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SADF 16/02/12.


Shetland Alcohol and Drugs Forum
February 2012
Post Grad Room, Brevik House.

1. Present:
Jason Beeston, Northern Constabulary. (Chair).
Martin Brill, Northern Constabulary.
Clive Harper, SIC Social Work.
Sue Hawkins, Train Shetland.
Stephen Renwick, SIC Education.
Patrick Robertson, Anderson High School.
Maureen Stewart, Halls Association.
Jenny Wylie, SIC Community Safety.

2. Apologies:
Gill Bailey, Substance Misuse Nurse.
Michael Coutts, Dogs Against Drugs.
Ann-Marie Fullerton. Criminal Justice
Linda Gray, CADSS.
Wendy Hand, Voluntary Action Shetland.
Nicole Mouat, Youth Services.
Amanda Pearson, CADSS.
Emily Shaw, Youth Services.
Averil Simpson, Community Councils.
Faith Tulloch, SIC Social Work.
Helen Ward, GP with special interest.

3. In Attendance:
John Fraser, Shetland Alcohol and Drugs Partnership. (Minutes).
Karen Smith, Alcohol and Drugs Development Officer.

4. Declarations of Interest:
None given.
SADF 16/02/12.

5. Approval of Minutes:
Proposed by Martin Brill and seconded by Jenny Wylie.

6. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising not covered by agenda
items. Previous actions in italics:

Jane Leask reported that CADSS will now produce a monthly
newsletter which will be distributed to schools and an
electronic list. John Fraser will distribute the newsletter to the
SADF and SADP. Action complete.
Karen Smith and Jason Beeston to discuss Forum action plan
and carry forward to next Forum. On as agenda item 7.
Karen Smith suggested a campaign on cocaine use. Those
representing the Northern Constabulary agreed. Karen Smith
will get posters and distribute them to schools, public houses
and other public buildings. Action in progress.
Once services respond the fund disbursement group will
reconvene. Karen Smith will report at the next Forum. On as
agenda item 10.
Jenny Wylie to email dates of Domestic Abuse Meeting prior to
2012 Forum dates being confirmed. Action completed.

7. Forum Action Update:
No updates at this time.
8. Service/Agency information and links with other Partnerships and any
8.1 All services updates:
Bike Project:
Confirmation has been received from Scottish Government for three
supported employment places. They will lobby for more.

NHS Substance Misuse Service:
Seven people so far have been trained in Naloxone use. Training is to
continue with various groups and professionals.
SADF 16/02/12.

Cocaine levels are still high with Police intelligence continuing to
come in.
Heroin appears not to be the same extent as last year but is still
There have been more seizures of cannabis cultivations. One
large seizure of 80 plants and several smaller ones.
Still no more seizures of anabolic steroids. Police believe that this
was a one off.
With the assistance of Grampian Police a consignment of crack
cocaine was intercepted. It was however believed that this was
for personal use. Not for distribution.

Rehabilitation Service:
Last year rehab budget was over spent by 15K.
This year rehab budget is under spent by 30K.
Clive Harper explained that the above anomalies are due to
financial year cross overs. And people deciding they want
to continue their recovery in Shetland within their
Demand for rehab is high and increasing.
Steady increase in engagement with clients may be due to
Police referrals.
Youth Services:
March is the date set for the Battle of the Bands event in
Gulberwick. Nine bands are booked and transport from throughout
Shetland is arranged.
Youth Promoters Group has been nominated for a Young Scot award.
Bands have also been nominated for Young Scot unsigned band award.
SADF 16/02/12.

You Choose Project (participatory budgeting) have 8,200 in pot and have
received 17K of bids.
Halls Association:
A youth hall committee has been has been formed. An event was
arranged at Bixter Hall and was a success. The youth committee made
all the arrangements. Busses attended from the Southend, Scalloway,
Whalsay, North Isles and Lerwick. This was a great model for the future
with young people enjoying the gig without alcohol.
An event at Brae High School was attended by 12 people who were very
enthusiastic and had some great ideas.
Halls association are looking for mentors to support the youth groups.
Martin Summers has spoken to Lauren Peterson to see if Youth Services
can help in any way.
Train Shetland:
Training is beginning to slow up as would be expected after initial rush.
Concern is still being raised over the use of false ID.
Discussion was held regarding the Young Scot Card and the fact that it is
valid ID which now has the same security measures as a passport.
Martin Summers is to send Young Scot Card information to John Fraser
to distribute amongst the Forum, Partnership and Licensing Forum.
Housing Outreach:
Anecdotal evidence of a rise in the use of blue valliums with alcohol. This
results in extreme behaviours.
8.2 SADP:
The Government made its SADP visit on 25
January. Feedback on the
visit was positive.
A substance misuse service redesign steering group is to be established.
SADP is actively seeking an experienced external consultant to serve on
this group in an advisory role.
SADF 16/02/12.

SADP commissioned Stirling University to conduct a survey on alcohol
related brain damage. This report is now complete and will be made
available to Forum members on request.
8.3 HEAT:
Stats were presented to the Forum.
ABI figures are the best in Scotland.
There is difficulty in interpreting the Admissions data. It would however
appear that they are rising.
Alcohol related death figures are negligible.
8.4 Data:
A SADP working group meeting was held looking at ways that the large
quantity of information it receives can be presented in a meaningful
manner. This is a work in progress utilising the Logic Model.
9. Work plan:
Karen Smith will contact relevant individuals and set up a subgroup to
discuss the SADF work plan. (ACTION 2)
10. Finances/Funding Bids:
Lift from SADP minute.
11. 1 National Updates:
Karen Smith is pulling together all National Updates and sending links to
12. Complaints Outcome for improvement in service delivery:
13. AOB:
13.1 Voting for Chair and Vice Chair:
Maureen Stewart proposed Jenny Wylie due to her regular attendance.
Jason Beeston asked if Stephen Renwick would be willing to step up to
the Chair. Jason Beeston also proposed Martin Summers.
The three nominees for SADF Chair will consider their own
circumstances and report back at the next Forum meeting. (ACTION 3).
Jason Beeston and Stephen Renwick will continue in office for the
13.2 Rocktober:
SADF 16/02/12.

Martin Summers reported on a successful residential workshop in Burra
and gig in Islesburgh. A video of the event was shown to the Forum to
demonstrate the events positive impact.
14. Date of Next Meeting:
As next meeting is scheduled for during the school holidays it was
decided to look at alternatives. (ACTION 4).

1. Martin Summers is to send Young Scot Card information to John
Fraser to distribute amongst the Forum, Partnership and Licensing
2. Karen Smith will contact relevant individuals and set up a subgroup to
discuss the SADF work plan.
3. The three nominees for SADF Chair/Vice Chair (Jenny Wylie, Stephen
Renwick and Martin Summers) will consider their own circumstances
and report back at the next Forum meeting.
4. As next meeting is scheduled for during the school holidays it was
decided to look at alternatives.

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