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North Cobb High School

Sra. Kirkpatrick
Espaol I Syllabus
Bienvenidos a la clase de Espaol!
Course Description
This course aims to develop your knowledge and skills in the language and
culture of the Hispanic world. Our main goal is not just to expand and improve the
students reading, writing, listening and speaking skills in Spanish, just as
importantly, it is to increase glo!al competence" through cultural topics and
awareness. One must comprehend !oth language and culture in order to !e a!le to
succeed and interact in the glo!al market.
The students will read stories and listen to dialogs and narratives in Spanish
and demonstrate comprehension. They will write paragraphs on topics studied in
class# will speak with partners, in groups# and will make presentations to the class
on assigned and familiar topics.
Spanish is your ticket to the world. Thats right$ the %O&'(. The a!ility to
communicate in a foreign language is a fa!ulous thing) %hen you speak a di*erent
language, the glo!e !ecomes your jo! market and you can communicate with
people whose lives are completely di*erent from yours)
Text & Materials
&ealidades + and the accompanying practice work!ook.
, three ring !inder where you can add paper and organi-e handouts.
.encils, pens
/omposition 0ote!ook
1nglish2Spanish dictionary 3paper!ack4
567 index cards
Students must make up all missed work in accordance with /o!! /ounty 8oard
9issed :ui--es and tests must !e made up !efore or after school
;t is your responsi!ility to schedule make up :ui--es<tests with me.
North Cobb Hih !chool " #eneral $ules
All electronic devices should be turned of and put aay during class
Hats and headgear should be re!oved hile in the building.
All students !ust have a hall pass to leave the classroo! " no passes
ill be ritten to leave ho!eroo! or to go to the vending !achine.
#nly $ student at a ti!e is per!itted to be out o% class.
&asses ill not be ritten during the 'rst $( !inutes or last $( !inutes
o% class.
Students should re!ain in seats until the bell rings and should not line
up at the door.
Classroo% Expectations
,ll rules stated in the Student hand!ook will !e enforced
/ome to class on time = >ou must !e in your seat when the !ell rings
8e prepared with materials for class use.
Stay on task and participate in class each day
Show respect for the people and property in this classroom at all times.
,ccept responsi!ility for your actions and decisions.
1lectronics out of sight.
81 .OS;T;?1)
;f you choose not to make good decisions, (isciplinary measures for classroom
infractions will !e taken in the following order@
+. ?er!al warning
A. Teacher2 student conference
5. /all .arents< ;n class (etention
B. (iscipline &eferral
#radin &olic'
Ho!eork $()
*ui++es ,-)
.ests ,()
/inal E0a! $()
Class assign!ents1 Speaking2
3riting2 4eading2 5istening
Speaking skills are mostly !ased on the amount of e*ort you put forth during
activities and whether or not you are using as much Spanish as possi!le. >ou may
not !e perfect, !ut !y attempting and showing growth, you will do well.
Crades are reported to parents at six weeks, twelve weeks, and at the end of each
semester. .rogress reports are often communicated as well. .arents may access
current grades on2line at Synergy.
Extra Help
Help will !e given whenever the student needs it. ; will !e availa!le for tutoring
during lunch and after school. .lease make an appointment with me if you need
(uestions or concerns) please e2mail me at !etty.kirkpatrickDco!!
Class *ebsite@!2
North Cobb High School
Sra. Kirkpatrick
Espaol I
3e 6!y student and I7 have read and understand the rules and
procedures set %or 8rs. Kirkpatrick9s Spanish class. 3e agree
to co!ply ith all conditions and procedures as stated ithin
this syllabus and the Student Handbook. 3e also understand i%
e have any :uestions at any ti!e; e can contact 8rs.
Kirkpatrick by e!ail at betty.kirkpatrick<cobbk$,.org or
though the class blog!
Student9s &rinted na!e
Student9s Signature
&arent2guardian signature and date
&lease list any student allergies2!edical conditions %or the

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