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University of SIAS

Pronunciation Clinic Programme----RP course 2009

Conductor: William S

Dialogue A
(G= Gloria L= Li Ping)
G: Hello, Li Ping.
L: Hi, Gloria. You know there’s a new exhibition just opened at the Science Centre.
G: What’s it about?
L: It’s about life in the future, man and his environment 100 years from now. A
friend of mine went yesterday and he said it was fantastic.
G: So… how about going there some time this week?
L: Ok, so today’s Thursday. What about tomorrow? I’ve got a class in the morning
but I’m free in the afternoon. The Science Centre is open till 6 in the afternoon.
G: Sounds like a good idea. Oh sorry. I’ve forgotten. I have an appointment with
Professor Li at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Well, how about Saturday?
L: Yes, that’s fine with me. I suggest we go in the morning then. We can spend some
more time there if you like.
G: Ok, Saturday morning then.

Dialogue B
(G= Gloria J= John)
G: Hello, John. It’s the weekend again!
J: Yes. Are you free this evening. Gloria?
G: This evening? Yes, I am. I’m not doing amything.
J: Well..
G: What are you thinking?
J: well, how about… going to see a film then?
G: A film?
J: Hm, hm. Just for a change.
G: That’s a very good idea. Yes, let’s do that.
J: Have you been to the Diamond Cinema?
G: No. Is there anything special?
J: It’s one of the best cinemas in town with superb sound effects.
G: That sounds attractive. Let’s go and we’ll see what we feel like then.
J: OK.

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