Appraisal of Potential

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Employee Name:__________________________________________________________
Department:________________________________ Campus:______________________
Please complete the following Appraisal of Potential for your employee. This Appraisal
concentrates on other types of tass! or other greater responsi"ility the employee is
capa"le of #oing! an# in what #irection their personal interests lea# them. $ithin the
Appraisal of Potential! you shoul# "e e%amining the following five &anagement "y
'"(ective concepts: )*+ #etermine results e%pecte# in the upcoming year, )-+ #etermine
propose# target #ates, ).+ esta"lish target #ates, )/+ analy0e previous years1 goals an#
o"(ectives, an# )2+ esta"lish new goals for the ne%t year. As a remin#er! completing this
form is (ust one step in the Appraisal process. Please sche#ule a meeting to #iscuss this
assessment with your staff mem"er.
3n your opinion! what sills! nowle#ge talent! 4ualities shoul# "e #evelope# or
strengthene#5 Please "e specific.
$hat is he6she personally #oing to "ecome more proficient in his6her assignment! an# to
prepare for more responsi"ility5
$hat are your plans an# recommen#ations for a #evelopment program for this employee5
7e specific.
$hat #o you see as this employee1s ne%t step positions5
$hat specific performance results were achieve# #uring this review perio# )inclu#e all
4uantitative measures+5
3n#icate ma(or performance results achieve# in the supervision of others. 3nclu#e such
items as staffing! #elegating! motivating! resolving conflict! an# #evelopment of staff.
Descri"e how well performance results were achieve# compare# to position stan#ar#s
an# specific performance re4uirements.
Comment on the metho#s an# approach use# "y the employee in performing the (o".
Comment on performance areas in which improvement or #evelopment is in#icate#.
Please choose a rating from the #efinitions "elow which most accurately #escri"es the
employee1s performance #uring the review perio#.
Exceptional 8 Performance consistently e%cee#s all position re4uirements an# stan#ar#.
Shows significant effort to achieve total o"(ectives an# mare# contri"ution far a"ove
Outstanding 8 Performance fre4uently e%cee#s position re4uirements an# stan#ar#s.
Shows that a##itional effort was e%pan#e# to achieve o"(ects a"ove e%pectation.
Commendable 8 Performance fully an# consistently meets the position re4uirements.
Shows effort to achieve o"(ectives.
Contributing 8 Performance meets several important position stan#ar#s! "ut overall
results are not fully up to stan#ar#s. 3mprovement will "e planne# to meet all stan#ar#s
Change Reuired 8 Performance is "elow stan#ar#. 9as not achieve# goals or
o"(ectives. Significant change is re4uire#.
________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Supervisor Date
________________________________________ ____________________
:eviewer1s Signature Date
Employee1s Comments: The employee is invite# to mae comments "elow or on
a##itional sheets if re4uire#. The employee is re4ueste# to sign "elow. This #oes not
necessarily in#icate agreement with the review. This #oes acnowle#ge that the
Appraisal of Potential was reviewe# with the employee.
_____________________________________________ _______________
Employee1s Signature Date
Provi#e one copy to the employee
;eep one copy for your file
Sen# the original to 9uman :esources at 9<D9.<=2

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