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High School

Name: Maria de Jesus Martinez Sanchez Registration: 2712244
Course title:
English V
Teachers name:
Maria Cecilia Garza rce
1! Careers and Co""unication
Modular #earning $utco"e
Date: %e&ruar' 1(th) 2*14 Team: 4! Re+ie, topics 1 to -
Charles .alcott) Graha" .ullis! Target Score Second Edition. Ca"&ridge
/ni+ersit' 0ress) 2**7! 1e&!
Read in detail the ad+ertise"ents on p! -7 and ans,er the 2uestions!
3n order to ans,er the 2uestions 3 did the 4ollo,ing:
%irst) 3 read care4ull' the ad+ertise"ents!
Second) 3 anal'ze the +oca&ular' and search 4or ne, ,ords!
.hird) 3 chose the &est ans,er to each 2uestion!
High School
High School
d+ertise"ent 1
5uestion 6 42: D 7 an e"plo'"ent agenc'
5uestion 6 4-: C 7 training and e8perience
5uestion 6 44: A 7 a 4ree e+aluation
d+ertise"ent 2
5uestion 6 49: C 7 ine8pensi+e international calls
5uestion 6 4:: D 7 &' e"ail and te8t "essage
t the end o4 the 4th topic) 3 can ha+e an idea o4 ho, the .$E3C test ,ill &e!
;o, 3 a" a&le to gi+e a <o& inter+ie,) &ecause o4 the e8posed to real
con+ersations related to! 3 learned a&out cultural training 4or e"plo'ees and
ho, to appl' +oca&ular' a&out pro4essions! 3n addition) 3 re+ie,ed e"otions
+oca&ular' that people e8perience in the <o& conte8t! Moreo+er) 3 =no, ho, to
ans,er to so"e 2uestions that could co"e in an' tense! 3 re+ie,ed the &asic
pre4i8es and su44i8es ,hich "a=e the "eaning o4 a ,ord change! %inall') 3
a44ir"ed the contrast &et,een present per4ect and past si"ple ,ith the correct
use o4 articles!

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