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Rajesh Prasad Shukla, Research Scholar, IIT Roorkee, Roorkee
Ravi Sankar Jakka, ssis!an! Pro"essor, #e$ar!men! o" %ar!h&uake %ngineering, IIT
Roorkee, Roorkee, jakka"e&@ii!r.erne!.in
I! is ver' common in $rac!ice !o $rovide shallo( "oo!ings close !o each o!her. The in!er"erence
e""ec! induced )' !he $resence o" a "oo!ing ma' a""ec! !he $er"ormance o" o!her "oo!ing. So i! is
im$or!an! "or an engineer !o evalua!e !he in!er"erence e""ec! )e!(een !(o adjacen! "oo!ings. n
anal'sis has )een carried ou! !o de!ermine !he e""ec! o" in!er"erence o" !(o shallo( "ounda!ions
$laced on homogeneous soil "ini!e elemen! anal'sis. Three isola!ed "oo!ings o" various si*e have
)een considered "or !he anal'sis. +irs! !he )earing ca$aci!' o" all single isola!ed "oo!ings have )een
evalua!ed and la!er on, )earing ca$aci!' o" $air o" "oo!ing (as de!ermined "or di""eren! cen!re !o
cen!re s$acing. In!er"erence e""ec! has )een e,$ressed in !erm o" e""icienc' "ac!or and o)served !ha!
e""icienc' "ac!ors )ecome negligi)le as s$acing increases )e'ond 6-. .i!h increase in angle o"
in!ernal "ric!ion !here is an increase in !he e""icienc' "ac!or. Roughness o" "oo!ing is also con!ri)u!ed
!o !he increase in e""icienc' "ac!or.

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