi-ean-
And in the HolU Ollost, tke.Lord, and Life-g'lver:

tern: qui ex Pa-tre Fi-li-o-que pro-ee-dit. Qui cum Pa-

lI!hofrom the Pather and the Sonproceedetk~ Wlto togetlter

. tre et Fi'-li - 0 sf- mul ad - 0 - ra-tur, et eOD- glo - ri ­

lIritlt the Pather and the Son 'is adored, and glorified:
M.&R.Co.1000A 109
Credo - III

fi - ea- tur: qui 10 - eu- tus est per Pro - phe-tas.
1I!1t0 spo~e through the Prophets.

m-Et u - nam, san-etam,

And one Iloly, Catltolz·c,
ea - tho -Ii - cam, et a - po- sto - Ii -
and Apostolic Church.

cam Ee - ele - si - am. Con - ri' - te - or 11 - num ba ­

I confess one boptisln

ptf- sma in re - mis - si - 0 - nem pee - ea - to - rum.
for tIle relnissz·on of sins.

Et ex - spa - eto re - sur - re - eti - 0 - nem mor - tu -
And I lookfor the resur~ection of tlte dead.

o - rum. Et vi' - tam ven - tu - ri sae- ell - Ii.

And tl,B life of tlte llJorld to COlne.

A ~ men.
80 be it. •
M. &R. Co. 1000A 110

IV (15th Century)

L~ r I

Cre - do in u-num

De-urn. Pa-trem 0 - mni - po-

I belt·eve in one Cod, the Patlter al/nightll,

ten - tem, fa- cto-rern cae-Ii et tar -rae, vi- si- bf.. Ii- urn
maker ofnea'lJen and earth, ofall thlngs visible

o- rnni - urn, et in- vi- si - bi'- Ii- urn. Et in u-num Do-mi­
and invz·.~{lJle. And 'in one Lord

num Je-sum Chrf- sturn, Ff-li-um De-i u-ni- ge- ni-.

Jesus Chrt·st, the onlll begotten Son of (Jod.

tum. Et ex Pa-tre na-tum an-te <> -rnni- a sae-cu-Ia.

And of the born before all ages.

De-urn. de De-o, In-men de 11i-OO - ne, De-urn va-rum de

Cod of Cod, L'ighl of Light, true Cod of true Cod.

M.&R.Co.l000A 111
Credo- IV


De-o ve - ro. Ge·- ni - tum, non fa - etum, eon-sub-stan-ti-

Begotten, not Inode, consubstantial


a-Iem Pa - tri: per quem 0 - mni - a fa - eta sunt.

lI'itlt tli.e Fa tI,er : by u,nolll. all things "'ere tnflde.

Qui pro-pter nos ho-mi- nes, et pro-pter no-stram sa-Iu-tem

JJ1tofor us III en , andfor our salvation,

de-seen-dit de eae - lis. Et in-ear- na-tus est de Spf- ri­

caIne do UJn from llea'lJen. And Ufa s incarnate by the Hol:1j (Jno.~t,

tu San-eto ex Ma-ri'- a Vir- gi - ne: Et ho - mo fa - etus

of lIfary tlte Virgin: And was Inade lnan.

est. Cru- ei - fi' - xus e"t - i-am pro no - bis: sub Pon- ti-
He lvas crucified a Iso for us: 14nderPontius

o Pi -Ii - to pas-sus, et se - puI- tus est. Et re- sur­

Pilate He SUffered, and '''os lJur'Z°ed. And He rose

Mo & R. Co. 1000A 112


, ~

ra- xit ter- ti - a di'- e, se-cun-dum Seri - ptli - rase

again tile fhird day, according to tneScrz"pfures.

Et a-scen-dit in cae-Ium: se-det ad dex-te-ram Pa-tris.
And He ascended into nea'ven: sitfetltat th,e r'iglit nand Q/th.e .Fatlter.

Et r- te-rum ven- tu-rus est cum glo - ri.- a" ju'- di - ea ­
And He sllall cOlne again 1I1itk glory, to iudge tlte

re vi:vos et mor- tu- os: eli-jus re-gni non e - rit ff- nis.
lilling f1 nd the dead: of lI·hose KingdolJl tltere sltall be no end.

Et in Spi'- ri - tum San - etum, Do-mi - num, et vi - vi - fi -can-

And 'in tIle HolU Ghost, The Lord, and Li/e-gi'ver:

tern: qui ex Pa-tre Fi - Ii - 0 - que pro - ce - dit. Qui
11"10 froln the Fa tiler and the Son proceedetlt. ,,?to

cum Pa-tre et Fi'-li - 0 sr- muI ad- 0 - ra-tur, et eon-glo­

togetlter 1/).,;t/l, tlte Pather and tile Son 'is adored, a!ldglonJitJd:

M.&R.Co.l000A 113
Credo- IV

ri - fi - ea - tur: qui 10 - ell-tus est per Pro - phe - tas.

11.'/1,0 spoke tkroughtlte Prophets.

Et u- narn, san-etam, ea- tho - Ii - cam, et a - po- sto - Ii- ea·m

Ee-ele - si - am. Con - fi'- te - or U- Dum -ba- ptr: sma


in re-mis-si . . <i-Dem pee-ea-t<>- rum. Et a-spe-eto

re-sur- re - eti- <> - Dem mor- tu- <> rum. Et vi' - tam
resurrection.oftke dead. And tke life of

ven- tti - ri sai - eu - Ii. men.

tke world to cOlne.

1fThis Ordinary is not meant to be a matter of hard and fast rule: chants
from one Mass may be used together with those from others, the Ferial
)lasses excepted. In the same way, in order to add greater solemnity,
ODe or more of the following "Chants ad libitum" may be employed.

II. "R. Co. iOOOA tti

Credo- V

. PrO t V (12th Century)

u -
Ore-do in_ num- De -

um. or Ore-do in

I believe ~n one (Jod, I beltOeve in

u-num D'e-urn: * p'
a- trem .
0 - mnl- '
po-ten-tum, f '
one G,od, the Pather allll'ightU, ' Inaker of

cae-Ii et_ ter - rae, vi - si - bi"- Ii - urn <> - rnni- urn,
healJen and earth, of all th~·ngs visible


. ~ I

et in-vi-si-bi'-li - um._ Et in u-num_Do-mi-num

and 'lnvis'lble. And in one Lord

Je-sum Ohri: sturn, Ff - Ii - urn De- i u - ni - ge- ni- tum.

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son 0.1 God.

Et ex Pa- tre- na-tum an - te 0 - mni- a saa- cu - la.­

And of tile Pather born bifore all ages.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 115

Credo- V

De-um de De-o, lli- men de- hi- mi - ne, De-urn ve-rum

fJod of fJod, L'lght of Ltg"l, true (Jodof trl~e

de Da-o ve - ro._ Ge-ni-tum, non_fa-ctum, con-sub-stan­

(Jod. Begotten, not made, consubstantial

ti- a - lem_ Pa-tri: per_quem ci - mni- a fa- cta_ sunt._

UJitk tIle Patker: by 1IJkom all tkings UJere made.


Qui pr6-pter nos- ho - mi- nes, et pro-pter no-stram sa -

Wkofor us tnen, andfor our salvat-lon,

l1i- tem de-scen-dit de cae - lis.­ Et in-car-na-tus est

caIne douJnfrom keaven. And 'was incarnate by

de Spi'- ri- tu San-cto ex_ Ma-ri'- a Vir- gi - ne:_

tke Holy Oltost, of Mary the Pirgin:

Et_ ho - mo fa - ctus est.­ Cru- ci - fi'- xus at - i -, am

And UJas made man. He U'QS crucifzoed alsofor 'u,s:
M. & R. Co. iOOOA ii6

pro no - bis: sub~ Pon-ti - 0 Pi - la - to pas - sus, et

under Pontius Pilate He sUffered, and

se-pul- tus- est._ Et re-sur-re- xit ter- ti- a di'- e,
UJas buried. And He rose again the tkird day,

se - eun-dum Seri- ptu - ras.- Et a-seen-dit in eae-Ium:

according to the Scr'l"ptures. And He ascended 'into lleaven:

se - det ad dex- te-ram Pa-tris. Et r- te-rum ven-tli-rus

sitteth at tI,e right kand qftke Father. Jo4nd He skall comB again witlt

est cum_glo - ri - a, jU- di - ea- re vi:vos et mor- tu - OS:_

glory to iudge tke living and the dead:

eli-jus re-gni non e- rit fi' - nis._ Et in Spi:ri-tum

of u'hose Kingdoln there skall he no end. And in tke HolU GllOst,

San-ctum., Do ­ mi-num, et vi-vi- fi- ean- tem:­ qui ex Pa-tre

the Lord, and Life-giver: UJlto froln tke

M.&R.Co.l000A 117
Credo- V

Fi-li- a-que pro-ce - dit.- Qui cum Pa-tre et- Fi'-Ii- 0

Father and fM Son proceedefh. Who together lilith, the Fatlter and

si:'mul ad- 0 - ra-tur, et- con-glo- ri-fi- ca - tur:_ qui Io-ell-tus

tlte Son is 'adored, and glorified: wllo spoke

est per Pro-phe - tas.- Et u-nam, san-etam, ea - tho-Ii-cam,

throu,glt the Prophets. And one holy, Catltolic,

et_ a - po-sto-li-cam Ee- cIa - si - am.- Con-fi'- te- or

and Apostolic Church. I confess one

u-num ba - pti'- sma ill re-mis-si - o-nem pee- ea- to- rum._
baptist/l, for the remz·ssion Q/ sz·ns.

Et ex- spe- eto re- sur- ra - eti - 0 - nem mor- tu - 0 - rum.

And I look for tlte resurrection of tlte ~

Etv(.tam ven-tu-ri sae- eu-li. ** A - - men._
And the life of the uJorld to come. So be it.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 118



ere- do in-

u- num De - urn, * or
== Ore- do in
I beltOeve in one (Jod, I helt"eve tOn

, I
u - num De- um, * 1' '.
Pa - trem 0 - mnl - po - ten - , tem,­

one (Jod, the Pather almtOghty,


fa - cto - rem_ cae - Ii- et- ter rae, __ vi - si ­

IJlaker of heaven and earth, of all

bi'-li-um-o-mni-um,- et_ in vi-si-bi'- Ii - um. __

things visible and invtOsible ~

Et in- u - num- Do-mi - num- Je' - sum- Chri'- stum,_

And in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Fi' - Ii - um De-i u - ni- ge - ni - tum.__ Et ex_

tlte onlgbegotten Son of (Jod. And qf tlte

M" &RoCo.l000A 119


Pa - tre_ na - tum- an - te o-mni- a sae - eu - Ia. _ _

Fatlter born before all ages.

De - urn de De - 0,_ Iu - men de Iu- mi - ne,­

God of (lod, Light of Light,

De - um_ ve - rum_ de_ De- 0 va - ro.__ Ge- ni-tum,

true God of trll,e God. Begotten,

non fa - etum, eon-sub-stan-ti - a - Iem- Pa - tri:_

not made, ~ consll,bstantial lIJitlt the Pather: .

per_ quem 0- mni- a fa - eta_ sunt._ Qui _ pro-pter

lJ1I 1lJhom all things were made. Whofor us 1Jten,


nos ho - mi - nes, et pro-pter no - stram sa - Iu - tem_

and for our salvation,

de ­ scen-dit de cae - Iis.__ Et_ in-ear-na-tus

caine downfrom Iteaven. And loas incarnate by
.M. &R. Co.l000A 120

est de spr- ri - tu- San - eto_ ex- Ma- ri'- a Vir­

tke Dolu Okost, of Mary tke Pirgin:

gi - ne: Et_ ho- nio fa - etus- est. _

And was made man.

Cru- ei - fi' _0 xus- et - i-am pro no - bis: sub Pon- ti - 0

He lbas crulcified alsofor 'Us: under Pontil~8

Pi - hi - to- pas - sus, et se - pul - tU8- est. _ _-

Pilate He suffered, and was b'l~ried.

Et __ re-sur - re - xit- ter - ti - a d(- e, se-elin-dum Seri-

And He rose again tlte tltird dati, according to tlte

ptu - ras.__ Et a - seen- dit in cae - lum:­

Scr;iptures. And He ascended into keaven:

sa - det ad dex- te - ram Pi - tris. _

sittetk at tke right kand qf tlte Patlter.

M. & R. Co.l000A 121



Et- i' - te-rum ven- tu.-rU8 est cum· gIo- ri - a,­

And He shall cOlne again IIJitlt glory

jU - eli - ca - rc- vi' - vos et mor- tu - 08: _

to i1tdge the lfving and the dead:

eu ~ jU8- ra - gni_ non_ e - rit fi' - nis.--­

of uJllose Kingdoln tltere shall be no end.


Et in- Spi:' ri - tum_ San- etum, Do-mi - num,- et- vi - vi - fi-

And in the RolU Ghost, the Lord, and Life-giver:


can - tem:__ qui ex_ Pa - tre- Fi - Ii - 0 ­

llJllO frolll, tke Father and the Son proceed-

que- pro - ee - dit.

LJ~ ' Qui eutn- Pa - tre
etll,. WIlo together UJith the

et Ff- Ii - 0 si'-mul ad- 0 - ra·- tur,- et_ eon-glo-ri- fi-

Patlter and tlte Son .is adored, and glorified:

·M. "B.. Co. lOOOA 122


ea - tur:-- qui 10 - eu-tu8 est_ per_ Pro- phe

lIJlto spoke throl~gh tke Prophets.

tas._·· _1_ Et- u - nam,- san-etam, ea- tho - Ii - cam,_

And one holy, Catholic,

ct_ a- po-sto-li-cam Ee-ele- si - am._- Con-fi'-te­

and Apostolic C/lltrelt. I confess one


or- U - num ba - pti'- sma in re-mis- sf ­ <5 - nem_ pee ­

lJoptisln for tlte remission of sins.

ea- to - rum.-- Et ex - spe-eto re-sur-re-eti­

A nd I look fo.,. tke reSl4rrection of

o- nem_ mor - tu - <> - rum.-- .Et- vi' - tam

tlte dead. And the life of

ven-tu-ri sae- eu-li. ** A - mell. _

Ski: world to cOlne. So be it..

M. AR. Co.1000A 123

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 1

(Clenlens Rector) ( )
10th. Century

L =4 fi4WifJ ~ \....: 1"-'

Ky - ri-e * e
Lord, have mercy.

Ie- i-son. Ky - ri -l e e - Ie - i­
Lord, have mercv.

~ ~ I~
son. Ky - ri- e '. e -
Lord, have mercy.

Ie-i - son. Chrf - ste _ e ­

Christ, ka'lJe mercy.

- Ie-i-son. Chri'- ste._I _

Cllrist, kave mercg.

M. aa.oo. IOOOA 124:

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 1

e ~. it- i-SOD. Chri'·- ste . ... e­

Christ, have mercg.

1'-' I 1 ~
- le-i-son. Ky - ri- e _
. Lord, have mercg.

e - Ie - i- son. Ky - ri ­ e_
Lord, have mercg.

e - Ie - i- son. Ky - ri-e_
Lord, have mercy.

* * *


.K. AB.Co.l000A 125

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 2

(Summe Deus) (19th Oentury)

Ky ­ ri - e "-.,;_ * e - Iti­ i-son.
Lord, Il.a·ue Inered.

Ky - ri - e _ e
. Lord, nave mercd•..

. ,.
1e, - 1· - .son. K
y -' ·
rl ­ e '---"_
Lord, ll,a'ue inered.

e Ie - i-son. Vhri'- ste _

Christ, llave tnercu.

.e - Ie- i-son. Vhfi'- ste _

Christ, ha've lnertJU•

••••• Co.IOOOA 128

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 2


e Ie - i-SOD. Chri' - ste~ _

Christ, have mercy.

e Ie ­ i-son. Ky- ri-e_

Lord, I"ave

~ e - - - Ie - 1­ son.

Ky-ri . . e e - Ie ­ i-son.
Lord, nave mercy.

Kj-ri-e *
Lord,- nave mercy.

** e - Ie - i-son.
K. et R. Co. IOOOA 127
Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 3

(Rector eosmi pic) (11th Century)

, · ".. . . ./ *
Ky- rl - e e - Ie - 1 - son.

Lo.rd, kave mercg.

K ~~I".
Y - rl - e
Lord, have Jnerc'l/.
e - e - 1 - son.

Ky-ri -e e - Ie- i-son.

Lord, ha've mercu.

Chri' - ste e - hi - i-son.

Ohrist, have mercu.

,. ~
ehrf- ste__ e - - Ie - i-son.
Christ, have mercy.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 128

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 3


Chri' - ste e - le - i-son.

,Christ, have mercy.

Ky - ri - e _ e Ie' - i-SOD.
Lord, !lave mercy.

~- .: ,.~
- '*' "--­
Ky- ri - e e Ie - i-SOD.
Lord, n,a've mercu.

Ky - ri - e *
Lord, have mercU'

* e Ie - i-SOD.

M.&R.Co.l000A 129
Chants ad libitum.• Kyrie 4



(Kyrie altissime) (11th Century)

5' 'e' _
Ky-ri- e ~
* _ e- 1
Lord, have mercg.

i-son. Ky- ri - e e ­
Lord, have merc'll.

Ie - i- son. Ky- ri - e _
Lord, nave mercg.

e - Ie - i-son., Chri'-ste _
Christ, have mercg.

e - Ie-i-son. Chri'- ste _

Christ, !lave titercg.

e - - - Ie - i-son. Chrf- ste _

Christ, ha'V8 mercV.

,M.&B.Co.IOOOA 130
Chant.s ad libitum. - Kyrie 4

e - Ie- i-son.

Ki - ri - e----------------­
Lord, have tnered.

e Ie i-son. Ky - ri - e _
Lord, have 1nereu.

e. - - - Ie- i-son. Ky - ri - e _
Lord, have Inered.

. *

** e - Ie - i-son.

M. &R.Co.1000A 131
Cha·nts ad libitum. - Kyrie 5

(Conditor Kyrie omnium) (10th Century)

Ky - ri ­ e -:...
* _ e - Ie - 1-
.Lord, have mercy.

.son. Ky- ri ­ e _ e Ie- i-son .

.Lord, have mercy.

lC-y - ri ­ e e - Ie- i-son.

.Lord, have mercy.

Chrf - ste e - Ie ­ i -
Christ, have tnercy.

son. Chri' - ste _ e­

C}l,n:st, ha've mercy.

K.6B.Co.l000A 182
Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie· 6

Ie- i-son. Chri' - ste e ­

Christ, have mercy.

~ ,
Ie · i-SOD. Ky - ri - e _ e
Lord, ha1Je Inered .


Ie ­ i-son. Ky - ri - e. __
Lord, have merey.

I ..............

e Ie - i-son. Ky - ri· e _
Lord, have'lnereg.

* **

e - Ie .' i-son.

){. & R.Co.l000A 133

Chants ad libitum.· Kyrie 6



(Te Christe Rex suppllces)

(10th Century)

Ky - ri ­ e ....;.* _
Lord, Ita-ue IItercy •

Ie - i-son. Ky - ri - e _
Lord, Ilave mercy.

e - - Ie - i-son. Ky - ri - e _ _
Lord, ka ue IIlercy.

4 ~

e lEi - i-son.

Chrf - ste _ e Ie- i-son.

Cltrist, Ita'ue Illercy.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 134:

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 6

Chrf' - ste _ e Ie - i-son.

Ckrz"st, nave tnerey.

Chri' - ste _ e Ie - i-son.
Cltr'lst, na've 1J1ereu.

~ - rl-
• e_ _ e Ie ­ i-SOD.
Lord, kave mereg.

~Ky - ri - e _ e Ie - i-son. Kf - ri-

Lord, kave Illereu. Lord, !lave merey.

e *

** e Ie - i-son.

JI. c!R.Co.l000A 135

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie "J



(Splendor aeterne) (11 h C )

L~$.. t ~~.

I • .. "-.,.;

'· e
Ky·n- ~
. . *e - l'e- I-SOD.
· . Ch rI-
Lord, have mercu. (,f time,y) Cltrist,

ste e - - Ie - i-SOD.
Ilave JJl.ercy. (3 t'~Jnes)

Ky-ri- e _ e Ie - i- SOD. Ky-ri-e_

Lord, nave mercy. (2 tiJne.Y) Lord, Ilave


** e Ie - i- SOD.

M. & R. Co. iOOOA i38

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 8.

(Firmator sancte) ( 13th Century)

Ky- ri - e * e - Iti - i-son.
Lord, have 1nerC.IJ. r:!I fiJne.\·)

Chri'· ste _
e - Ie - i -
Christ, have mercy.

~ ,
son. Ky - ri - e _
(3 times) Lord, have mercy_

~, I
e- le- i-son. Ky - ri - e _
(,3 times) Lord, have 1nercy.

* e - Ie - i-son.

M. & R. Co. IOOOA IS7

Chants ad libitum. - Kyrie 9 -10



Ky-ri- e I ,* e - Ie- i-son. Chri'­
Lord, kalle lnercy. (3 times) C/trist,

',· . . K' ·
ste e - 1e-I-son. y- rl ­
na've tnercy. (3 tinles) Lord, have

e e - 1e' - I· - SOD.
merc.lf. (3 times)

(For Sundays throughout the year)
[Orbi.~ factor] (10 - ? Century)

1. _;OJ ¥HDf

Ky - ri - e _ *e - Ie- i-son. . Chri:ste_

Lord, Ilave Inercy. (3 timBs) Ckrist,

e - Ie.. i-son. Ky-ri-e _ _ e

kave Inercy. (3 ti/Iles) Lord, ka've lnercy.

Ie- i- son. Ky - ri - e - Ie- i-son.
(2 ti/nes) Lord, ka've Inercy .
.M. & R.Co.1000A 138
Chants ad libitum.• Kyrie 11

Kyrie \

(For Sundays of Advent and Lent)
[Kurie Salve] (.)

Ky - ri - e *e • Ie - i-son.
.Lord, have tnercy. (3 times)

Chri' - ste e Ie - i-SOD.

Christ, have mercy. (3 times)

Ky-ri - ~ _ e Ie - i-son.
.Lord, have 1nercU. (2 times)

Ky - ri - e. *
Lord, have mercy.

** e Ie· i-son.

lI.aR. Co. iOOOA 138

Chants ad libituln. - Gloria 1

(11th Century)

8·t ; Glo-ri - a in ex- eel - sis De - o. Et in

Glory to God in the highest. And on

te'r - ra pax ho - mi'- ni - bus bo - nae_ vo - lun - ta-tis.

eartl" peace to men of good 1I1ill.

Lau - da-mU8 te._ Be-ne- di' - ci - mus tee
We praise Thee. we bless Tltee.

Ad- 0 - ra - mus_te._ Glo-ri - fi - ca - mus_
We adore Thee. We glorifu Thee.

te._ Gra - ti - as a - gi-mus ti' - bi pro-pter ma-

We gi'lJe Thee thanks for Tku great

-M. "B. Co. 1000A 14:0

Chants ad libitum.- Gloria 1

gn8JILgIo-ri-am_tu-am. Do-mi-ne De-us, Rex_cae­

glory. . . 0 Lord God, keavenly

Ie - stis, De-us Pa- ter__ 0 mni'- po - tens.

King, God tlte Pather almigkty,

Do- mi- ne Ff-li u - ni- ge- ni - te Je - au_ Chri'- ate.

o Lord JeSt48 Ckr,'st, the only begotten Son.

Do -mi-ne De-us, A- gnus De - i, Fi'- Ii - us- Pa - tris.

o Lord God, Lalllo of'God, Son of tlte Patker.

Qui tol-lis pec- c& - ta mUn - di, mi - se - re­
Wko take8t a-wag tke sins qftke ,,,orld, kave mercg on 1/,s.

re no - bis. Qui tol-lis pec- ca - ta mUn ­ di,

Who take8t awau tlte sins of tke world,

)I. "B.Co. iOOOA iIi

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 1

SU, - pe \le-pre- ca- t1 ·

SCI- - '
0 - , t ram.
nem-no-s Q . ' des_I
receive our prager. Who sittest at

ad dex - te-ram Pa-tris, mi - se - ra - re-- no- bis.

the right of the Pather, have mercu on us.


Quo-ni - am tu_ so .. Ius san-ctus. Tu_ so-Ius Do - mi-

Por Thoul only art holg. Tho II, onlg art Lord.

~ ,
nus. Tu_ so-Ius Al- tis- si-mus, Je - su_emf- ste.
Thoul onlU art most high, 0 Jesus Christ.

Cum San-cto Spi' - ri - tu, in_ gI6- ri - a- De ­

Together. with the HolU Ghost, in the gloru ofOod the

i_ Pa - tris._ A -- - men._
Pather. So be it.

.M. &R. Co.1000A 142

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria· 2


t .Priest.

' .I .
. . .

(11th Century)

. .Ch.oir

G10 - ri - & in ex - cel- sis De - o. Et
Glory to God in the highest. And

in tar- ra_ pax_ho-mi'- ni - bus bo -nae-vo - lun- ta - tis ..
on earth peace to men of good 'IIlill.

Lau-da- mus_ te._ Be-ne.. di'- ci- mus~ te._

We praise Thee. we hless Tltee.

Ad- 0 ~ ra - mus_ te._ Glo-ri - fi - ca-

mus- te._
We adore Thee. We glori/v Thee.

Gra- ti - &s___ a_. gi - mus_tf ­

We give Tltee thanks

M." R. Co. iOOOA tiS

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 2

bi _ pro - pter_ma- gnam_ glo - ri - am_tu ­

for TlIU great gloru.

am.__ Do-mi - ne De-us,-Rex cae-Ie - stis,­

o Lord God, hea'l'en1u K~·ng,

De-us_ Pa - ter 0 - mni'- po - tens.__ Do-mi-ne Ff-li­

God tke ./i'atll,er alllligktU. o Lord Jesll,sCltrist,

U - ,ni-ge - ni - te Je - su-Chri:ste. _ Do-mi- ne

tke only begotten Son. o Lord God,

.De - us,_ A-gnus De - i,___ Fi' - Ii - us Pa - tris.

Lalnb of God, Son of tke ./i'atller.

Qui tol - lis pec- ca - ta mu.n- di.,---­ mi-se - re - re

Who takest aUlay tI,e sin.4tl of tIle loorld, ka'ue lnercu on

M.&R.Co.1000A 144
Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 2

no - bis. Qui tol- lis pee- ca,-ta mun- di, su-sci­

.1.48. Wlto takest au/au th.e sins Q/ tke 'II/orld, recei-lJe

pe de-pre - ea-ti - 0 - nem_no-stram. QUi. I se-

our prayer. Who sittest at tke right of

des- ad dex - te - ram_ Pa - tris, mi - se - ra - re no - bis.

tile Fatlter, ka've 1Jlercy on itS.

QUo- ni - am tu_ so-Ius san-ctus. Tu so-Ius Do - mi ­

For Tllou only art noly. Th.ou only art Lord.

nus. Tu so-Ius AI- - mus, _ Je - su- Chrf­

Thou only art 1nost ll1~glt, o Jesus Cltrz·st.

ste. Cum S~n - cto Spf- ri - tu,- in glo-

Togetker un:tlt tile HolU Ghost, z'n the

ri-a De - i Pa - tris. A - men. __I _

glory of God tke Father. So he it.

M.&R.Co.l000A 14:5
Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 3

(10-11th Century)

Glo- ri - a_ in_ ex - eel - sis_ De- o. Et
Glory to God in tlte Itigltest. And

In_ t er-ra pax_­
on earth peace to men
I ~
h 0 - mI- nl­ b us b',
o-nae __ vo ­ 1un­
of good 'lIJill.

ta - tis. Lau-da-mus..te. _
We praise Thee.

Be-ne-eli' - ci-mus-te. Ad-o­

Jfe bless Thee. liTe adore

ra - mus_tee Gl0 - ri- fi - ca -

Thee. we glorifu Tltee.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 148

Chants ad libitum.· Gloria 3

mus- tee Gra- ti - as- a- gi­

We gtve Tltee tltanks

mus~-- tf - bi pro - pter__ m~-gnam glo - ri - am_

for Tllu great glorg.

tti - am. Do - mi - ne-- De - us,- Rex-eae-Ie ­

o Lord Ood, heavenlv Xing,

stis. De - us pa; - ter 0 - mni' - po - tens.

(Jod tIle Patlter atlll'ightu.

Do - - - mi - ne Fi' - l i - u- ni-ge-ni­
o Lord Jesus Cltrtst, the only begotten Son.

te__ Je - su- ehrf - ste. Do -

o Lord (Jod,
K •• B. Co. 1000 A 147
Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 3

mi - ne De- us, A - gnus_ De - i, Fi' - Ii - us _

Lalnh of God, Son of tke Fatker.

Pa - tris. Qui tol- lis pec- ea - ta- mun - di,_

JVko takest auJay the sins of tIle lIJorld,

- - I
mi - se - ra - re __ no - bis. Qui tol- lis pec- ca
have Inercy on us. Who takest away the sins Of

~ ~
ta_ mun - di,_ Btl - sci - pe de - pre - ca­
tke uJorld, . receive our prayer.

~ n p J lI~jJS3¥J

ti - 0 - nem- no - stram. Qui se-

Who sittest at the

des ad dex- te - ram _ Pa - tris,
rigltt Of tlte Patker.

M. &R. Co.l000A t4:8

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 3

mi- se - re - re-- no - bis. Quo - ni - am_ tu so­

kave mercy on ''''S. Por Tkou, only art kolV .

Ius_ san- etus. Tu so-Ius_ _ Do- mi - nus Tu so­

Tkou, only art Lord. Tkou

Ius Al - ti's - si - mus, Je- au_ Chri' - ate.

only art most kigk, 0 Jesu,s· Ckrist.

Cum San - eto Bpi' - ri - tu, in- g16 -

Togetker w'ltl/, tke Holy Okost, 'In tke glory qf

ri - a De- i, Pa -
Ood tke Patker.

- tris.­ A - men._
So be'lt.

M. &R.. Co.1000A 149

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 4,



(Ambrosian Chant)
Priest (12th Century)

Glo-ri - a in ex-eel-sis De - o. Et in ter-ra pax
Glorv to (}od in the kigkest. And on earthpeace

ho -mi:' ni - bus bo-nae vo-Iun-ta - tis. Lau- cIa-mu8 teo

to l/len lif good'll/ill. We praise Thee.

Be - ne - eli' - ei - MUS te. Ad - 0 - ra - mus te.

We bless Thee. we adore Thee.

Glo - ri - fi - ea - MUS te. Gra - ti - as Ii - gi - mus tf­

We glorifu TIl,ee. we give Thee thanks

bi _
pro-pter ma-gnam glo-ri-am tu - am.
forTltU great glory .

.M. &R. Co. 1000A 150

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria ..

Do - mi - ne De - us, _Rex cae - Ie· stis, De - us Pa- ter
o Lord (Jod, lteavenly Xlng, Ood the Patller

o- mnr- po-tens. Do-mi- ne Fr- Ii u - ni - ge- ni - te,

al//ligktd· o Lord Jes1/,s Ckrist, tke onlU begotten Son.

Je- su ehrf- ste. Do-mi- ne De-us

o Lord (Jod,

A-gnus De- i, Fi'-li - us Pa- tris. Qui tol-lis pec-ca- ta

LaIn/) tif (Jod, Son tif tke Patner. Wllo takest oUlad tlte s'z"ns

mun-di, • mi-se-re-re no-bis.

of tke 10orld. nave Inercu on us.

Qui tal-lis pec- ca-ta mun-di, _

WIlo takest awau tke s'lns tif tke lIJorld,

M. et B.Co. 1000A t5t

Chants ad libitum. - Gloria 4


811- sci - pe de- pre- ca - ti - 0 - nem no - stram. Qui se- des

receive 01l,r prayer. W7w sittest at

ad dex- te - ram Pa-tris, mi - sa - re - re no - bis.
the right of the Pather, have mercy on 'Us.

Quo - ni - am tu so -Ius san - etus. Tu so-Ius Do-mi-nus.

Por ThOll, only art holy. Tho'U only art Lord.

Tu so-Ius Al- tis- si- mus, Je - su Chri'- ste. _

Thou only art most high, 0 Jes'Us Christ.


Cum San-eto Spi'- ri - tu, ~in glo-ri-

-- a--
Together with the Holy Chost,. in the glory of

Pa-tris. ** A - men.
- - - . I - ""'­
De- i _
Cod the Fafller.. So be 'It.

,M.&R.Co.l000A 152
Chants ad libitum. - Sanctus 1

(11th Century)


San - ctus, * San - ctus, San-ctus Do-mi-nus De-us

Holu, Hol1l,Hol1l Lord Cod of Hosts.

~~ I
Sa-ba-oth. Phi-ni sunt- cae - Ii et tar - ra glo - ri-
Heaven and eartk are full of TkU glorll.

,. I
a _ _ tu - a. Ho-san-na in ex- eel - sis.
Hosanna in tke kigkest.

I .

Be-ne-di' - etu8 qui va - nit in no - mi - ne- Do - mi - ni.

Blessed is He tkat cometk in tke na1ne of tke Lord.

' - na_
Ho - san in ex ~ - ce'I· ~
- ·
Hosanna in tke kigkest.

II. AR. Co.1000A 153

Chllnts ud libitwn. - Sanctus 2

(11 th Century)


San - ctus,_ * San - ctus, San - ctus _

HolU, HolU, HolU Lord God of Hosts.

Do-mi-nus De- US Sa - ba - oth.
Ple-ni sunt_ cae - Ii
Heaven and eartlt are fUll

et_ ter - ra glo-ri- a_ tu - a. Ho- san-na in ex - eel­

0/ TltU glory. Hosanna in tlte highest.

~ I "

sis. Be-ne- eli' - ctus qui va - nit- in no-

Blessed is He that cOlneth in tke Ilalne

mi - ne_ Do-mi ni. Ho- san-na in ex- eel sis.

of the Lord. Hosanna in tke higltest.

.M. & R. Co. lOOOA 151

Chants ad libituDl. - Sanctns 3

III (? Century)

San ctus, * San- ctus, San- ctus- Do-mi.. nus
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord Cod qf Hosts.

De-us- Sa - - ba- oth. PIe - ni 8unt- ca.e ­

Heaven and eartll are

~#Ii et __ ter - ra glo-ri- a_ tti - a.. Ho- san-na- in

filII 0/ T11!I glory. Hosanna in tIle

ex - eel - sis. Be - ne - di'- etus qui __. ve - nit
h,igllest. Blessed 'is He tltat COJJletlt

in_ no-mi - ne Do-mi - ni. Ho-san-na in ex - cel- sis.

in the nalne of tlte Lord. Hosanna in tIle Itigltest.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 155

Chants ad libitwn. - Agnus 1

(12th Century)

8. J:Jm~~
A - gnus De - i, * qui _ _ tol - lis
Lalnh qf God, u,ho takest aUJau the

pee-ea-ta_mun-di:_ mi-se-re-re no - bis.

sins of the lJJorld, have m.ercy on us.

A - gnus De i, * qui _ _ tol - lis pec-ca­

Lamh 0/ God, who takest away the sins of the

ta_ rnun-di:_ mi- se - ra - re no - bis.

lIJorld, have mercy on us.

A - gnus De i, * qui___ tol - lis

Lamh of God, UJho takest alJJaH the sins of

pee-ea- ta rntin-di:_ do -na no - bis pa - cern.
tIle uJorld, grant 1/,S peace.

M. & R. Co.1000A 156

Chants ad libitum. - Agnus 2


6.~'~~ liJ~
A - gnus_ De - i, * qui tol- lis pec - c a- ta
Lamb Qf (Jod, /lJltO takest aUJay the sins of

mun -di: mi - se - re - re no - bis. A - gnus_

tlte 100 rid, have mercy on us. LalJlb 0/ Cod,

~ I I

De - i, * qui tol - lis pec - ca - ta mUn - di:

loho takest aUlau tlie sins of the uJorld,

mi - se - re - re no - bis. A - gnus- De - i, * qui

Itave 1nercy on- us. La/nh of (Jod, IlJ/tO



tol-lis pec- ca - ta mun - di: do - na no - bis pa - cern.

takest aUJau tlte sins tif the uJorld, grant us peace.

M. &R.Co.1000A 157

At the door of the church, the priest sprinkles the body with holy ,vater,
then recites:

Ant. Si iniquihites.

SustInuit anima mea in verbo e­

Psalmus 1.29 jus: *speravit anima nlea in Donlino.
DE proftlndis clamavi ad te Do - .-\ custodia Inatutlna usque ad no­
mine: * DOllline exaudi vocelll *
ctell1, 8 peret Israel in Domino.
meam. Quia apud Dominulll Jllisericor-
Ffant aures ttiae intendentes * *
dia: et copiosa apud emu· redem­
in vocem deprecationis nleae. p~io.
Si iniquitates observuveris Do- Et Ipse redilllet Isr,iel*ex onlni­
mine: * Domine, quis sustinebit? bus iniquit,itibus ejus'.
Qui apud te propithitio est:*et Requiem aeternam*dona ei Do-
propter legem tuam susti'nui te - mine.
Domine. Et lux perpetua* luceat ei.
Ant. Si iniquitates observuveris Domine: Domine quis sustinebit?

Then the priest solemnly intones:

Ex- sul - ta-bunt Do-mi-no.
Tltey sltall rejoice hl tlte Lord.

(*) Ceremonies of the BURIAL are used only at funerals, ,,~hen the body is
present. For all other ~laS8es for the Dead, onlit this part.

ltl. & R. Co. 1000A 159

At the Burial

Ps. 50. - MISERERE


* 4:

6. Ecce enim in iniquit iti- - -bus eon - ·ee-ptus sum: * 6

7. Ecce enim veritatem . · di - Ie - x r - st i : *7
8. Asperges me hyssopo. . · et mun - da - bor: *8
9. Aud(tui meo dabis gaudium · et lae ­ ti' - ti - am *9
1.0. Averte faeiem tuam a pee ­ - ea - tis me - is: * 10
1.1.. Cor mundum erea . . . · in me De - us: * 11
12. Ne projicias me a • • • · fa - ei - e tu - a: * 12
1.3. Redde m{hi laetitiam salu - - ta - ris tu - i: * 1:3
1.4. Doeebo iniquos. . . . . · vi'- as ttl - as * 14
.1.5. Libera me desanguinibus Deus, ,
Deus sa- hi - tis me - ae: * 15
.1.6. Domine labia . . . . . . me- a a - pe-ri - es: * 16'
1.7. Quoniam si voluisse sacrifieium,1 de-dis-sem u- ti - que: * 17
1.8. Saerificium Deo spiritus con - - tri - bu - Ia - tus: * 18
19. Benigne fae Domine I in bona vo-
luntite tli - a S I·' - on: * 19
20. Tunc aeeeptabis sacrificium justi:
tiae, , oblationes et ho - 10 - cali - sta: * 20
21. Requi- - - em ae - ter - nam * 21
22. Et. lux per - pe - tu - a 22

M. & R. Co. 1000A 160

At the Buria I

Next verse
1. secundum magnam misericor - - - di - am tli - am. 2

2. dele iniqui - - - - - - - - ta-tem me - am. 3

3. et a peccato. . . . . . . . me - 0 mun-da me. 4

4. et peccatum meum contra. . . . me est sem - per. 5

5. et justificeris in sermonib~s tuis, I et

vincas cum ju - di - ca - r~s. 6

6. et in peccatis concepit me. . . . rna-ter me - a. 7

7. incerta et occulta sapientiae tuae I

manife - sta- sti mt - hi. 8

8. lavabis me, et super nivem · de - al - ba - bor. 9

9. et exsultabunt ossa hu- - mi - Ii - a - ta.. 10

10. et omnes iniquitates . . . . · me - as de - Ie . 11

11. et spiritum rectum innova in visce - ri - bus me - is. 12

12. et spiritum sanctum tuum' ne au - - fe-ras a - me. 13

13. et spfritu principa- - - - - - Ii con- fir - rna me. 14

14. et impii ad te . · con-ver - ten - tur. 15

15. et exsultabit lingua mea justf - ti - am tu - am. 16

16. et os meum annunti~ibit · hiu-dem tu - am. 17

17. holocaustis non. . . . . . · de - Ie - cta - be-ris. 18

18. cor contritum et humililitum' Deus · non de - spi'- ci -es. 19

19. ut aedificentur mu- - ri Je - ru - sa-Iem. 20

20. tunc imponent super altare . . tti - urn vi' - tu-Ios. 21

21. dona. · e - i, Do - mi-ne. 22

(e - is,)

22. hi - ce - at e - i.
(e - is.)
Then the Antiphon is repeatpct:
M. & R. Co. 1000A 161

At the Burial

Ex-suI-ta-bunt Do-mi-no OS - sa hu-mi-li - Ii - ta.
Tlte bo"es tllat IIal'e been Itu mlJ/ed .lto// rejoice in 'lie Lord.

When the procession has entered, one of the Cantors intones the fol­
lowing Responsory, ""hich is continued by two alternating choirs:

:w , Sub- ve - ni' - te * San-cti De- i,
I '-'
Come to (her) assistance, ye saints of God, meet

oc - cur - ri - te An - ge - Ii _
hiln (her), ye Angels of tlte Lord:

Do-mi - ni:_ *Su-sci-pi-en-tes a-ni-mam

Receive his (her) soul,

e - jUs:' Of- fe - ren-tes e - a~

and present it to the Most High.

in con- spe - ctu Al - - tis-si - mi._

1\1. & R. Co. lOOOA 162

At the Burial

T.{.pi. at_ te ~ _
.1.lfaU Christ u!ho called thee, rece'i'lJe thee;

Chri'· stus,_ qui_ vo - ea - vit te: __

, , ; p ~ I~
I •

et in _ s( - num A - bra - hae An - ge ­

and 1nay the Angels lead tltee into the boso/Il of Abralta1n.

-*, I ~
Ii de - du - cant te._

* Su- sei- pi - en-tes a - ni-mam e - jus: _

Recei-lJe Itis (Iter) 8011,1,

' , ~. '
Of - f e - ren-tes e - am_ In con - spe - ctu_
and present it to the lIIost High.

M. &R. Co.l000A 168

At the Burin 1

Al- - - tis- si - mi._

F. Re- qui - em _
Eternal grant unto theIn, 0 Lord:


ae-ter-nam do-na_ e­ i _ Do-mi - ne:_

et lux_ per- pe ­ tu - a III - ee - at e­

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

- · .__
1 Of - f e - ren­ ~
' t as e' - arn_ I· n eon-
Present it to the Most High.

spe - ctu_ Al - - - tis - si - mi 0_

Here the priest enters'to begin the Mass.

M. & R. Co. iOOOA ' 164
At the lfass



Re - qui- ern * ae - ter - narn_
Eternal rest grant unto theIn, 0 h01·d:

do na_ e- is
- At'

Do - rni ­


, ,
ne:_ et_ lux_·_ per- pe - tu - a
and let perpetual light shine upon

Iu - ce- at _ e
is __
theN/. _

Ps. Te_ de - cet_ hy- rnnus De - us in S{ - on,
A llYJJ1n,O God, hecoJuetlt Tltee in Sion,

et ti' - bi red - de - tur vo - turn in Je - ru - sa -lern.

and a VOIl' sllall he paid to Thee 'in Jeru,salelJl:

M. &R. Co.1000A 165

At the Mass

ex - au - di 0 - ra - ti - 0 - nem me - am,
kear my prayer, all flesh shall come to Tkee.
ad te o-mnis ea-ro_ va-ni- et. Re - qui- em
Bternal rest grant

ae - tar - nam_ do - na_ a - is. _

unto theIn, 0 Lord,

Do~mi - ne:_ et lux_ per- pa - tu ­

and let perpetual light shine

a lu - ee - at _ e is.­
upon them.

.or as follows from the *
t 1111
Requiem aet~rnam
~"IJ a
dona eis b6-mi-ne: et lux perpetua hieeat e-is .
.M. & R. Co. 1000A 166
l\'Jass for the Dead


Ky - ri - e__ *e Ie - i-soD.
Lord, have lnercy. (3 times)

,. ~
Chri' - ste_ e Ie . i-soD.
Oll-rist, nave m,ercy. (3 times)

,. ~
Ky - ri - e _ _ e Ie - i-son.
Lord, nave mercg. (3 times)

Ky-ri- e *e - Ie-i- SOD.

Lord, nave Illercy.



.Do - mi - DUS VO - bis - cum. B. Et cum spf'- ri ­
The .Lord be l,(Jith you. And l,(Jith thy Spirit.
Priest: Choir:

~ ~ ~ J ~
tu tu - o. o - re - muse A meD.
Let us pray.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 167

Ma 88 for the Dt~a rl

Gradual (*)

Re - qui- em *ae- ter - - -
Eternal rest give them, 0 Lord:

do na_ e - is _ Do mi ­

ne: et_ lux per­

and let per­

petltal li{(ltt - - tu - a

lu - ce - at e ­
shine upon tll,em.

(*) See after the Tract for a recitation of the Gradual and the Tract. .
rtf. & R. Co.1000A 168
Mass for the Dead

v. In me - rna - ri - a ae­
Tlte iust sllall he tOn e'verlastz'ng

ter - - - - - - ­
-*,- -*'. _*,I

na_ e rit­

jti - stus:

ab- au-di-ti ­ <> - ne_ rna - - - -

h,e shall not fear the evil hearing.

la * non ti -

me bit. _

M, &Ro Co.1000A 169

~f ass for the Dead



Ab-sol - ve,-- * Do - mi- ne, a- ni-

Loose, 0 Lord, the souls of thefait/iful departed

mas o-mni-um fi- de-Ii-urn de-fun-eto - rum _

ab 0 - mni_ vin - eu-lode-Ii ­

fro/it ellery bond of sin.

etC> - rum. V. Et gra- ti- a tu- a {1­

Helped by Thy grace,

lis sue-eur-ren - te, me-re-an-tur_

may they he

e - va-de-re ju-di'- ci-um ul- ti - 0, - nis. _

counted llJorth,y to escape frotn the avengz'ng judgment.

v. Et lu- eis ae-ter - nae _
And f"lJerlnOre inioy to look upon that light wll,1:cn

M. & R, Co. 1000A 1'0

Ma~s forthe Dead

be-a - ti - tu' di ne * per fru-i. _

t"s TII!lse!f.



lUi 1" ~
V. In memoria aeterna
erit justus: ab auditione mala non ti-me-bit.

1111 11111 ~
Absolve, Domine, animas omnium
fidelium defunetorum ab omni vinculo
deli-cto-rum. *
lui Ilnl mllll! .~
v. Et gratia iBis PeEt lueis aeternae
suecurrente,rnereantur beatitlidine per-fru-i.
evcidere judicium ulti-o-nis.

M. & R. Co. iDDDA 17t

Mass for the Dead


, I , I I, .

1. Di- es i-rae di'- es il- la, 801- vet_ sae- elum_

IJreaded day, that day if ire, When the 'ilJorld skall

in fa-vil-la: Te- ste_ Da-vid_ cum 8i-bYI-Ia.
lnelt in fire, Told by Bybil and IJavid's lyre.


2. Quan-tus tre-mor est fu-tu- rus, Quan-do- jU - dex_ est

.Fright lnen's hearts shall rudely Sltift, As the JUl!:ge tltroughgleaJn­

ven-tu - rus, Cun - cta- stri'- ete- dis-cus- Btl - rus!
ing rift Comes each soul to closely .~ift.

3. Tu-ba mi'- rum_ spar- gens so - num_ Per se-pul-~ra

Then, the trumpet's shrill refrain, Piercing tombs

* ~ee at the end of Sequence for "Optional Recitation Tone".

1\1. & R. Co. 1000A 172
Mass for the Dead

re-gi-o-num, Co-get_ 0 - mnes_ an-tethro-nlJ.m.

by hill and pla",·n, Souls to Judgment shall arraign:

4. Mors stu- pe - bit__ et-- na- tti - ra,­ Cum re-sur­

IJeatk and nature stand agltast, AS the bodies

I I · I

get cre-a- tu- ra'j Ju-di - can - t i - - re-spon-su-ra.

rising fast, His to hear the sentence passed.

5. L(- ber- scri' - ptus- pro - fe -- re - tur, In_ quo to - tum
Then, before Him shall be placed, That 1fJhereon the

con - ti - ne - tur,- Un- de mlin-dus ju - di - ce- tur._

verdict' 8 based, Book 1fJherein each deed is traced.

6. Ju-dex- er-go_ cum_se-de - bit, Quid-quid la-tet

When the JUdge his seat shall gain, All tltat's hidden

M. & R. Co. 1000A 173

:\Iass for the Dead

1.........,/ I

I ..........,,/

ap-pa-re-bit:_ Nil in-til-tum re-ma-ne-bit._

shall be plain, Nothing shalll~niudged retnain.



7. Quid sum rni'- ser tunc di - ctu-rus? Quem pa - tro - num_

Wretched man, uJhat can I plead? Wholn to ask to intercede,

ro - ga - tu - rus? Cum vix_ jus - tus- sit se - cu- rUSe
When the lust m,uclt mercy need.


8 .Rex tre - men-dae rna- je - sta- tis, Qui sal - van - dos_
Thou,O allJe-inspi1 ing Lord,
Saving e'en ll'hen UIl­

sal-v~s gra-tis, Sal-va_ me, fons- pi - e - ta-tis.
implored, Save me, mercy's fount adored.

9. Re-cor-di - re-- Je - su pi'- e,-­ Quod sum cau­

Ah! sllJeet Jesus, Inindful be, That Thou caIn's!

M. & R. COo 1000A 174

::\1a ss 'for the Dead


sa tn- ae vi'- ae: Ne me- per - das_ il- la dl - e.

on earth for tile: Cast NIB not this daU froJ!l Thee~

I. I

10. Quae-rens me, se - di' - sti Ias- sus :_ Red- e - mi'- sti
Seeking Jne Thy strength UJas spent, RansotJling Thy


ern-cern pas-sus: Tan-tus_ Ii - bor_ non sit cas-sus.

li/nhs IIJere rent: Is this toil to no intent'!

11. Ju - ste- jU - de,x_ ul - ti - 0' - nis, .Do - num fac re-
Thou, allJarding pains condign, MereU's ear to me

mis- si- 0 - nis,- An- te d(- ern ra- ti - 0 - nis.­

'incline, Ere the reckoning Tholl asszOgn.

12. In - ge - mi'- sco,- tarn-quam re ­ us: Cul- pa ru-bet vuI-

I, felon-like, ll1Ulot hellJatOl, SUffused cheeks 'Ny

Mo & Ro Co. IOOOA 175

Mass for the~-Dead

tus me-us:- Sup-p1i-ean-ti par-ee De- Us.-­

shalne unveil: (Jod, 0 let my prayer prevail.

13. Qui Ma- ri'- am ab-so1- vi'- sti, Et la - tro - nem­

Mary's soul Thou madest u1hite, lJidst to heaven the thief

ex - au - di' - st i , M{ - hi~ quo - que- spem de - d{- sti.
invite, Hope in me these nou) excite.


14. Pre-ees me-ae non sunt d(-gnae: Sed tu- bo - nus-

Prayers of mt"ne in vat"n ascend: Thou, art good and UJill

fae be - ni' - gne, Ne per - en - ni- ere-mer i'- gne.
forefend, ' In quenchless fire my life to end.

15. In- ter 0' - ves- 10' - eum prae- sta,_ Et ab

lVhen the cursed hy shame opprest, Enter

M. & R. Co. 1000A 176

Mass for the Dead


hae-dis me se - que- stra, Sti - tu - ens_ in _ _

flames at Thy behest, Call me then to J·oin the blest.

par - te dex-tra. 16. Con-fu -ta- t i s - rna - Ie - d(­

'Mid Thy sheep my place accord,

etis,- Flam-mis a - eri-bus ad- di:etis: Vo- ca- rne-
Keep mefrom the tainted horde, Set me in Thy

eum_ be - ne - di'- etis. 17. 0 - ro- sup - plex-et- ac­

sight, 0 Lord. Prostrate, suppliant, nOli) no

eli' - nis, Cor_ eon - tri'- t~m qua - si ei' - nis : - ­
more, Unrepenting, as Of yore,

;;~__ I

Ge - re eu·.ram me - i f( - nis._ 18. La- cri - mo ­

Save ute dying, I implore. Mournful day!

M. & R. Co. 1000A 17' for the Dead

, . ,

sa di - es_ il ­ la, Qua re-sur-get ex fa-vil-Ia.

that day of sighs, WhenfroJIl dust shall ,,,en arist:.

19. Ju- di-can-dus- ho - mo re-us:_ Hu-ic er-go

Sta'ined urith, guilt his dooJn to knoll!, Mercy, Lord, on

par - ce De-us. 20. Pi'- e Je- su Do-mi- ne,
hi,n oestoUJ. Jesus kind! Thy sOlll's release,

~t~ I I ~
do-na e- is-- re-qui-em. A - men._
Lead tlleJJI. thence to reallns of peace. AJ!lf'n.


lui 1 lui
.2. Quintus tremor est futurus, Quando judex est venturus,

lui J J ~
Cuncta stri'cte discus - sur - us.

The verses 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 may be recited as above.

M. & R. Co. 1000A 178

Mass for the Dead


P. Do'-mi- nus vo - bis-cum. R. Et cum spi'- ri - tu t1i - o.

The Lord be UJith you. And lIJitll, 11111 Spir·t't.
Pried: I
Sequentia. . . . R. G10 - ri - a ti' - bi Do - mi - ne.

Gloru be to Tltee, 0 Lord.


P'. Do- mi- nus vo- bis-cum.

The Lord be 'uJtOth you,.

o - re - muse


o~~~ t
' · - ne
Do-ml I JeoOsu_
' Ch rl- ~
.' ste,-- * Rex g I0' ­
o Lord, Jesus Oli.rist, ./{ring ofglor!l,

......." - - ri - ae, deliller the

II. cl R. COo 1000A 179

Mass for the Dead

a- ni - mas 0 - mni - urn fi - de - Ii - um de ­

souls of tke faithful departed from tke pa'Z"ns of kell, and fro1!1

fun - eta - rum de poe- nis ni, et de

the deptks of tke pit:



pro-fun- do 18: .. eu: Ii'- be - ra e- as_ de () - re

deli lJPr tke11l froln tlte mouth of

• I I

Ie-o - nis, ne ab-sor-be-at e,- as

the lion, lest he s1/1allou, tkem, lest tlleU

j ,.1
I '-..,....: Mf

tar .. ta - rus, ne ea .. dant- in ob - sen rum:

fall into darkness:

sed si' ­ gni - fer san .. etu8__ Mi' -
- '­

eha - el
but let tke standard bearer St. lJIickael,

M. & R. Co. 1000A 180

Mass for the Dead

rc-prae- sen - tet- e - as- in_ III - ­

hring them into the holy Il·~/lt:

eem_ san ctam: * Q.uam 0 - Iim_ A - bra - hae_
Whz"cl/, Thou didst pro/nise qf old to

pro - ml• - SI.' - S~t·

1,_ et
_ '
se - ~
- - -
AbrahQln, and to It'is seed.

mi - ni- e - JUS. P'. Hos - ti - as__

JVe offer Thee, 0

et- pre - ees- ti'- bi_ Do-mi - ne lau - dis_

Lord, a sacrifice of praise and prayer:


~ ~-
of - fe - ri - MUS: tu Stl ~ sci - pe

do Thou accept them 'in behalf of

M." R. Co. 1000A 181

Ma ss for the Dead

I ,

pro a - ni - ma - bus__ il - lis, qua - rum __

those souls uJholn lIJe thz's dau comlnelllorate:

ho - di - e me - rna' - ri - am_ fa - ci - mu's:

fac_ e - as,_ Do- mi - ne, de mor - te tr~ns-

Grant, 0 Lord, that they IlIaU pass froln death to life.

re_ ad-- vi - tam. * Quam 0 - lim_ A - bra­

IV/tick Tkou didst proJnise

h ae_ pro - ml·-·SI' - stl,_ et- 'se - - "'-..,; ­
of old to Ahrahatn, and to his seed.

- mi ni- e JUS.

,M. & R, Co. 1000A 182

l\Ia ss for the ·Dead


T. Per 0 - mni - a soe - cu - la soe - cu - 10 - rum .

.Por ever and ever.

Cbh:. ... .
./I. A .. men._ F. Do - mi - nus vo - bis - cum .
A111en. The .Lord be UJith you .

./j. Et cum spi'- ri - tu tu - o. F. Sur-sum cor - da.­

And UJ'ltk thU spir'it. L'ift up your hearts.

Q.Ha- be-musad Do'-mi-num._ F. Gra-ti - as a - ga-mus

we have lifted tlieln to the Lord. Let us give thanks to

Do-nii-no De-o no-stro. ./). Di:gnum et ju-stum est._

th·e Lord, Olltr Ood. It is 1neet and J·ust.

II. &R. Co.1000A 183

Mass for the Dead


~ ' San-etUB,- * San-ctus,_ San-CtUB Do.. mi-nuB


Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of

De - us Sa - ba- oth. PIe - ni su,nt cae - Ii et tar­
Hosts. Heaven a'lld eartlt are fu,ll of Thy

ra glo- ri - a t u- a. Ho - san - na in ex - cel ­

glory. Hosanna in tile highest.

=r ,.~
sis. Be - ne - dr-ctus qui va - nit in no - mi - ne
Blesl:ed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.

Do-mi-ni. Ho - san - na in .ex- cel sis._

Hosanna in the II1:ghest .

.M. &R. Co. IOOOA 184

:\rass for the Dead


.t'.Per o-mni-a soe-cu-Iasoe-cu-Io- rum. Q.A-men._

For ever and ever. A,nen.

Priest: ~~~
o - re - mus._ ....Et ne nos in - du- cas in ten·- ta ­
Let us pray....... And lead 1./,S not into temptat,:on.

ti - <> - nem. p. Sed Ii' - be - ra nos a rna - 10.

But del,:ver us froln evz·l.



F. Per 0 - mni- a so'e-eu-la soe-eu -10 - rum. $. A - men._

Por ever and ever. Al/len.

, I

;. Pax Do-mi-ni sitsem-per vo-bis-cum. $.Etcumspi:ri-tu tu-o.

TIle peace of the hord be e'lJer with lIou. And with thy sp,:rit.

II." R. Co.l000A 185

:\Iass for the Dead

.Agnus Dei

A-gnus De - i, * qui tol-lis pee-.ea-ta mun-di:

Lamb qf God, who -takest au/au .the sins of tke world,


do - na e - is re- qui - em. A-gnus De' - i, *

grant tkem rest. Lamb qf God,. who takest.

qui _ tol-lis pee - ert - ta mun - di: do - na e - is re ­
awa.:11 the sins of tke world, grant them rest.


qui - em. A- gnus De - i, * qui

tol- lis pee - ea - ta
Lamb of God, who takest awau the sins l!f tke

~ I J II
mun- di: do - na e- is ra - qui - em ** sem- pi - ter - nama
\l.IJorld, grant them eternal rest.

M.&R.Co.10·00A 186
Mass for the Dead


Lux ae - ter-na * lu- ce-at e- is, Do-mi - ne:
May lzOght eternal shzone upon tltem, O.Lord:

*Cum san-ctis tu -is in ae - tar - num,_ qui -a pi' - .

With Thu Saints forever, because Tho14 art merczJul.

us es. F. Re-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na e-is Do-mi- ne,

.Eternal rest grant 14nto thein, 0 Lord,

et lux per-pe - tu - a Iu - ce - at e - is. * Cum san-ctis
and let perpetual l'l~g}tt shine upon them. With ThU Saints

tu - is in ae - tar - num,- qui - a pi' - us es.
forever, because Tho14 art mercif141.

Mo &: Ro COo 1000A 187



F. Do-mi-nus vo- bis-cum. 8. Et cum spi'- ri - tu tu- o.

TI,e Lord be ,,'ifll, I/ou. And un:th tlly spirit.
PrieRt: Chojr~

~ ~ J ~r----J ~
o - re muse I). A men.

het ItS pral/. AI/len.

A}4'TER THE POSTCOMMt:NIOS (See first '!lIe abol'e, follow{'d imml'diatl!~I/:)

~ ,~~ ~
'.Re-qui-e-scant in pa - ce. {I. A - men._
May they rest in peace. A,nen.

After the Mass: - at Masses, ,,"hell the Absolution must take place,
although the body is absent - the Cantor intones the Responsory
"Libera. me, Domine" which is continued by the Choir.
At Funerals-in which the body is present-, the priest vested in a
black cope recites the follo,,"ing Prayer: "Non intres in jUdicium _
in saecula saeculorum. Amen." Then the Cantor intones the follow ..
ing Responsory:

1. ~ f
Li'- be - ra me, Do' - mi - ne, * de _l_ mor­
.f)eli'ver Ine, 0 hord, from everlasting death on tltat

te ae-ter - na, in __ di'- e- il-Ia _ _ trc-men -

dread day ,
M.&R.Co.1000A 188

~ I

da:_ Quan-do cae - li- mo - ven-di_sunt

111hen the Ileavens and the eo rth skall qu,o Ire:

e t - - ter - ra:_ Dum ve - - - ne-ris

and Tll-ou, of/h.alt cOlne to iudge th.e

jU - di - ca re _ sue ell - lum

earth. by fire.

per_ _ i' - gnem. T. Tre-mens fa-ctus sum e- go,

I alJl, of/truck lI,itk fear,

et~ ti' - me - 0, dum di - scus.- si - 0 ve ­

and trelnhling at the thougll,t of i'l,dgJnent and the II/roth to

t 9
ne - rit, at - que yen - ttl - ra­ i' - rae
corne .

.l\f.& R. Co. 1000A 189


Quan- do cae - li_ _· mo - ven- di_ sunt
Wlten the heavens and tlte earth sltall (}1'/'ake.

" , ,
et--- tar - ra:--:.. ,. Di - es il - la, di - es_ i-rae,
That day is a dag of wratlt,


ca -la - mi - ta - tis_ et-:- mi - se- ri - ae, di'- es ma-gna

of UJoe and of misery, adreadf1'/'1 day and exceed'inglybitter.

et_ a - ma- ra val - de. Dum va -

Wlten Thol./, sltalt come to

- ne - ris ju- di - eli - re _
jUdge the eartlt by fire •

sae -

cu - lum per
~ -,*,

i' -

M... R. Co. 1000A 190




T.Re-qui- em ae-ter-nam do-na e- is Do - mi - ne:

Bternal rest grant unto tltem, 0 Lord,

et_ Iux_ per- pe - tu - a Iu - ee - at_ e- is.
and let perpetual ligltt shine upon them.

Li - be - ra me, Do - mi - ne, * de___ mor­

.Deliver lne, 0 Lord, from everlasting dedtk on that dread

te a,e - ter - na, in-- df- e- i'I- la--- tre­


~ I

men - da:_ Quan- do cae - Ii-- mo

JVhen the ll.ea,,'ens and tke earth shall

ven-di_sunt et tar - ra:- Dum va ­

f}uake: and Thou shalt come

M . .tR. Co.1000A 191


- ne - ris ju di - ca - re _
to iudge the earth hy fire.

sae' - cu - lum per r - gnem._

At the end of the Responsory, the Cantor and the first Choir sing: r


Ky-ri- e e -Ie - i - son._ Chri'-ste e - Ie - i - son._

'Lord, ha1Je mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Ky- ri - e e - Ie- i - son._ Pa-ter no-ster. (in silence)
Lord, have mercy. Our Pather . ..

Et ne nos in - du - cas in ten - ta - ti - 0 - nem.

And lead us not into'telnptation.

,M. & R. Co. lOOOA 192


Choir: Priest:

8. Sed Ii'- be-ra nos a ma-Io. ,. Apor-ta in -fe - ri.

Bu.t deliver 'u.s from evil. Froln thr gatps Q/ !lell•

..(i.E - ru - e Do - mi - ne a - ni - mam e- jUs .

.Deli'lJer I"is (her or tll.e",or) souls, 0 Lord.
[a - ni - mas e-o - rum.]

Prie~t : Choi r:

-===J ~
.".Re - qui - e- scat in pa - ce'l D. A - men .
.J Iay /i.e (she or they) rest in peace. .A1nen.
LRe - qui - e - scant]

,.Do - mi - ne ex - au - di 0 - ra - ti - 0 - nem me - am.

o Lord, hear l1/U prayer.

-8. Et cIa - mor me - us ad te va - ni - at.
And let mv crU come unto Thee.

K. & R. Co. 1000A 193


- ne - ris ju di - ca - re _
to Judge the earth by fire.

sae' - cu - Ium per r - gnem._

At the end of the Responsory, the Cantor and the first Choir sing:


Ky-ri- e e -Ie - i - son._ Chri'-ste e - Ie - i - son._

Lord, ha'iJe mercy. Chr'l°st, have mercy.

Ky-ri - e e - Ie- i-son._ Pli-ter no-ster. (z"n silence)
Lord, have mercy. Our Pather . ..

Et ne nos in - du - cas in ten - ta - ti - 0 - nem.

.And lead 11,8 not zOnto' telnptation .

.M. & Ro Coo iOOOA 192


Choir: Priest:

8. Sed li'- be-ra nos a ma-Io. ,. A por-ta in -fe - ri.

Bfltt deliver fitS from evil. Fro In thr gatps Qf /lell.

$.E - ru - e Do - mi - ne a - ni - mam e- jUs .

.Deli1Jer I"is (her or fl"eir) souls, 0 Lord.
[i - ni - mas e-o - rum.J

Prie~t : Choi r:

,;.Re - qui - e - scat in pi - cell lI. A - men .
.J.1IaU ll,e (slle or they) rest in peace. Atl1en.
[Re - qui - e - scant]


_ ;f) ~ J5 :gggl
,.Do - mi - ne ex - au - di 0 - ra - ti - 0 - nem me - am.
o Lord, hear 1111/ prayer.


1). Et cIa - mor me - us ad te va - ni - at.
And let mv crU come unto Thee.

JrI. a R. Co. 1000A 193


- ne - ris ju di - ea - re _
to Judge tlte eartlt by fire. ("'-­

sae' - eu - Ium per r - gnem._

At the end of the Responsory, the Cantor and the first Choir sing:


Ky-ri- e e -Ie - i - son._ Chri'-ste e - Ie - i - son._

Lord, lta'lJe mercy. Cltrz·st, Itave mercy.

Ky-ri-e e - le-i-son._ pa-terno-ster.(z"nsilence)
Lord, Itave mercy. Our Patlter . ..

Et ne nos in - du - eas in ten - ta - ti - 0 - nem.

And lead 1l,S not into·telnptation.

,M. & R. Co. 1000A 192


Choir: Priest:

8.Sed li'- be-ra nos a ma-Io. ,. A por-ta in -
fe - ri.
Bl~t deliver us from evil. Froln thr gatps Q/ hell.

I).E - ru - e Do - mi - ne a - ni - mam e - jUs .

.Deli1Jer Ilis (her or tli.eir) souls, 0 Lord.
[a - ni - mas e-o - rum.]
Prie~t: Choir:

'.Re - qui - e- scat in pi - ce, ./I. A - men .
.J.lfay he (she or they) rest in peace. A1J1en.
[Re - qui - e - scant]


,. Do - mi - ne ex - au -
di 0 - ra - ti - 0 - nem me - am.
o Lord, hear 111U prayer.

Choir: B
./). Et cIa - mor me ­ us ad te va - ni - at .
And let my erg come unto Thee.

K. a R. Co. 1000A 193


v. Do-ini-nus vo-bis-cum. R. Et cum spi'- ri - tu tu - o.

The Lord be ulith V0u,. And 1JJith thy spirit.

Here the priest sings the "prayer," according to each case:

Priest: Choir:

§b. l J 18 J ~
o - re mus. - - - - - R.A
Let us pray.

Here, at Masses in which the body is ahsent, the priest sings the very
last responses (see pg. 200, froJn t to the end). Then the cereJnony
of Absolutionis finished.
At fun~rals, a) if a priest accompanies the body to the cemetery, the
Absolution ends as just indicated above. The Choir may fbiub' the Ant.
"In paradisum" as the body is taken out of the Church.
IJ) if a priest does not accompany the body to the cem­
etery, the Absolution is all done in church as fol­
lows to the end.

7·2'~~ ~
In pa- ra-di'-sum * de-du-cant te An- ge - .Ii:
Mau tll,e Angels lead thee into Paradise:

in tu- 0 ad-ven- tu su - scf-pi-ant te Mar-ty - res,_

Jnay the 11fartyrs receive thee at thy cOIning,

M. & R. Co. lOOOA 194:


et per- du-cant te in ci - vi - ta-tem san - ctam-Je ­

and take thee to Jerl4saleln, the hold citd.

ru- sa-Iem. Cho-rus An - ge - 10 - rum te- su ­
Mad the ellot·r.Y of Angels reeet·ve tll-ee,

sci'- pi 'at, et cum La - za - ro quon- dam_ pau-pe -re
fl nd Ilta.lleat tli,olt ""ith tll,e onee poor L,a zaru.(f

ae - ter - nam ha- be - as- re-qui- em.

}tff've rPNt e'IJerla.(ftt:ng.

Then the priest intones:

2.D~ ,.~
E - go_sum.
I lon.

II. a R. Co. 1000A 195


Canticle - Benedictus

tig;11I1· ~

f. Be - ne-di'ctus Dominus Deus. . . . Is - ra-el: * 1

2. Et e - rexit cornu salutis. . . . no - bis: * 2

3. Sic-ut locutus est per os sa.n - - - - - eto - rum, * 3

4.Sa-Iu-temexinimicis. " . . . no-stris,* 4

5. Ad fa- ciendam misericordiam cum patribus no - stris: * 5

6. Jus-ju- randum, quod juravit ad Abraham

patrem no - strum, * 6
7. Ut si- ne timore, de manu inimieorum no-
stro'rum libe-ra - ti, *,
8. In san-ctitate et justitia coram·. . . ( - pso, * 8

9. Et tu, puer, propheta Altissimi vo - - - ea-be-ris: * 9

1.0. Ad dan-dam scientiam salutis plebi . e - jUs: *10

1. f. Per vi'- scera miserieordiae Dei . *
. no - stri: 11
1.2. 11- lu- minare his, qui in tene,bris, et in
umbra mortis se - dent: * 12
1.3. Re-qui-em ae - - ter - nam * 13

1.4. Et lux per - - pe-tu-a * 14:

·M. & R. Co. IOOOA 196


1 1111 ~
Next verse
1. quia visitavit et fecit redemptionem pIe - bis Stl - ae: 2

2. in domo David pue - - - - - - - - ri su - i. 3

3. qui a saeculo sunt, propheta - - - rum e - jUs: 4

4. et de manu omnium qui .0 . . . 0 - de-runt nos: 5

5. et memorari testamenti su - - - -. i san ~ cti: 6

6. daturum . . se no - bis: 7

7. servia - - MUS iJ. - Ii: 8

8. omnibus die - - - bus no - stris. 9

9. prae[bis enim ante facielD Domini,

parare vi'- as e - ju s. 10

10. in remissionem peccatorum e - 0 - rum: 11

f1. in qu[bus visitavit nos, oriens. .ex al - to. 12

12. ad dirigendos pedes nostros in vi' - - am pa - cis. 13

13. dona e ­ - i, Do-mi-ne. 14

(e - -is.)

14. Iuce - at e - i.
(e - is.)

M. &R. Co. lOOOA 197


The antiphon is repeated:

E - go_sum ,.
I aJn the resurrection and the 11Je:
et VI.' - ta:_

qui ere - dit in_ me, e't - i-am si mor-tu - us fu- e ­
he that believeth in Me although li,e be dead, shall live:

rit,_ vi' - vet: at 0 - mnis qui v(- vit et

and everyone that liveth and believeth

ere - dit in me, non mo - ri - e- tur_ in ae - ter - num.
in Jne, sltall not die forever •

Ky - ri - e e - Ie' - i - son. Chr(- stee - 1e' - i - son.
Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercu.

M. &R. Co. 1000A 198



Ky - ri ­ e e - Ie - i - son. Pa-ter no-ster (in silence)
Lord, have mercy. Our Father .

He sprinkles the body with holy water.

Et ne nos in - du - cas in ten - ta - ti - () - nern.

And lend us not into te1Jlptation.

Choir: Priest:

R.Sed 1(- be-ra nos a rna-l0. P. A por-t·a in -fe - rio

But deliver us fro11t evil. FrOIJl the gates of hell.

Choir: Priest:

B. E - ru- e Do-mi- ne a - ni-mam e- jus. P. Re-qui - e­
IJel'lver /i,is (her) soul, 0 Lord. .i.lfau he (site)

Choir: Priest:

scat in pa- ce. R.A-men. P.Do-mi-ne ex-au-di 0 - ra­

rest in peace. AJnen. .bOt·d, hear JJlU prayer.

M. &R. Co. 1000A 199



ti - 0 -nem me-am. B.Et cla-mor rna-us ad te ve-ni-at.
And let mu eru cOlne unto Thee.

v. Do - mi-nus vo - bis-cum. B. Et cum spi'- ri - tu tu - o.

The Lord be lIJitk you. And un:tlt tliH spirt"t.
Priest: Choir:

=iJ5 J) J ~"'----J ]
o - ra - mus . B.A men.

Let /l,S prau. . : . Alnen.

V.Ra-qui-em ae-ter-nam do-na a - i Do-mi-ne.

Eternal rest gi've unto Itim (her or them) 0 Lord.
e - is

R. E t 1ux per - p e-
tu - a 1U - c e - at i. e-
And let perpetual ligltt shine upon Ititn (her or thelll).
a- is.

M" & R. Co. 1000A 200


Re - qui - e- scat in pa - ce. B. A - men._
.Jfay he (she or they) rest in peace. A/nen.
Re - qui - e- scant

A - ni - rna e-
jus et a -
oi - rna e
May his (her) soul and tke sO/l,ls Of all tkefait!l:/oull departed

<> - mni - urn fi - de - Ii - urn de - fun - cto ­

through. the lnercy of God rest in peace.

rum per mi - se - ri - cor - di - am De - i


- ~
r e - qui - e- sc ant in pa - ce.
R.A - men.

M.&R. Co.1000A .201


The Ordinary Chants of the Mass

Sprinkling of Holy Water (Sundays outside Paschaltide)

Sprinkling of Holy Water (During PaschaltiQe)
Sprinkling of Holy Water (Other Chants)
In Paschal Time Lux et origo • 7
For Solemn Feasts 1. Kyrie fons bonitatis • · 12
For Solemn Feasts 2. Kurie Deus Sell1piterne · 18
For Doubles 1. Ounctipotens Genitor IJeu,s • · 24
For Doubles 2. Kyr":e Magnae Delt.fJ Potent'lae • · 30
For Doubles 3. Kyrie Rex Genitor • • 36
For Doubles 4. KlIrie Rex Splenden.fJ · 42
For Doubles 5. IJe Angelis • · 48
For Feasts of the B.V. Mary 1. OU/It Ju,bilo. · 54
For Feasts of the B.V. Mary 2. AlIne Pater. · 60
For Sundays throughout the Year Orhia Pactor. • 65

For Semidoubles 1. Pater Ou,ncta • · 70

For Semidoubles 2. Stellifer,' cond'l'tor orbis · 75

XIV. ~During Octaves except those of the B.V.Mary

JeS1/, Redemptor • • • 80

xv. For Simple Feasts IJominator Deua • • • • 85

For Ferias throughout the Year. . . . . . 90

For the Sundays of Advent and Lent. . . . . 93

XVIII. For the Ferias of Advent and Lent as well as for Vigils,

Ember Days and Rogation days IJeu,a Genitor alme • 97

M, & R, Co, 1000A 202

Credo I · 99
Credo II . · f03
Credo -m . · f07
Credo IV . · ffi
Credo V . · ff5
Credo VI • · f1.9
Chants ad lilJ1:tum
Kyrie I Clemens Rector. . . • . . • • . f24
Kyrie II SUJnllle .Deus • • • • • • • • • i26
Kyrie ITI Rector cosmi pie. • . • . • . . f28
Kyrie IV Kurie altissi1ne • • • . . • . . i30
Kyrie V Conditor Kurie O'l1n"",,,,n. • • • • • • 132
Kyrie VI Te CIlriste Hex S14pplicea • . .. • . fS4
Kyrie vn 8plell,dor aeterne. • • . . • • . f36
Kyrie VITI .Fir/nator sancte • • • • •• • . fS7
Kyrie IX 0 Pater excelse • • ~. . . • • . fa8
Kyrie X For Sundays throughout the year OrlJ1:sfactor . f38
Kyrie XI For Sundays of Advent and Lent Kyrie Salve . f3D

Gloria I . · f40
Gloria II . · f43
Gloria ill · 1.46
Gloria IV Ambrosian Chant . · f50
Sanctu8 I . · f53
Sanctus II · f54
Banctus III · i56
Agnus Dei I . · f56
Agnu8 Dei II . · f57
Mas8 for the Dead. · f59

M. "R. Co. tOOOA 203


Response 1.- At the Prayers.


Y.Do-mi-nus vo-bis-cum. Q.Et cum spi'- ri - tu tti- o.

Tile Lord lJe mil" 8 0M • ~nd IlJltll '''8 .plrtl.

o - re-mus.... ./I. A - men.

LeI· •• prnl. So btl II.

Response n. - At the Gospel.


Y.Do-mi-nus vo-bis-cum. ./). Et cum spi'-ri - tu tu- o.

F. Se-quen-ti - a.... Q. Glo - ri - a ti' - bi Do -mi - nee

- TAe follolCllIK. . . . . Glor" to TlltltI, 0 Lord.

Respo'nse 111.- At the Offertory.

Y. Do-mi-nus vo-bis-cum. $. Et cum spi'- ri - tu tti - o.

A. Solemn Tone
Response IV. - At the Preface

4A- ~ d:=~
,. ~
F. Per 0- mni- a sac-eu-Ia sae-cu-Io - rum. .fl. A - men.­
JI"?or t-ce,. n"d el'e,..

~ T.Do-mi-nus vo - bi's-cum. 1l.Eteum spi'-ri-tu tu- o.


1\1. & It. Co. tOOOA

Priest: Ch .

Y.Sur- sum cor-da._ 8.Ha-be - mus ad Do-mi-nurn._

-4 ;rieLilt lip lour "earl.. We baDe II/led 1116/11 tu Ille Lord.

Y. Gra-ti - as_ a - ga - mus Do-mi·- no_

L~I u. glD8 I/la"k. 10 1116 Lord, our God.

De' - 0 no - stro. $. Dr - gnum et jU - sturn est.­

II I. /1111"1( n"d jusl.

B. Ferial Tone
est: ::
4B . I

-P. Per o-rnni- a sae- cu-Ia sae-cu -10 - rum. $. A - rnen._

F. Do-mi-nus vo - bis-curn. B. Etcum spi:' ri - tu tu - o.

, , ~ ~
F. Sur-sum cor - da.- D. Ha- b' ,
e-rnus ad Do-rni- nurn._


,. Gra·- ti - as a - ga - mus Do - rni - no De-

o no - stro. .(J. Di'-gnum et jU - sturn est. __

M.~~ Co.l000A .ii
Response V. - At the Pater noster.

,. Per 0 -mni- a sae-cu-Ia sae-cu-Io - rum. .fl. A- men._

F .. Et ne nos in - du-cas
A.nd lead us not /lIto tumptatloll.
'in ten - ta - ti - <> - nem.

t ;hOir:

I). Sed Ii' - be - ra nos a rna - 10.

Bllt dell De r us Iro,,, evil.

Respon~e VI.- At the Agnus Dei.

Y. Per <> - mni a sae-cu-la sae-cu"-lo - rum. ./I. A - men._

t ;ie
F. Pax Do - mi - ni sit sem- per vo - bi's - cum.
Mal tile peace 01 tlte Lord /)8 allOaNS 1O.i/II tllee.

cum spi - rl - tu ttl o.

(C.liS- 4)
M. & R. Co. 1000A iii
Res ponse VII. - At the Prayers (before and after)


¥. Do-mi-nus vo-bi's-cum. .p.Et cum spi'- ri- tu tu - o.

. .~

o- ra - muse . . . I). A - men.

Response ·VllI.- At the Pontifical Blessing.

8. T

F. Sit' no - men Do - mi - ni be - ne - di'- ctum.

Blest be lite na Ine 0/ tile Lord .

- . .~

$. Ex hoc nunc et us - que in sae - ell - lum.

Null' aad /orel'er.

Y.Ad-ju-to- ri- urn no-strum in no-mi-ne Do-mi-ni.

Our help Is In tile n{lIne 01 tile Lord.

Q. Qui fe-cit cae-Ium et tar-ram. T. Be-ne-di:cat vos o-mni'- po - tens

"~lto made !leaven fllld eartll. Mt/II al1lllgllt§ God, Fatltpr SOli a1ld

~ •. '. . ' Choir:

' _IJ1
De-us, Pi-ter, et Fi~li-us, et Spi:ri-tus san-ctus. II. A- men.
Rol.'! Gllosl, lJl~ss NOll.

11. & R. Co. 1000A iv

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