Cibo Ristorante Italiano Invites You To A Special Drivers Reception During Classic Car Week On Friday, August 8th

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Cibo Ristorante Italiano invites you to a special Drivers

Reception during Classic Car Week on Friday, August 8th

Check it out at Cibo! The heart of historic downtown Monterey will be transformed into an outdoor
motorsports museum when historic race cars line Alvarado Street between 5 and 7 p.m. on riday!
http"$ust %
Monterey! CA! Au$ust &'! (&') * Check it out at Cibo! The heart of historic downtown Monterey will
be transformed into an outdoor motorsports museum when historic race cars line Alvarado Street
between 5 and 7 p.m. on riday! Au"ust # as Ma$da %aceway &a"una Seca kicks of the '()*
Monterey Classic Car +eek activities.
,e sure to stop by and celebrate Classic Car +eek at Cibo Ristorante Italiano! -() Alvarado
Street in .owntown Monterey /#-)0 1*23#)5). ,etween 5 and 7 p.m. on riday! Au"ust #th! Cibo
is hostin" a special Classic Car +eek .river %eception that will be open to the public at 5 p.m.
with complimentary appeti$ers until 7 p.m. There will be live 4a$$ music be"innin" at 55-( p.m.
The Cibo ,ar is open from * p.m. to ' a.m and features a 6- 7appy 7our with special appeti$ers
daily from * p.m. 8 7 p.m. They offer an e9tensive hi"h :uality local and international wine and
beer list! cordials! microbrews! rare and small batch ,ourbons! Scotches! ;orts! <rappa and
li:ueurs! as well as espresso! coffee drinks and a full menu of cocktails.
Cibo is open every evenin" with dinner served from 5 p.m. to )( p.m. =n riday! Au"ust #th! Cibo
will offer a Classic Car +eek Special that includes a 6- "lass of 7ouse +ine /red or white0 with
dinner. or more information! please "o to or reservations! call /#-)0 1*23#)5).
About Classic Car Week
Classic Car +eek Takes 7old of the Monterey ;eninsula 7istoric %ace Cars %ev it up from Track to
City Streets.
The race car show lines the street allowin" visitors the chance to freely walk amon" the race cars!
take pictures beside them and ask :uestions of their owners. This event marks the start of an
e9hilaratin" week on the central coast and allows visitors to "ain an up3close look at the
weekend>s bi""est automotive stars. ?n addition to its motorsports attractions! the race car show
will also feature raffle pri$es! music and driver interviews.
+ith the support of the =ld Monterey ,usiness Association! the show features a select "roup of
classic race cars that will participate in the week>s cornerstone event! the %ole9 Monterey
Motorsports %eunion at Ma$da %aceway &a"una Seca. @nder police escort! this band of historic
race cars will travel from the race track! down 7i"hway 1# and finish their 4ourney in beautiful =ld
Monterey where they will be on display for the downtown community.
This year>s race car show will feature a diverse lineup of race cars! such as a )251 &otus Aleven!
)215 Alfa %omeo <TA! )21# ,i$$arrini Strada and a )21- Corvette Stin"ray.
or race participants it is an opportunity to showcase their cars to the community in a festive
environment filled with families. ;art competition and part pa"eantry! racin" history comes to life
as cars from nearly every era "race Ma$da %aceway Au"ust )*3)7 at the %ole9 Monterey
Motorsports %eunion. The cars! which are selected for their historical si"nificance! authenticity and
period3correctness! are divided into )5 classes! based on type of car! displacement and era of
ori"in. ?n commemoration of its centennial! Maserati is this year>s featured mar:ue and will be
represented by a number of rarely3seen models competin" on the track.
or more information on the %ole9 Monterey Motorsports %eunion or to purchase tickets call #((3
-'737-'' or visit www.Ma$
About Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca:
Ma$da %aceway &a"una Seca was established in )257. The world3renowned raceway has been
operated since its inception by the Sports Car %acin" Association of the Monterey ;eninsula
/SC%AM;0! a not3for3profit 5()c/*0 corporation. Aach race season! SC%AM; donates its net
proceeds to the volunteer "roups that help put on the races.
About Cibo
Cibo %istorante ?taliano offers ?talian cuisine! "ourmet pi$$as! cocktails! fine wines! cordials! and
more! includin" "luten3free pi$$as and pastas. Cibo /pronounced chee3bo0 means food in ?talian!
but it>s more of a feast for the senses. This beautiful! spacious and comfortable restaurant
features an intimate yet vibrant atmosphere which is accentuated with e9pressive art in the form
of photo"raphy! paintin"s! sculpture! hand3blown "lass and live 4a$$. usin" the best of old and
new world ?talian cuisine! Cibo offers an eclectic menu ran"in" from "ourmet pi$$as to multi3
course dinners. amilies are welcome and there is a special children>s menu. Cibo has been a
favorite of locals and visitors alike since )22(.
Cibo is open every evenin" with dinner served from 5 p.m. to )( p.m. The Cibo ,ar is open from *
p.m. to ' a.m. and is a popular Bpre3eventC and Bafter3partyC destination. The bar features a 6-
7appy 7our with special appeti$ers daily from * p.m. 8 7 p.m. They offer an e9tensive hi"h
:uality local and international wine and beer list! cordials! microbrews! rare and small batch
,ourbons! Scotches! ;orts! <rappa and li:ueurs! as well as espresso! coffee drinks and a full menu
of cocktails.
Cibo also presents live music 1 ni"hts a week. =n Sundays! Tuesdays! +ednesdays and
Thursdays! the cool sound of Da$$ accompanies dinner from 7 p.m. 8 )( p.m. The restaurant
features a lively and fun atmosphere with %e""ae! %E,! %ock or Salsa dance music on riday and
Saturday ni"hts from )(5(( p.m. 8 )5-( a.m. with no cover char"e. They also hold a special
F7appy 7our Da$$ DamF from ' p.m. 8 5 p.m. every first and third Sunday of the month which
includes 7appy 7our food and drink specials.
+ith )5( seats! includin" intimate booths for dinin" ! and room for over 5( people in the
attractive bar area! Cibo also accommodates lar"e "roups for business functions! weddin"
rehearsals and receptions! special "roup dinin" events! and customi$ed private parties.
Cibo %istorante ?taliano is the winner of numerous awards includin" California +riters Association
%ecommended .inin"! ,est ;lace to Meet Sin"les in Their -(Gs and *(Gs! <old Hey Award for
?nterior .esi"n! ,est ;lace to An4oy a Martini! ,est ;lace for &ive Da$$! ,est ?talian %estaurant!
,est ;lace to .ance! ,est Martini and one of the Top )( 7appy 7ours in Monterey.
or more information! "o to or call /#-)0 1*23#)5).
+endy ,rickman
,rickman Marketin"
-25 .el Monte Center I'5(
Monterey! CA 2-2*(

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