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3 August 2014

Mr Solan
Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Midah 2,
Fax :
Tel :
!" : 012#3$32210
%#mail : sol&an'()*ahoo+,om
-ear Mr Solen
.reetings /rom "A0K012A3 Kuala 3um4ur5
Thank *ou /or ,hoosing 6hat& 7rasserie as *our dining 8enue and as *ou re9uested :e are 4leased
to en,lose here:ith a ,o4* o/ the 4ro4osal that :ould best ;t *our re9uirements /or *our kind
4erusal and ,onsiderations+
-ate o/ %8ent : 1< Ma* 2013
1,,asion : 7u=et i Tea
Attendan,e : $0 4ax
Time : 12+304m > 4+00 4m
?enue : 6hat& 7rasserie @The 8enue is also o4en /or 4ubli,A
T*4e o/ -ining : 7u=et
Bormal "ri,e : 0M C< DD 4er 4erson, Senior 6iti&en E 6hildren C0F
S4e,ial "ri,e : RM 50 net for Adult, Senior Citizen & Children RM 33.5 net
Menu : T7A
Set#u4 : %xisting set u4
7e8erage "a,kage : Bil
The ;nal guaranteed number o/ guests attending the dinner should be submitted not later than
se8en @0$A :orking da*s 4rior to the e8ent+ o:e8er, should this number be lo:er than *our
guaranteed number, the guaranteed number :ill be ,harged+
The organi&er a,kno:ledges that all /ood E be8erages arrangement must be 4ro8ided b* the otel
and no external /ood E be8erage are allo:ed on otelGs 4remise /or ,onsum4tion or sale+ Food E
be8erage 4ro8ided b* the otel ma* be remo8ed /rom its 4remise+
To a,,ommodate the other guest 4ri8a,* sin,e the 7u=et -inner is also o4en /or 4ubli, hen,e no
ba,kdro4 or banner or an* 4rinted material are allo:ed
To a,,ommodate the other guest 4ri8a,* sin,e the 7u=et -inner is also o4en /or 4ubli, hen,e no
s4ee,hes or outside entertainment are allo:ed
An initial 4a*ment o/ C0F o/ the estimated total e8ent ,harges is re9uired, along :ith a signed ,o4*
o/ this agreement u4on ,on;rmation o/ the e8ent+ All other balan,e to be settled on the a,tual date
o/ the e8ent+
All de4osits and 4a*ments are non#re/undable and non#trans/erable i/ the e8ent is ,an,elled at an*
time 4rior to the e8ent date+ "a*ment ,an be made b*:
Telegra4hi, Trans/er
6redit 6ard
6om4an* 6he9ue

%ur B+n, A--ount det+il. +. follo/

6he9ue ! TT is 4a*able to : H "A0K012A3 KIA3A 3IM"I0J @ 6rossed A
7ank : Inited 18erseas 7ank @ Mala*sia A 7hd
A,,ount Bumber : 31< > 3 > 00021< # <
Address : Init 1#', .round Floor, "resident ouse
Kalan Sultan Lsmail, C02C0 Kuala 3um4ur
S:i/t 6ode : I1?7M2K3
Please fax us a copy of your remittance advice to +603 2145 2352 in order for us to
capture payment immediately for
L/ 4a*ment is made b* ,redit ,ard, the a44li,able ,harges :ill be added to the ;nal bill+ Me :ill
also re9uire a ,o4* o/ ,redit ,ard, se8en @$A da*s 4rior to the e8ent date+
All 4ri,e 9uoted are in 0inggit Mala*sia @0MA and subNe,t to 10F ser8i,e ,harge and 'F
go8ernment tax+
CA!CE((ATI%! &%(IC*
Ln the e8ent o/ a ,an,ellation o/ the :hole e8ent, the /ollo:ing ,an,ellation ,harges shall a44l*: #
A/ter 6on;rmation # -e4osit 4aid :ill be /or/eited+
"lease be ad8ised that all 4a*ments re,ei8ed are non#re/undable and non#trans/erable+
The otel ma* terminate this agreement and /or/eit an* initial 4a*ments, i/:
a+ the organi&er /ails to make 4a*ment sti4ulated in this agreementO
b+ the organi&er is 4la,ed into li9uidationO
,+ the organi&er ,ommits an* material brea,h o/ the terms and ,onditions o/ this
The otel has 4la,ed a Tent+ti0e on the 8enue as outlined abo8e+ 2our 4ro8isional reser8ations
:ill be held until the ,ut#o= date o/ ASA"+ Ln order /or the hotel to ,on;rm all s4a,e blo,ked on a
de;nite basis, the hotel re9uired a :ritten a,,e4tan,e on this 4ro4osal on or be/ore the ,ut#o=
date+ L/ :ritten a,,e4tan,e is not re,ei8ed b* the ,ut#o= date, the s4a,e :ill be released and
subNe,t to resell+ Should the hotel re,ei8e an* en9uiries /or the same 8enues be/ore the ,ut#o=
date that ,oin,ide :ith the dates the hotel is holding /or *our e8ent, :e :ill ,onta,t *ou
immediate to dis,uss *our o4tion+

Me trust that the abo8e is in order and :e :ill be in tou,h :ith *ou shortl* to re8ie: the details
together+ Mean:hile, 4lease do not hesitate to ,onta,t us at '03 > 214$ 00<< extn '3C0, should *ou
re9uire /urther additional in/ormation or assistan,e+
2ours sin,erel*
For and on behal/ o/ "A0K012A3 Kuala 3um4ur
1T%3 : "A0K012A3 Kuala 3um4ur 61M"AB2 :

Bame : Ms %miriane Bame :
Title : 0estaurant Manager Title :

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