Antraweb Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

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Antraweb Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Job Title* Trainee - Sales

Job Location* Mumbai
Job Description*
To build relationship with tally customer
To be responsible for meeting existing & acuire new clients which are
prospecti!e tally users
To be responsible for de!eloping new business accounts for Tally Support
Ser!ices ser!ices as pro!ided by the company"
To attend to customers sales enuires understanding of different customer
!ertical segments and their reuirements and proposing the appropriate sales
plans to the customers"
To build# maintain and grow strong client relationships$ grow the business with
existing clients by identifying% creating new ser!ice offerings"
Meet each and e!ery customer on regular inter!al for build lifelong relation
To de!elop customer base and be updated with tally based &nowledge
'o" of Job openings* ()
Stipend *ange* ())) p"m
Stipend paid +- ,nd of the month
-er&s%benefits* .on!eyance expenses w"r"t official purposes is paid for
/unctional 0rea+ * Sales%1usiness De!elopment
2ndustry Type+ * 2T - Ser!ices
3eywords* Sales# 1usiness De!elopment# Mar&eting
Speciali4ation* Mar&eting
5ualification* M10%-6-1M%-6D1M%MMS
-rocess of selection* -ersonal 2nter!iew - ( rounds 78 9*# 8 Manager:
Joining Dates+ Jan - May ()8;
Duration+- (-< months
6ender+ M%/
Local or =ut Station .andidates+ Local, (Outstation candidates if
residing in mumbai)
Documents *euired+ '0
0ny other .riteria%conditions+ =nsite profile
-ro!ision of exam lea!es >
?6 5ualifications 0ny
*.andidates -hoto 7>%':+ '
.ampus or wal&-in*+ @al&-in
Logistical reuirement in case of .ampus Dri!e* '0
.ompany -rofile* 0ntraweb pro!ides Tally ,*- A software -roducts# Ser!ices &
Solutions for growing companies" @e are Master Tally -artners pro!iding ser!ices
which include installation# training# support# migration# customi4ation# integration
and also complete ,*- Software" 0t present we ha!e ()B years of Tally solution
experience# 8C)B team si4es# 8)))B -artners# ()))B Tally customi4ation -roDects#
(C)))B customers addressed worldwide and across !aried industries"
.ompany 'ame* 0ntraweb Technologies -!t" Ltd"
@ebsite* www"antraweb"com
* Mandatory fields

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