Practice Test 3: Numerical Reasoning

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Numerical Reasoning
Practice Test 3

Solution Booklet


Q1 What is the average hours worked per year per person for Oslo and Athens

3,331 1,703 1,782 1,679

You need to first find the total number of hours worked by the workforce in Oslo
(1,627x500,000) and the same for Athens (1,704x32,000,000). Then divide this by the
combined population (500,000+32,000,000).

Q2 A working day in Dublin consists of eight hours. If the average number of days holiday
taken were to be reduced by two, what would be the new average hours worked in Dublin
per person per year?

1,711 1,726 1,738 1,743

With two days less holiday, each person would work 16 hours more per year, so hours
worked per person per year would go up by 16.

Q3 If the average hours worked per year per person in Dublin were the same as that of
London, how many more hours would be worked in Dublin in a year?

18 million 26 million 29 million 31 million

Calculate (size of workforce) x (difference in hours per year per person). So (500,000) x


Q4 If in 2002 there were 50 DirectHealth practices, how many were not in deficit?

10 21 44 Cannot Say

The figure says that 12% of practices were in deficit. Therefore 88% of 50 were not in

Q5 In 1997, 21 practices were all in profit by an average of 2m each. What was the average
deficit run by each of the remaining 39 practices?

1.2m 3.6m 24m 180m

21 practices each in profit by 2m means the remaining 39 practices need between them
to be in a deficit of 142m to cause the net balance to be -100 as shown.

Q6 How much more money would DirectHealth have had to have made in 1999 to equal the
net balance of 2001?

1m 25m 52m 150m

Interpreting the graph, it looks as though the net balance in 2001 was 50m. The
difference between 50m and -100m is 150m.


Q7 To manufacture a Tailored Shirt takes three and a half times as long as it does to
manufacture an Untailored Shirt. How many more Untailored (L) than Tailored (L) shirts
can be made in 12 hours?

36 62 81 142

We see from the table that it takes 380 seconds to manufacture an Untailored Shirt (L).
Three and of half times 380s is 1,330s. So in 12 hours (which is 43,200 seconds) 32.5
tailored shirts can be made, compared with 113.7 untailored shirts.

Q8 Each T-Shirt generates 1.25 profit and each J umper 1.60. What is the difference in
profit generated per hour between T-Shirts and J umpers?

0.12/h 0.45/h 0.90/h 3.00/h

Notice size does not affect t-shirts or jumper times. In one hour, 15 t-shirts and 12
jumpers can be made. 15x1.25 compares with 12x1.60.

Q9 How many more complete J ackets (S) than complete J ackets (L) can be made in an eight
hour shift?

1 2 3 8

In eight hours there are 28,800 seconds. A total of 40 (S) jackets can be made and only
37.895 (L) jackets can be made. The question asks for complete garments, so the
answer must be 40 37 = 3.


Q10 How many mobile phone users were using Samsung handsets in 2004?

625 2,165 5,850 8,775

From the table at the bottom of the figure we see that 13% of users were with Samsung.
So. 13% of 45,000 is 5,850.

Q11 If Nokias market share was 32% in 2002, how does the number of Nokia users in 2002
compare with that of 2004?

700 fewer 300 fewer 300 more 700 more

In 2002 the number of Nokia handsets was 32% of 40,000. In 2004: 30% of 45,000.

Q12 In 2004, how many more mobile phone users would LG require to equal that of Motorola?

500 1,350 1,900 3,600

In 2004 LG had 7% of 45,000 whilst Motorola had 15%.


Q13 Approximately, what is the maximum amount of CO2 that could be produced from one
passenger travelling 200km by Intercity Train?

1.5kg 2kg 15kg 20kg

Maximum for Intercity train is 75g/passenger km. In 200km this is 15,000g.

Q14 What is the difference between minimum and maximum CO2 emissions for one
passenger travelling 50km by Coach, 100km by High-speed Train, then 20km by Intercity

8,850 12,250 17,250 20,465

The minimum emissions for coach is 25 g/passenger km, 50 for high speed train and 25
for intercity train. Work out the minimum and maximum for each leg.

Q15 2,000 passengers pass through a short-haul airport in one day. If each passenger travels
an average of 400km, what are the minimum CO2 emissions from the airport?

1.2 million kg/day 120,000 kg/day 120 kg/day 12 kg/day

2,000 passengers x 400km x 150g/passenger km = 120,000kg.


Q16 If 11% of Transport emissions are due to aircraft, what is the annual emission caused by

0.2 Mtonnes 1.7 Mtonnes 5.3 Mtonnes 16 Mtonnes

11% of 27% of 180 million tonnes is 5.3 million tonnes.

Q17 By what percentage do greenhouse-gas emissions from Transport exceed those from

2% 7% 15% 35%

From transport: 27% of 180 is 48.6. From industry: 20% of 180 is 36. 48.6 is 135% of 36.

Q18 By how many tonnes do the emissions from Residential sources exceed those from
Commercial sources?

5.4 Tonnes 120 Tonnes 4.3 Mtonnes 5.4 Mtonnes

Calculate (8% - 5%) x 180 million.


Q19 Which newspaper sold twice as many copies at news stands than it sold by home
delivery in 2004?

The Reporter Daily Echo The Viewer The Record

The Reporter. Find which newspaper had a ratio of 2:1 percentage newstand to home
delivery%. (58% is twice as much as 29%)

Q20 What was the combined readership of The Viewer, The Reporter and The Record in 2005

4.0 6.8 11.0 21.0

Just sum the three readership figures.

Q21 Which newspaper showed the largest change in home delivery sales between 2004 and

The Record The Reporter Daily Echo Cannot Say

The breakdown of home delivery versus newstand is only given for 2004 data.


Q22 Which country runs the largest difference between Exports and Imports?

Ireland Sweden Switzerland Germany

To save time, only work out the differences for the four countries listed.

Q23 The population of the UK is 60 million. How much money is spent in the UK on Imports
per head?

5.70 57 57,000 57 million

3,420 million divided by 60 million is 57.

Q24 By what percentage does the USA have to increase Exports to equal its Imports?

12.0% 15.6% 18.5% 18.8%

5,690 divided by 4,800 is 1.185.


Q25 Using simple interest, which account provider would charge the most for an unauthorized
overdraft of 100 over the period of one year?

Barc Halfx TSB NWest

The figures in brackets give the annual percentage rate. Multiply this by 100 and add
the unauthorised overdraft fee (y-axis).

Q26 In 2006, A&L charged 8,000 of its customers for an unauthorised overdraft, and Nwide
charged 8,500 of its customers for an unauthorised overdraft. What is the difference
between the two banks in Unauthorised Fees, ignoring any interest charges?

2,500 12,500 30,000 40,000

25 x 8000 for A&L and 20 x 8500 for Nwide.

Q27 Next year, Halfx is decreasing its Unauthorised Fee by 6%. How much will this new fee

28.2 36.1 28.0 26.4

30 x 0.94 is 28.2.


Q28 In 2003, how many more Televisions than PCs were sold?

5,000 5 3,000 6

13,000 TVs versus 8,000 PCs.

Q29 If Portable Audio sales in 2006 are 15% lower than in 2005, how many Portable Audio
units are sold in 2006?

5,100 5.1 4,800 6,900

6,000 x 85% is 5,100.

Q30 Which products experienced a drop in sales from one year to the next?

Televisions & Portable Audio Software and PCs
PCs and Portable Audio Software and Portable Audio

Simply observe where the sales trend decreases between two years.

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