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A. Member Lending Institutions-Eligibility, responsibility etc.
B. Eligible Borrowers
C. Credit facilities
D. Primary Security vis-a-vis Collateral security/personal vis--vis third party guarantee
F. Credit guarantee - extent of cover, invocation, claim etc.
G. Legal proceedings, OTS etc.
H. General
I. Frequently Asked IT related Questions (For MLI's only).
E. Guarantee fee / Service fee
1. Whether the incidence of guarantee fee and annual service fee be
passed on by the lender to the borrower?
The discretion is left to the MLI. However in terms of the "Policy Package for
stepping up credit to Small and Medium Enterprises" as announced by the Hon'ble
Finance Minister, Government of India, in the Parliament on August 10, 2005, Public
Sector Banks are encouraged to absorb the Annual Service Fee in excess of 0.25%
p.a. for all the borrowers mentioned in category (a), (b) and (c) below.
(a) All loans upto Rs. 2.00 lakh;
(b) All eligible women Entrepreneurs;
(c) All eligible borrowers located in the North Eastern Region (including State of Sikkim) and
Jammu & Kashmir.
2. Whether the rates of guarantee fee and annual service fee can be
varied after the commencement of guarantee cover?
Guarantee fee will not be changed with retrospective effect. Since the guarantee fee is payable
only once at the time of seeking guarantee cover, so any change in rate will have only
prospective effect on the future proposals to be covered under the Scheme. As regards Annual
Service Fee, it is payable on the guaranteed credit facilities as on March 31, the prevailing rate
at that time will apply.
3. Is service fee payable even after lodgment of claim?
Yes, Annual Service Fee is required to paid after lodgment of claim till settlement of first
installment of 75% of the guaranteed amount. However, no claim can be lodged before the
expiry of the initial lock-in period (ie.18 months from the date of the guarantee cover or the date
of last disbursement, whichever is later) and after expiry of tenure of guarantee cover.
4. What would be the guarantee / service fee that would be payable by
the member-lending institution on credit facility sanctioned in excess of Rs.
100 lakh?
The guarantee fee payable would be on the loan amount sanctioned, subject to a
maximum of Rs. 100 Lakh. In this case, Rs.100 lakh would be extended guarantee cover even
though the sanctioned amount exceeds Rs. 100 lakh. Similarly, the annual service fee would
be payable on the sanctioned amount subject to a ceiling of Rs. 100 Lakh.
5. How is the service fee payable for the first year?
In the first year of coverage of each guaranteed unit, the Annual Service Fee is worked out on
pro-rata basis i.e. at the applicable rate of fee charged for the period (no. of days) of
outstanding, starting from the date of commencement of the guarantee cover till March 31. For
calculation of Annual Service Fee, number of days in a year is taken as 365. For subsequent
years, service fee is charged for the whole year, on the credit facility guaranteed except for
terminal year or closed cases where it is on pro rata basis.
6. In a hypothetical case, if a lender gives working capital limit of Rs.10
lakh in the first year, seeks guarantee cover, and enhances the limit in the
second year to Rs.15 lakh, what would be the treatment for payment of
guarantee fee and guarantee cover?
One time guarantee fee is payable on the limit sanctioned / and on the subsequent
incremental enhancements. Therefore, in the first year the guarantee fee shall be paid by the
lender as per applicable rate on the limit of Rs.10 lakh sanctioned. On any further
enhancement, guarantee fee is payable on the incremental enhancement i.e. in the
hypothetical case, on Rs.5 lakh for the balance period of 5 years. As regards guarantee cover
is concerned, guarantee will be available for a block of 5 years where working capital alone is
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