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The City of Greeley has received a USR (Use by

Special Review) application from Synergy

Resources Corporation to allow up to four (4) oil
and gas wells, four (4) separators, and twelve (12)
tanks on the property located north of
Centerplace Drive. The drilling site is less than
400ft away from West Park Village and in close
proximity to other apartment complexes and
neighboring subdivisions. Synergy wants
industrial traffic to access the drill site from
heavily traveled 35
Ave to 24
St, which is also
the access road for Greeley West High School and
high density apartment complexes.

The City of Greeley Planning Commission will hold
a public meeting to consider the request. Let
Weld Air and Water know if you want to be
contacted when a hearing date is set.

Concerns with Oil & Gas Drilling in the Community:

Health: Effects of poor air quality resulting from
toxic emissions and volatile organic compounds
emitted during the drilling and ongoing extraction
process exacerbates respiratory problems
and creates potential long-term health risks from
unknown cumulative impacts.

Safety: Possible spills and explosions of flammable
and hazardous chemicals in close proximity to our
homes, schools, and businesses. Inadequate
emergency response plan.

Traffic: Increased traffic, industrial truck traffic and
flammable/hazardous material transport.
Increased risk of accidents, including with
inexperienced student drivers, which may result in
fatalities and toxic chemicals spills. Flow of traffic
in the area with the surge of industry related traffic.

Community: This high intensity drilling operation
will affect local residents and businesses, schools,
parks, and future developments in the area.
Elevated noise levels. Increased use and
contamination of city municipal water that cannot
be reclaimed/recycled for any other use.
Wastewater storage, disposal and injection well
concerns including earthquakes.

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