Flying Twins

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May 19, 2004

Slide 1
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Seeing Double
Transition from Single to
Twin-Engine Aircraft
Peter Del Vecchio
May 19, 2004
Slide 2
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single vs. Multi-Engine
Multi-Engine Terminology
Obtaining a Multi-Engine Rating
Multi-Engine Safety Tips
Staying Current and Competent
May 19, 2004
Slide 3
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single vs. Multi-Engine - Safety
Main benefit of twin: Redundancy
Still have power if one engine quits
Dual vacuums pumps
Dual alternators
Main detriment of twins: If managed incorrectly,
that one engine will try to flip the plane over
The large yawing moment caused by the operative engine can
cause the plane to enter a spin
May 19, 2004
Slide 4
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single-Engine vs. Multiengine
lower sex appeal
lower useful load
lower climb rate
slower cruise
lower service ceiling

higher sex appeal
higher useful load
higher climb rate
faster cruise
higher service ceiling
May 19, 2004
Slide 5
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single-Engine vs. Multiengine
longer range
greater endurance
lower stall speed
lower fatal accident rate
lower cost
operating/maint cost
acquisition cost
shorter range
less endurance
higher stall speed
higher fatal accident rate
higher cost
operating/maint cost
acquisition cost

May 19, 2004
Slide 6
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Piper Saratoga II TC vs. Seneca V

# of Engines/Seats
Max. Gross Weight
Useful Load
Payload w/full fuel
Cruise Speed (10,000)
Service Ceiling
3600 lbs
1135 lbs
523 lbs
175 kts
4750 lbs
1337 lbs
605 lbs
182 kts
May 19, 2004
Slide 7
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Piper Saratoga II TC vs. Seneca V

Range w/reserve
Fuel Burn
Stall Speed (gear/flaps dn)
S.E. Rate of Climb @ S.L.
Cost New
950 nm
7.8 hrs
18.5 gph
63 kts
1175 fpm
828 nm
5.6 hrs
24.0 gph
61 kts
250 fpm
May 19, 2004
Slide 8
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
decision making
need to keep up with emergency skills
more complex - multiple fuel tanks, crossfeed,
multiple electrical systems - must determine what
to do if one fails
increases workload
higher speeds further increase workload
May 19, 2004
Slide 9
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Arguments Against Twins
More complex
Twice as many engines to fail
Twice as many engines to maintain
Higher fuel consumption
May not be able to maintain altitude
The second engine will fly you to the scene of the crash
Example: SE ceiling for Duchess 6200 @ max gross
However, increases to 10000 at 400lbs less
What percentage of your flight time is spent over Absolute Ceiling?
Less efficient
two engines - less efficient, which means more horsepower, which
implies more fuel consumption, which means more hp, which implies
more weight/etc
May 19, 2004
Slide 10
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Arguments For Twins
Higher Performance
Increased Safety
Backup engine!
If emergency procedures practiced
Increased Useful Load
Required For Most Commercial Operations
Bragging Rights
Slipstream produces lift
May 19, 2004
Slide 11
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single vs. Multi-Engine
Multi-Engine Terminology
Obtaining a Multi-Engine Rating
Multi-Engine Safety Tips
Staying Current and Competent
May 19, 2004
Slide 12
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multi-Engine Cockpit
May 19, 2004
Slide 13
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
ME Aerodynamics
Why low performance for SE operation?
Thrust not in centerline (for conventional twin) -> to maintain
directional control, must use rudder
More options for CG
Can use nose compartment
W&B calculation same as for SE
May 19, 2004
Slide 14
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
May 19, 2004
Slide 15
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Engine Failure
May 19, 2004
Slide 16
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Engine Failure
May 19, 2004
Slide 17
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Eliminating the Side Slip
May 19, 2004
Slide 18
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Types of Twins
Light Twin
Check FARs for weights, requirements
Centerline Thrust
Cessna Sky Master
Adams A500
Conventional vs. Counter-rotating
King Air
The P-38 had no critical engine because both
propellers rotated outwards.
May 19, 2004
Slide 19
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Comparison of Twins

May 19, 2004
Slide 20
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
New V-Speeds
All of the standard v-speeds, plus:
- Minimum Controllable Airspeed
- Best Single-Engine Angle of Climb
- Best Single-Engine Rate of Climb
- Safe Single-Engine Speed
May 19, 2004
Slide 21
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Other Twin Lingo
Red Line
Blue Line
Critical Engine
Propeller Terms
Takeoff Distance
Accelerate-Stop Distance
Accelerate-Go Distance
May 19, 2004
Slide 22
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multiengine Glossary
Blue Line Airspeed (V
Airspeed that gives the best rate of climb with an engine out
), marked by a blue radial line on the airspeed indicator

If an engine fails in a multiengine airplane, the blue line airspeed
gives the best rate of climb or the least rate of descent.

May 19, 2004
Slide 23
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Critical Engine
The engine on a multiengine airplane that would cause the
most difficulty in maintaining control of the airplane if it failed
in a critical condition of flight, such as takeoff.

To eliminate the critical engine, the right engine on some
airplanes rotates counterclockwise while the left engine
rotates clockwise. Thus the moment arm for both propeller
disks is close to the fuselage.

Multiengine Glossary
May 19, 2004
Slide 24
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Minimum Controllable Airspeed (V
Lowest speed at which the airplane is controllable with one
engine developing takeoff power and the other engines
propeller windmilling.

The minimum controllable airspeed (V
) is marked by a red
radial line on the airspeed indicator.

Multiengine Glossary
May 19, 2004
Slide 25
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Minimum Safe Single-Engine Airspeed (V
The airspeed recommended by the airplane manufacturer as
the minimum safe speed at which to perform intentional
engine cuts.

Never intentionally cut an engine below the minimum safe
single-engine airspeed (V
). This speed is intended to reduce
the accident potential from loss of control after engine cuts at
or near V

Multiengine Glossary
May 19, 2004
Slide 26
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Accelerate-Stop Distance
The runway distance required for an airplane to accelerate to
or V
, lose an engine at that speed, and then slow the
airplane to a full stop.

This definition of accelerate-stop distance applies to commuter
and air transport category aircraft.

Multiengine Glossary
May 19, 2004
Slide 27
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Accelerate-Stop Distance (small
aircraft, >10 occupants, Part 135 ops.)
The runway distance required for an airplane to accelerate
to V
, lose an engine at that speed, and slow the airplane
to a speed no greater than 35 knots.

I think the accelerate-stop distance should be called the
accelerate-slow distance, because you dont have to
stop. Even better, it could be called the accelerate-then-
survive-the-crash distance.

Multiengine Glossary
May 19, 2004
Slide 28
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Accelerate-Go Distance
The takeoff roll distance required for an airplane to accelerate
to V
or V
and then continue the takeoff if an engine fails at
that speed.

The accelerate-go distance is not provided for all airplanes.
This could be an implied admission by the manufacturer that
the airplane can not accomplish this.

Multiengine Glossary
May 19, 2004
Slide 29
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Factors of VMC
Full Power at Sea Level
Cowl Flaps Open
Max Gross weight
Most rearward CG
Max bank 5 degrees into good engine
Raise the dead
Critical engine windmilling (or auto-feathered)
May 19, 2004
Slide 30
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single vs. Multi-Engine
Multi-Engine Terminology
Obtaining a Multi-Engine Rating
Multi-Engine Safety Tips
Staying Current and Competent
May 19, 2004
Slide 31
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Training Overview
Main goal: How to handle failure of one engine
Especially on takeoff roll, and just after takeoff
ME airplanes are not tremendously faster than
high-performance SE
ME systems are somewhat more complex
Two engines, vacuum pumps, alternators, fuel pumps, etc.
Synchronizers, yaw dampers, pressurization, strobe-effect
indicator, deice, weather radar, oxygen
most me ac use constant speed, controllable pitch, full-
feathering propeller
3/4 plate drag
similar to se except high/low rpm and feathering capability
May 19, 2004
Slide 32
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Training (cont.)
one major difference is the function of engine oil in
the propeller system
ME oil moves to flat pitch, high rpm
expect to spend more time learning the systems of
a me ac
dual electrical busses, what happens when one fails?
multiple tanks - mains and aux, left and right, can
only crossfeed from mains normally - for this
reason, aux tanks should be used early in flight

May 19, 2004
Slide 33
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Additional Aircraft Class
MEL = Multi-Engine Land
Requires a checkride
Oral and flight test, but no written
As with any checkride, makes you current for the next two years
Can be added to Private or Commercial
Can also be done as an initial Private or Commercial rating
For example, can have Commercial ME privileges and Private SE
Dont need to do commercial single maneuvers
If you have an instrument rating, you must perform
instrument maneuvers
Two instrument approaches on the practical test: one SE, one ME
May 19, 2004
Slide 34
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Private Pilot Requirements
Hours required
Maneuvers required
May 19, 2004
Slide 35
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Commercial Pilot Requirements
Hours required
Maneuvers required
May 19, 2004
Slide 36
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multiengine Training Syllabus
FAA Advisory Circular 61-9B
Practical Test Standards

Multiengine Training
Preflight Examination
Flight Maneuvers and Procedures
Ground Reference Maneuvers
Flight at Minimum Controllable & Landing Airspeeds
May 19, 2004
Slide 37
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multiengine Training Syllabus
Multiengine Training (continued)
Maximum Performance Operations
Control by Reference to Flight Instruments
Use of Radio, Autopilot and Special Equipment
Emergency Operation of Aircraft Systems
Engine-Out Emergencies
May 19, 2004
Slide 38
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multiengine Training Syllabus
Engine-Out Emergencies
Propeller Feathering or Engine Shutdown
Engine-Out Minimum Control Speed (VMC) Demo
Engine-Out Best Rate-of-Climb Demo
Effects of Configuration on Engine-Out Performance
Maneuvering with an Engine-Out
Approach & Landing with an Engine-Out
May 19, 2004
Slide 39
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single vs. Multi-Engine
Multi-Engine Terminology
Obtaining a Multi-Engine Rating
Multi-Engine Safety Tips
Staying Current and Competent
May 19, 2004
Slide 40
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Staying Current
FAA Regulations
WVFC Regulations
May 19, 2004
Slide 41
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Single vs. Multi-Engine
Multi-Engine Terminology
Obtaining a Multi-Engine Rating
Multi-Engine Safety Tips
Common and New Twins
May 19, 2004
Slide 42
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Safety Tips
Never go below VYSE
Keep current on emergency procedures
With a SE airplane, the decision is made for you if the engine
Dont combine emergencies during training
May 19, 2004
Slide 43
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Engine-Out Performance
Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(Federal Aviation Regulations) 23.67

IF MGW > 6000 lbs
OR IF Stall Speed > 61 knots
THEN Single Engine Rate of Climb @ 5000
.027 (V

WITH Gear & Flaps Up
Dead Engine Feathered
Cowl Flaps on Good Engine Open

May 19, 2004
Slide 44
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Engine-Out Climb Performance
Piper Seneca
Piper Aztec
Beech Baron D55
RC 500S Shrike
Cessna 310
Required ROC
121 fpm
107.16 fpm
110.2 fpm
Actual ROC
0 fpm
50 fpm
121 fpm
129 fpm
119 fpm
Source: AOPA
May 19, 2004
Slide 45
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Engine-Out Climb Performance
When one engine is lost in a light twin, the loss in
climb performance is 80-90%.

Source: AOPA
Airplane % Loss
Beech Baron 58 80.7
Cessna 310 78.1
Cessna 402B 86.0
Piper Aztec 83.5
Piper Seneca 89.8
May 19, 2004
Slide 46
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multiengine Rule #1
Never allow the airspeed to drop below published
except during the last few yards of the landing
flare, and then only if the field is extremely short.
Source: Richard N. Aarons, FAA Accident Prevention Program
FAA-P-8740-25, AFO-800-1079
May 19, 2004
Slide 47
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
A best all-engine angle-of-climb speed that is
lower than V
is an emergency speed and should
be used near the ground only if youre willing to
bet your life that one engine wont quit during the
Source: Richard N. Aarons, FAA Accident Prevention Program
FAA-P-8740-25, AFO-800-1079
Multiengine Rule #2
May 19, 2004
Slide 48
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Use the manufacturers recommended liftoff speed
or V
plus five knots, whichever is greater.
Source: Richard N. Aarons, FAA Accident Prevention Program
FAA-P-8740-25, AFO-800-1079
Multiengine Rule #3
May 19, 2004
Slide 49
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
After leaving the ground above V
, climb not
slower than single-engine best rate-of-climb speed
and not faster than best all-engine rate of climb
speed. The latter speed is preferable if obstacles
are not a consideration.
Source: Richard N. Aarons, FAA Accident Prevention Program
FAA-P-8740-25, AFO-800-1079
Multiengine Rule #4
May 19, 2004
Slide 50
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Be a skeptic when reading the performance tables
in your aircraft owners manual and be doubly sure
you read the fine print. Add plenty of fudge
Source: Richard N. Aarons, FAA Accident Prevention Program
FAA-P-8740-25, AFO-800-1079
Multiengine Rule #5
May 19, 2004
Slide 51
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Multiengine Safety Tip #1
Dont even think of spinning a multiengine

Manufacturers are not required to demonstrate spin recovery
for certification of multiengine airplanes

Even if spin recovery techniques are published in the owners
manual, they may not work, especially if not started quickly
and properly.
May 19, 2004
Slide 52
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Dont even think of stalling a multiengine airplane
while operating on one engine.

A single-engine stall in a multiengine airplane can turn in to a
spin very quickly. (See Tip #1).
Multiengine Safety Tip #2
May 19, 2004
Slide 53
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Avoid V
demonstrations when the stall speed is
higher then V

decreases with altitude while the stall speed remains
constant. Climbing to a high altitude for a V
may cause the airplane to stall before V
is reached. This is
not good. (See Tip #2).
Rather than doing V
demonstrations at a low altitude, block
the rudder pedal, which will cause V
to increase.
Multiengine Safety Tip #3
May 19, 2004
Slide 54
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Dont use the extra engine to justify taking extra
risks, especially with the weather.

A thunderstorm can trash a multiengine airplane just as easily
as a single-engine airplane.

Weather related issues are a more significant factor in
multiengine accidents than in single engine accidents.
Multiengine Safety Tip #4
May 19, 2004
Slide 55
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Dont fly IFR in any airplane unless you are IFR
proficient in that specific airplane.

If you have both an IFR rating and a multiengine rating, you
may still not be proficient flying IFR in a multiengine airplane,
especially if an engine fails in instrument conditions or during
a missed approach.
Multiengine Safety Tip #5
May 19, 2004
Slide 56
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
If you must takeoff with a high gross weight, use a
longer runway.

Gross weight is the single most important factor affecting
climb performance. Single-engine climb performance will be
greatly increased with a lower gross weight.

Longer runways allow for safer aborts after T/O emergencies.
Avoid intersection departures!
Multiengine Safety Tip #6
May 19, 2004
Slide 57
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
If you must takeoff on a short runway, reduce
takeoff weight as much as possible.

Reducing takeoff weight will reduce ground roll and increase
climb performance.
Multiengine Safety Tip #7
May 19, 2004
Slide 58
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Perform a pre-takeoff briefing - decide on an
altitude, below which the takeoff will be aborted in
the event of an engine failure.

It is always better to go through the fence at 50 kts than hit the
trees at 120 kts.

The pre-takeoff briefing puts the pilot in the proper frame of
mind, removing distractions and preparing to react if problems
occur during takeoff.
Multiengine Safety Tip #8
May 19, 2004
Slide 59
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Maintain currency on multiengine emergency

A one hour flight review every two years is not enough.

Consider training to professional standards, with flight
checks every six months.
Multiengine Safety Tip #9
May 19, 2004
Slide 60
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Adams A500
Six Seats
Max Cruise (75% Power) 230 KTAS (22,000 ft)
Stall Speed (V
) 70 KTAS
Climb Performance
Sea Level, Both Engines 1,800 fpm
Sea Level, Single Engine 400 fpm
15,000 ft, Single Engine 230 fpm
Max Gross Weight: 6,300 lb
Useful Load: 2,100 lb
Engines: TCM TSIO-550 350HP
41.4 GPH Rich of Peak
35.0 GPH Lean of Peak
May 19, 2004
Slide 61
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Diamond DA42 Twin Star
Four Seats
Max Cruise (80% Power) 181 KTAS (12,500 ft)
Stall Speed (V
) 56 KTAS
Climb Performance
Sea Level, Both Engines 1730 fpm
12,000 ft, Single Engine 400 fpm
Max Gross Weight: 3,637 lb
Useful Load: 1,237 lb
Engines: Thielert Centurion 135hp turbo diesel
10.7 GPH Total Fuel Consumption
FADEC, auto-feather
Runs on Diesel or Jet A
May 19, 2004
Slide 62
Seeing Double
Transition to Twins
Backup Slides

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