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Natasha Tam 11IPT6

Angry Birds Research Task

Part (A) Information System in Context (ISC) Diagram

Users: Anyone who has access to the Internet
mainly people who play Angry Birds.
Legal environment: issues with copyright and
Physical environment: Place where the website
is accessed from
Economic environment: Accessible to those
who can afford to have Internet
Social environment: website may be used for
socialising i.e. discussion forums

Information System: Angry birds
Purpose: To allow users to obtain 3 stars in Angry Birds games
To provide walkthrough videos, guides and tutorials
To join the Angry Birds community
Information processes
Collects: information from the user to register/sing in to an account via the Internet e.g. logging
in through a Facebook account
Organises: Can sort out information by headings i.e. rankings, likes, comments, followers etc.
Analyses: User information may be analysed to provide information organised by the site i.e.
world rankings
Storing and Retrieving: Information about the game Angry Birds e.g. walkthrough links
Transmitting and Receiving: Transmits the users game data from the device used through the
Internet to receive information on the persons achievements e.g. users ranking
Processing: Website processes users game data through the Internet to produce updated data
i.e. updated ranks
Displaying: Displaying helpful information i.e. walkthroughs, achievements to a recipient (other
users), other information shown on the device used i.e. mobile phone screen, computer screens

User/s on the
Owner of Angry
Birds game
Owner of the
information displayed
Links displayed from
walkthroughs, logo etc.
Information Technology
Wireless technology for
access (Internet)
Software/s to make the
Hardware to display
Natasha Tam 11IPT6


Part (B) Discussion of Social/Ethical Issues

Privacy of the individual
Privacy of the individual is about protecting an individuals personal information which is a big issue
concerning the Angry Birds information system. This is because the website allows data to be shared
quickly between large number of different information systems which at each of these systems, any user can
have access to this data. Therefore private and confidential data can be easily misused and/or abused.
On the Angry Birds website, users can setup accounts which supplies personal information about the user
to the websites information. From here, the privacy of the individual should be protected against accidental
or deliberate misuse of the information. By having the Privacy Act 1988 being in place is an advantage as it
would be harder for the user to have its information used wrongly. But disadvantages of privacy can include
using cookies to collect data about the users browsing habits, which then the individuals privacy is invaded
without his/her knowledge. On the Create an Account page, the privacy of the individual can be violated as
the user could receive newsletter and updates even though he/she did not choose to receive updates.

Security of data and information
Security of data and information is also another big issue for Angry Birds information system as thousands
of people use this website. If the security of an individuals data and information is not handled properly,
others can potentially see their personal information. The users of Angry Birds information system would
want for his/her account to be secure as there is personal information i.e email addresses supplied. Hackers,
virus attacks and unauthorised access by past and present employees concerning the website can put the
users security of data and information in danger. Angry Birds information system has put passwords for
the users account, to minimise this danger, but the user can also install anti virus software to prevent virus
attacks from happening not just from the Angry Birds information system but also from other information

Copyright laws
The copyright law is in place to protect legal rights of authors of original works. This can be applied to the
Angry Birds information system as link and articles are sourced from other websites. If the information
displayed on Angry Birds website and has not been properly used, it could be a violation to the copyright
act 1968. The users of the Angry Birds information system also have to be aware of their use concerning
copyright as the user might download a video from one of the links provided on the website. Both the
website designers and the participants would be responsible for incorrect use as they should take account
and use the information system socially and ethically.
Process Explanation
Collecting Data is entered into or captured by a computer system
Deciding what data is required
How its sourced
How its encoded for entry into the system
Organising Data is structured into a form appropriate for the use of other information
Analysing Data is interpreted - transforming it into information
Storing and Retrieving Data and information is saved and accessed later
Transmitting and receiving Sends and receives data and information within and beyond information
Processing Procedure that manipulates data and information
Displaying Controls the format of information presented to the participant or user

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