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Welcome to Level 2!!!!!! And congratulations on making your way through Level 1. In Level 2,
we are going to be looking at grammar points and expressions that you can build upon what
you have learned through Level 1.
In this lesson, we are going to learn how to talk about the future in Korean.
Future Tense
The most common way of making future tense sentences in Korean is adding /
[l/eul geo-ye-yo].
Verb + / = future tense!
How to determine whether to use or :
1. Verb stems ending with a vowel (, , ) are followed by .
2. Verb stems ending with a consonant (, , ) are followed by .
(**There is no complex reason for this. Its just for the ease of pronunciation.)
3. Exception: Verb stems already ending with at the end (, , ) are
followed just by .
When a verb is changed into this form, it takes the meaning of to be going to do something
or will do something. But as you will find out when you hear more Korean spoken between
native speakers, the present tense can also serve to express the future, when the context is very
For example, Im going to go tomorrow. is . in the future tense. But even if you
say . which is in the present tense, it still makes perfect sense, depending on the situ- - Free Korean Lesson Notes
This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at
Please feel free to share TalkToMeInKoreans free Korean lessons and PDF fles with anybody who
is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit
[ga-da] = to go
+ . [ga + l geo-ye-yo]
--> . [gal geo-ye-yo] = Im going to go. I will go.
. = Im going to go (there) now.
. = Im going to go alone.
. = Im going to go tomorrow.
[ha-da] = to do
+ . [ha + l geo-ye-yo]
--> . [hal geo-ye-yo]
? = What are you going to do?
? = When are you going to do (it)?
? = Are you really going to do it?
[ip-da] = to wear
+ . [ip + eul geo-ye-yo]
--> . [i-beul geo-ye-yo]
. = Im going to wear blue jeans.
. = Im going to wear a t-shirt.
? = What are you going to wear? - Free Korean Lesson Notes
This PDF is to be used along with the MP3 audio lesson available at
Please feel free to share TalkToMeInKoreans free Korean lessons and PDF fles with anybody who
is studying Korean. If you have any questions or feedback, visit
[man-na-da] = to meet
+ . [man-na l geo-ye-yo]
--> . [man-nal geo-ye-yo]
? = Who are you going to meet?
? = Where are you going to meet?
? = When are you going to meet?
[pal-da] = to sell
+ . [pal geo-ye-yo]
--> . [pal geo-ye-yo]
? = What are you going to sell?
? = Where are you going to sell?
? = At what price are you going to sell it?

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