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GSM/GPRS/EDGE Advanced Features

Atoll 3.1.2
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1. Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band Transmitters
2. Traffic Modelling
3. Network Dimensioning
4. KPIs Estimation

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Training Programme
Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band TXs
Default Modelling of Dual Band TX
Activation of the Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band TX Feature
Atoll Specific Interface
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Default Modelling of Dual-Bands TX
Possibility to Define Cell Types Having Several Frequency Bands
GSM900/1800 Concentric Cells

Common Antenna and
Propagation (model,
resolution and radius)
Settings for all the Subcells
of the transmitter
BCCH Frequency Band for
all the Subcells of the
transmitter used by the
propagation model
Definition of Domains located in
different Frequency Bands.
Possibility to model the
Propagation Offset by a constant
power offset in the Subcells
Allocation of Channels
belonging to the related
Frequency Domains
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Activation of the Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band TX
Introduction of an ATOLL.INI File in the Atoll Installation Directory
To turn on the Multi-Band modelling feature, add the following lines in the Atoll.ini file:
MultiBandManagement = 1

Evolution in Atoll Interface
New Button in the TRX tab of the Transmitter Property Dialogue

New Table in the Subcell part of the Transmitter folder context menu
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Atoll Specific Interface
TRX Tab of the Transmitter Property Dialogue

All the Subcells having a Frequency
Domain included in the Frequency Band
of the BCCH have the default transmitter
settings (Antenna and Propagation
model settings)
The Subcells having a Frequency Domain
not part of the BCCH Frequency band
can have specific Propagation settings
(Antenna and Propagation model)
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Atoll Specific Interface
TRX Tab of the Transmitter Property Dialogue

Specific Antenna and Equipment Settings
for the frequency band 1800 MHz
(compared to the default 900 MHz in the
current transmitter)
Specific Propagation Model Settings for
the frequency band 1800 MHz
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Atoll Specific Interface
New Table in the Subcell Entry

Default 900 MHz settings defined in the
Transmitter and Propagation Tab of the
Transmitter Property Dialogue
Specific 1800 MHz settings (Antenna,
Equipment and Propagation Settings)
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1. Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band Transmitters
2. Traffic Modelling
3. Network Dimensioning
4. KPIs Estimation

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Training Programme
GSM/GPRS/EDGE Traffic Modelling
Multi-Service Traffic Data
Traffic Map Management
Traffic Analysis
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Modelling the Multi-Service Traffic Data
Creation of Different Kinds of Traffic Maps
Based on marketing data or live traffic
Traffic Analysis
Traffic distribution between transmitters and HCS layers that will be used as input of the dimensioning
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Multi-Service Traffic Data (1)
Management from the GSM/GPRS/EDGE Folder of the Data Tab
Description of Services, Terminals, Mobility types
Description of User Profiles and Environments
Information used in some traffic maps

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Multi-Service Traffic Data (2)
Service Properties
Indication of the type of service
Circuit or packet switched service
Different parameters according to the type of service

For Circuit-Switched Services

Maximum permissible
blocking rate stated in
Erlang B or C
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Multi-Service Traffic Data (3)
Service Properties
For Packet-Switched Services
Probability to have delayed packet arrivals and
maximum permissible delay
Minimum and maximum numbers of timeslots
allowed to be multiplexed per user for that
particular service
Minimum required throughput with a
percentage of coverage that should at least be
provided with this throughput
Parameters related to the Application
Throughput compared to the gross
throughput (from Coding schemes).
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Multi-Service Traffic Data (4)
Mobility Type Properties
Used to distribute traffic
between HCS layers
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Multi-Service Traffic Data (5)
Terminal Properties
GSM Terminal
Frequency bands and
technology compatible
with the terminal.
Information used to
distribute traffic between
Codec Equipment Selection
(Circuit Only)
Receiver Noise figure used in
the Interference estimations
(predictions, traffic capture)
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Multi-Service Traffic Data (6)
Terminal Properties
Frequency bands and
technology compatible
with the terminal.
Information used to
distribute traffic between
Number of timeslots
the terminal can
multiplex in DL.
Codec Equipment Selection
(Circuit Only)
GPRS/EDGE Equipment
Selection (Packet Only)
Max number of coding
schemes allowed in GPRS (CS)
and EDGE (MCS)
Receiver Noise figure used in
the Interference estimations
(predictions, traffic capture)
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Traffic Map Management
Detailed information about Traffic Map Management is available in

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Traffic Analysis (1)
To analyse the traffic from maps at the transmitter level

To use traffic analysis as basis of the dimensioning
Traffic analysis is a mandatory step before dimensioning
Atoll distributes traffic from maps to each transmitter of each HCS layer according compatibility criteria
defined for :
Transmitters : Frequency bands, GPRS/EDGE configuration of GPRS/EDGE station (and Max CS/MCS)
HCS layers : Maximum speed allowed
Services : Type of service
Terminals : Technology and frequency bands supported, GPRS/EDGE equipment (and Max CS/MCS)
Mobility types : Speed

E.g.. A user with a GSM900 band mobile phone will not be allocated to a transmitter that only functions on
the DCS1800 band
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Traffic Analysis (2)
Creation of a Traffic Capture (1/2)
Command New from the Traffic analysis folder context menu

Property dialog
General tab : possibility to add some comments and to filter transmitters

Source traffic tab
Selection of maps to be used
Optional multiplicative factor used
to increase the traffic request of the
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Traffic Analysis (3)
Creation of a Traffic Capture (2/2)
Property dialog
Condition tab
Options used to determine
each transmitter service area
which Atoll will distribute
traffic to
Possibility to base the packet traffic
demand in timeslots taking into
account :
- the current level of interferences I
- the receiver thermal noise N.
(Use of GPRS/EDGE equipment graphs)
Run calculations
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Traffic Analysis (4)
Outputs of a Traffic Capture
Two tabs in the Traffic capture property dialog
Results per transmitter tab : traffic distributed to each transmitter
Circuit traffic
demand (Erlangs and
circuit timeslots) on
each Tx service area
Packet traffic demand
(kbps and packet
timeslots) on each Tx
service area
throughput carried
by a packet
timeslot on each Tx
service area
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Traffic Analysis (5)
Outputs of a Traffic Capture
Two tabs in the Traffic capture property dialog
Results per subcell tab : details of the distributed traffic per subcell, service, terminal and mobility
Number of timeslots to be
used to match the traffic
Type of traffic
Circuit and packet traffic
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Traffic Analysis (6)
Applications of Traffic Analysis
A traffic capture may be used as the default traffic distribution
Taken into account in coverage study reports and neighbour allocation

Calculations of dimensioning and Key Performance Indicators are performed from a traffic capture

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1. Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band Transmitters
2. Traffic Modelling
3. Network Dimensioning
4. KPIs Estimation
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Training Programme
Network Dimensioning
Dimensioning Model Management
Timeslot Configurations
Dimensioning Results
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Dimensioning Algorithm
Based on a traffic capture

Using a dimensioning model
Dimensioning Model
Basis of the dimensioning and quality analysis process

Available in the GSM/EDGE parameters folder
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Dimensioning Model Management (1)
Dimensioning Model Properties (1/2)

General tab

Dimensioning options for circuit services
Queuing model (Erlang B or C)
Dimensioning options for packet services
Minimum number of dedicated packet timeslots
that can be used by the Tx
Maximum number of TRXs that can be added in
order for the subcell to fulfil the packet traffic
Key Performance Indicators to be fulfilled
Variations of throughput, blocking rate and delay
with the load.
Used for the packet traffic dimensioning when
corresponding KPIs are taken into account.
Global value used when no specific value is
defined per transmitter
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Dimensioning Model Management (2)
Dimensioning Model Properties (2/2)
Quality charts tab

Quality charts used for the dimensioning
process of packet traffic
Throughput reduction factor = f(load)
Delay = f(load)
Blocking probability = f(load)
Ratio of the number
of packet timeslots
available to the
number of timeslots
per packet connection
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Timeslot Configurations
Distribution of circuit, shared and packet timeslots on each TRX of a subcell

A timeslot configuration is assigned to each subcell
Influences the dimensioning result

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Dimensioning Results (1)
Dimensioning Calculation
Command Dimensioning from the context menu of a traffic analysis
1. Select the dimensioning
model to be used
3. Start dimensioning
2. Selection of columns to be
displayed in the result table
4. Check the dimensioning
5. Commit dimensioning
results to subcells
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Dimensioning Results (2)
Dimensioning Results for each Subcell (1/2)
Main dimensioning results
Number of required TRXs
Number of required packet, shared and circuit timeslots
Traffic load
Average occupancy of TRXs

Network settings
Maximum number of TRXs
Maximum rate of traffic overflow
Half rate traffic ratio

Traffic capture results
Packet and circuit traffic demand
Average demand in packet and circuit timeslots
Average number of packet and circuit timeslots per connection

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Dimensioning Results (3)
Dimensioning Results for each Subcell (2/2)
Additional dimensioning results
For circuit services
Served circuit traffic, effective rate of traffic overflow and effective blocking rate
For packet services
Served packet traffic, effective rate of traffic overflow, minimum throughput reduction factor and KPIs
(throughput reduction factor, delay, blocking rate)

Transmitters are displayed in red when the required number of TRXs exceeds the maximum number of
TRXs per transmitter

Some Dimensioning Results May Be Committed to Subcells
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1. Advanced Modelling of Multi-Band Transmitters
2. Traffic Modelling
3. Network Dimensioning
4. KPIs Estimation
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Training Programme
KPIs Calculation
Running KPIs
KPIs Results
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Tool to Analyse KPIs of a Planned Network
Based on a traffic capture

Using a dimensioning model
For circuit traffic : effective blocking rate stated in Erlang B or Erlang C

For packet traffic : effective throughput reduction factor, delay and blocking rate
An existing frequency plan

A calculated traffic capture

A dimensioning model
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Running KPIs
KPI Calculation
Command KPI calculation from the context menu of a traffic analysis

Same dialog as the one used for dimensioning
1. Select the dimensioning
model to be used. Atoll will use
the quality charts of the
dimensioning model in order to
calculate KPIs in case of packet
3. Start KPI calculation
2. Selection of columns to be
displayed in the result table
4. Check the KPIs and
other results
5. Commit results to subcells
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KPIs Results (1)
Results for each Subcell (1/2)
Network settings
Number of TRXs
Number of packet, shared and circuit timeslots
Maximum number of TRXs
Maximum rate of traffic overflow
Half rate traffic ratio

Traffic capture results
Packet and circuit traffic demand
Average demand in packet and circuit timeslots
Average number of packet and circuit timeslots per connection

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KPIs Results (2)
Results for each Subcell (1/2)
Results of the network analysis
Traffic load
For circuit services
Served circuit traffic, effective rate of traffic overflow and effective blocking rate
For packet services
Served packet traffic, effective rate of traffic overflow, minimum throughput reduction factor and KPIs
(throughput reduction factor, delay, blocking rate)
Some Results May Be Commited in the Subcells Table
Traffic load
Effective blocking rate
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