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Jazz Chants

These poems are used for choral repetition, speaking, singing, and rhyming activities. They
are chanted to a 4/4 time or beat, hence the name jazz chant.
!ent to Costa "ica
#h$ #h$ %aby&s sleeping
#ally #peaks #panish, %ut 'ot (ery )ell
*o!&s *is +nglish
%ig ,outh John %ro!n
t&s -ot to %e #ome!here
Tall Trees
Taking Credit
,eet ,e in the ,orning
)here .re /ou -oing to 0o at T!o1
. %ad 0ay
,ore %ad 2uck
#orry !asn&t in class
3ersonal 4uestions
0o /ou 5no! ,ary1
0eparture and "eturn *ome
6n a 0iet
T!elve Cans of Tuna 7ish "ag
3anic on %eing 2ate
6uch$ That *urts
)ould /ou )alk to China f /ou *ad Time1
,ajor 0ecisions
*ard sell
!ent to Costa "ica
/ou can insert any country or place instead of Costa "ica or California. /ou model the first line and
the students repeat it. Just snap your fingers or clap your hands to 4/4 time and chant a!ay. 87rom
!ent to Costa "ica one fine day.
!ent to Costa "ica one fine day.
.nd !hat did find1
)hat did find1
)arm, loving people !ith hearts so kind,
)arm, loving people !ith hearts so kind.
have a class in California yes do.
have a class in California yes do.
.nd !hat do find1
)hat do find1
)arm, loving people !ith hearts so kind,
)arm, loving people !ith hearts so kind.
do, do, do, do, do.
do, do, do, do, do.
.fter the chant has been learned, divide into t!o groups. -roup < chants the poem9 > !ent to Costa
"ica one fine day...? -roup @ chants9 >)arm people, 2oving people, *earts so kind.?
#h$ #h$ %aby&s #leeping
#aid, #h$ #h$ %aby&s sleeping$
#aid, #h$ #h$ %aby&s sleeping$
)hat did you say1
)hat did you say1
#aid, *ush$ *ush$ %aby&s sleeping$
#aid, *ush$ *ush$ %aby&s sleeping$
)hat did you say1
)hat did you say1
#aid, 3lease be Auiet, %aby&s sleeping$
#aid, 3lease be Auiet, %aby&s sleeping$
)hat did you say1
)hat did you say1
#aid, #hut up$ #hut up$ %aby&s sleeping$
#aid, #hut up$ #hut up$ %aby&s sleeping$
) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'ot anymore.
#ally #peaks #panish, %ut 'ot (ery )ell
#ally speaks #panish, but not very !ell.
)hen she tries to speak #panish,
/ou really can&t tell
)hat language she&s speaking
6r trying to speak.
The first time heard her,
thought it !as -reek.
*o!&s *is +nglish1
*is +nglish is !onderful,
*e speaks very !ell.
*is accent is perfect.
/ou really can&t tell
That he isn&t a native
6f the B.#...
There&s only one problem,
*e has nothing to say.
%ig ,outh John %ro!n
)ho did you see1
sa! John.
John !ho1
John %ro!n.
can&t hear you.
said John %ro!n.
can&t hear you.
said John %ro!n.
can&t hear you.
said John %ro!n.
said John %ro!n.
John %ro!n.
John %ro!n.
)hat did he say1
John %ro!n.
John %ro!n1
/es, !hat did he say1
*e didn&t say anything.
'ot a !ord1
don&t believe it.
don&t believe it.
%ig ,outh John %ro!n didn&t say a !ord1
'ot a !ord.
don&t believe it.
don&t believe it.
%ig ,outh John %ro!n didn&t say a !ord1
%ig ,outh John %ro!n didn&t say a !ord.
t !as raining, raining, raining hard.
t !as falling on my head.
t !as falling on the stars.
t !as falling on the sun.
t !as falling on my shoes.
got soaking !et.
got soaking !et.
%ut stayed outside.
stayed outside.
The rain !as soft.
The rain !as !arm.
The rain !as soft.
t reminded me of home.
t !as raining, raining, raining hard.
t !as falling, falling, falling on the stars.
t !as raining, raining, raining hard.
t !as falling, falling, falling on the stars.
#oft rain
"aining, raining.
#!eet rain
"aining, raining.
)arm rain
"aining, raining.
#!eet soft "aining, raining.
)arm rain "aining, raining.
#!eet soft "aining, raining.
)arm rain "aining, raining.
t&s -ot to %e #ome!here
)here is it1 )here is it1
)here is it1 )here is it1
can&t find it$
#he can&t find it$
t&s got to be here, it&s got to here$
t has to be here$ t must be here$
t&s gone$ t&s gone$
t&s gone$ t&s gone$
Take it easy$ Take it easy$
t has to be here.
t must be here.
t can&t be lost.
t can&t be lost.
t&s got to be here.
t&s got to be here.
Try to remember.
Try to remember.
can&t remember.
Try to remember.
can&t remember.
Think back.
can&t think
)here did you put it1
)here did you put it1
can&t remember.
can&t remember.
6h, here it is, here it is$
Thank heavens$
found it.
*e found it$
*ere it is$ *ere it is$
Tall Trees
Tall trees
Tall trees
%ig tall trees.
Tall trees
Tall trees
%ig tall trees.
Tall trees, tall trees
%ig, tall trees.
Tall trees, tall trees
%ig, tall trees.
Tall trees, tall trees
%ig, tall trees.
%ig trees, tall trees
%ig trees, tall trees
%ig trees, tall trees
%ig tall trees.
The coast of California
s a beautiful sight,
!ith the tall trees, tall trees,
%ig, tall trees.
The coast of California
Trees, big, tall trees.

This is mine$
That&s yours$
0on&t touch mine$
-et your o!n$
This is mine$
That&s yours$
This is mine$
That&s yours$
This is mine$
That&s yours$
That&s yours$
That&s yours$
*ey, !hat are you doing1
)hat are you doing !ith that1
That&s mine$
*ey, !hat are you doing1
)hat are you doing !ith that1
That&s his$
*ey, !hat are you doing1
)hat are you doing !ith that1
That&s hers$
)hat&s mine is mine.
)hat&s yours is yours.
)hat&s his is his.
)hat&s hers is hers.
)hat&s ours is ours.
)hat&s theirs is theirs.
Taking Credit
)hose book is this1
t&s mine.
t&s mine.
.re you sure it&s not his1
'o, no, it&s mine$
)hose !ork is this1
This beautiful !ork$
t&s mine$ t&s mine$
t&s mine$ t&s mine$
)hose !ork is this1
This beautiful !ork$
t&s his$ t&s his$
t&s his$ t&s his$
.re you sure it&s not yours1
6f course it&s not mine$
t&s certainly not mine$
'ot mine, not mine$
'ot yours1
'ot mine$
.re you sure1
&m sure.
t&s his1
t&s his$
'ot your1
'ot mine$
,eet ,e in the ,orning
,eet me in the morning.
,eet me at noon.
,eet me in the #eptember,
6r the middle of June.
,eet me at midnight.
,eet me in the hall.
,eet me in the summer.
,eet me in the fall.
,eet me in the evening.
,eet me at eight.
&ll meet you anytime you !ant.
%ut please don&t be late.
)hat .re /ou -oing to 0o at T!o1
)hat are you going to do at t!o1
)hat are you going to do1
)here are you going to be at three1
)here are you going to be1
)ho are you going to see1
)hat are you going to say1
*o! are you going to go1
)here are you going to stay1
)hat are you going to do1
)ho are you going to see1
)hen are you going to leave1
)here are you going to be1
0o /ou 5no! ,ary1
0o you kno! ,ary1
,ary !ho1
,ary ,c0onald.
6f course do.
0o you kno! her little brother1
/es, of course do.
kno! her older sister, %etty.
.nd her younger sister, #ue.
0o you kno! her .unt1
/es, of course do.
kno! her aunts and her uncles
.nd her cousins too.
0o you kno! her husband %obby1
/es, of course do.
kno! her husband and his brother
.nd his father too.
3ersonal 4uestions
)here you born1
&d rather not say.
)here are you from1
&d rather not say.
*o! tall are you1
*o! old are you1
*o! much do you !eight1
&d rather not say.
*o! much rent do you pay1
&d rather not say.
*o! much do you make1
&d rather not say.
)hy aren&t you married1
&d rather not say.
)hy don&t you have children1
&d rather not say.
)here !ere you last night1
)hy !eren&t you home1
0id you stay out late1
0id you come home alone1
0id you have a good time1
0id you see a good play1
0id you go to a concert1
&d rather not say.
. %ad 0ay
overslept and missed my train,
#lipped on the side!alk
n the pouring rain,
#prained my ankle,
#kinned my knees,
%roke my glasses,
2ost my keys,
-ot stuck in the elevator,
t !ouldn&t go,
5icked it t!ice and stubbed my toe.
%ought a pen that didn&t !rite,
Took it back and had a fight.
)ent home angry,
2ocked the door.
Cra!led into bed,
Couldn&t take any more.
,ore %ad 2uck
The bread !as stale,
t !as four days old.
The milk !as sour.
The coffee !as cold.
The butter !as rancid.
The steak !as tough.
The service !as dreadful.
The !aiter !as rough.
,y bill !as huge.
*is tip !as small.
&m sorry !ent to that place at all.

#orry !asn&t in class
#orry !asn&t in class.
said, &m sorry !asn&t in class.
had the flu.
,y cat got sick.
,y car broke do!n.
lost my keys.
#o sorry missed class.
kno! should have come.
t&s the only !ay to learn.
#orry !asn&t in class.
said, so sorry missed your class.
missed the bus.
met a friend.
had a date.
0eparture and "eturn *ome
1. Departure
*ave a !onderful trip$
*ave a !onderful trip$
0on&t forget to call me
)hen you get back.
*ave a !onderful trip$
*ave a !onderful trip$
0on&t forget to call me
)hen you get back.
*ave a !onderful trip$
0on&t !orry, !ill.
*ave a !onderful trip$
0on&t !orry, !ill.
0on&t forget to call me.
0on&t !orry, !on&t.
0on&t forget to call me.
0on&t !orry, !on&t.
2. Return
-ee, it&s good to see you.
/ou look !onderful$
#o do you$
t&s been a long time$
t sure has.
t&s been a long time$
t sure has.
missed you terribly.
,e too$
&m glad you&re back$
#o am .
6n a 0iet
7irst she gave up smoking.
Then she gave up gin.
Then she gave up chocolate cake.
#he !anted to be thin.
Then she gave up breakfast.
Then she gave up lunch.
6n lazy #unday mornings
#he even gave up brunch.
'o matter !hat she gave up
*er skirts !ere very tight.
Cause she ate t!elve cans of tuna fish
7or dinner every night.
T!elve Cans of Tuna 7ish "ag
T!elve cans$ T!elve cans$
T!elve cans of tuna fish.
T!elve cans.
*o! many cans1
T!elve, t!elve.
0id you say t!elve1
/es, said t!elve.
T!elve cans of !hat1
T!elve cans of fish.
T!elve cans of fish1
/es, fish, yes, fish.
)hat kind of fish1
Tuna, tuna.
T!elve cans of tuna fish1
/es, t!elve cans.
6h, my goodness$
'o !onder she&s fat$
*o! often does she eat
Those t!elve cans of tuna1
*o! often dose she eat
Those t!elve big cans1
+very night, every night.
#he eats t!elve cans of tuna fish every night.
/ou&re kidding$
6h, my goodness$
'o !onder she&s fat$
That&s a lot of tuna.
t sure is$
That&s a lot of tuna.
t sure is$
That&s too much tuna, if you ask me.
t sure is$ t sure is$
T!elve cans of tuna is a lot of fish if you ask
f you ask me.
t sure is$
t sure is$
3anic on %eing 2ate
)hat time is it1
)hat time is it1
*urry up$ *urry up$
*urry up$ *urry up$
)hat time is it1
)hat time is it1
3lease hurry up$
)e&re going to be late$
6h, don&t have time
To talk to you no!.
&m late, &m late, &m terribly late.
*urry up$ *urry up$
)hat time is it1
*urry up$ *urry up$
)hat time is it1
*urry up$
)hat time is it1
*urry up$
6uch$ That *urts
)hat&s the matter1
stubbed my toe.
6h, that hurts, that hurts.
kno! that hurts.
)hat&s the matter1
bit my tongue.
6h, that hurts, that hurts.
kno! that hurts.
)hat&s the matter1
got a cramp in my foot.
6h, that hurts, that hurts.
kno! that hurts.
6uch$ 6uch$
)hat&s the matter no!1
bumped into the table,
Tripped on the stairs,
#lipped on the carpet,
7ell over the chairs.
-ee$ /ou&re clumsy today$
)ould /ou )alk to China f /ou *ad the Time1
)ould you !alk to China if you had the time1
)ould you leave at a Auarter to three1
)ould you !alk to China if you had the time1
)ould you !alk to China !ith me1
6f course, &d !alk to China if had the time.
&d leave at a Auarter to three.
6f course, &d !alk to China tomorro! night,
f !ere only free.
)hy can&t you !alk to China tomorro! night1
)hy can&t you go to China at three1
)hy can&t you !alk out on your s!eet sugar cat
.nd sail to China !ith me1
)ell, have to stay home and take care of my plants
Take care of my darling too,
.nd &d never !alk out on my s!eet sugar cat
.nd go to China !ith you.
,ajor 0ecisions
*o! do you like your coffee1
%lack$ %lack$
*o! do you like your tea1
)ith lemon, please.
*o! do you like your steak1
,edium rare.
*o! do you like your eggs1
don&t care$
#unnyCside up1
don&t care$
3oached on toast1
don&t care$
#crambled, !ith bacon1
don&t care$
don&t care$
#oftCboiled1 *ardCboiled1
don&t care$
*o! about an omelet1
don&t care$
Come on, tell me$
This isn&t fair.
told you the truth.
really don&t care$
*ard sell
%uy no!, pay later.
-et it no!. 0on&t delay.
Just a minute.
2et me think.
need time.
,ore time.
-et it no!. 0on&t delay.
t&s a steal$ #uch a deal$
Just a minute.
2et me think.
can&t decide.
'ot no!.
)hy !ait1 -et it no!.
0on&t delay. Take a chance$
)hy the rush1
-ive me time.
2et me think.
-o a!ay$
.ll right. %ut do come back.
0on&t forget$ t&s a deal$

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