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Creating Background Jobs Job Steps

May 5, 2008

ABAP programs. With this option, you can specify the execution of ABAP
reports as steps of a background job Modu!e poo!s or functions groups are
not a!!o"ed for definition as steps

External commands. #hese are predefined co$$ands that shou!d ha%e
been pre%ious!y defined by the syste$ ad$inistrator &or$a! users "ith the
re'uired authori(ation can schedu!e these job steps
)ince this is a "ay of executing progra$s or co$$ands outside *+,, for
security reasons users ha%e to specify the operating syste$ type and cannot
change the predefined argu$ents

External programs. #hese progra$s are unrestricted operating syste$
progra$s or she!! scripts that re'uire batch ad$inistrator pri%i!eges #here is
no need to define these co$$ands using transaction )M-. #he re'uire$ent
is that the co$puter $ust be reached fro$ "ithin the )AP ser%er and ha%e
either re$ote she!! support, a running )AP gate"ay, or a )AP instance that
is on the reach of a )AP gate"ay

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