Lesson Plan To Central Vowels and Revision

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University of SIAS

Pronunciation Clinic Programme----RP course 2009

Conductor: William S

Lesson plan to Central Vowels and Revision

Coursework checking
Check coursework. Let the Ss to hand in them, and I’ll correct the grammer mistake and I’ll hand out to
them and evaluate next week. And the contents of their assignments will be discussed during the 2 nd

Pronunciation Clinic
1) Give the brief introduction of central vowels. (/ɜ: / and /ə/)
2) Using blackboard.
Write the 2 central vowels on the blackboard. I explain how to pronounce them, draw the picture of
tongue position.
3) Give the handouts to the Ss.
Hand out the handouts to the Ss and let them read. I’ll check them one by one.
4) Revision
Revise the 12 pural vowels. The Ss are encouraged to pronounce the 12 sounds one by one and in
texts I’ve given to them.
I’ll draw the picture of tongue position on the blackboard, which contains the 12 phonemes.
(This part should be limited in 1h —80min.)

Key points of 12 pural vowels

1) Ask the Ss what phonemes they think are the most difficult ones in the 12 sounds. Then,
I’ll give them my suggestions and the ones I found is difficult for them to pronounce well.
Conclude them as the key points.
2) According to the key points, give emphasised practice.
As the key points are concluded, I’ll give them the emphasised practice on these key points.
Make sure everyone can pronounce every phonemes correctly. (at least not wrongly)
Key points: /i:/ & /i/, /ɔ:/ & /ɒ/, etc.

Optional work
1) Analyse the famous apology presentation of Edison Chan to the Ss, the structure and grammar,
even the intonation are considered.
2) A brief talk on the British culture based on their article.

Write a reflection on learning the 12 pural vowels. It’s really helpful. The Ss will analyse
themselves, because no one will know themselves better than themselves.

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