Ship Chartering Terms

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AA Always Afloat
AAAA Always Accessible Always Afloat
AAOSA Always Afloat or Safe Aground. ondition for a !essel w"ilst in #ort
AARA A$sterda$%Antwer#%Rotterda$ Area
ABA&T Toward t"e rear 'stern( of t"e s"i#. Be"ind.
ABOAR) On or wit"in t"e s"i#
ABOVE )E* On t"e dec+ 'not o!er it % see A,O&T(
ABT About
A)OM Address o$$ission
A))EN)-M Additional c"artering ter$s at t"e end of a c"arter #arty
A&S.S Arri!al &irst Sea .ilot Station 'Norway(
A&&REIG/TMENT T"e "iring of a s"i# in w"ole or #art
A&T At or towards t"e stern or rear of a s"i#
AGRO-N) Touc"ing or fast to t"e botto$
AG0 All Going 0ell
A/, Australian /old ,adders
Artificial ob1ects to su##le$ent natural land$ar+s indicating safe and
unsafe waters
A,O&T Abo!e t"e dec+ of t"e s"i#
AMI)S/I.S In or toward t"e centre of t"e s"i#
AN/ORAGE A #lace suitable for anc"orage in relation to t"e wind2 seas and botto$
ANT/AM Antwer#%/a$burg Range
A.S Arri!al .ilot Station
ARAG A$sterda$%Rotterda$%%Antwer#%Gent Range
Met"od of settling dis#utes w"ic" is usually binding on #arties. A
clause usually in a c"arter #arty
A3S Alongside
ASBA A$erican S"i#bro+ers Association
AS.0 Any Safe .ort in t"e 0orld
ASTERN In t"e bac+ of t"e s"i#2 o##osite of a"ead
AT)NS/IN Any Ti$e )ay3Nig"t Sundays and /olidays Included
AT/0ARTS/I.S At rig"t angles to t"e centreline of t"e s"i#
AT-T Actual Ti$es -sed to ount
0"ere a seller3s"i##er issues a 4letter of inde$nity4 in fa!our of t"e
carrier in e5c"ange for a clean bill of lading
Bun+er Ad1ust$ent &actor. A &uel Surc"arge e5#ressed as a #ercentage
added or subtracted fro$ t"e freig"t a$ount2 reflecting t"e $o!e$ent
in t"e $ar+et #lace #rice for bun+ers.
ubic ca#acity of a !essels "olds to carry #ac+aged dry cargo suc" as
/ea!y weig"t2 often sea water2 necessary for t"e stability and safety of
a s"i# w"ic" is not carrying cargo
BA,,AST BON-S o$#ensation for relati!ely long ballast !oyage
Bareboat "arter % Owners lease a s#ecific s"i# and control its
tec"nical $anage$ent and co$$ercial o#erations only. "arterers
ta+e o!er all res#onsibility for t"e o#eration of t"e !essel and e5#enses
for t"e duration.
Before Brea+ing Bul+. Refers to freig"t #ay$ents t"at $ust be recei!ed
before disc"arge of a !essel co$$ences
B)I Bot" )ates Inclusi!e
BEAM T"e $a5i$u$ breadt" or t"e greatest widt" of a s"i#
BE,O0 Beneat" t"e dec+
BEN)S Bot" Ends ',oad 6 )isc"arge .orts(
BI Bot" Inclusi!e
BIMO T"e Baltic and International Mariti$e ouncil
B, '7( Bale
B, '8(
'Bill of ,ading( A docu$ent signed by t"e carrier w"ic" acts as a
ontract of Affreig"t$ent2 a recei#t and e!idence of title to t"e cargo.
BM Bea$
BN Boo+ing Note
BOB Bun+er on Board
BO&&ER Best Offer
BO0 T"e forward #art of a s"i#
BROB Bun+ers Re$aining on Board
.ercentage of freig"t #ayable to bro+er 'by owners in c3#4s( or
a##licable to sale or #urc"ase
BSS Basis
BSS 737 Basis 7 .ort to 7 .ort
BT Bert" Ter$s
B-,*/EA) A !ertical #artition se#arating co$#art$ents
T"is is t"e asse$bly of #ieces of cargo2 secured into one $anageable
unit. T"is is rele!ant to ite$s suc" as Structural Steel2 /andrails2
Stairways etc. 0"ilst t"is is a !ery fle5ible descri#tion2 a rule of t"u$b
is to #resent cargo at a si9e easily "andled by a large '8: tonne(
Na$e gi!en for !essels &uel and )iesel Oil su##lies 'Originates fro$
coal bun+ers(
An anc"ored float used for $ar+ing a #osition on t"e water or a "a9ard
or a s"oal and for $ooring
B0A) Brac+is" 0ater Arri!al )raft
A& urrency Ad1ust$ent &actor
BM ubic Metres
B&T 'or &T( ubic &eet
&R 'or 6&( ost and &reig"t
/ART A $a# used by na!igators
/O.T "arterers O#tion
/TRS "arterers
ost2 Insurance 6 &reig"t. Seller #ays all t"ese costs to a no$inated
#ort or #lace of disc"arge.
*) o$#letely +noc+ed down
ontract of Affreig"t$ent % Owners agree to acce#t a cost #er re!enue
tonne for cargo carried on a s#ecific nu$ber of !oyages.
I. arriage and Insurance #aid to...
OA. ontract of Affreig"t$ent "arter .arty
OB losing of Business
OB,)N losing of Business ,ondon
O) as" On )eli!ery
OGSA arriage of Goods by Sea Act
ONGESTION .ort3bert" delays
ONS onsu$#tion
3SNEE ONSIGNEE. Na$e of agent2 co$#any or #erson recei!ing consign$ent
O. usto$ Of .ort
. 'or 3.( "arter .arty
.) "arterers .ay )ues
.T arriage .aid To
<) usto$ary <uic+ )es#atc"
R urrent Rate
ROB argo Re$aining on Board
RN rane
argo Retention lauses2 introduced by c"arterers based on s"ortage
of deli!ered cargo because of increased oil #rices
ST entisto+e
TR ontainer &itted
)A )isburse$ent Account
)A& )eli!er At &rontier
)A.S )ays all .ur#oses 'Total days for loading 6 disc"arging(
)a$ages for )etention. .enalty if cargo is not ready w"en s"i# arri!es
for wor+ing '7st day of ,aycan(.T"is is not detention w"ic" is c"arged
for s"i#s ti$e on delay. If t"e cargo is ready t"ere is no )AM&OR)ET
))- )eli!ered )uty un#aid.
)). )eli!ered )uty .aid.
)E* A #er$anent co!ering o!er a co$#art$ent2 "ull or any #art t"ereof
)e$urrage '<uay Rent(. Money #aid by t"e s"i##er for t"e occu#ying
#ort s#ace beyond a s#ecified =&ree Ti$e= #eriod.
)E< )eli!ered E5 <uay
)ES )eli!ered E5 S"i#
)ES. )es#atc". Ti$e sa!ed2 reward for >uic+ turnaround% in dry cargo only
)ET )etention 'See )AM&OR)ET(
)EV )e!iation. Vessel de#arture fro$ s#ecified !oyage course
)eadfreig"t. S#ace boo+ed by s"i##er or c"arterer on a !essel but not
)/)ATSBE )es#atc" /alf )e$urrage on All Ti$e Sa!ed Bot" Ends
)/)0TSBE )es#atc" /alf )e$urrage on 0or+ing Ti$e Sa!ed Bot" Ends
)IS/ )isc"arge
)* )ec+
),OS. )ro##ing ,ast Outwards Sea .ilot
)O )iesel Oil
)O,S. )ro##ing Off ,ast Sea .ilot
)O. )ro##ing Outward .ilot
)OT )e#art$ent of Trans#ort
)NRAOS,ON, )iscount%less and Non%Returnable argo and3or S"i# ,ost or Not ,ost
)RA-G/T 'or )RA&T(
)e#t" to w"ic" a s"i# is i$$ersed in water. T"e de#t" !aries according
to t"e design of t"e s"i# and will be greater or lesser de#ending not
only on t"e weig"t of t"e s"i# and e!eryt"ing on board2 but also on t"e
density of t"e water in w"ic" t"e s"i# is lying.
)R* )erric+
Materials of !arious ty#es2 often ti$ber or $atting2 #laced a$ong t"e
cargo for se#aration2 and "ence #rotection fro$ da$age2 for !entilation
and2 in t"e case of certain cargoes2 to #ro!ide s#ace in w"ic" t"e tynes
of a for+ lift truc+ $ay be inserted.
)0AT 'or )0T(
)eadweig"t. 0eig"t of cargo2 stores and water2 i.e. t"e difference
between lig"ts"i# and loaded dis#lace$ent.
EBB A receeding current
E East oast
EI- E!en If -sed
E,VENT Electrice Ventilation
ETA Esti$ated Ti$e of Arri!al
ET Esti$ated Ti$e of o$#letion
ET) Esti$ated Ti$e of )e#arture
ETS Esti$ated Ti$e of Sailing
E?0 E5 0or+s
&A &ast as can
&ree Alongside S"i#. Seller deli!ers goods to a##ro#riate doc+ or
ter$inal at #ort of e$bar+ation and buyer co!ers costs and ris+s of
&ree to arrier. A $odern e>ui!alent of &AS used in inter$odal
trans#ort w"ere goods are transferred at a no$inated forwarders
#re$ises2 de#ot or ter$inal but not actually on board !essel.
&) '&)IS( &ree )isc"arge
&)) &reig"t )e$urrage )ead%freig"t
&)ES. &ree )es#atc"
&reig"t )ee$ed Earned2 )iscountless And Non%Returnable
'Refundable( S"i# And Or argo ,ost Or Not
A cus"ion2 #laced between s"i#s2 or between a s"i# and a #ier2 to
#re!ent da$age
&E- Standard @:A ontainer
&/E? &ridays3/olidays E5cluded
&/IN &ridays3/olidays Included
&ree In3,iner Out. Sea freig"t wit" w"ic" t"e s"i##er #ays load costs
and t"e carrier #ays for disc"arge costs.
&ree In3Out. &reig"t boo+ed &IO includes t"e sea freig"t2 but no
loading3disc"arging costs2 i.e. t"e c"arterer #ays for cost of
loading3disc"arging cargo.
&IOS &ree In3Out Stowed. As #er &IO2 but e5cludes stowage costs.
&ree In3Out and Tri$$ed. "arterer #ays for cost of
loading3disc"arging cargo2 including stowage and tri$$ing.
&ree In3Out and Tri$$ed. As #er &IOS but includes tri$$ing2 e.g. t"e
le!elling of bul+ cargoes. &IOS includes sea freig"t2 but e5cludes
loading3disc"arging and stowage costs.
&IT &ree In Tri$$ed
&I0 &ree In 0agon
&I?ING "artering a Vessel
&I?T-RE onclusion of s"i#bro+ers negotiations to c"arter a s"i# % an agree$ent
&,AT.A*ING argo to be #resented stac+ed and secured as an integral unit.
&,T &ull ,iner Ter$s
&M &ederal Mariti$e o$$ission
&ME &orce Ma1eure E5ce#ted
&MS &at"o$s
&O7 &or Orders
&O8 'I&O( &uel Oil3Inter$ediate &O
&OB &ree Out
&ree on Board. Seller sees t"e goods =o!er t"e s"i#As rail= on to t"e
s"i# w"ic" is arranged and #aid for by t"e buyer
&O&&ER &ir$ Offer
&OG &or Our Guidance
&O< &ree On <uay
&OR &ree On Rail
lause li$iting res#onsibilities of t"e c"arterers2 s"i##ers and recei!ers
of cargo.
&ORE%AN)%A&T In a line #arallel to t"e +eel
&OR0AR) Toward t"e bow of t"e s"i#
&OT &ree On Truc+
&O07 &irst O#en 0ater
&O08 &ree On 0"arf
&. &ree .rati>ue. learance by t"e /ealt" Aut"orities
&R &irst Refusal. &irst atte$#t at best offer t"at can be $atc"ed
T"e $ini$u$ !ertical distance fro$ t"e surface of t"e water to t"e
&RT &reig"t. Money #ayable on deli!ery of cargo in a $ercantile condition
If loading3disc"arging ac"ie!ed sooner t"an agreed2 t"ere will be no
freig"t $oney returned.
&REE E?INS &ree of any E5tra Insurance 'Owners(
&REE O-T &ree of disc"arge costs to owners. Includes sea freig"t only.
"arterers w"en cancelling agree$ent so$eti$es >uote 4doctrine of
frustration4 i.e. !essel is lost2 e5tensi!e delays.
&0A) &res" 0ater Arri!al )raft
&0)) &res" 0ater )e#arture )raft
&;G &or ;our Guidance
&;I &or ;our Infor$ation
GA General A!erage
GEAR A general ter$ for ro#es2 bloc+s2 tac+le and ot"er e>ui#$ent
G,S 'G,ESS( Gearless
GN 'or GR( Grain 'a#acity(
GO Gas Oil
G. Grain a#acity. ubic ca#acity in 4grain4
GR Geogra#"ical Rotation. .orts in order of calling
GR) Geared
GRT Gross Registered Tonnage
GSB Good2 Safe Bert"
GS. Good2 Safe .ort
GS.B Good2 Safe .ort3Bert"
GTEE Guarantee
G-N0A,E T"e u##er edge of a s"i#4s sides
8/ Second /alf
/A /atc"
ode of $ini$u$ conditions for t"e carriage of cargo under a Bill of
/AT/ An o#ening in a s"i#4s dec+ fitted wit" a watertig"t co!er
/B& /ar$less Bul+ &ertili9er
/),TSBEN)S /alf )es#atc" ,ay Ti$e Sa!ed Bot" Ends
/)0TS /alf )es#atc" 0or+ing 'or 0eat"er( Ti$e Sa!ed
//)0 /andy /ea!y d.w. 'Scra#(
/IRE T3 Re$uneration
/MS /ea!y Metal Scra#s
/O /old
A co$#art$ent below dec+ in a large !essel2 used solely for carrying
/-,, T"e $ain body of a s"i#
/0 /ig" 0ater
Intercoastal 0aterway D bays2 ri!ers2 and canals along t"e coasts 'suc"
as t"e Atlantic and Gulf of Me5ico coasts(2 connected so t"at !essels
$ay tra!el wit"out going into t"e sea
IM)G International Mariti$e )angerous Goods ode
IMO International Mariti$e Organisation
IN 63OR OVER Goods carried below and3or on dec+
IN) Indication
arriage of a co$$odity by different $odes of trans#ort2 i.e. sea2 road2
rail and air wit"in a single 1ourney
INOTERMS 'Refer to co$$ents in co!ering state$ent on front #age A%&(
International Trans#ort 0or+ers &ederation 'Trade -nions(. o$#lies
on crewing
ITINERAR; Route%Sc"edule
I- If -sed
I-/TA-T If -sed2 /alf Ti$e Actually To ount
I0, Institute 0arranty ,i$its
*EE, T"e centreline of a s"i# running fore and aftE t"e bac+bone of a !essel
A $easure$ent of s#eed e>ual to one nautical $ile 'F2:GF feet( #er
A $et"od of $easuring t"e s#ace ca#acity of Ro3Ro s"i#s w"ereby
eac" unit of s#ace ',inear Meter( is re#resented by an area of dec+ 7.:
$eter in lengt" 5 8.: $eters in widt".
,AS/ To "old goods in #osition by use of Ro#es2 0ires2 "ains or Stra#s etc.
,atitude. T"e distance nort" or sout" of t"e e>uator $easured and
e5#ressed in degrees.
,A;AN ,aycan ',ayday ancelling )ate(
,A;TIME Ti$e at "arterers dis#osal for #ur#ose of loading3disc"arging
,3 ,etter of redit
,R ,owest urrent Rate
,EE T"e side s"eltered fro$ t"e wind
,EE0AR) T"e direction away fro$ t"e wind. O##osite of windward
,EE0A; T"e sideways $o!e$ent of t"e s"i# caused by eit"er wind or current
,oad &actor. .ercentage of cargo or #assengers carries e.g. @2::: tons
carried on a !essel of 7:2::: ca#acity "as a load factor of @:H
,IEN Retention of #ro#erty until outstanding debt is #aid
,NG ,i>uefied Natural Gas
,OA ,engt" O!erall of t"e !essel
,O& ,loyds O#en &or$
,OG A record of courses or o#eration. Also2 a de!ice to $easure s#eed
,OI ,etter of Inde$nity
T"e distance in degrees east or west of t"e $eridian at Greenwic"2
,O0 ,ast O#en 0ater
,S 'or ,-M.S(
,u$#su$ &reig"t. Money #aid to S"i##er for a c"arter of a s"i# 'or
#ortion( u# to stated li$it irres#ecti!e of >uantity of cargo
,S) ,as"ed Secured )unnaged
,T7 ,iner Ter$s
,T8 ,ong Ton I 72:7F.:J +ilogra$ '828@: lbs(
,T// ,iner Ter$s /oo+3/oo+
,0 ,ow 0ater
,;N ,aycan ',ayday ancelling )ate(
MANI&EST In!entory of cargo on board
MB Merc"ant Bro+er
M)O ')O( Marine )iesel Oil
MI)S/I. A##ro5i$ately in t"e location e>ually distant fro$ t"e bow and stern
MIN3MA? Mini$u$3Ma5i$u$ 'cargo >uantity(
MOA Me$orandu$ of Agree$ent
MO,/O.T More or ,ess "arterers O#tion
MO,OO More or ,ess Owners O#tion
MOORING An arrange$ent for securing a s"i# to a $ooring buoy or #ier
MT Metric Tonne 'i.e. 72::: +ilos(
M3V Motor Vessel 3 Merc"ant Vessel
NAABSA Not Always Afloat But Safely Aground
Nautical Mile. One $inute of latitudeE a##ro5i$ately F2:GF feet % about
73K longer t"an t"e statute $ile of J28K: feet
T"e art and science of conducting a s"i# safely fro$ one #oint to
NB National argo Bureau
I$#lies t"at cargo is #resented stac+ed in t"e contour of si$ilarly
s"a#ed cargo2 it $ay be li+ened to a stac+ of #lates. T"is is #articularly
rele!ant in t"e #resentation of tan+age stra+es for trans#ort
')etention(. If loading co$#leted sooner t"an e5#ected2 t"en sa!ed
days will not be added to disc"arge ti$e allowed.
NOR Notice of Readiness
NRT Net Restricted Tonnage
N;.E New ;or+ .roduce E5c"ange
OO Owners O#tion
OBO Ore3Bul+3Oil Vessel
OS/ O#en S"elter )ec+
OVERBOAR) O!er t"e side or out of t"e s"i#
O0S Owners
.6I .rotection and Inde$nity Insurance
.AST-S .ast -s
. .eriod of "arter
.GO .art argo
.T .ercent
.).R .er )ay .ro Rata
.ER)IEM By t"e )ay
.ER SE By Itself
./.) .er /atc" .er )ay
.,IMSO,, MAR* alt.
.,IMSO,, ,INE alt.
An internationally recognised line #ainted on t"e side of $erc"ant
s"i#s. 0"en a s"i# is loaded2 t"e water le!el is not su##osed to go
abo!e t"e line. 0ater can reac" different #arts of t"e line as its
te$#erature and saltiness !aries wit" t"e season and location. &ro$
w"ere .li$soll S"i##ing deri!ed its na$e.
.ORT T"e left side of a s"i# loo+ing forward. A "arbour.
.RATI<-E ,icence or #er$ission to use a #ort
.REAMB,E Introduction to a c"arter #arty
.RO&ORMA Esti$ated Account
.-S .lus -s
.00) .er 0eat"er 0or+ing )ay
RVR Recei!er
REA. Reca#itulation of t"e ter$s and conditions agreed
')etention(. If loading co$#leted sooner t"an e5#ected at load #ort2
t"en days sa!ed can be added to disc"arge o#erations.
ROB Re$aining On Board
Re!enue Tonne 'i.e. 7.: $etric tonne or 7.: cubic $eter2 w"ic"e!er
greater(. T"e o!erall RT is calculated on a line%by%line basis of t"e
.ac+ing ,ist using t"e largest a$ount. T"e o!erall freig"t liability is
calculated on t"e total RT a$ount2 $ulti#lied by t"e freig"t rate.
SAT.M Saturday ..M.
SB Safe Bert"
S) 'or SI)( Single )ec+er
osts c"arged for trans#orting goods o!er t"e sea. T"is does not co!er
"aulage or loading3disc"arging costs but t"e sea trans#ort only
State$ent of condition of t"e !essel '!alid certificates2 fully e>ui##ed
and $anned etc.(
SE,&) Self )isc"arging
SEMI%TRAI,ERS Are usually 78.: $eter flat bed road trailers
Stowage &actor. ubic s#ace '$easure$ent tonne( occu#ied by one
tonne '828@: lbs372::: +gs( of cargo
S/IN Sundays3/olidays Included
S/E? Sundays3/olidays E5cluded
Are bearers 'ti$ber or steel( #ositioned under t"e cargo to enable
for+lift "andling at #ort2 and for ease of rigging and las"ing on board
Satellite Na!igation % A for$ of #osition finding using radio
trans$issions fro$ satellites wit" so#"isticated n%board auto$atic
SO S"i##er Owned ontainer
SO& State$ent of &acts
S. Safe .ort
Is t"e strengt"ening of circular tan+s for trans#ort2 t"is #re!ents t"e
tan+s fro$ beco$ing war#ed. T"e tan+s are strengt"ened wit" steel or
wood crossbea$s gi!ing a =s#ider= a##earance
SRB, Signing and Releasing Bill of ,ading
SS/E? Saturdays2 Sundays2 /olidays E5cluded
SS/IN 'or SATS/IN( Saturdays2 Sundays2 /olidays Included
It is #ara$ount t"at a !essel is stable in all as#ects at all ti$es. 0"en
cargo is loaded3disc"arged2 a co$#uter2 w"ic" ta+es into account t"e
weig"t and #osition of cargo wit"in t"e !essel $onitor t"e stability.
STARBOAR) Rig"t side of a s"i# w"en facing t"e front or forward end.
Sub1ect to Enoug" Merc"andise 'A!ailability of cargo(. Also2 t"e
forward $ost #art of t"e bow.
STERN T"e afor$ost or after #art of a s"i#
S-B Sub1ect 'to(. )e#ending u#on as a condition
.erson e$#loyed by a s"i# owner2 s"i##ing co$#any2 c"arterer of a
s"i# or s"i##er of goods to su#er!ise cargo%"andling o#erations. Often
called a #ort ca#tain.
S0A) Salt 0ater Arri!al )raft
S0)) Salt 0ater )e#arture )raft
T/0ARTS/I.S At rig"t angles to t"e centreline of t"e s"i#
TI)E T"e #eriodic rise and fall of water le!el in t"e oceans
TIME BAR Ti$e after w"ic" legal clai$s will not be entered
TBN To Be Na$ed 3 To Be No$inated
Ti$e "arter % Owners agree to "ire a #articular s"i# for a set lengt" of
ti$e and #ro!ide tec"nical $anage$ent2 crewing etc.
T. Ti$e "arter .arty
TE- Standard 8:4 ontainer
T"e sides of a s"i# between t"e waterline and t"e dec+E so$eti$es
referring to onto or abo!e t"e dec+
TRIM &ore and aft balance of a s"i#
TT, Total
T0 Tween )ec+er
-S -nless Sooner o$$enced
-- -nless -sed
--I0TA-T -nless -sed In 0"ic" ase Ti$e Actually -sed To ount
V.) Vessel .ays )ues
A line #ainted on a "ull w"ic" s"ows t"e #oint to w"ic" a s"i# sin+s
w"en it is #ro#erly tri$$ed
Mo!e$ent of a s"i# t"roug" water suc" as "eadway2 sternway or
0ON 0"et"er usto$s leared Or Not
0IBON 0"et"er In Bert" Or Not
0I&.ON 0"et"er In &ree .rati>ue Or Not
0IN)0AR) Toward t"e direction fro$ w"ic" t"e wind is co$ing
0I.ON 0"et"er In .ort Or Not
0,TO/ 0ater ,ine%To%/atc" oa$ing
0OG 0it"out Guarantee
0eat"er .er$itting. T"at ti$e during w"ic" weat"er #re!ents wor+ing
s"all not count as layti$e
0.) 0eat"er .er$itting )ay
00) 0eat"er 0or+ing )ay
0RI 0ire Rods In ollis
00R 0"en2 0"ere Ready
0000 0ibon2 0ccon2 0if#on2 0i#on
;AR ;or+ Antwer# Rules
;A0 To swing or steer off course2 as w"en running wit" a >uartering sea
With all re!e"t

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