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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Bank PO Computer Awareness

2012- 03- 07 17:03:58 GKToday
91. Which among t he f ollowing has been st andardized in t he IEEE 802.3
specif icat ion?
[A]Bluet oot h
[B]Et hernet
[D]All of t hem
Et hernet
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92. While browsing int ernet , what do we call t he area of st orage t hat
compensat es f or t he dif f erent speeds of dat a f low or t imings of event s by
t emporarily holding a block of dat a t hat is wait ing t o be processed?
[B]Buf f er
Buf f er
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93. Which among t he f ollowing is a high-level language used t o develop
sof t ware applicat ions in compact , ef f icient code t hat can be run on dif f erent
t ypes of comput ers wit h minimal change?
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94. What do we call an input /out put device on a comput er, reserved f or
communicat ion bet ween t he comput er operat or or maint enance engineer and
t he comput er?
[A]EDP Device
[D]Link Device
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95. A Digit al Cert if icat e can ident it y __
1. an individual
2. a server
3. a company Choose t he correct opt ion:
[A]Only 1
[B]1 & 2
[C]2 & 3
[D]1, 2 & 3
1, 2 & 3
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96. Which among t he f ollowing is NOT a search engine?
[C]Wolf ram Alf a
Wolf ram Alpha (is an answer engine)
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97. Consider t he f ollowing: 1. C 2. C++ 3. COBOL Which among t he above is/
are high-level languages (HLL)?
[A]Only 1
[B]1 & 2
[C]2 & 3
[D]1, 2 & 3
1, 2 & 3
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