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The Subtle Lawn

By Sally Morem

The golden life of autumn dies senseless
Gutters back up with the fallen dead
Of summer shrubbery
Diseased leafy compost remain reimbursed
While guilt-ridden abominable drizzle
Fills hated pools, paving, window wells
Harsh punishment trickles through
Tea-black molding basement walls
Onto my collage of ancient crumbling carpets
Gnawed down to the musty-sour bone of life

Liberate the sparkling sprinklers
From winters bizarre frozen blizzard grip
Set them to spin and spray
Ignite their diamond drops of dew
Onto newborn spring seed
Listen as they sing Zen tones
Koans ostensibly incantory
Hear them sfffft sfffft sfffft
They have their nerve showing their dynamo face
Roudaroundaround this neighborhood

Perfect waters always mist
While soaking shady subtle lawn

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