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Unit I
Origin of banks Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (Definition of Banking, Licensing, Opening of
branches, Functions of Banks, nspection! Roll of Banks an" #cono$ic De%elop$ent &entral
Banking an" Role of RB an" their functions'
Unit II
&o$$ercial Banks Functions # Banking A() &ar"s, Debit car"s, *ersonal "entification
+u$ber Online en,uir- an" up"ate facilit- #lectronic Fun" (ransfer #lectronic &learing
.-ste$ &re"it &reation an" &re"it &ontrol
Unit III
Opening of an Account (-pes of Deposit Account (-pes of custo$ers (n"i%i"uals, fir$s,
(rusts, an" &o$panies! $portance of custo$er relations &usto$er grie%ances an" re"ressal
Unit IV
*rinciples of len"ing (-pes of Loans *recautions to be taken b- a banker /hile len"ing against
%arious securities
Unit V
+egotiable instru$ents *ro$issor- +ote Bills of #0change, &he,ue, Draft Definitions,
Features &rossing #n"orse$ent )aterial Alteration *a-ing Banker Rights an" Duties
.tatutor- *rotection Dishonour of &he,ues Role of collecting banker' BA.#L +OR).
Reference Books:
1' Banking La/ (heor- an" *ractice .un"ara$ an" 1arshne- .ultan &han" &o'
2' Banking an" Financial .-ste$s B' .anthana$ ()argha$ *ublishers!
3' Banking La/ (heor- an" *ractice .'+' )ahes/ari 4al-ani *ublications
4' n"ian Banking *ara$es/aran .' &han" an" &o'
5' Banking La/ (heor- an" *ractice (anon
6' Banking La/ (heor- an" *ractice .herlaker 7 .herlaker
Question Paper Pattern
Pattern Total
To anser !ar"s per
#e$tion A 12 10 2 20
#e$tion B 7 5 5 25
#e$tion C 4 2 15 30
Instru$tions to Paper #etter%
Section-A: Minimum 2 Questions to be asked from each of the five nits
Section-!: Minimum 1 Question to be asked from each of the five nits
Section-": Minimum 1 Question to be asked from an# four nits

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