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Samples are identical, although sometimes in multiple containers.

A sample is collected at a source. At that point it is considered collected. Hold times begin at this time.
The sample collector is important because if there is a question of bias being introduced, it is readily
discernible if it is a persons technique or perhaps sloppiness.
The chain of custody is critical to keep track of potential bias to the sample. Typically chain of custody is,
Sampler takes it and signs off on the sample when it reaches the laboratory. The person who collects the
sample is responsible for that sample. They may relinquish responsibility by signing chain of custody to
another person. Generally, this is not something that the lab gets involved in, except to capture who
collected the sample and who received the sample at the lab.
Audit trail means that at any point that data is entered, it is considered uneditable. This means that no
one can tamper with a result. The person entering the result is able to alter the result, until the moment
they call it completed. At this point, any change to the result, MUST be captured in an audit trail.
Generally an audit trail is Who changed a result, when was it changed and a brief description of Why it
was changed. Changes are usually related to errors identified in methods or transcription errors. The
first is very important to capture.
When a sample is received at the laboratory, it is considered in the system. At this point, it is now an
Active Sample, with zero to many tests requested on it. The sample is to remain active until that point
where all requested tests are completed, or if it has passed its hold time, or it is disposed. If a sample
passes its hold time, no tests should be performed. If this is overridden, an Audit Trail of Who, When &
Why must be captured.
A sample can have no tests assigned to it. This would be typical of a research project or a pilot project,
where the samples are being collected, but it has not been decided which tests are needed. These
samples are active until they have reached their hold times.
The person requesting a test should be captured since they would be able to identify why the test is
needed or calirfy any questions regarding tests.
A sample will typically have a series of tests or suite of tests. Some tests will be assigned by the
laboratory staff, up until the hold time or the sample has been dumped.

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