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Antiviral Drugs

Dr. Mejbah Uddin Ahmed

Antiviral Drugs
 Limitaions:
 Selective toxicity is less in antiviral drugs.
 Antiviral drugs are relatively ineffective because
many cycles of viral replication occur during
incubation period.
 Another problem is emergence of drug resistance.
 Classification of antiviral drugs:
 Inhibition of early events:
Amantadine, Rimantadine.
 Inhibition of nucleic acid:
Acyclovir, Gancyclovir, Valacyclovir, Cidofovir etc.
 Cleavage of precursor polypeptides:
Saquinavir, Indinavir Nelfinavir.
Antiviral Drugs
 Inhibition of protein synthesis by mRNA:
Interferon, Fomivirsen, Methisazone
 Inhibiion of Release of virus:
Zanamivir, Oseltamivir

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