2014-2015 Ela 10 Syllabus

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Environmental Science and Technology High

ENGLISH 10 (+Honors)
Teacher: Ms. Larson-Long e-mail: llarson-long@laalliance.org website:
s a member o! the lliance "ollege-#eady $%blic Schools& EST sees as its 'rst (riority the
develo(ment o! )college readiness* in st%dents. This English class will (lay a critical role in hel(ing
yo% achieve that goal. The 'rst (%r(ose o! this co%rse is to hel( yo% master the literacy s+ills
re,%ired o! a college-bo%nd 10
grader. These s+ills are the s+ills o%tlined in the "ommon "ore
Standards. The second (%r(ose o! this co%rse is to hel( yo% develo( those habits and behaviors that
will ens%re yo%r s%ccess in college and beyond. -o% will also be e.(ected to come to class (re(ared
to challenge yo%rsel! and others with interesting disc%ssion (oints.
/n (re(aration !or their !%t%re college careers and beyond& the English de(artment will s%((ort
st%dents in develo(ing their abilities to im(rove s+ill sets related to con'dence and !acility with
lang%age0 s+ill in critical reading& writing& and thin+ing0 and s%ccess in academic endeavors. English
co%rses are designed to give st%dents a dee(er %nderstanding o! rhetoric and a clearer (ict%re o! the
how and the why o! writing. St%dents will be e.(osed to an in de(th way o! analysis& which incl%des
e.(loring readings with a critical (ers(ective.
H)E*"+ (N& '"E'("(TIN
/n order to be s%ccess!%l in this class& yo% will come to class every day (re(ared to wor+ with the te.t
or wor+ assigned the day be!ore. 1isc%ssing varying as(ects o! yo%r reading will be a daily (ractice.
/n (re(aration !or these disc%ssions& yo% will o!ten be as+ed to com(lete written homewor+ to
accom(any yo%r reading homewor+. $lan on doing some reading and writing every night.
/n addition to written homewor+& yo% will com(lete a n%mber o! (rocess 2m%lti-ste(3 (a(ers as well
as in-class 2timed3 essays. 4n occasion& yo% will have the o((ort%nity to rewrite and res%bmit writing
assignments yo% have com(leted a!ter con!erencing with Ms. Larson-Long. -o% will be as+ed to write
e.tensively in EST5s "ollege-#eady 6riting 7enres and genres re(resented on the "HSEE E.am8
9iogra(hical :arrative
#es(onse to Literat%re
$oetry nalysis
$ers%asive Essay
9%siness Letter
)($" TE-TS "E(&
This co%rse incl%des %sing a((roaches that develo( s+ills to st%dy and write abo%t (oetry& drama&
'ction and non-'ction. St%dents will analy;e and thin+ critically abo%t te.ts in a wide variety o!
genres& incl%ding8
<iction8 The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by =%not 1ia;
<iction8 Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
<iction8 The Metamorphosis by <ran; >a!+a
:on'ction8 Superfreakonomics by Steven Levitt ? Ste(hen 1%bner
:on'ction8 Night by Elie 6iesel
1rama8 Julius aesar by 6illiam Sha+es(eare
9ring the !ollowing with yo% every day8
ssigned te.t2s3
-o%r 3-ring binder and agenda
6riting %tensils 2(ens& (encils& highlighter3
E-9oo+ 2English :oteboo+3
"ollege-ready st%dents demonstrate a host o! s+ills and habits that ens%re academic s%ccess. /n this
classroom& yo% are e.(ected to demonstrate these s+ills and habits.
1. "om(ly with the EST 6arm-@(
A. 6ait !or a teacher c%e be!ore s(ea+ing. Listen care!%lly and silently while others are s(ea+ing.
3. <ollow directions the 'rst time they are given.
B. >ee( hands& !eet& and obCects to yo%rsel!.
D. @se school-a((ro(riate lang%age. :o (%t downs& teasing& or ina((ro(riate words 2e.8 c%rsing3
lways be res(ect!%l and co%rteo%s to the teacher& yo%r !ellow classmates& and any g%ests who come
into o%r room. / absol%tely will not tolerate disres(ect!%l behavior directed towards anyone. <inally&
the class sho%ld loo+ the same when yo% leave as when yo% entered it. 9e co%rteo%s to yo%r !ellow
learners and +ee( the class neat and tidy.

"ollege-readiness involves wor+ing inde(endently& being reso%rce!%l& and advocating !or yo%rsel!.
4ne way yo% will develo( these s+ills this year involves how yo% manage yo%r wor+ when yo% are
absent. /! yo% are absent& the wor+ that was d%e on the day yo% were o%t /S 1@E THE :EET T/ME -4@
HFE E:7L/SH "LSS. The n%mber o! days yo% were absent is the n%mber o! days yo% have to ma+e
%( wor+. 2E.am(le8 /! yo% were absent three days& yo% have three days to t%rn yo%r wor+ in.3
$lease remember that yo% can 'nd the !ollowing on o%r class website8
- Lesson $ower$oints
- Homewor+
- /m(ortant class doc%ments
There is no e.c%se !or not ma+ing %( yo%r wor+ and i! yo% are con!%sed abo%t yo%r assignment&
(lease e-mail me with ,%estions.
s so(homores& yo% will ta+e a very im(ortant standardi;ed test8 the "ali!ornia High School E.it
E.am 2March3. The "HSEE has a math (ortion and an English (ortion& and yo% m%st (ass both
(ortions in order to earn yo%r high school di(loma. The English (ortion o! the "HSEE consists o!
m%lti(le-choice ,%estions and one essay.
!NITS , ST!&/
The %nits o! this class are as organi;ed by writing genre. <or each %nit we will analy;e a longer )core*
te.t that is an e.am(le o! (ro!essional writing in a (artic%lar genre. 6e will also (air that longer te.t
with several shorter (ieces& incl%ding (oems& short stories& and literary non'ction. -o% will then
synthesi;e the wor+ in each %nit by (rod%cing yo%r own writing in that genre. The %nits o! st%dy are
o%tlined on the ne.t (age.

By the end of each unit, students will be able to
@:/T 18 6#/T/:7 4@# ST4#/ES
/nter(ret the (%r(ose and eGect o! literary devices in narratives
((ly %nderstanding o! imagery and (lot by writing narratives
"ore te.ts8 The olor of Water by =ames Mc9ride
@:/T A8 $#4SE :L-S/S
naly;e the (%r(ose and eGect o! literary devices in (rose analysis essays
"ore te.t8 atcher in the !ye by =.1. Salinger
@:/T 38 S-:THES/S :1 #ESE#"H
rg%e the e.tent to which >a!+a5s Metamorphosis does or does not re(resent an
e.istentialist worldview
Eval%ate the credibility and sco(e o! so%rces st%dents have !o%nd inde(endently& and
synthesi;e arg%ments !o%nd within those so%rces
rg%e a (osition with reasonable claims and strong s%((orting evidence
"ore te.t8 >a!+a5s Metamorphosis
DECEMBER: Semester 1 inal
@:/T B8 #HET4#/"L :L-S/S
Synthesi;e ideas by writing acc%rate s%mmaries
naly;e the rhetorical strategies a%thors o! literary non'ction %se to achieve their
"ore te.t8 Superfreakonomics by Steven Levitt and Ste(hen 1%bner
M"!#$ "#S%% %&am
@:/T D8 M:5S /:H@M:/T- T4 M:8 THE H4L4"@ST
/nter(ret the (%r(ose and eGect o! literary devices in (rose
Synthesi;e in!ormation !rom m%lti(le so%rces to arg%e a clear (osition
"ore te.t8 Night by Elie 6iesel or The Sun'ower by Simon 6iesenthal
@:/T H8 SH>ES$E#E5S $4ET#- :1 #HET4#/"
/nter(ret the im(act o! (oetic and dramatic conventions on tone and meaning
Eval%ate the rhetorical strategies characters in Julius aesar %se to achieve their
"ore te.t8 Julius aesar by 6illiam Sha+es(eare
"#$E: Semester %1 inal
% ha&e read the syllabus for En'lish 1( and understand the information
'("ENT0G!("&I(N CNT(CT IN,")(TIN
6hat is the best way to contact yo%K 2$honeJE-mail3 $lease list the in!ormation.
6hat time o! day are yo% normally availableK
'("ENT0G!("&I(N 1!ESTINN(I"E
(lease consider this a way for me to start getting to know your student) * want to
understand your perspecti+e so can ,etter ser+e their needs in the classroom-
1. 6hat are yo%r childLs maCor interestsK
6hat are yo%r childLs strongest academic s%bCectsK
6hat are yo% childLs wea+est academic s%bCectsK
6hich English s+ills wo%ld yo% li+e to see strengthenedK
/! yo%r child co%ld choose the s%bCects he st%died in school& what do yo% thin+
they wo%ld chooseK
6hich do yo% thin+ yo%r child wo%ld (re!er to do8 write a story& read a story&
or act o%t a storyK
6o%ld yo%r child com(lete a (roCectJactivityJassignment a!ter hearin2 the
directions& rea3in2 the directions& or watchin2 someone ma+e a sam(leK
N. 1oes yo% st%dent have access to a com(%ter at homeK
O. 1oes yo%r st%dent have access to the internet at homeK
10. /s there anything else / sho%ld +now abo%t yo%r st%dentK

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