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Therefore, after Success, let him not delight overmuch in
his Deit, !ut rather !us himself "ith his other "or#, not
$ermitting that "hich is !ut a ste$ to !ecome a goal% As it is
"ritten also, Li!er &L'''() *remem!er that % % % +hiloso$h
is the E,uili!rium of him that is in the -ouse of % % % Love%.
//. Concerning secrecy, and the rites of Blood. During this
$ractice it is most "ise that the +hiloso$hus utter no "ord
concerning his "or#ing, as if it "ere a 0or!idden Love that
consumeth him% But let him ans"er fools according to their
foll1 for since he cannot conceal his love from his fello"s, he
must s$ea# to them as the ma understand%
And as man Deities demand sacri2ce, one of men,
another of cattle, a third of doves, let these sacri2ces !e
re$laced ! the true sacri2ces in thine o"n heart% 3et if thou
must sm!oli4e them out"ardl for the hardness of thine
heart, let thine o"n !lood, and no other5s, !e s$ilt !efore that
7evertheless, forget not that this $ractice is dangerous,
and ma cause the manifestation of evil things, hostile and
malicious, to th great hurt%
/5. Concerning a further sacrifce% 8f this it shall !e
understood that nothing is to !e s$o#en1 nor need anthing !e
s$o#en to him that hath "isdom to com$rehend the num!er
of the $aragra$h% And this sacri2ce is fatal !eond all, unless
it !e a sacrifcium indeed% 3et there are those "ho have dared
and achieved there!%
/9. Concerning yet a further sacrifce% -ere it is s$o#en of
actual mutilation% Such acts are a!omina!le1 and "hile the
6 The e:ce$tions to this rule $ertain neither to this $ractice, nor to this
grade% 7% 0ra% AA

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