Optimization Guidelines ACCESSIBILITY Ericsson Rev01 Libre

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Optimization Guidelines:

Accessibility in Ericsson
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3
2 ACCESSIBILITY .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 Idle Mode .................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Call Establishment Process ..................................................................................................................... 4
3 ACCESSIBILITY KPIs (Key Performa!e I"#!a$ors% ................................................................... &
3.1 High Level KPIs ....................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Call Setup Success Rate - CSSR (%) .................................................................................................................. 5 CS CSSR (%) ......................................................................................................................................... 5 PS CSSR (%) ......................................................................................................................................... 5 CS CSSR (%) from P7.1- .................................................................................................................... 6 PS CSSR (%) from P7.1- .................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Oerall Ser!ce "ccess!#!l!t$ - OS"C (%) ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Medim Level KPIs ................................................................................................................................. !
3.2.1 RRC Co%%ect!o% Success Rate (%) ..................................................................................................................... & RRC Co%%ect!o% Success Rate CS (%) ................................................................................................. & RRC Co%%ect!o% Success Rate PS (%) ................................................................................................. &
3.2.2 'u S!(%all!%( )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) .................................................................................................... & 'u-CS S!(%all!%( )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) ................................................................................ + 'u-PS S!(%all!%( )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) ................................................................................ +
3.2.3 ,"S S!(%all!%( )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) from P7.1- ........................................................................... + ,"S CS S!(%all!%( )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) from P7.1- ...................................................... + ,"S PS S!(%all!%( )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) from P7.1- ...................................................... +
3.2.4 (R"-) )sta#l!s*me%t Success Rate (%) .............................................................................................................. +
3.2.5 Se%.!%( Pa(!%( /a!lure Rate (%) ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.6 -loc1!%( Pro#a#!l!t$ .......................................................................................................................................... 10 2oS Speec* (%) ................................................................................................................................... 10 2oS PS (%) .......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 "ailres a#ter $dmission %ate &'() ...................................................................................................... 11
4 PER'OR(ANCE ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 12
4.1 $dmission Control ................................................................................................................................. 12
4.1.1 ".m!ss!o% Pol!c$ ............................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 Resources to #e mo%!tore. ................................................................................................................................ 13 R/ Po3er ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Co.e 4ree Co%sumpt!o% ...................................................................................................................... 13 56 a%. 76 "S) .................................................................................................................................. 13 S/ Co.e 6!m!t (Co.e 8$sto(ram) ....................................................................................................... 13 8S5P" a%. )76 co%%ect!o%s 6!m!t ................................................................................................... 13 76 a%. 56 C*a%%el )leme%ts ............................................................................................................. 13
4.1.3 RRC ".m!ss!o% -loc1s ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.4 R"- ".m!ss!o% -loc1s .................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 MP Load &High *rocessor Load( .......................................................................................................... 14
4.3 $#ter $dmission ..................................................................................................................................... 14
4.3.1 /a!lure after ".m!ss!o%9 'u# Co%(est!o% ......................................................................................................... 15 6o3 RRC Success Rate ....................................................................................................................... 15 6o3 R"- Success Rate ....................................................................................................................... 15
4.3.2 /a!lure after ".m!ss!o%9 Core 4ra%sport ,et3or1 Co%(est!o% ....................................................................... 15
4.3.3 /a!lure after ".m!ss!o%9 8ar.3are 7sa(e (C*a%%el )leme%ts) ...................................................................... 16
4.3.4 /a!lure after ".m!ss!o%9 C*a%%el!:at!o% Co.es ............................................................................................... 16
4.3.5 /a!lure after ".m!ss!o%9 Ot*ers ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.4 $ccessibilit+ isses not detected b+ conters ....................................................................................... 1,
4.4.1 8; Pro#lems !% t*e R-S .................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.2 76 '%terfere%ce ................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.3 R"C8 m!sco%f!(urat!o% .................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.4 Cell 7%aa!la#!l!t$ ............................................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.5 ,o.e -loc1!%( ................................................................................................................................................... 17
& RE'ERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 1)
* ANNE+ I, UE I"-e (o"e Pro!e".res ............................................................................................ 1/
-.1 PLM. /election and %eselection .......................................................................................................... 10
-.2 %eading /+stem In#ormation ................................................................................................................ 21
-.3 Cell /election and %eselection ............................................................................................................... 21
6.3.1 Cell Select!o% ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
6.3.2 Cell Reselect!o% ................................................................................................................................................. 21
6.3.3 6ocat!o%<Rout!%( "rea 7p.ate .......................................................................................................................... 22
6.3.4 Pa(!%( Proce.ure ............................................................................................................................................... 23
0 ANNE+ II, Ca-- Es$a1-#s2me$ Pro!e".re .................................................................................... 24
,.1 2oice Call Establishment ...................................................................................................................... 24
,.2 P/ 3ata Call Establishment ................................................................................................................. 24
,.3 %adio %esorce Control &%%C( ........................................................................................................... 24
7.3.1 RRC co%%ect!o% Re=uest > Setup .................................................................................................................... 25
,.4 Core .et4or5 .egotiation .................................................................................................................... 2,
,.5 %adio $ccess 6earer &%$6( /et* and %econ#igration .................................................................... 2,
T!is series o" Optimization Guidelines co#ers all t!e main topics re$ardin$
%er"ormance &onitorin$ ' Analysis
Con"i$uration settin$s
Re"er to t!e internal Claro document (Optimization %rocess) *DEO+OT&+IO%,---./ "or a summary o" ,G 0CD&A Radio
Access Net1or2 Optimization 3asics+
T!is speci"ic document "ocuses on ACCESSI3I4IT5 and its speci"ics 1it!in ERICSSON in"rastructure *Release %6+1.+
Tar$et users "or t!is document are all personnel re7uirin$ a detailed description o" t!is process *Accessibility
Optimization./ as 1ell as con"i$uration mana$ers 1!o re7uire details to control t!e "unctions and optimize parameter
settin$s+ It is assumed t!at users o" t!is document !a#e a 1or2in$ 2no1led$e o" ,G telecommunications and are
"amiliar 1it! 0CD&A+
Document Re#ision Control
Re#ision Date Aut!or C!an$es
Dra"t -1 1,8No#89--: ;CES<Ericsson =irst Release o" t!e document
-1 198&ar89-1- ;CES<Ericsson
pdate "rom %6 to %6+1:
NAS si$nallin$ p!ase counters added/ bot! to CSSR
>%Is and &edium 4e#el >%Is
pmNo4oadS!arin$RrcConnCs<%s added to CSSR >%Is
Iu Si$nallin$ connection p!ase added to CSSR >%Is
CS and %S CSSR no1 correctly e?pressed in terms o"
S& o" all CS < %S RA3 types
Additional "ormulas "or GoS metrics
Ne1 sections added in Anne? "or Core Ne$otiation
and RA3 Setup and Recon"i$uration p!ases
Accessibility is t!e ability o" a ser#ice to be obtained 1it!in speci"ic tolerances and ot!er $i#en conditions/ 1!en
re7uested by t!e user+ In ot!er 1ords/ t!e ability o" a user to obtain t!e re7uested ser#ice "rom t!e system+
Tar$et is to $et a 1--@ Accessibility/ i+e+/ all users al1ays $et t!e ser#ice t!ey re7uest+
%oor Accessibility is typically due to
some "orm o" con$estion *be"ore or a"ter Admission ControlA.
!ard1are<so"t1are "ault *C!ec2 A4AR&S/ Cells Do1ntime/ tic2ets in RE&ED5B.
miscon"i$uration *ADIT t!e settin$s in RNC.
ot!er reasons *"or instance/ it is also possible t!at t!ere is some e?ternal source o" inter"erence *suc! as a
micro1a#e lin2 on t!e same "re7uency. a""ectin$ t!e accessibility.
Accessibility is to be monitored independently "or t!e di""erent RA3 types *e+$+ Speec!/ CS Cideo/ %S Interacti#e R::/
%S Interacti#e DSD%A/ etc+. as in certain situations only one o" t!e RA3 types 1ill be a""ected+
9+1 Idle &ode
Accessibility issues may occur related to t!e E idle mode be!a#ior+
T!e E in Idle mode per"orms ne?t E main tas2s FRe"er to ANNEG I "or a brie" re#ie1H:
%4&N selection and reselection
Readin$ system in"ormation *&I3/ SI3.
Cell selection and reselection
4ocation area *4A. and routin$ area *RA. re$istration<update
%a$in$ procedure
Settin$s s!ould $uarantee t!at t!e E in idle mode is al1ays in t!e best conditions to access t!e net1or2 *i+e+/ to
initiate a &obile Ori$inated call/ &O. and be reac!ed by t!e net1or2 *i+e+/ to recei#e a &obile Terminated call/ &T.+
9+9 Call Establis!ment %rocess
Eac! step in t!e Call Establis!ment process s!ould be monitored in order to clearly identi"y 1!ere t!e accessibility
issue is located+ =or a more complete re#ie1 o" t!e Call Establis!ment %rocess/ re"er to ANNEG II+
, ACCESSI3I4IT5 >%Is *>ey %er"ormance Indicators.
3elo1 t!e main metrics used "or Accessibility &onitorin$ o" a ,G 0CD&A<&TS Net1or2/ and t!eir implementation
1it! Ericsson counters+
Re"er to (S&ART Documentation) "or "urt!er details on t!e actual implementation o" t!ese >%Is in t!e tool/ to$et!er
1it! t!e additional considerations re$ardin$:
Treatment o" zeros in t!e denominators
Cell Reselection durin$ RRC Establis!ment %!ase
RRC Redirections *4oad S!arin$ "eature.
RRC Repetitions
Incomin$ DDO and SRNS Relocations
RA3 4oad S!arin$ "eatures *Inter8"re7uency and Directed Retry to $sm.
,+1 Di$! 4e#el >%Is
,+1+1 Call Setup Success Rate 8 CSSR *@.
T!is is t!e "irst (o#erall) metric 1e are considerin$ to monitor Accessibility as a 1!ole+
p to %6+1/ t!is >%I 1as typically calculated by considerin$ Iust 9 steps in Call Establis!ment: RRC Connection Setup
and RA3 Establis!ment+ T!ey are assumed to be independent processes/ and t!ere"ore CSSR 1as !ence calculated as
product o" t!e Success Rates o" eac! o" t!ese 9 p!ases *described later in section ,+9.:
CS<%SJRRCJSSR K RRC Setup Success Rate *1it! CS<%S Establis!ment Causes. K
* M CS<%S RRC Connection Setup Complete < M CS<%S RRC Connection Re7uest.
CS<%SJRA3JESR K RA3 Establis!ment Success Rate *"or CS<%S RA3s/ bot! R:: and DS. K
* M CS<%S RA3 Assi$nment Complete < M CS<%S RA3 Assi$nment Re7uest.

,+1+1+1 CS CSSR *@.
*=or CS connection re7uests.
1!ere *RA3. K Speec!/ CsNO/ CsE6
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! a CS call bet1een Es and CS domain CORE+
Similar "ormulas can be used "or eac! speci"ic RA3 CSSR/ i+e+/ Speec! CSSR *@. or CSNO CSSR *@.+
Note t!at by remo#in$ pmNoDirRetryAtt "rom t!e denominator/ t!ose redirected speec! calls attempts are e?cluded
"rom t!e calculation+ So i" t!eir establis!ments succeed or "ail in GS& is not ta2en into account in t!is >%I
,+1+1+9 %S CSSR *@.
*=or %S connection re7uests/ bot! R:: %S and DS.
1!ere *RA3. K %ac2etStream/ %ac2etStream19Q/ %ac2etInteracti#e



mpt*RA3. ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ess*RA3. ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
nn%s. arin$RrcCo pmNo4oadS! 8 7%s cConnectRe *pmTotNoRr
%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--

ryAtt pmNoDirRet 8
mpt*RA3.H ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ess*RA3. ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
nnCs. arin$RrcCo pmNo4oadS! 8 7Cs cConnectRe *pmTotNoRr
CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--


4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! a %S call bet1een Es and %S domain CORE+
Similar "ormulas can be used "or eac! speci"ic RA3 CSSR/ i+e+/ %S Streamin$ CSSR *@. or %S Interacti#e CSSR *@.+
Re"er to t!e internal Claro doc+ (Optimization Guidelines: Capacity in Ericsson) *DEO+OT&+IO%,-O1. "or "urt!er details
re$ardin$ t!e Ericsson "eatures 4oad S!arin$ and Directed Retry+
=rom %6+1 *%6 =%./ current release in Claro/ ne1 counters are a#ailable "or monitorin$ t!e per"ormance o" t!e NAS
Si$nallin$ p!ase *i+e+ a"ter I Si$nallin$ Connection establis!ment and be"ore RA3 Assi$nment Re7uest.+
Ne1 "ormulas 1ill also co#er t!e Iu Si$nallin$ Connection p!ase per"ormance t!rou$! counters already a#ailable
be"ore %6+1 in &O RNC=unctionR t!ere"ore/ t!e same Iu Si$+ Conn+ Success Rate #alue is to be applied to all tranCells
under t!e same RNC+
As t!e ne1 "ormulas belo1 1ill compute "ailures in t!ese 9 additional p!ases *see ne?t "i$ure./ a sli$!t de$radation in
t!ese >%Is mi$!t be obser#ed a"ter t!eir introduction 1!en comparin$ to old "ormulas abo#e+

,+1+1+, CS CSSR *@. S"rom %6+18
1!ere *RA3. K Speec!/ CsNO/ CsE6
Note t!at 9 important additions !a#e been made to t!is >%I:
1. 3y addin$ pmNoDirRetrySuccess in t!e RA3 term numerator/ t!is >%I does ta2e into account t!e success rate o" t!e
speec! calls redirected to $sm by t!e Directed Retry mec!anism+
9+ 3y addin$ pmNoInCsIratDoSuccess<Att counters in t!e RA3 term/ t!is >%I no1 also ta2es into account t!e success
rate o" t!e Speec! Calls enterin$ t!e ,G net1or2 #ia Incomin$ CS IRAT DO+
,+1+1+O %S CSSR *@. S "rom %6+18

atDoAtt pmNoInCsIr mpt*RA3.H ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst F
s atDoSucces pmNoInCsIr rySuccess pmNoDirRet H
ess*RA3. ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst F
CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
easeCs NasSi$nRel pmNoSystem
temptCs stablis!At pmNoIuSi$E
ccessCs stablis!Su pmNoIuSi$E
nnCs. arin$RrcCo pmNo4oadS! 8 7Cs cConnectRe *pmTotNoRr
CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--





+ +

mpt*RA3. ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ess*RA3. ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
ease%s NasSi$nRel pmNoSystem
1 L
tempt%s stablis!At pmNoIuSi$E
ccess%s stablis!Su pmNoIuSi$E
r IratCcOrde ConnectAtt pmTotNoRrc sel IratCellRe ConnectAtt pmTotNoRrc nn%s. arin$RrcCo pmNo4oadS! 8 7%s cConnectRe *pmTotNoRr
Order cessIratCc ConnectSuc pmTotNoRrc llResel cessIratCe ConnectSuc pmTotNoRrc %sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--





+ +
+ +
1!ere *RA3. K %ac2etStream/ %ac2etStream19Q/ %ac2etInteracti#e
Note t!at one important addition !as been made to t!is >%I:
1+ 3y addin$ pmTotNoRrcConnectSuccess*Att.IratCellResel*CcOrder. counters in t!e RRC term/ t!is >%I no1 also ta2es
into account t!e success rate o" t!e %S Calls enterin$ t!e ,G net1or2 #ia Incomin$ IRAT Cell C!an$e Order or IRAT Cell
F%endin$ Con"irmation "rom EricssonH
,+1+9 O#erall Ser#ice Accessibility 8 OSAC *@.
Since t!ere are many di""erent ser#ices de"ined in &TS and eac! one can !a#e a di""erent accessibility at any time/
an o#erall ser#ice accessibility can be de"ined to obtain an o#erall measure o" net1or2 accessibility a#era$ed o#er all
ser#ices+ T!is metric can be used in case one sin$le measurement is to be applied to sort out t!e 1orst o#erall
inaccessible cells+
T!e OSAC criterion 1ill be based on a 1ei$!ted a#era$in$ o" t!e accessibility "or t!e CS and %S ser#ices supported by
t!e cell+ T!e 1ei$!tin$ "actors 1ill be c!osen to be t!e demand "or t!e ser#ice $i#en by t!e number o" RA3 Establis!
attempt "or t!at ser#ice+
OSAC K 1-- L F*CS CSSR L CS RA3 Assi$nment Re7uest. T *%S CSSR L %S RA3 Assi$nment Re7uest.H <
Sum*M CS ' %S RA3 Assi$nment Re7uest.
CS<%S CSSR K Call Setup Success Rate/ as described in t!e pre#ious section+
Or simpli"yin$:
1-- L F*CSJRRCJSSR L CS RA3 Assi$nment Complete. T *%SJRRCJSSR L %S RA3 Assi$nment Complete.H <
Sum*M CS ' %S RA3 Assi$nment Re7uest.
CS<%SJRRCJSSR K RRC Setup Success Rate *1it! CS<%S Establis!ment Causes. K
*M CS<%S RRC Connection Setup Complete < M CS<%S RRC Connection Re7uest.
T!e >%I can be built "or Ericsson in t!e "ollo1in$ 1ay
*load s!arin$/ directed retry/ Iub Si$n+ ' NAS connection establis!ments !a#e been omitted "or simplicity.:
[ ]









nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst T mptCsNO ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst

T mpt lis!EcAtte pmRabEstab T mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst

nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst L
nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
nteracti#e ess%ac2etI ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
%s ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc

mptCsNO ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst T
mpt lis!EcAtte pmRabEstab T
mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
mptCsNO ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst T
mpt lis!EcAtte pmRabEstab T
mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
essCsNO ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst T
ess lis!EcSucc pmRabEstab T
essSpeec! ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
Cs ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--
[ ]








nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst T mptCsNO ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst

T mpt lis!EcAtte pmRabEstab T mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst

nteracti#e ess%ac2etI ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst L
%s ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc

essCsNO ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst T
ess lis!EcSucc pmRabEstab T
essSpeec! ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
Cs ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc

L 1--
,+9 &edium 4e#el >%Is
,+9+1 RRC Connection Success Rate *@.
*=or all connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! a $eneric radio connection bet1een Es and RNC startin$ "rom
idle mode state+
pmNoO"Returnin$RrcConn *number o" 4oad S!arin$ di#ersions 1!en establis!in$ an RRC connection t!at returns to
t!e "irst "re7uency. is not a#ailable per domain *CS/ %S./ so ne?t t1o metrics are missin$ t!is correction+
RRC connection attempts are not corrected "or emer$ency calls redirections+ Counters
pmNoO"RedirectedEmer$encyCalls and pmNoO"Returnin$Emer$encyCalls *&O RNC=unction. could be used to estUmate t!eir
contribution at RNC le#el+
Due to t!e "act t!at t!e E may per"orm cell re8selection durin$ t!e RRC Connection establis!ment *it may repeat
RRC Connection Re7uest messa$e N,-- times 1!ic! may arri#e at di""erent cell. and t!e "act t!at 0CD&A RAN *t!e RNC.
does not double count t!e duplicated RRC Connection Re7uest messa$es recei#ed/ t!ere is a c!ance t!at t!e RRC access
success rate "or some cells may s!o1 #alues abo#e 1--@+ T!e access success rate better t!an 1--@ !appens 1!en t!e
attempt is re$istered in a cell di""erent to t!e cell 1!ere t!e success is re$istered+ T!e end result is a sli$!tly better success
rate "or t!e cell t!at completes t!e access and a sli$!tly 1orst success rate "or t!e cell 1!ere t!e access 1as
,+9+1+1 RRC Connection Success Rate CS *@.
*=or CS connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! a radio connection bet1een Es and RNC startin$ "rom idle
mode state in particular a""ectin$ CS ser#ices *speec! and #ideo calls.+
,+9+1+9 RRC Connection Success Rate %S *@.
*=or %S connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! a radio connection bet1een Es and RNC startin$ "rom idle
mode state in particular a""ectin$ %S ser#ices+
,+9+9 Iu Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@.
*=or all connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! t!e Iu part o" t!e Control %lane bet1een t!e RNC and CORE+
Note t!ese counters are in &O RNC=unction *!ence/ only a#ailable at RNC le#el.+

nn. rnin$RrcCo pmNoO"Retu 8 onn !arin$RrcC *pmNo4oadS 8 ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
Success ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--


nnCs arin$RrcCo pmNo4oadS! 8 Cs ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc

CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--


nn%s arin$RrcCo pmNo4oadS! 8 %s ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc

%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
L 1--


tempt%s stablis!At pmNoIuSi$E temptCs stablis!At pmNoIuSi$E
ccess%s stablis!Su pmNoIuSi$E ccessCs stablis!Su pmNoIuSi$E
L 1--
,+9+9+1 Iu8CS Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@.
*=or CS connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! t!e Iu part o" t!e Control %lane bet1een t!e RNC and CS
domain CORE+
,+9+9+9 Iu8%S Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@.
*=or %S connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! t!e Iu part o" t!e Control %lane bet1een t!e RNC and %S
domain CORE+
,+9+, NAS Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@. S"rom %6+18
*=or all connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! t!e Iu part o" t!e Control %lane bet1een t!e RNC and CORE+
Note t!ese counters are in &O RNC=unction+
,+9+,+1 NAS CS Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@. S "rom %6+18
*=or CS connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! t!e Iu part o" t!e Control %lane bet1een t!e RNC and CS
domain CORE+
,+9+,+9 NAS %S Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@. S "rom %6+18
*=or %S connection re7uests.
4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! t!e Iu part o" t!e Control %lane bet1een t!e RNC and %S
domain CORE+
,+9+O *RA3. Establis!ment Success Rate *@.
0!ere *RA3. K Speec!/ CsNO/ CsE6/ %ac2etInteracti#e/ %ac2etInteracti#eDs/ %ac2etInteracti#eEul/ %ac2etStream/
%ac2etStream19Q or %ac2etStreamDs+
Note t!at t!ese counters "or %ac2etInteracti#e include also %ac2etInteracti#eDs/ and counters "or %ac2etInteracti#eDs
include also %ac2etInteracti#eEul+
=or Speec! RA3/ please re"er to comments on Section ,+1+1+, re$ardin$ di""erent possibilities to modi"y t!is "ormula
"or RA3 Establis!ment Success Rate so it can also co#er as ,G access "ailures t!ose directed retries to $sm and
incomin$ IRAT DOVs t!at "ail+


temptCs stablis!At pmNoIuSi$E

ccessCs stablis!Su pmNoIuSi$E
L 1--


tempt%s stablis!At pmNoIuSi$E

ccess%s stablis!Su pmNoIuSi$E
L 1--


mpt*RA3. ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst

ess*RA3. ablis!Succ pmNoRabEst
L 1--

%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
ease%s NasSi$nRel pmNoSystem easeCs NasSi$nRel pmNoSystem
1 L 1--



CsSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
easeCs NasSi$nRel pmNoSystem
1 L 1--


%sSucc ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
ease%s NasSi$nRel pmNoSystem
1 L 1--


4o1 #alue *e+$+ P:E@. indicates problems to establis! a RA3 a"ter t!e RA3 assi$nment comin$ "rom t!e CORE
,+9+E Sendin$ %a$in$ =ailure Rate *@.
Di$! #alue *e+$+ W9@. indicates problems to send pa$in$ t!rou$! t!e radio net1or2 due to o#erload+
=ormula abo#e is #alid i" RAJ%CD state is disabled *current situation in Claro.+ In case it is enabled/ t!e =ormula
s!ould be replaced by t!e "ollo1in$ one:
F%endin$ Con"irmation "rom EricssonH
,+9+N 3loc2in$ %robability
Implemented t!rou$! t!e GRADE O= SERCICE *GoS.: %robability o" a call in a circuit $roup bein$ bloc2ed or delayed
"or more t!an a speci"ied inter#al/ e?pressed as a common "raction or decimal "raction+
,+9+N+1 GoS Speec! *@.
FC!ec2 t!is at cell le#elH+
Di$! #alue *e+$+ W9@. indicates problems to establis! a Coice call mainly related to Admission Control/ i+e+/ due to
some 2ind o" capacity s!orta$e *D4 TG %o1er/ CE/ OCS= codes/B.+
T!is metric could be used to identi"y a 1ider ran$e o" reasons be!ind access "ailures: not only RN admission bloc2in$
*as abo#e./ but also TN con$estion or TN "ailure *as in t!e alternati#e "ormula belo1.:
,+9+N+9 GoS %S *@.
FC!ec2 t!is at cell le#elH+
Di$! #alue *e+$+ W9@. indicates problems to establis! a Coice call mainly related to Admission Control/ i+e+/ due to
some 2ind o" capacity s!orta$e *D4 TG %o1er/ CE/ OCS= codes/B.+
T!is metric could be used to identi"y a 1ider ran$e o" reasons be!ind access "ailures: not only RN admission bloc2in$
*as abo#e./ but also TN con$estion or TN "ailure *as in t!e alternati#e "ormula belo1.:

+ + +
adC scardCmp4o pmNo%a$eDi e4a $in$ToIdle pmCnInit%a eRa $in$ToIdle pmCnInit%a e $in$ToIdle pmCnInit%a
anReIected Attempttr pmNo%a$in$ adC scardCmp4o pmNo%a$eDi
L 1--
( )

adC scardCmp4o pmNo%a$eDi rae t%a$in$To pmtranIni e $in$Tora pmCnInit%a
e4a $in$ToIdle pmCnInit%a eRa $in$ToIdle pmCnInit%a e $in$ToIdle pmCnInit%a
anReIected Attempttr pmNo%a$in$ adC scardCmp4o pmNo%a$eDi
L 1--


+ +
+ + +

mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
Speec! oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
Cs ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
m e7DeniedAd pmNoRrcCsR
8 1 L 1--







1 @ 1

nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
e Interacti# oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
%s ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
m e7DeniedAd pmNoRrc%sR
8 1 L 1--







1 @ 1

mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ec!3est 3loc2TnSpe pmNoRabEst Speec! oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
Cs ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
nCs nRe73loc2T pmNoRrcCon m e7DeniedAd pmNoRrcCsR
8 1 L 1--







GoS can be estimated "or ot!er RA3s in a similar 1ay: CS/ %S Streamin$ DCD/ %S Streamin$ DS+
,+, =ailures a"ter Admission Rate *@.:
T!is >%I pro#ides t!e number o" Radio Resource Control *RRC. or Radio Access 3earer *RA3. establis!ment re7uests
"ailed a"ter bein$ admitted by Admission Control *AC.+
Di$! #alue *e+$+ WE@. indicates problems accessibility problems !appenin$ once t!e RRC or RA3 !as been admitted
by AC+ T!ese issues are analyzed later in t!is document+

ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
A"terAdm pmNo=ailed
L 1--

nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ntDs3est 3loc2Tn%sI pmNoRabEst t ntNonDs3es 3loc2Tn%sI pmNoRabEst e Interacti# oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
%s ConnectRe7 pmTotNoRrc
n%s nRe73loc2T pmNoRrcCon m e7DeniedAd pmNoRrc%sR
8 1 L 1--







+ +

=ollo1in$ t!e Dierarc!ical >%Is met!odolo$y described in t!e internal Claro doc+ (Optimization %rocess)
*DEO+OT&+IO%,---./ once identi"ied areas<nodes<cells s!o1in$ bad per"ormance t!rou$! t!e o#erall >%Is de"ined
abo#e/ analysis to "ind out t!e cause root o" t!e problem s!ould be per"ormed+ To do so/ 1e mo#e to1ards an in8
dept! analysis based in more detailed and speci"ic ra1 counters *4o1 4e#el >%Is.+
In t!e case o" Ericsson in"ra/ t!is analysis "or Accessibility issues 1ill e?plore in , di""erent directions:
Note: A O
line o" in#esti$ation !as been added at t!e end o" t!e section to co#er t!ose Accessibility issues not
detected by counters+
O+1 Admission Control
T!e purpose o" t!e Admission Control is to limit t!e tra""ic t!at is admitted in order to ensure t!at all tra""ic t!at is
admitted meets t!e re7uirements on t!e 7uality o" t!e ser#ice+
O+1+1 Admission %olicy
0!en ne1 resources are needed "or a radio connection/ t!e RN Admission Control "unction recei#es a re7uest "or
admission+ T!e re7uest speci"ies t!e estimated amount o" system resources t!at t!e radio connection needs+
In Ericsson/ a re7uest can be $uaranteed or non8$uaranteed:
A re7uest is $uaranteed 1!en re7uestin$ minimum amount o" resources "or a radio connection satis"yin$ t!e ;oS
*t!is is re"erred to lo1est retainable rate.+ E?ample o" a $uaranteed re7uest is Speec!/ CS con#ersational/ CS or %S streamin$
and %S interacti#e Q<Q+
0!en t!e re7uest is "or resources e?ceedin$ t!e minimum needed "or satis"yin$ t!e ;oS *"or e?ample up8s1itc!
interacti#e %S to a !i$!er dedicated rate./ t!e re7uest is non8$uaranteed+ E?ample o" a non8$uaranteed re7uest is %S
O+1+9 Resources to be monitored
O+1+9+1 R= %o1er
4ac2 o" Do1nlin2 %o1er *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2Dl%1r.
Note: T!e R= po1er is measured and re$ulated at t!e re"erence point and also t!e po1er limits !a#e to be calculated
at t!e re"erence point+
O+1+9+9 Code Tree Consumption
4ac2 o" Canalization Code *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2DlC!nlCode.
Note: T!e code tree consumption is measured in percenta$e o" t!e total tree size by e?cludin$ t!e "i?ed codes
allocated "or DSD%A *i+e+ t!e !i$!er t!e number o" codes allocated "or DSD%A t!e smaller 1ill be t!e a#ailable tree and
!i$!er t!e relati#e consumption.+
T!e admission limit is set by dlCodeAdm *as a percenta$e.+
O+1+9+, D4 and 4 ASE
4ac2 o" Do1nlin2 ASE *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2DlAse.
4ac2 o" plin2 ASE *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2lAse.
Note: ASE is used as an o#erall measurement o" t!e cell load on t!e air inter"ace but ASE is not a real cell resource+ It
intends to e?press t!e static load on t!e air8inter"ace caused by radio bearers in a cell/ relati#e to t!e static load
caused by a set o" con#ersational+
O+1+9+O S= Code 4imit *Code Dysto$ram.
E?ceed S= !isto$ram *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttemptE?ceedConn4imit.
Note: In order to limit t!e number o" !i$! codes and D0 consumption RA3s speci"ic t!res!olds are set "or eac! S=+
O+1+9+E DSD%A and E4 connections 4imit
RN Admission Control bloc2s ne1 radio lin2 admission re7uests 1!ic! in#ol#e t!e allocation to DS8DSCD<DS8SCCD
1!en t!e number o" users assi$ned to t!e DS8DSCD in t!e cell e?ceeds t!e load control le#el !sdpasersAdm+ RN
Admission Control s!all reIect an E4 user/ re7uestin$ t!e cell as ser#in$ cell i" t!e total number o" ser#in$ cell E4
users includin$ t!e re7uested is abo#e eulSer#in$CellsersAdm+
O+1+9+N 4 and D4 C!annel Elements
4ac2 o" D4 C!annel Elements *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2DlD1.
4ac2 o" 4 C!annel Elements *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2lD1.
Note: T!e D0 resources are monitored by Admission Control as ay ot!er p!ysical resource+ So"t con$estion is used to
control t!e o#erload+ T!e "ollo1in$ t!res!olds are used: dlD1Adm/ ulD1Adm
O+1+, RRC Admission 3loc2s
It is possible also to c!ec2 separately CS and %S RRCs and e#aluate t!e success:
I" lo1 pmTotNoRrcConnectCsRe7Succ < pmTotNoRrcConnectRe7Cs/ t!en c!ec2: pmNoRrcCsRe7DeniedAdm
I" lo1 pmTotNoRrcConnect%sRe7Succ < pmTotNoRrcConnectRe7%s/ t!en c!ec2: pmNoRrc%sRe7DeniedAdm
O+1+O RA3 Admission 3loc2s
5ou must compare t!e RA3 establis!ments bloc2ed by admission control 1it! t!e RA3 attempts:
mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
Speec! oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
mptCsE6. ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst emptCsNO tablis!Att *pmNoRabEs
Cs oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
e Interacti# oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
tream mpt%ac2etS ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
$ %sStreamin oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
Ds nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
Ds oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
Eul nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
Eul oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
tream19Q mpt%ac2etS ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
%sStr19Q oRe7Denied pmNoO"NonD
L 1--
Note: RA3 admission bloc2s could !a#e more impact on accessibility compared to RRC bloc2s/ especially "or %S
ser#ices/ since t!e re7uired resources durin$ t!e RA3 assi$nment are !i$!er+
O+9 &% 4oad *Di$! processor 4oad.
C!ec2 pmNoReIRrcConn&p4oadC 8 Number o" reIected RRC connections due to &% load control+
Note: T!e module &% !andles si$nallin$ associated 1it! tra""ic e#ents+
Connection setup and release *Speec!/ %S R::/ DS/ 4A update/ S&S.+
O+, A"ter Admission
Number o" Radio Resource Control *RRC. or Radio Access 3earer *RA3. establis!ment re7uests "ailed a"ter bein$
admitted by admission control+
I" eit!er a RRC or RA3 establis!ment procedure "ails A=TER t!e admission !as been $ranted "or t!e establis!ment
*RRC or RA3./ counter pmNo=ailedA"terAdm 1ill be incremented at t!e cell or cells 1!ere t!e E is located+
=ollo1s a list o" causes "or "ailures a"ter admission:
Transport "ailures
TN "ailure reasons
AA49 setup "ailure *due to con$estion or miss con"i$uration.
Code allocation "ailures
C!annel elements allocation "ailures
N3A% R4 setup "ailure *RAG or TG3 con$estion.
D0 "ault in t!e R3S
E "ailures
Timeout in t!e E/ RNC or R3S
In#alid parameter settin$s
O+,+1 =ailure a"ter Admission: Iub Con$estion
Iub con$estion is a common reason "or !i$! number o" "ailures a"ter admission e#ents+
Dependin$ on t!e #olume o" tra""ic per ser#ice or RA3/ certain ;oS could be con$ested at t!e AA49: All RA3s
e?cludin$ DSD%A are con"i$ured to use Class A or Class 3 bein$ t!ese t1o mostly impacted by con$estion+ &ost o" t!e
time Class 3 is t!e "irst ;oS to $et con$ested leadin$ to "ailures a"ter admission e#ents+
Iub con$estion could also be caused by E1 issues+
&iscon"i$uration o" AA49 pro"ile at t!e Node 3/ RNC or RGI<&SN can lead to Iub con$estion as 1ell+
%ossible indicators :
C!ec2 "or con$estion at t!e Iub lin2 *See belo1.
C!ec2 "or E1 issues and !istory o" alarms o" E1s *"or intermittent E1 alarms.
%ossible solutions "or Iub con$estion :
Enable Directed retry *s!ort term solution.+
Correct possible AA49 miss con"i$uration at Node 3/ RNC and RGI *AA49 pro"ile must matc! in all entities.
Order ne1 E1s *lon$ term solution.+
C!an$e AA49 ;oS con"i$uration dependin$ on ser#ices re7uest #olume *CS #oice/ R:: data/ DSD%A/ etc.+
O+,+1+1 4o1 RRC Success Rate
In case a poor RRC Success Rate is detected and neit!er Admission 3loc2s nor &% 4oad reIections can e?plain suc! a
de$radation o" t!e RRC Accessibility/ t!en c!ec2 t!ese 9 counters:
RRC CS "ailures due to con$estion on t!e user plane *AA49. or control plane *niSaal or SCT%. o" t!e transport
RRC %S "ailures due to con$estion on t!e user plane *AA49. or control plane *niSaal or SCT%. o" t!e transport
I" none o" t!e abo#e counter #alues can e?plain t!e poor RRC success rate more traces !a#e to be considered e+$+
ETR *AA49. or control plane *niSaal or SCT%. o" t!e transport net1or2+
O+,+1+9 4o1 RA3 Success Rate
Similar analysis can be done "or RA3s 3loc2ed due to transport net1or2 con$estion includin$:
%S R:::
O+,+9 =ailure a"ter Admission: Core Transport Net1or2 Con$estion
Accessibility issues are obser#ed on all sites at t!e RNC 1it!out maIor issues 1it! Iub con$estion *especially at pea2
!our.: Con$estion 1ill be obser#ed at Iu8CS *RNCP88W&G0. or Iu8%S *RNCP88WSGSN. lin2s+
mptSpeec! ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ec!3est 3loc2TnSpe pmNoRabEst
L 1--
Ds. nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst 8 e Interacti# empt%ac2et tablis!Att *pmNoRabEs
t ntNonDs3es 3loc2Tn%sI pmNoRabEst
L 1--
Ds nteracti#e mpt%ac2etI ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
ntDs3est 3loc2Tn%sI pmNoRabEst
L 1--
mptCsNO ablis!Atte pmNoRabEst
O3est 3loc2TnCsN pmNoRabEst
L 1--
%ossible indicators :
De$radation o" >%Is Iu*CS<%S. Si$nallin$ Establis!ment Success Rate *@. 1ould be e?pected in t!is case+
Note: Con$estion 1ill be obser#ed at Aal9 access point *Aal9Ap. entity startin$ 1it! ($)+
*Aal9Ap entities startin$ 1it! (b) correspond to node b/ startin$ 1it! (r) corresponds "or Iur lin2s/ etc.
%ossible solutions :
T!is issue 1ill re7uire support "rom t!e Operation and &aintenance department *O&C. in order to determine t!e
reasons "or t!at !i$! utilization o#er Iu8CS and Iu8%S lin2s+
O+,+, =ailure a"ter Admission: Dard1are sa$e *C!annel Elements.
4ac2 o" c!annel elements could be due to insu""icient 4 *RAG board. or D4 *TG board. !ard1are capacity+ C!annel
element capacity could be also so"t1are limited+ Admission control is restricted by ulD1Adm and dlD1Adm
parameters+ T!ey s!ould be set at 1--@ so no !ard1are is limited "or RRC<RA3 setup+
%ossible indicators :
Di$! number o" AC bloc2 e#ents on 4ac2DlD1 1ould indicate issues 1it! TG board and 4ac2lD1 1ould indicate
issues 1it! RAG board+
Con$estion at RAG or TG could be indicated by R3S counters pmlCredits and pmDlCredits respecti#ely+
Con$estion per spreadin$ "actor *S=. can be also measured usin$ pmSetup=ailureS"GG R3S counters "rom t!e
3aseband%ool *33%. on t!e uplin2 *4 33%. and t!e do1nlin2 *D4 33%.+
%ossible solutions :
C!ec2 t!at ulD1Adm and dlD1Adm parameters are set to 1--@
C!ec2 numDsResources/ numEulResources at t!e node 3 *lon$ term solution.
Reduce #alue o" s"QAdm to - *s!ort term solution.
C!ec2 "or !ard1are "ailures on RAG and TG3 boards and $i#en t!e case/ order its replacement+
Order an additional ne1 RAG or TG3 board/ dependin$ on t!e speci"ic case+
O+,+O =ailure a"ter Admission: C!annelization Codes
T!is could also be a reason "or =ailures a"ter Admission/ but it is e?pected to be correlated 1it! !i$! "i$ures also in t!e
counter "or admission bloc2s due to lac2 o" c!annelization codes *pmNo=ailedRabEstAttempt4ac2DlC!nlCode.+
%ossible solutions :
Reduce t!e AC t!res!old "or connections 1it! lo1 S= *specially Q in D4/ O in 4.+ S!ort Term Solution+
Real need "or additional OCS= codes *purely due to increase in tra""ic. 1ill re7uire o" ne1 carrier<sector<site
analysis+ FRe"er to doc+ (Optimization Guidelines: Capacity in Ericsson) *DEO+OT&+IO%,-O1./ "or "urt!er details
re$ardin$ t!e met!odolo$y to decide t!e best option bet1een Ne1 Carrier or Ne1 Sector or Ne1 SiteH+
O+,+E =ailure a"ter Admission: Ot!ers
I" a site s!o1s none o" t!e pre#iously described issues/ t!en it is li2ely to be a more complicated problem to sol#eR
o"ten relatin$ to a so"t1are<!ard1are "ault/ or per!aps an e?ternal source o" inter"erence in t!e area+
C!ec2 "or nei$!borin$ sites: Remember t!at nei$!borin$ sites !a#in$ AA49 con$estion can cause ot!er cells to !a#e
!i$! number o" "ailures a"ter admission *due to so"t !ando#er.
C!ec2 t!at so"t1are re#isions are up to date at t!e Node 3
C!ec2 "or une?pected "i$ures in counter pmNoIn#alidRabEstablis!Attempts+
RANA% RA3 Assi$nment messa$e is recei#ed "or RA3s to be setup<modi"ied and t!e recei#ed ;oS parameters
cannot be mapped to a supported RA3 type or i" t!e data in t!e messa$e contains a critical lo$ical error+
O+O Accessibility issues not detected by counters
Some 2inds o" RRC "ailures could not be detected by counters or ot!er traces+ T!is typically !appens 1!en t!e RRC
Connection Re7uest messa$es "rom t!e E cannot reac! t!e RNC+ In t!is case t!e accessibility >%Is are not able to
re#eal t!e problem/ but it could be reported by
userVs claims or
dri#e test acti#ities or
#ariations o" t!e tra""ic le#el+
Typical causes are:
O+O+1 D0 %roblems in t!e R3S
Antenna system "ailures
RAG boards "ailures
Cell una#ailability
&ost o" t!e related problems s!ould raise an alarm+
O+O+9 4 Inter"erence
Stron$ 4 Inter"erence could also be t!e cause o" some Accessibility issues not clearly detected by counters described
so "ar+ It can be monitored by c!ec2in$:
:-t! percentile o" pmA#era$eRssi W 8:- d3m or *pmSumlRssi < pmSampleslRssi. W 8:E d3m
O+O+, RACD miscon"i$uration
C!ec2 RACD parameters to loo2 "or a 1ron$ settin$:
O+O+O Cell na#ailability
C!ec2 Cell una#ailability t!rou$! t!e "ollo1in$ counters:
O+O+E Node 3loc2in$
Counters: pmNoRabEst3loc2NodePRA3W/ 1!ere PRA3W K Speec!/ CsNO/ CsE6/ %sIntNonDs/ %sIntDs/ %sStrDs
T!ese counters are stepped 1!en t!e establis!ment o" a RA3 "ails due to node con"i$uration error/ node limitation/ or
transport net1or2 layer ser#ice una#ailability+
Additional detail can be obtained "or t!e impact o" Node bloc2in$ on RRC:

F1H 0CD&A *&TS. Deployment Dandboo2+ %lannin$ and Optimization Aspects+ C!ristop!e C!e#allier/ C!ristop!er
3runner/ Andrea Gara#a$lia/ >e#in %+ &urray/ >ennet! R+ 3a2er *All o" ;A4CO&& Incorporated Cali"ornia/ SA.+ Ed+
Xo!n 0iley ' Sons+ 9--N
F9H Radio Net1or2 %lannin$ and Optimisation "or &TS+ Xaana 4ai!o and Ac!im 0ac2er F3ot! o" No2ia Net1or2s/
No2ia Group/ =inlandH ' TomaY sZ No#osad FNo2ia Net1or2s/ No2ia Group/ SAH+ Ed+ Xo!n 0iley ' Sons+ 9--N
F,H 0CD&A Radio Access Net1or2 Optimization+ 4[T 19, Q9:6 R1C+ Ericsson 9--N+
FOH Accessibility8Analysis and &onitor Re#O+ Guidelines deli#ered by Ericsson 3razil to Claro in No#+9--:
FEH Introduction to &TS Optimization+ 0ray Castle/ 9--O
FNH A4EG libreries/ Ericsson Documentation+ %6 ' %6+1+
Radio Net1or2 Controller *RNC. ,Q1- *CG% :-1 9-11 RGG.
RGI Q9- AT& RO+1 *CG% :-1 1-9<, RGG.
Radio 3ase Station *R3S. ,9-9<,9-N<,O-9<,O19 *CG% :-1 -Q11<G RGG.
0CD&A RAN *CGS 1-1 -N<O RGG.
N ANNEG I: E Idle &ode %rocedures
%4&N selection is t!e "irst step in t!e re$istration process t!at allo1s a E to initiate or recei#e ser#ices "rom an
operator+ T!e E normally operates on its Dome %4&N+ Do1e#er/ a Cisited %4&N *C%4&N. may be selected i" t!e E
loses co#era$e+
A E success"ully re$isters on a %4&N i" it "inds a suitable cell to camp on 1it!in t!e selected %4&N+ T!e E 1ill t!en
obtain a location or routin$ re$istration ac2no1led$ement in t!e area o" t!e cell on 1!ic! it is camped+ T!e E
displays to t!e user t!at t!is %4&N is re$istered+
0!en a E does not "ind a suitable cell in t!e selected %4&N/ it tries to camp on any ot!er acceptable cell 1it!in an
allo1ed %4&N+
0!en t!ere is a suitable cell a#ailable normal ser#ices can be obtained in t!e cell+ I" t!ere is an acceptable cell
a#ailable only emer$ency calls are a#ailable/ and i" in automatic mode/ ne1 %4&N selection+

N+1 %4&N Selection and Reselection
%4&N selection is a NAS "unction/ but t!e AS pro#ides t!e list o" a#ailable %4&Ns "rom 1!ic! t!e selection is made+
AS reports all success"ully read %4&N identities to t!e NAS/ in 9 $roups:
T!ose t!at meet t!e !i$! 7uality criterion:
o RSC% C%ICD WK 8:E d3m/ "or =DD cells
o RSC% C%ICD WK 8QO d3m/ "or TDD cells
o RSSI C%ICD WK 8QE d3m/ "or GS& cells
T!ose t!at do not+ T!ese ones to$et!er 1it! t!eir measured C%ICD RSC% #alue/ so t!ey can be ran2ed+
T!e standard allo1s "or t!e optimization o" t!is measurin$ and reportin$ process t!rou$! t!e use o" stored in"ormation
in t!e E re$ardin$ carrier "re7uencies and ot!er cell parameters as scramblin$ codes+
Once a suitable list o" a#ailable %4&Ns is compiled/ it is up to t!e NAS to select a %4&N "or re$istration+ T!is may be
done automatically or manually+ IN automatic mode t!e a#ailable %4&Ns are listed in priority order and t!e !i$!est
priority %4&N is selected+ In manual mode a list o" t!e a#ailable %4&Ns is presented to t!e user in priority order/ but
t!e user may select any %4&N "rom t!e list+
%rioritization "or bot! modes is as "ollo1s:
1+ Dome %4&N *D%4&N.
9+ %4&Ns in t!e (ser Controlled %4&N Selector 1it! Access Tec!nolo$y) data "ield in t!e SI& in priority order+
,+ %4&Ns in t!e (Operator Controlled %4&N Selector 1it! Access Tec!nolo$y) data "ield in t!e SI& in priority order+
O+ Ot!er %4&Ns t!at meet t!e !i$!87uality criterion in random order+
E+ Ot!er %4&Ns t!at do not meet t!e !i$!87uality criterion in order o" decreasin$ si$nal 7uality+
Once a %4&N is selected t!is is indicated to t!e AS alon$ 1it! t!e selected radio access tec!nolo$y+
N+9 Readin$ System In"ormation
T!e System In"ormation 3loc2 *SI3. messa$es are sent on 3CCD lo$ical c!annel/ 1!ic! can be mapped:
to t!e 3CD "or Es in idle mode/ CellJ%CD and RAJ%CD
or t!e =ACD transport c!annel "or Es in CellJ=ACD+
To in"orm t!e E i" a c!an$e in System in"ormation !as occurred/ t!e &I3 also deli#ers a #alue ta$ "or eac! SI3+
To in"orm Es in idle mode/ CellJ%CD and RAJ%CD o" a c!an$e in t!e system in"ormation/ pa$in$ *(%a$in$ type 1).
is used to deli#er t!e IE (3CCD modi"ication in"o) to noti"y t!e ne1 #alue ta$ "or t!e &I3+ 0CD&A RAN can also
in"orm o" t!e c!an$e in t!e system in"ormation 1it! a System In"ormation C!an$e Indication messa$e on t!e =ACD
transport c!annel+
N+, Cell Selection and Reselection
Re"er to t!e (Con"i$uration Guideline: Idle &ode Settin$s) "or a more detailed description+
N+,+1 Cell Selection
Ne?t "i$ures summarize t!e process+

N+,+9 Cell Reselection
Ne?t "i$ure summarizes t!e process+
N+,+, 4ocation<Routin$ Area pdate
4A and RA updatin$ is necessary to in"orm t!e CN o" t!e current 4A or RA o" t!e E/ so t!at t!e net1or2 can send a
pa$in$ messa$e to t!e E+
T!ere are t!ree types o" 4A and RA re$istration updates:
International &obile Subscriber Identity *I&SI. attac! or detac!
Normal 4A and RA updatin$
%eriodic 4A and RA updatin$ *T,919/ T,,19.
A border R3S can !andle less tra""ic t!an an R3S placed inside t!e 4A/ due to t!e increased si$nallin$ load+ T!ere"ore/
it is recommended t!at !e 4A<RA borders s!ould be placed in areas 1it! lo1 tra""ic+
I" t!e 4As<RAs are small/ t!ere 1ill be more 4As<RAs in t!e system and a !i$! number o" border R3Ss+ On t!e ot!er
!and/ i" t!e 4As<RAs are lar$e t!e number o" pa$in$ messa$es 1ill increase+
I" t!e same 4AI<RAI is used "or t!e GS& and 0CD&A net1or2s/ t!e conse7uence is !ea#y pa$in$ load in ,G arisin$
"rom t!e GS& subscribers+
4A<RA %DATE #s+ CE44 %DATE #s+ RA %DATE
N+,+O %a$in$ %rocedure
%a$in$ Type 1 *to E in idle mode or dormant state: CellJ%CD<RAJ%CD.
E terminatin$ ser#ice re7uest "or %S or CS ser#ices *CN initiated.+
TRAN initiated broadcast to in"orm Es 1!en SI is modi"ied+
C!annel s1itc! "rom state RAJ%CD to CE44J=ACD *TRAN initiated.
T1o di""erent p!ysical c!annels are used in order to e?c!an$e proper in"ormation bet1een t!e 0CD&A RAN and t!e
E: t!e %ICD and t!e S8CC%CD *carries t!e %CD.+ T!ere is a "i?ed timin$ relation bet1een a %ICD "rame and t!e
associated S8CC%CD "rame+
Discontinuous Reception *DRG.: T!e E listens to t!e %ICD only at certain prede"ined times/ reducin$ po1er
T!e pa$in$ record #aries in len$t! dependin$ on 1!et!er it includes t!e E identity in terms o" I&SI/ T&SI/ or %8
T&SI+ A %CD "rame can carry one (%a$in$ Type 1) messa$e o" 1- ms and may contain bet1een ,8E pa$in$ records/
dependin$ on 1!et!er t!e pa$in$ uses I&SI or T&SI<%8T&SI+
%a$in$ Type 9 *to E in CellJDCD or CellJ=ACD.
E terminatin$ ser#ice re7uest "or %S or CS ser#ices *CN initiated.+
0!en a connection e?ists bet1een t!e 0CD&A RAN and t!e E/ t!e SRNC determines t!at a RRC connection !as
already been establis!ed by t!is E and t!e RRC messa$e \%a$in$ type 9\ is used to carry pa$in$ in"ormation+ Since it
is sent on a dedicated control c!annel/ t!is messa$e is intended only "or one particular E+
=or pa$in$/ t!e capacities o" t!e =ACD and t!e RACD are assumed to be enou$!/ but t!ere is a ris2 o" con$estion in
t!e %CD due to !ea#y pa$in$ load+ T!ere"ore/ t!e probability o" con$estion in t!e %CD must be calculated in order to
dimension t!e 4A<RA+
6 ANNEG II: Call Establis!ment %rocedure
6+1 Coice Call Establis!ment
6+9 %S Data Call Establis!ment
6+, Radio Resource Control *RRC.
RRC is t!e o#erall controller o" t!e Access Stratum/ responsible "or con"i$urin$ all ot!er layers in t!e Access Stratum
and pro#idin$ t!e control and si$nallin$ inter"ace to t!e NAS layer+

3roadcast o" System In"ormation
RRC Connection &ana$ement
Radio 3earer &ana$ement
RRC &obility =unctions
%a$in$ and Noti"ication =unctions
Routin$ o" Di$!er 4ayer &essa$es
Control o" Cip!erin$ and Inte$rity %rotection
&easurement Control and Reportin$
%o1er Control =unctions

RRC mana$es radio resources/ includin$ allocation/ deallocation/ and con"i$uration o" 4o$ical/ Transport/ and %!ysical
C!annels/ measurement reportin$/ security procedures/ and o#erall mana$ement o" t!e Access Stratum+

6+,+1 RRC connection Re7uest ' Setup
T!e RRC Connection Setup establis!es SR3s *Si$nallin$ Radio 3earers. to carry dedicated si$nallin$+
T!is p!ase o" t!e call establis!ment is identical "or CS and %S calls *bot! &O and &T. and it is al1ays composed by
ne?t t!ree messa$es:
1+ RRC Connection Re7uest *RACD/ in 4.
9+ RRC Connection Setup *=ACD/ in D4.
,+ RRC Connection Setup Complete *DCD/ in 4.
It is important to note t!at t!is si$nallin$ is also needed 1!en t!e E per"orms %eriodic Re$istration< 4A<RA<Detac!
as part o" t!e &obility &ana$ement+ In t!ese cases/ t!e purpose o" t!e RRC connection setup is not to establis! a call
*CS or %S./ and t!ere"ore/ t!ere 1ill not be RA3 setup p!ase+
T!e RRC connection re7uest contains t!e E identity/ optional cell measurement results/ and t!e establis!ment cause+
3GPP TS 25.331 V8.3.1
Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol Specification (Release 8)
Oriin!tin Con"er#!tion!$ C!$$%
Oriin!tin Stre!&in C!$$%
Oriin!tin Inter!cti"e C!$$%
Oriin!tin B!c'ro(n) C!$$%
Oriin!tin S(*#cri*e) tr!++ic C!$$%
Ter&in!tin Con"er#!tion!$ C!$$%
Ter&in!tin Stre!&in C!$$%
Ter&in!tin Inter!cti"e C!$$%
Ter&in!tin B!c'ro(n) C!$$%
E&erenc, C!$$%
Inter-.AT ce$$ re-#e$ection%
Inter-.AT ce$$ c/!ne or)er%
Oriin!tin Hi/ Priorit, Sin!$$in%
Oriin!tin Lo1 Priorit, Sin!$$in%
C!$$ re-e#t!*$i#/&ent%
Ter&in!tin Hi/ Priorit, Sin!$$in%
Ter&in!tin Lo1 Priorit, Sin!$$in%
Ter&in!tin 2 c!(#e (n'no1n%
MBMS rece3tion%
MBMS 3t3 .B re4(e#t

=or speec! A&R ser#ice/ t!is cause is recorded as eit!er (Ori$inatin$ Con#ersational Call) or (Terminatin$
Con#ersational Call)+ =or %S ser#ice/ t!is cause is recorded as (Ori$inatin$<Terminatin$ Interacti#e<3ac2$round Call)+

Success"ully establis!in$ t!e RRC connection is t!e most c!allen$in$ part o" call setup+ T!is can be attributed to t1o
"actors: t!e admission control implementation and t!e size o" t!e RRC Connection Setup messa$e+ T!e latter is t!e
main c!allen$e+ Durin$ admission control implementation/ an RRC connection reIect is sent i" no resources are
a#ailable "or allocation/ or i" t!e call s!ould be redirected to a di""erent system or carrier+
A"ter success"ul resource allocation/ t!e RRC Connection Setup messa$eS1!ic! contains SR3 in"ormation includin$ t!e
mappin$ details o" dedicated lo$ical/ transport/ and p!ysical c!annelsSis sent on t!e =or1ard Access C!annel *=ACD.
*o#er FDo1nlin2 Secondary Common Control %!ysical C!annelH FD4 SCC%CDH.+ T!is RRC Connection Setup messa$e
contains a si$ni"icant amount o" in"ormation/ and it spans multiple "rames 1!ile not yet operatin$ in closed loop
po1er8controlled condition+ T!is ma2es it di""icult "or t!e E to recei#e t!e messa$e/ especially i" t!e SCC%CD po1er
allocation is not set to accommodate lo1 $eometry+

A"ter t!e RRC Connection Setup messa$e is recei#ed/ t!e E can set up t!e lo1 data rate DCD accordin$ to t!e RRC
Connection Setup messa$e+ =irst/ only t!e %DCCD containin$ Transmit %o1er Control *T%C. and %ilot bits are sent to
allo1 t!e inner loop po1er control to con#er$e+ A"ter1ards/ t!e RRC Connection Setup Complete messa$e is used to
ac2no1led$e t!e setup messa$e and send E8capability in"ormation to t!e net1or2+ At t!is point/ t!e E s!ould !a#e
transitioned "rom Idle state to CE44 DCD state+ At t!is time/ t!e connection is po1er8controlled and may support
!ando#er/ dependin$ on t!e ni#ersal Terrestrial Radio Access Net1or2 *TRAN. implementation+ 3ot! "eatures
impro#e t!e reliability o" t!e connection+
6+O Core Net1or2 Ne$otiation
T!e lo1 data rate DCD "acilitates upper layer si$nalin$ 1it! t!e NAS layer/ 1!ic! per"orms all aut!entication and
security procedures alon$ 1it! additional processes in t!e CN to establis! t!e end8to8end connection+
To initiate t!e connection re7uest to t!e upper layers/ &O calls use t!e Connection &ana$ement *C&. Ser#ice Re7uest
and &T calls use t!e pa$in$ response+ In t!e C& Ser#ice Re7uest messa$e/ t!e C& Ser#ice Type "ield indicates
(&obile ori$inatin$ call establis!ment) as t!e cause "or a &O A&R call+ T!e %a$in$ Response messa$e does not need
to carry ser#ice in"ormation because t!e NAS layer already 2no1s 1!at ser#ice is bein$ set up "or t!e &T call+
To per"orm t1o81ay aut!entication/ t!e E c!ec2s t!e Aut!entication To2en *ATN. nd t!e net1or2 c!ec2s t!e
Si$ned Aut!entication Response *SRES./ 1!ic! is calculated "rom t!e RAND number "rom t!e net1or2+ Dependin$ on
t!e supported security capabilities/ cip!erin$ and inte$rity protection are s1itc!ed on to enable encryption o" user data
and si$nalin$ messa$es+
=or &O calls/ t!e E sends main parameters suc! as bearer capabilities and dialed di$its to t!e net1or2 usin$ t!e Call
Control *CC. Setup messa$e+ =or &T calls/ t!e net1or2 uses t!e Setup messa$e to send t!e same/ or similar/
in"ormation to t!e E+ T!e ne?t step is similarR &O calls use Call %roceedin$ messa$es *TRAN to E./ 1!ile &T calls
use Call Con"irmed messa$es *E to TRAN. as a 4ayer , ac2no1led$ment+
6+E Radio Access 3earer *RA3. Setup and Recon"i$uration
A"ter t!e CN ne$otiation/ t!e E can establis! t!e DCD*s. "or t!e re7uested ser#ice+ E?istin$ DCDs also may be
recon"i$ured to meet t!e re7uirements/ dependin$ on t!e current con"i$uration+ 3e"ore sendin$ t!e R3 Setup
messa$e/ call admission control must be c!ec2ed and resource allocation per"ormed "or e#ery resource in#ol#ed in a
=or A&R #oice/ t!e E typically sets up t!ree dedicated lo$ical<transport c!annels mapped onto one CCTrC!+
In"ormation in t!e R3 Setup messa$e is similar to t!e RRC Connection Setup:
NAS 4ayer 9+ Radio 3earer<lo$ical<transport c!annel mappin$
4ayer 9+ C!annel codin$/ Radio 4in2 Control *R4C. parameters/ TTI/ 34ER tar$ets/ Transport =ormat Combination Set
4ayer 1+ Spreadin$ =actor *S=./ OCS= code/ Scramblin$ Code/ "rame o""set/ po1er control parameters
At t!is point/ t!e radio lin2 is completely establis!edR !o1e#er/ t!e end8to8end connection is not yet "ully establis!ed:
T!e Alertin$ messa$e is sent "rom t!e net1or2 to t!e E "or &O calls/ or "rom t!e E to t!e net1or2 "or &T calls+
T!e directions "or Connect and Connect AC>no1led$e *AC>. are re#ersed/ dependin$ on t!e call type+
T!e Connect messa$e is sent by t!e TRAN "or &O calls/ but by t!e E "or &T calls+
T!e R3 Setup messa$e can also be used as a recon"i$uration messa$e because t!e e?istin$ SR3s are/ "rom t!is point
"or1ard/ multiple?ed 1it! RA3 onto a sin$le p!ysical dedicated c!annel+

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